Република Србија Универзитет у Новом Саду Учитељски факултет на мађарском наставном језику Штросмајерова 11., 24000 Суботица Оснивач: Аутономна Покрајина Војводина Szerb Köztársaság Újvidéki Egyetem Magyar Tannyelvű Tanítóképző Kar Strossmayer u. 11., 24000 Szabadka Alapító: Vajdaság Autonóm Tartomány Tel: 024/624-444 • Fax: 024/624-424 • E-mail: mkonf.mttk@gmail.com • http://conference.magister.uns.ac.rs 4th INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE THE INFLUENCE OF TEACHING METHODOLOGY ON THE QUALITY OF TEACHER AND PRE-SCHOOL TEACHER TRAINING University of Novi Sad, Teacher Training Faculty in Hungarian Teaching Language Subotica, 30th May, 2015 Organizer: University of Novi Sad, Teacher Training Faculty in Hungarian Teaching Language Provincial Secretariat for Science and Technological Development Regional center for the professional development of the employees of educational system Conference objective: Presenting the latest theoretical understanding and scientific research regarding the influence of teaching methodology on the quality of teacher and pre-school teacher training The conference is public and accredited. The presence of in-service teachers is also welcome for whom the conference serves as a professional further qualification. Students are also welcome to present their scientific research. Thematic areas: In accordance with the primary goal of the conference, conference participants are expected to focus on the following topics: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. the environment in which teaching is organized, the subject that the presenter is involved with, difficulties that one faces during their teaching processes, methodological solutions that proved to be successful, material one relies on during the teaching processes, experiences that appear to be useful and applicable for others as well, possibilities that might be realized by co-operation. Deadlines: for abstract submission: 21th March, 2015 for paper submission: 15th June, 2015 Република Србија Универзитет у Новом Саду Учитељски факултет на мађарском наставном језику Штросмајерова 11., 24000 Суботица Оснивач: Аутономна Покрајина Војводина Szerb Köztársaság Újvidéki Egyetem Magyar Tannyelvű Tanítóképző Kar Strossmayer u. 11., 24000 Szabadka Alapító: Vajdaság Autonóm Tartomány Tel: 024/624-444 • Fax: 024/624-424 • E-mail: mkonf.mttk@gmail.com • http://conference.magister.uns.ac.rs Conference fee: Domestic Participants (from Serbia) 3.800,00 RSD: 840-2061666-44 International Participants (30 €): University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Trg Dositeja Obradovića 5, 21000 Novi Sad Narodna banka Srbije, Beograd, Nemanjina 17 IBAN: /RS35908500100012902745 SWIFT: NBSRRSBGXXX PRELIMINARY PROGRAM 30 May, 2015 (Saturday) 9.00-10.00 Registration 10.00-10.30 Opening ceremony and introductory lecture 10.30-10.40 Coffee break 10.40-12.40 Presentations and round-table discussion 12.40-13.30 Lunch break 13.30-15.30 Presentations and round-table discussion 15.30-15.45 Coffee break 15.45-16.00 Closing
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