ST. SYLVESTER’S PARISH NEWSLETTER Very Rev. Kevin Moore, Moderator Tel. 01-‐5496615 PARISH OFFICE Tel: 01 8451244 email: Web: Mass Times: Sunday: 10.00am, 11.15am, 12.30pm & 5.30pm. Weekdays: 10.00am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Mon: 10.30am -‐10.00 p.m. Tues: 10.30am – 3.00pm & 7 -‐9pm. Wed: 8.00am -‐9.45am, 10.30am – 2.00pm & 7 -‐9pm; First Fridays: 10.30am – 7.30pm Malahide parish is clustered with the parishes of, Kinsealy, Portmarnock and Yellow Walls MALAHIDE PARISH CENTRE –Our Parish Centre is open for refreshments 9.00am -6.00pm – Please visit our Prayer Chapel. Information about the Centre/to book a room contact Sharon Tel: 086 0492369 or email THE TRINITY EXPLAINED: There is only one God. The Father is God. The Son is God. The Holy Spirit is a Person who is God. The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit are distinct from each other. . TRINITY SUNDAY Today we celebrate the Mystery of God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. One certainty in life is that we will never fully understand God. We can never describe God from A to Z. It’s a lifetime challenge. But we do have endless pointers on the journey of life that remind us of God’s unique presence in our world and universe. Some of these describe God as love, as our creator who is generous, who is with us always, who forgives us wholeheartedly, who delights in each of us, who trusts us, encourages us, watches over us, comforts us and someone who brings light and hope to our dark corners. There are thousands of more words that could be added and we would still be short. In trying to understand God we must always remember God’s endless love for each one of us. Everything else grows from this WHATS ON IN ST. SYLVESTER’S PARISH CENTRE: Many people are still only discovering the full extent of our Parish Pastoral Centre and its potential for so many activities in the parish: WHY NOT DROP IN AND HAVE A LOOK AROUND. The following are a sample of what’s on in the Centre: Mum and Baby group; Fit mum; Music Classes, Art Class; Legion of Mary, Pilates, Mindfulness; Mother and Toddler Group; Clinical Pilates; Yoga; Bethany Bereavement Group; Bridge Classes; Ladies Fitness Class; Sewing Classes; History Class; Senior Citizens Social Group; Irish Dancing; Slimming World; Bowls; Baby Bump and Me – Lots more and many one off events and occasions. If you would like to hire the centre for an activity you wish to organise – Contact Sharon, Centre Manager at 086 0492369 or visit her in the Centre itself. And don’t forget that the Coffee Shop is open from 9.00am – 6.00pm EVERYDAY for great coffee and other beverages and good food. WORDS OF WISDOM: 1) “Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.” ― Albert Einstein; 2) “The Christian does not think God will love us because we are good, but that God will make us good because He loves us.” ― C.S. Lewis; 3) “The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult and left untried.” ― G.K. Chesterton; 4) “God is a circle whose centre is everywhere and circumference nowhere.” ― Voltaire; 5) “Atheism turns out to be too simple. If the whole universe has no meaning, we should never have found out that it has no meaning...” ― C.S. Lewis COLLECTIONS: 1st Collection for the support of the priests of the Cluster and for sick and retired priests of the diocese -€1,765. 2nd Collection CROSSCARE - €3980. Thank you for your support of the Sunday collections and your support of the parish through standing orders and the envelope collection. ST. SYLVESTERS SENIORS SOCIAL GROUP meet in The Parish Centre WEDNESDAYS 10.45-12.45PM Tea/Coffee-Music & Sing-a-long, Poetry, Gentle Exercises, Chat etc. ALL WELCOME. MASS INTENTIONS: Mon: Eileen Fagan R.I.P.) Tues: Special Intention (A) Wed: Paul Gleeson (A.) Thurs: Liturgy of the Word and Communion Friday: For the repose of the souls of those on the Alter list of the dead: Saturday Helene McCullen MALAHIDE LADIES CLUB: Wednesday next 3rd June. Bus leaves outside Grand Hotel at 10.30 am sharp LEGION OF MARY: welcome. meets every Monday at 7.45 pm in St. Brendan’s Room (Downstairs) in Parish Pastoral Centre. All MALAHIDE BETHANY BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP Meeting for the bereaved every Monday morning @ 10.30am and on the second Monday of the month at 7.30pm in the Parish Centre. All Welcome. St. SYLVESTER’S 1,000 CLUB DRAW BRINGS GOOD NEW S AGAIN THIS MONTH TO FOUR LUCKY PEOPLE. The ‘1000 CLUB DRAW’ was set two years ago to help with costs associated with the development and maintenance of the of the Pastoral Centre and the refurbishment of the church and to alleviate burdens this places on day to day parish expenses. Each month it has a draw with four prizes: 1st prize = €1000; 2nd prize = €500; 3rd & 4th Prizes = €250 each. For the twelfth month of the Draw there is a GRAND DRAW with a 1 st prize of €10,000 . The membership of the current draw offers a winning chance of less than ‘ONE IN TEN’ which are probably the best odds you would get anywhere in any kind of draw. For the most part, membership is local and so far all prizes have gone to local people. The monthly draw always brings great excitement for those present and we hope to organise the monthly draw at a time when more people could conveniently join in the excitement whether or not they are winners. If you are a current member of the draw maybe your ticket number matches one of the numbers listed below: May results: 1st Prize: ticket no. 011; 2ND Prize: ticket no. 514; 3rd Prize: Ticket no 098; and 4th Prize: ticket no 404. THE FEAST OF THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS is on Friday, 12thJune, 2015. It falls 19 days after Pentecost and on a Friday. The devotion emphasizes the absolute pure love, compassion, and long-suffering of the heart of Christ towards humanity. Novena Prayers to the Sacred Heart will be said at Masses in St. Sylvester’s Church beginning on Thurs. 4th June IRISH CONVERSATION GROUP – Fridays at Seomra Tae – 10.30 am. Céad Míle Fáilte to all LOURDES VOLUNTEERS: Volunteers needed to work at the Hospitalite Notre Dame de Lourdes from the 5th to the 12th July or 12th to the 19th July. No previous experience required, full training. Enquiries to Liz Byrne 087 1926346 or JOHN MAIN MEDITATION GROUP: Meet on Thursdays at 6 pm in the Prayer Room in St. Sylvester’s Church. COMPUTER CLASSES FOR THE OVER 55’S: Malahide Library free weekly 2 hour course . Info or book a place, Tel: 01 4756989. SENIOR HELP LINE Do you need someone to talk to? ‘Senior Help Line’ is a confidential listening service for older people provided by trained older people for the price of a local call anywhere in Ireland, LoCall 1850 440 444. Senior Help Line is open every day from 10.00am till 10.00pm 365 days a year. LECTIO DIVINA: If you would like to reflect and pray with the Sunday gospels in an informal setting please join our ecumenical group in the Prayer Chapel on Tuesdays 10.30 – 11.30am Contact Phil at 086.0638074 MEDJUGORJE YOUTH PILGRIMAGE: For Youth Festival 29th July to 5th August – a group from the cluster will travel to this event and there are still a few places left for anyone over 18. Due to fundraising cost is €499 for under 26 years and €549 for adults accompanying youths. As bookings for this trip must close shortly please contact us immediately if you are interested in joining the group. For further details phone Teresa 087 2069249 or Roisin 085 1407786. IRISH COLLEGE OF ENGLISH: Host families are now being recruited for the Irish College of English for the peak weeks of 4th July to 25th July. To enquire please email / Tel Loraine 01 8453744. Families must be located in Malahide. R.I.P: We extend our sympathy to the family of Carmel Mulligan recently deceased. CARE & REPAIR MALAHIDE PORTMARNOCK & KINSEALY: Are you 60+ years and need a small repair job? We use a pool of trustworthy volunteers and handypersons to carry out minor repairs for older people for free. Phone 086.8653311 CASA, Caring and Sharing Association, is a charity that provides respite care to people with disability. Volunteers needed for a couple of hours a week to do light garden work in our Break House. Contact Kathleen on 01-8454841/0863868105. NURTURE an Irish registered charity offering supports and counselling to women, partners & families surrounding conception, pregnancy and childbirth. Contact: Lisa 01 8430930 DIABETES IRELAND invites walkers to register to take part in an all new fundraising walk, Sun June 21st. Lap the Lake 2015 is a 28km walk around the Blessington Lakes on the scenic Lake Drive. Details at or lo-call 1850909909 BAPTISMS: We welcome the following to the Christian community: Lisa Erdene Fitzpatrick and Ellie Helena Brophy. CARMELITE MONASTERY: Mass time in the Convent in Seapark on Monday 9.00 am. A N N U A L C O R P U S C H R I S T I D I O C E S A N E U C H A R I S T I C P R O C E S S I O N ‘Communion with Christ and with one another’. Led by Archbishop Diarmuid Martin. 7.30 pm, Thursday 4th June at Clonliffe College, Drumcondra. All are welcome, particularly children who have recently celebrated their First Communion and their families. FIRST COMMUNIONS: Congratulations to the boys and girls from St. Oliver Plunkett’s School and St. Andrew’s School who made their First Holy communion last Saturday. The weather was perfect for the day but even more importantly was the way the boys and girls were perfect in how they participated in the ceremony, showed they understood what was happening and helped all who were present to experience a very special occasion that will always be a treasured memory. We congratulate and thank their parents and families, their teachers, the choir and all in the school, all who helped in the church and the Pastoral Centre. For the boys and girls who made their Communion we hope the day will always live in your memory as a very special day when you felt very close to Jesus as a special friend who comes to us in Holy Communion every time we attend Mass. We hope to see you in your First Communion clothes next Sunday, 7th June, at the 10.00am Mass for the special feast day of Corpus Christi. ST. VINCENT de PAUL SOCIETY. Urgently looking for furniture for two families. Smaller sized furniture would be ideal. Single beds in particular are needed. Please contact 085 7781824. F I R S T F R I D A Y NEXT Friday, 5th June. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in St. Sylvester’s from after 10 Mass till 5.00pm and from 6.00 - 7.30pm P A D R O P I O D E V O T I O N S . Sacred Heart Church Seabury, Friday 5 th June. Eucharistic Adoration @ 7 pm, followed by Mass @ 7.30 pm, celebrated by Fr. Angelus O’Neill Capuchin, who will give a blessing with the relic of St. Pio. All welcome.
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