MAHALAXMI KHATU KUTEER 306, 3rd Floor, DDA Building - II Janakpuri District Centre - 110058 New Delhi Dear Sir(s), I/We hereby express my/our interest in provisional allotment of a Plot in the township “SHREE KHATU SHYAM KUTEER” located on Main Palsana Alodha Road, Alodha Village, Rajasthan. In the event of the company agreeing to provisionally allot a Plot in response to my/our request, then I/We agree to pay all the installments as per opted payment plan under the Buyer's Agreement along with all the charges/pending dues/taxes as levied by the Centre or State Government in the due course of time, as it has been well explained to me/us by the company and the same is being well understood by me/us. I/We have clearly understood that this application does not constitute an Agreement to sell and I/We do not become entitled to the provisional and/or final allotment of Plot, notwithstanding the fact that the Developer may have issued a receipt, the acknowledgement of the money tendered with this application. It is only after I/We sign and execute the necessary documents including Buyer's Agreement on the company's standard format agreeing to abide by the terms and conditions laid down therein and the allotment shall become a final binding upon me/us. I/We am/are making this application with full knowledge that the company along with its associate companies, are in the process of developing the township and shall make the allotment of Plot, in due course of time, subject to timely payment 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Plot Area Price Per Sq. yard Basic Sale Price (area*rate) EDC & IDC (area*rate) Preferential Location Charges (if applicable) IFMS (area*rate) Registration and Stamp Duty Charges Other Charges, if any Payment Plan: Monthly Installment Plan Down Payment Plan Signature of Applicant(s) ......................................................................... SOLE/FIRST APPLICANT (Compulsory to fill all the details along with a passport size photograph) M/s / Mr. /Ms. .................................................................................S/W/D of ........................................... PAN ................................................Date of Birth..........................................Nationality............................ Occupation: Service Professional Business Student Homemaker Any Other............... Correspondence/ Office Address .............................................................................................................. ...........................................................................................................................Pin .................................. Permanent Address................................................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................................Pin................................... Landline No.................................Mobile.................................E-mail ......................................................... SECOND APPLICANT/NOMINEE (Compulsory to fill all the details along with a passport size photograph) M/s / Mr. /Ms. .................................................................................S/W/D of ........................................... PAN ................................................Date of Birth..........................................Nationality............................ Occupation: Service Professional Business Student Homemaker Any Other............... Correspondence/ Office Address .............................................................................................................. ...........................................................................................................................Pin .................................. Permanent Address................................................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................................Pin................................... Landline No.................................Mobile.................................E-mail ......................................................... OTHER DETAILS: Any Two Reference : Name ..........................................................................................Mobile.......................................... Name ...........................................................................................Mobile......................................... Mode of Booking: Direct Broker Reference Broker/Reference Details ................................................................................................................. Company Representative ................................................................................................................. Signature of Applicant(s) ......................................................................... 1. The applicant has applied for the provisional allotment of Plot in the Project named as SHREE KHATU SHYAM KUTEER to be developed by Mahalaxmi Khatu Kuteer . (Herein after referred to as The Partnership Firm), having place of business situated at 306, DDA Building II, Janakpuri District Centre - 110058, New Delhi. 2. The company shall provisionally allot the Plot to the applicant after the applicant has complied with the necessary payment conditions with regard to the payment of the booking amount of the Plot and after the applicant has accepted the terms and conditions of Buyer's Agreement within the stipulated time period as prescribed by the company. 3. The Allotment of the Plot shall be entirely on draw basis, provisional and confirmed on signing of Buyer's Agreement on the Company's standard format. 4. An applicant/allottee has fully satisfied himself/herself about the nature of rights, title, interest of the company in the said Project, as per prevailing Laws/Guidelines of Authorities and has already understood all limitations and obligations in respect thereof. The applicant/allottee further agrees to bide by the terms and conditions of all the permissions, sanctions, directions etc. issued by the Authorities in this regard to the company. 5. An applicant/allottee has examined the tentative plans, designs and specifications of the Plot and the applicant agrees that the company may affect such variations and modifications therein as may be necessary or as it may deem appropriate in the best interest of the project or as may be required to do so by the competent authority. The necessary changes/alterations may involve change in position/location of the Plot, changes in its dimensions or area etc. The applicant/allottee agrees that no claim, monetary or otherwise shall be raised against the decision of any change so affected by the company. It is clarified that the initial rate of booking of the Plot shall be applicable on the changed area in case of refund or demand owing to any change so affected. 6. The applicant/allottee undertakes to abide by and comply with all the laws, rules and regulations, terms and conditions applicable/made applicable to the said Plot project. 7. Timely payment of installments of Basic Sale Price and allied charges pertaining to the Plot is the essence of the terms of the booking. However in the event of breach of any of the terms and conditions of the allotment by the applicant/allottee, the allotment shall be cancelled at the discretion of the company and in such event of cancellation, the applicant/allottee expressly agree that the company shall have the authority to deduct the earnest money and the amount, if any, paid over and above the earnest money after deducting the brokerage paid to the broker, overdue interest and any other amount, shall be refunded by the company to the applicant without any interest only after re-allotement/resale and receipt of sale proceed from the new allottee. The company in its absolute discretion may condone by charging penal interest @24% p.a. delay from the due date of payment. 8. Applicants/allotee shall be eligible for timely payment benefits only on offer of possession wherein Company shall waive off EDC/IDC charges against all installment made within stipulated time period. Taxes applicable on same shall be paid by allotee only. 9. Prices are subject to change without any prior notice before booking at the sole discretion of the company and the price ruling on the date of booking and acceptance by the company shall be applicable. 10. In case applicant wants to voluntarily cancel the application within 30 days of booking, the applicant/allotee expressly agrees that the company shall have the authority to deduct Booking Amount as Administration Charges and the amount, if any, paid over and above administration charges after deducting the brokerage paid to the broker, overdue interest and any other amount, shall be refunded by the company to the applicant/allottee without any interest. If the applicant voluntarily cancels the application after the said period (after 30 days of booking) then the applicant/allottee expressly agrees that the company shall have the authority to deduct the earnest money and the amount, if any, paid over and above the earnest money after deducting the brokerage paid to the broker, overdue interest and any other amount, shall be refunded by the company to the applicant without any interest, only after re-allotment/re-sale and receipt of sale proceed from the new applicant/allottee. 11. The company reserves the right to cancel the registration/allotment of the Plot in case applicant fails to submit his/her booking amount/balance amount/installments on or before the due date or if any cheque for the booking amount or the balance amount for that Plot bounces/dishonors due to customer's fault. In such case, the applicant/allottee expressly agree that the company shall have the authority to deduct the earnest money and the amount, if any, paid over and above the earnest money after deducting the brokerage paid to the broker, overdue interest and any other amount, shall be refunded by the company to the applicant without any interest only after re-allotment/re-sale and receipt of sale proceed from the new allottee. 12. It is understood by the applicant that an amount equivalent to 20% of Basic Sale Price (BSP) shall be treated as earnest money. 13. The applicant(s) expressly understands that it will not be obligatory on the part of the developer to send the demand notice, however promoter will facilitate to remind the applicant(s) to make the payment of installments and/or any charges and applicant(s) shall be bound to make payment of due installments and other charges as per the payment plan mentioned under this agreement. The buyer agreement has to be signed and sent back to the company within 15 days of the receipt of the agreement by the applicant(s). Any delay in payment due to delay in signing of the agreement shall attract interest on the delayed payment. 14. The basic sale price does not include External Development Charges (EDC), Internal Development Charges (IDC), Interest Free Maintenance & Security (IFMS), Preferred Location Charges (PLC), Lease charges, Maintenance charges & any other charges over and above the basic sale price. 15. If an applicant/allottee is getting a corner/park facing/wide road facing Plot, then the applicant/allottee agrees to pay PLC, as applicable. Service tax (if applicable) on PLC shall be charged extra as per the prevailing rates. 16. Applicants/allottees shall have to pay the Maintenance & Security charges at prevailing rates on annual basis to Company or RWA/Maintenance agency appointed by the company. Maintenance & security charges shall be applicable right from the date of Offer of Possession/Sale Deed of Plot. Maintenance & security charges shall be payable every year in advance. Service tax on the maintenance & security charges shall be charged extra as per the prevailing rates. Signature of Applicant(s) ......................................................................... 17. The Buyer shall sign a separate Maintenance & Security agreement with the company or its nominee maintenance agency incorporating interalia the said terms at the time of taking over possession of the Plot. This maintenance & security agreement is applicable till the maintenance of various services and security of the entire project is handed over to the local/civic body, or any other agency. The buyer agrees and consent to the above agreement and will not question the same singly or jointly with the company. However, the company or its nominee may withdraw from the management aforesaid at any time after a general notice in the project (and give up his/her residuary rights therein). 18. The applicant/allottee shall before taking possession of the Plot, must clear all the dues towards the Plot and have the Lease Registry for the said Plot executed in his/her favor by the Company after paying stamp duty, registration fee and other charges/expenses. Stamp duty, registration fee and all the other charges and expenses for completing the execution formalities of the said Plot would be paid by the applicant/allottee and would be extra other than the Total Cost of the Plot. 19. The applicant/allottee shall have to pay a onetime fee of Rs.50/- per sq. yd. as demarcation charges for his/her plot in advance. The applicant/allottee agrees to deposit these charges at the time of handing over the registry/sale deed to him/her. 20. The Company shall endeavor to give possession of the Plot to the applicant/allottee within 65 months from the date of booking, failing which the Company shall refund the amount paid by the applicant/allottee along with simple interest @ 12 % p.a. to the applicant/allottee on the deposited amount in the same manner as received by the applicant/allottee subject. However, the refund shall be payable to force majeure circumstances with a reasonable extension of time. 21. The applicant shall have to take written permission to transfer his/her registration/allotment of Plot from the company. Transfers shall be charged @ 200/sq.yd. Transfer of a Plot shall be entirely at the discretion of the company. Moreover the assignee (new allottee) must agree to comply with all formalities in this regard and the assignee shall agree to abide by all terms of allotment. 22. Applicant/allottee being NRI/NRO or foreign national shall be solely responsible to comply with the necessary formalities as laid down by RBI or any other concerned authority relating to acquisition of immovable assets in India. In case any such permission is ever refused or subsequently lacking by statutory authority/company, the amount and allotment shall stand cancelled forthwith. Applicant/allottee hereby agrees that the company shall not be liable in any aspect or such account. It should be noted that these applicants/allottees shall have to provide their passport details to the company. 23. If there is any additional cost, levy, rate or charge of any kind attributable to the Plot or project, as a consequence of any order of Government/Statutory or other Local Authority, the same shall be payable by the applicant/allottee on Pro-rata basis. 24. The Applicant/allottee should give his/her detailed address to the company at the time of booking and it shall be his/her responsibility to inform the Company by Registered Letter about all subsequent changes in his/her address, contact numbers etc., failing which, all demand notices and letters posted at the first Registered Address shall be deemed to have been received by him/her at the stated address as per company records and he/she shall be responsible for any default in making payment and other consequences that might occur there from. In all communications the reference of the allotted Plot and the name of the project must be mentioned clearly. 25. Company shall not be responsible towards any third party making payments, remittances on behalf of any applicant(s) and such third party shall not have any right in this application in any way and company shall issue the payment receipts in favor of the applicant(s) only. 26. Applicant/allottee shall abide by the terms and conditions of this request and buyer agreement, maintenance agreement and other by law promulgated by the company from time to time. Company shall make alterations or amendments in terms and conditions which shall automatically be binding on the applicant/allottee, though company shall intimate the same via notice. 27. It is hereby agreed by the applicant/allottee that reference shall be made to the detailed terms in buyer's agreement subsequently. 28. In case there are joint applicants/allottees, all communication shall be sent by the company to the applicant/allottee whose name appears first, at the address given by him for mailing and which shall for all purpose be considered as served on all the applicant/allottee and no separate communication shall be necessary to the other applicant/allottee. 29. All payments by the applicant/allottee shall be made to the company through demand drafts/cheques drawn upon scheduled banks in favor of “Mahalaxmi Khatu Kuteer” payable at Delhi/NCR. 30. Company shall send Receipts or any other document on the registered address only on quarterly basis. 31. Company is not offering any kind of discount and hence shall not be liable for any such miscommunication from any source. 32. If the Company/Government comes up with a Sewage Plan in the near future in this township, then the applicant/allotee shall have to cooperate accordingly & pay all the taxes/fees for that. The basic cost, EDC, IDC and IFMS does not include the installation of Sewage facilities in the proposed township. The applicant/allotee shall have to follow the government norms/rules if he/she starts construction on their residential plot. 33. The applicant/allottee agrees to indemnify the company against any legal dispute or cause of action arising out of the misdoing or mischief of the applicant/allottee, or arising out of any non-compliance on part of the applicant/allottee with any law in force which the applicant/allottee should have abided. 34. Any taxes/duty/levies shall be borne by the applicant/allottee. 35. The Courts at Delhi alone shall have jurisdiction in case of any dispute. I/We, the undersigned, request that a Plot shall be provisionally allotted to me/us in “SHREE KHATU SHYAM KUTEER” project located in Alodha Village (Rajasthan) as per the company's terms and conditions, which I/We have read, understood and agree to abide by the same, under the opted payment plan. I/We further agree to sign and execute any necessary agreement, as and when desired by the company on the company's standard format. I/We agree to pay further installments of agreed sale price and other dues as stipulated in the payment plan as explained to me/us by the company. I/We agree that the acceptance of my/our application does not entitle me/us any right in Plot until all payments in full have been paid by me/us on or before due dates. I/We further agree that I/We shall abide by the terms and conditions of the company that are in force or that may be brought in to force from time to time. Signature of Applicant(s) .........................................................................
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