GLOBAL SOLUTIONS FOR FRUIT AND VEGETABLES GRADING PA C K I N G HANDLING MAF RODA IN NUMBERS 15 subsidiaries ”My business concept is to design customized turnkey innovative systems in close cooperation with our customers” more than 45 international agents more than 1000 employees 100% of integrated manufacturing Philippe BLANC, MAF Group CEO. Visionary engineering for the world OUR Mission OUR PROCESS OUR VISION As undisputed market leaders in fresh fruit and vegetable grading, packing and handling, MAF is committed to bring you high performance solutions, adapted to your exact needs, and which evolve to keep pace with you future development. MAF RODA’s strengths are based on the capacity for innovation of its R&D department, its complete mastery of the necessary technological skills and its 100% integrated manufacturing process, which allows us to find solutions for every enquiry, from the most simple to the most demanding. To work with MAF RODA is the guarantee of having nearby worldwide after sales service, thanks to the 15 subsidiaries of the Group and 45 agents operating in the largest fruit and vegetable producing countries. Founded by the Blanc family, MAF RODA is still today driven by a strong family culture. The 4th generation of industrialists: Stéphane, Thomas, Cyril, Fabrice and Christophe Blanc, Philippe Blanc’s sons, are all key players, with different strategic positions within the group. Grading line management External measurements ORPHEA 5 / MICROPILOT 5 OPTISCAN 5 Intuitive and user-friendly software associated with each grader running on PC (Windows 7) or Server (Windows Server 2008). Optical system composed of: • Lighting and reflecting housing for the grader, • One vertical camera per grader lane. It receives and analyzes different colour and IR pictures for each rotating product in shot of the camera, sorting products by size and colour. It manages: • Speed control of the grading machine moving parts, • Traceability and graded products batch report edition, • Electronic sorting sensors control of the products : Weight, external and internal aspect and firmness measurements for each product, • Assignment of products with different grader exits following electronic sorting and settings given by operator. A simplified version of ORPHEA V is available for the MICROPILOT V terminal GLOBALSCAN 5 Quality selection WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS Optical system composed of : • Lighting and reflecting housing for the grader, • Two vertical cameras arranged in a “V” formation per grader lane. Electronic load cell system, associated with mechanical weighing conveyor, guaranteeing a precise weight measurement of every single product. This system is adapted to the following graders: POMONE, PLUMONE, Exotica, Integra, Integrita, OneWay, FreeWay, Genesis, LongWay and GrapeSizer It receives and analyzes different colour and IR pictures for each rotating product in the shot of the camera, guaranteeing a sorting of products following size, colour and external quality. The Globalscan 5 analyzes global surface of products such as apple, kiwi, orange, clementine, lemon, tomato, peach, nectarine, apricot, plum and persimmon. External analysis: Optical system composed of lighting, reflecting housing and cameras: • White and red LED lighting system guaranteeing longevity and stability, • Housing especially designed for indirect lighting guaranteeing homogeneous and unreflected illumination of the products checked by the cameras, • Digital camera with CMOS quadri-band double sensors (colour and IR). V I S I O N A R Y E N G I N E E R I N G F O R T H E W O R L D For each product, its optical system LEMONSCAN BALLISTA Dedicated to lemon sorting, it is equipped with an indirect lighting and polarized filters to avoid any reflection on lemons. This system sorts out lemons according to colour, size and external aspect. Positioned upstream of the grader and adapted to cherry tomato, it separates products with small size, green colour, cracks or stains. Internal measurements INSIGHT NIR TOMATOSCAN Dedicated to sort tomatoes, it is equipped with an indirect lighting and polarized filters to avoid any reflection on tomatoes. This system sorts out tomatoes according to colour, size and blemishes. GRAPESCAN Used on the GRAPESIZER, it sorts out suspended bunch of grapes according to their colour, grape density and average diameter. Measurement system by near IR spectrometry of sugar rate (BRIX index) for products such as apple, kiwi, mango, peach, nectarine. INTERNALSCAN AXONESCAN CHERRYSCAN Used on the CHERRYWAY grader, it sorts out small products (cherries, cherry tomatoes, walnuts) according to colour, diameter and strong blemishes. Used on the AXONE grader, it sorts out long products (carrots) according to length, diameter, colour defects (green area), shape defects (broken, bent, forked) and blemishes (mould, dark stain, cracks). LONGWAYSCAN VIOTEC / VIOSCAN Composed of specific UV and IR lighting, it separates citrus having moulded area. Laser detection for clear rot and puff and crease. V I S I O N A R Y Used on the LONGWAY grader, it sorts out long products (cucumber, courgette) according to their length, diameter, colour, shape defects (curvature, rounded head, sharp end) and blemishes (light and dark stains). E N G I N E E R I N G F O R T H E W O R L D Internal browning and water core detection system by passing a near IR beam through products such as apple, onions … FIRMNESS SENSOR Firmness measurement system by analysis of deceleration through mechanical scanning of products such as peach, nectarine, avocado, … Traceability and peripherals PHOTOSAMPLING Periodic acquisition system of batch pictures from production line entry. It archives photos in a database allowing a constant objective of the lot quality. ORPHEAMOBILITY Simplified dashboard allowing the remote display and control of the ORPHEA software (grader speed, variety being graded, batch in progress …). END OF LOTS AUTOTRACK Individualization and follow up software of batch movements between fruit emptying stations and grader. Printing and empty parcel assignment software before filling at grader exit. It saves Information box by box in a dedicated database. SUPERVISION Supervision Orphea Complement V I S I O N A R Y E N G I N E E R I N G F O R T H E Supervision Automation W O R L D Supervision Process Apples & Pears Punnet Speed packer V3 (80 punnets / mn). Bin NESTER with automatic bin destacker, immersion and restacker. Apples and pears pre-sizing on accumulation belt. Speed Bagger for bag filling. ROBOBIN for bin stack palletization. Wax machine BIOWAXER. Citrus Fruit HIGHWAY. PLUMONE. Brusher washer. Box filler. SPEED PACKER V6 (12 cycles / min.). Suction cup plate for packing robot. Stone Fruit Automatic crate depalletizer. Continuous automatic box emptier multiformat. 4 lanes 16 outlets POMONE. Double RAPID PACK. Box filler for fragile fruits. Automatic palletizer. Cherries and Cherry Box filler in water (pre-sizing). 10 lanes CHERRYWAY II sizer. 1 or 2 lanes CHERRYWAY Monobloc sizer. tomatoes BalLista 16 lane sorter with OPTISCAN. 12 lanes CHERRYWAY II sizer. Box filler (presizing). TROPICAL fruit Tank for immersion and treatment. Brush descent for ONEWAY. 2 lanes INTEGRA sizer. Kiwis ROBOBIN for bin stacking. Buffer for automatic emptying. Box filler for fragile fruits. Melons 3 lanes ONEWAY. Suction cup plate for packing robot. Grapes 1 lane FREEWAY 152 with MICROPILOT. Supply section. GRAPESCAN selection. Packing station. Tomatoes FLAP Belt. Automatic crate depalletization. 2 lanes POMONE. Electronic repacking line. Double box filler with retractable tongue. Robot for automatic packing of punnets of tomatoes. Long products AXONE with AXONESCAN. 2 AXONE 6 lanes. SPEED PACKER for cucumber packing. Robot for automatic cucumber packing. 1 lane LONGWAY with cups. 3 LONGWAY 1 lane with cups. Sweet pepper 2 lanes POMONE with OPTISCAN. Volumetric box filler. 4 lanes ONEWAY 152. Avocadoes Weighing conveyor with recycling on both sides. Double prealigner Pallet strappper with system for placing corner guards. Bulbs Potatoes ONEWAY 152 with prealigner. 4 lanes POMONE. 6 lanes INTEGRA. Sacks filler. Dry bin filler with swinging belt. 5 lanes ONEWAY. AX ON ON E E CH & PI ER ANO CU RYW KEY PS AY CU IZER PS 6 EX IZER ’’ OT 8’’ GE ICA NE GE SIS NE 100 GE SIS NE 120 GE SIS NE 152 GR SIS AP 203 HI ESIZ GH ER IN WAY TE GR IN TE A G LO RIT NG A WA ON Y EW AY &F ON RE EW EW AY AY & ON 88 FR EW EE WA AY Y1 PL &FR UM EEW 12 A PO ONE Y 152 M The graders Apricots Pineapple POMONE 100 / 112 HIGHWAY 76 / 90 / 100 PLUMONE 100 : Ø 35 > 110 mm / 112 : Ø 60 > 135 mm Weight - Quality sorting - Colour - Diameter Shape - Internal defect - Firmness - Sugar. Ø 35 > 130 mm Quality sorting - Colour - Diameter - Shape Internal defect - Firmness - Sugar. Ø 25 > 75 mm Weight - Quality sorting - Colour - Diameter Shape. INTEGRA INTEGRITA CHERRYWAY Ø 35 > 130 mm Weight - Quality sorting - Colour - Diameter - Shape Internal defect - Firmness - Sugar. Ø 40 > 110 mm Weight. Ø 15 > 35 mm Quality sorting - Colour - Diameter - Shape. Aubergines Avocados Flower bulbs Carrots Cherries Chestnuts Lemons Limes Clementines Cucumbers Courgettes ONEWAY 88 / 112 / 152 FREEWAY 88 / 112 / 152 88 : Ø 40 > 90 mm 112 : Ø 40 > 120 mm 152 : Ø 60 > 200 mm Weight - Colour. 88 : Ø 40 > 90 mm 112 : Ø 40 > 120 mm 152 : Ø 60 > 200 mm Weight - Colour. Shallots Gingerv Kiwis Lychee Mandarins Mangoes Melons Mirabelle plums CUP SIZER 6’’ / 8’’ 6" : Ø 40 > 150 mm 8" : Ø 40 > 170 mm Weight - Quality sorting - Volume - Shape Diameter - Colour. GRAPESIZER EXOTICA LONGWAY AXONE & PIANO KEY Average weight : 1 kg. Weight - Colour. Max. length : 500 mm. Weight - Length - Diameter - Colour - Shape defects - Appearance defects. Long fruit / Mini. length : 80 mm / Max. Ø: 80 mm. Pre-sorting - Volume - Shape - Diameter - Colour Defects. GENESIS 100 / 120 / 152 / 203 Nectarines 100 : Ø 40 > 100 mm 120 : Ø 60 > 140 mm 152 : Ø 80 > 160 mm 203 : Ø 120 > 220 mm Weight - Colour. Nuts Onions Olives Weight : 250 g > 1 kg Weight - Quality sorting - Size of the grapes - Weight association - Shape - Colour - Grape density. Oranges Grapefruits Peaches Pears Sweet peppers Apples Potatoes Plums Bunch of grapes Garlic heads Tomatoes Cherry tomatoes Bunch of tomatoes V I S I O N A R Y E N G I N E E R I N G F O R T H E W O R L D SUBSIDIARIES FRANCE SPAIN USA Impasse d’ Athènes ZAC Albasud II - BP 60112 82001 Montauban Cedex tel : (33) 05 63 63 27 70 Fax : (33) 05 63 63 07 85 email : Avda de la Llibertat, 53 46600 Alzira (Valencia) tel : (34) 96 240 30 11 Fax : (34) 96 240 34 50 email : 36470 Highway 99 - po box 218 Traver, CA 93673 tel : (1) 559 897 2905 Fax : (1)559 897 3422 email : CEDISMAF MAF Ind. Inc.Washington state CROVARA / PBI / SOMAGRO Ctra NII-Km 454-Naves 1, 2, 3 25180 Alcarràs (Lleida) Tel : (34) 973 791 426 Fax : (34) 973 791 064 email : 2705 S. 16th Avenue Union Gap, WA 98903 Tel : (1) 509 574 87 75 Fax : (1) 509 248 3119 email : PORTUGAL AUSTRALIA Head Office : MAF Agrobotic Quartier des Girardes Route de L’Isle de la Sorgue 84300 Cavaillon Tel : (33) 04 90 06 32 70 Fax : (33) 04 90 06 32 71 AIDE RODA IBERICA RODA PORTUGAL 35 rue Pasteur-BP 70146 72500 Château du Loir Tel : (33) 02 43 44 17 70 Fax : (33) 02 43 44 32 20 Apartado248-Estrada de minde Boleiros-2495-326 Fatima Tel : (351) 249 533 553 Fax : (351) 249 534 415 email : ITALY CHILE MAF RODA ITALIA SRL Via Consolare n°2952 47032 Bertinoro Tel : (39) 054 344 80 33 Fax : (39) 054 344 81 60 email : NEW ZEALAND LYNX HORT Limited 10 H Vega Place, Mairangi bay Auckland 1330 Tel : (64 9) 478 7093 Fax : (64 9) 478 70 94 email : EQUIMAVI S.A. MAF INDUSTRIES INC. COLOUR VISION System P/L 11 Park St Bacchus Marsh Vic 3340 Australia Tel : (61) 03 5367 3155 Fax : (61) 03 5367 4480 email : CHINA MAF RODA Yantai Jose Joaquín Prieto 5140 “San Miguel”-Santiago Chili Tel : (56) 2 52 26 037 Fax : (56) 2 52 10 095 email : N°19 TianZheng Street, Laishan District, Yantai PR China-postcode 264003 Tel : (86) 535 67 58 388 Fax : (86) 535 67 58 389 email : MEXICO SOUTH AFRICA MAF AGROBOTICA SACV Ctra Eldorado #4625 - Lote 7 Campo El Diez CP Culiacan - Sinaloa Mexico Tel/Fax : (52) 52 667 76 09 009 email : MAF RODA RSA Unit 9B Stuart Close, Somerset West Business Park, Somerset West, 7139 Tel: 021-8518503 Fax: 021-8518364 email : INTERNATIONAL AGENTS South Africa, Azerbaijan, Germany, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Colombia, South Korea, Costa Rica, Egypt, France, Greece, Ghana, Holland, Hungary, India, Israel, Italy, Iran, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Mali, Norway, New Zealand, Pakistan, Peru, Poland, Czech Republic, Rumania, United Kingdom, Russia, Sicily, Slovakia, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia. w w w. m a f - ro d a . c o m
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