Full project description

“AT THE FRONTIERS WITH ASYLUM SEEKERS” “MIGRANTS” PROJECT CLC EUROPE Introduction In recent years, Europe has become the "American dream" of many African people, but very often people who come across the sea are forced to stop in Italy. In some cases, they do not possess the financial means to move to those countries that should have been the final destination of their journey, in other cases they are embroiled in criminal networks or in work "in black" (illegal) that do not allow them to become independent. Many people arrive in Italy, after the troubled paths in the desert and maybe even stay in Libyan prisons, on boats that often threaten to become their tomb. For these reasons, these migrants, once identified and included in assistance programs, are aimed at the request of international protection, that is they are sent to the committee of territorial jurisdiction for the recognition of refugee status. This situation opens three different scenarios: the acceptance of the application, with the consequent recognition of refugee status (and obtaining a residence permit for a period of five years for political asylum); the non-­‐recognition of refugee status, but however the need of international protection that can lead to obtaining a residence permit for three years for subsidiary protection or permit for 1 year for humanitarian reasons; the refusal of international protection, resulting in the double chance to return to their country or to appeal. This will go to swell the ranks of people illegally present in the territory of the State that maybe cannot even return to their country of origin and who live by their wits. This is not a problem just of Italy, but the whole of Europe, given that our country is part of a Union, and seen that landings occur not only on our shores but also, though to a lesser extent, on those of Spain, France, Malta and Greece. While Italy is increasingly becoming a destination for "hope" landings, CLC/LMS Italy feels called to do something concrete for these people, to help organizations that already make every effort in their rescue and their reception and to address the local, national and European institutions a voice, crying shame on the situation. We are convinced that only by acting you can change the rules of the game and "work with Jesus Christ in building the Kingdom." Goals • Be present "at the frontiers", where the need calls for a stronger support. • Promote, at the European level, awareness of the situation of migrants arriving from the North African coasts • Knowing better the reasons that led them to leave their lands • Increase awareness of the fact that the problem is involving (and has to involve) the whole of EU • To sensitize the European CLC communities to the issue of landings and migrants from the South • Open channels of cooperation between the different national CLC communities • Develop an experience that also has a spiritual meaning, and offer personal growth Subjects • European CLC National Communities 1 • CLC/LMS Italy • Euroteam – Eurolink – Migration Network CLC Europe • Fondazione San Giovanni Battista (RG)/Saint John the Baptist Foundation (Ragusa – Italy) – and other local partners • F. Cesare Geroldi S.J. – Societas Jesu (Ragusa -­‐ Italy) Project CLC intends to be present where the migrants come in and search the first aid in Italy. In particular, the project will collaborate with St. John the Baptist Foundation, through the CLC/LMS Italy. The latter is located in both Ragusa and Comiso (RG), with different reception facilities for migrants waiting to be audited by the Commission for the recognition of refugee status or pending the appeal against the refusal of international protection. At this stage, migrants can be easily discouraged by the fact of being away from home, with no news of their loved ones or only survivors of their family, in a foreign country and sometimes hostile, without a job, but with a great desire of redemption. According to G.P. 8 and "aware of the pressing need to work for justice through a preferential option for the poor, and a simple lifestyle that manifests our freedom and our solidarity with them," with this project CLC seeks a dual purpose: 1. be neighbour to each other in difficulty, 2. make those who work for justice do not feel alone. For this reason, our intention is to send volunteers who feel called to this type of service, identifying them within the European CLC communities. Volunteers will support the operators of the Foundation in the daily tasks that will be required, consistent with their skills and the ability to understand and be understood by migrants, guests of the structures in which we will work. A brief training is required for volunteers to make them aware of the context in which they will operate and prepare them to face situations sometimes very engaging and challenging. That training will be done before departure or on arrival at the site. In a second phase, they will be introduced to the different structures to consciously choose which to work for. Volunteers will be asked to: • assist applicants in everyday life, • help in housekeeping and meal service (where there is no use of the kitchen by guests), • participate in artistic or creative workshops, • other activities agreed with the operators of the Foundation (depending on your skills or those that can be acquired). According to the CLC spirit, the experience doesn’t have just a practical aim, but for the participants it is meant to be an occasion of reflection, personal growth, spiritual development. During the activity period in Sicily will be than organized prayer, reflection and sharing moments. Their organization is entrusted to F. Cesare Geroldi sj, from Ragusa house, but each National Community is asked to send, for every shift, an adult person, who can accompany the younger and be guide or spiritual animator during that round of activity. Each National Community can take charge, for this aspect, of a single round of activity. Recipients Volunteers belonging to the European CLC or interested to get involved actively in the work with migrants. The presence of approximately 6 persons for each round (but the number may be slightly higher) is expected. The experience is offered primarily to young people, but not only: all are welcome (in fact, a mixture of age may be an enriching factor). 2 The group of volunteers doesn’t have to come from the same National Community in the same period. The project, that is a European project, also aims to create knowledge, links and collaboration between young people coming from different National Communities. In every round on 6-­‐7 persons, 2 or 3 may come from the same National Community (as a mutual support). Requirements •
Legal age / age of consent (essential) Knowledge of English / French; Italian or Arabic desirable Strong motivation Adaptability Room and board. Work Structures Volunteers can stay in the house of the Jesuits of Ragusa, in the rooms that F. Geroldi SJ is arranging. They will have breakfast and dinner in community with the Jesuits, lunch in the structures of the Foundation. The work structures will be those managed by St. John the Baptist Foundation in Ragusa, Comiso (RG) and other villages around Ragusa (Sicily). Timing We are going to launch a long-­‐term project. There will be an initial phase (more experimental) that will last 6 (six) months, starting from 1 July 2015. In October 2015, coinciding with the Eurolink meeting, there will be an evaluation of the project and its development (functionality, organization, verification of costs, etc.), which eventually will allow to confirm and / or redirect it. The goal is to start the project next summer 2015. Summer is in fact a good time of availability and for proposals as regards young people. The intention is to cover up, as much as possible, all the year. The presence of the volunteers must have a minimum duration of three weeks (but their presence can be extended). Persons in charge and coordination functions Some functions of responsibility and coordination, and the people who take over that responsibility are to be provided. In particular: • A PROJECT MANAGER, an Italian person, who performs the function of coordination of activities, relationship with local actors (Fondazione San Giovanni Battista, home of the Jesuits, the Diocesan Caritas, etc.), reception and accommodation of the new coming groups (for each new turn), their supervision during the stay, greeting upon departure, organizational and logistical support depending on the emerging needs. For the first period of the project, the manager must have a continuous presence. After an initial assessment (in October 2015) and during the next phase of project settling, a continuity of presence may not be required (but it will depend on the project progress). The manager will be engaged through an onerous task, expressed through a contractual relationship (to be defined as soon as possible). The CVX-­‐LMS Italy proposes Laura Scaglia, a member of the community of Bergamo and of the National Executive, as head of the project, because of her expertise and her availability. • A COORDINATOR AT EUROPEAN LEVEL who develops various activities, from the information and communication, through the coordination with the various European Communities involved in the 3 project and the Euroteam. The key role for the information and promotion at European level (in addition to the work of networking) will be done by the Migration Network, coordinated by Spain. This Network will work together with a Euroteam working group, composed by Claudine Drochon and Bianka Speidl. The coordinator at European level could come from CLC Spain, coordinator of The Migration Network. Maria Morales is available for this role. THE ROLE OF THE EUROTEAM MEMBERS is to submit the project to all the different European CLC National Executives, to promote and solicit engagement and taking charge. They will then check how the project goes on and will demand a report of the activity. National Communities that will positively respond to the call will be put in touch with the member of the Migration Network. He (she) will keep in touch with the volunteers for action. Within that Country’s Executive Committee a contact person will be identified, who will follow the project and serve as a link with the same Network (NATIONAL REFERENTS OF THE PROJECT). The coordinator at European level will be in touch with the Italian head of the project, and together they will organize the different rosters in Sicily. • As already mentioned, A GUIDE OR A SPIRITUAL ANIMATOR for every activity turn in Sicily (three weeks minimum). It is an adult person who will be present with the younger volunteers and can support the activities of personal revision, reflection and spiritual growth of the volunteers of each turn (together with F. Geroldi sj). Each National Community should take charge of each turn by sending a person who can perform this activity of spiritual guidance. Costs The cost framework is prudent because it is a start up project. Actual costs will be assessed during the evaluation in October 2015 (and possibly will be revised downwards, particularly in relation to the actual commitment of the project manager). At this early stage we have to suppose a possible increase in costs, for prudential reasons. The operating costs, on each month of the project activities, are: • Cost of the project manager. • Cost of the volunteers, for board and lodging. • General costs, fixed costs, costs for tools. The monthly cost of the project is expected to be € 4,500.00. Monthly cost of the project Types of charges Monthly cost Project manager € 1,000.00 Volunteers board and lodging € 15,00 a person per day (for 6 € 3,000.00 persons per turn) General expenses € 500.00 Total € 4,500.00 COSTS WILL BE TAKEN IN CHARGE BY: • The volunteers, at least for a part, for a contribution to the expenses for board and lodging. If we consider a € 10.00 per day contribution, for each volunteer staying 21 days (three weeks), the total contribution will be € 210.00 per turn. Volunteers will then cover € 1,800.00 per month. [Then 4 each volunteer has to pay around € 20.00 for assurance. The final cost will be defined considering the total amount of participants] • The European CLC Communities for the general expenses, the project manager salary and part of the volunteers’ board and lodging costs. We can imagine that, at least at this early stage, the expenses could be faced just by the Communities who want to sustain the project. The total costs to sustain by European CLC Communities are: € 1,000.00 for the project manager, € 1,200.00 as a contribution to the volunteers board and lodging costs, € 500.00 for general expenses. The total cost is € 2,700.00 per month. The total costs of the project on the first six months are € 27,000.00, of which € 10,800.00 contributions of volunteers and € 16,200.00 supported by European CLC communities, participant at the project. Promotion and divulgation Promotion and divulgation to the European communities will be done by Migrants Network, according to the Euroteam working group. Euroteam will promote the project to each national ExCo, asking for a formal engagement to support it and a definition of the expenses that it can afford to sustain. The project will be included among the proposed activities for young people (also the initiatives of the Society of Jesus), especially with regard to the summer activities. A flyer to explain and promote the project is going to be prepared. References Laura Scaglia (CLC Italy): scaglia10478@gmail.com Maria Morales (CLC Spain): migrantsnetworkcvx.e@gmail.com Euroteam: clc-­‐cvx-­‐euroteam@googlegroups.com 5