The Journal of TRAUMA威 Injury, Infection, and Critical Care The Evaluation of Pneumomediastinum in Blunt Trauma Patients Sharmila Dissanaike, MD, Sherene Shalhub, MD, MPH, and Gregory J. Jurkovich, MD, FACS Background: Pneumomediastinum occurs in up to 10% of patients with blunt thoracic and cervical trauma. Mandatory evaluation of all patients with bronchoscopy and esophageal imaging to exclude a major injury has been recommended. There is little data on the safety or efficacy of this approach. We evaluated the incidence of major injuries associated with pneumomediastinum, the accuracy of diagnostic modalities, and the results of observation versus aggressive evaluation. Methods: Medical records of all blunt trauma patients diagnosed with pneumomediastinum and/or aerodigestive tract injury between 1998 and 2005 were reviewed. The patient’s hospital course was reviewed for demographic data, admission diagnoses, diagnostic imaging and procedures, opera- tions, missed injuries, length of stay, and mortality. Results: The review identified a total of 136 patients with pneumomediastinum, and an additional 22 patients with thoracic aerodigestive tract injuries but without pneumomediastinum. Only patients with pneumomediastinum were considered in subsequent analysis. Pneumomediastinum was detected by CT scan in all 136 (100%) patients, although identified on plain radiograph in only 20 (15%) patients. Computed tomography findings were suspicious for a major aerodigestive tract injury in 27 (20%) patients. Ten (37%) of these 27 patients had an injury requiring operative intervention: five (4%) laryngeal injuries, three (2%) tracheal disruptions, and two (1%) esophageal per- forations. Eighty-one patients (60%) never had endoscopic evaluation. There were no delayed diagnoses, missed injuries, or complications in the observation-only cohort. The overall sensitivity and specificity of CT scan for major aerodigestive tract injury was 100% and 85%, respectively. Conclusion: Major airway or esophageal injury is an uncommon cause of pneumomediastinum. CT scan was able to identify patients at high risk for aerodigestive injury in all cases, and should be the preferred screening tool for airway injury in patients with pneumomediastinum. Key Words: Pneumomediastinum, Blunt chest trauma, Tracheal injury, Bronchial injury, Laryngeal injury, Esophageal injury. J Trauma. 2008;65:1340–1345. P neumomediastinum may occur in up to 10% of patients with severe blunt thoracic and cervical trauma.1 Given the recent increase in the use of routine computed tomography (CT) scanning in trauma patients, the incidence of asymptomatic pneumomediastinum is likely to increase. Most pneumomediastinum has a benign etiology, caused by extension of a pneumothorax through a pleural tear, air dissection around the bronchovascular sheath (the Macklin effect2), or microperforations that are not clinically apparent. However, there is a small but well-documented incidence of major injury to the larynx, trachea, or bronchi, and rarely the esophagus in these patients.3 Many authors hence recommend mandatory endoscopy and/or esophagography for the evaluation of all pneumomediastinum patients to exclude a major aerodigestive tract injury.4 There is little data on the efficacy Submitted for publication March 8, 2007. Accepted for publication January 18, 2008. Copyright © 2008 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins From the Division of Trauma and Critical Care Surgery, Harborview Medical Center, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington. No outside sources of support, including pharmaceutical or industry support, were received for this study. Presented at the Seattle Surgical Society Meeting, February 2, 2007. Address for reprints: Gregory J. Jurkovich, MD, FACS, Division of Trauma and Critical Care, Department of Surgery, Harborview Medical Center, 325 Ninth Avenue, Seattle, WA 98104; email: DOI: 10.1097/TA.0b013e318169cd24 1340 of this approach. We evaluated the incidence of major thoracic aerodigestive tract injuries associated with pneumomediastinum in our patient population, the accuracy of various diagnostic modes, and the results of watchful waiting versus aggressive evaluation. MATERIALS AND METHODS Patient Selection and Data Collection We performed a retrospective chart review of all blunt trauma patients admitted to the Harborview Medical Center, between January 1998 and July 2005, with a diagnosis of pneumomediastinum. Harborview Medical Center is the primary Level I Trauma Center for a four-state region, with approximately 4,000 blunt trauma admissions each year. Trauma registry database was used to identify patients based on ICD-9 coding on discharge. A waiver of consent was obtained from the University of Washington Institutional Review Board for Human Subjects Research. All charts with ICD-9 codes 518.1 (pneumomediastinum, interstitial, or mediastinal emphysema) and 958.7 (traumatic emphysema) were selected. These charts were cross-referenced with radiologic findings of pneumomediastinum by chest or neck radiograph or CT within this time period. Charts that did not have pneumomediastinum documented by an attending radiologist during their admission were excluded from our primary analysis. We further reviewed the trauma registry for all blunt trauma patients with ICD-9 codes 807 (laryngeal/ December 2008 Evaluation of Pneumomediastinum in Blunt Trauma Patients tracheal injury), 862 (intrathoracic bronchial or esophageal injury), and 874 (open fracture or wound, larynx or trachea) to ensure that we did not miss any diagnoses of either pneumomediastinum or aerodigestive tract injury during this time period. Information was collected on mechanism of injury, age, sex, symptoms and signs on arrival, and intubation before arrival. The patient’s hospital course was reviewed for diagnostic imaging, procedures, and operations. Primary outcomes were aerodigestive tract injuries, length of stay, and mortality. Mortality was defined as death before hospital discharge. Statistical Analysis Categorical variables were analyzed using Fisher’s exact test. Mann–Whitney U test was used for univariate analysis of continuous variables. Two-tailed p values and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were used and actual values are presented. Statistical significance was defined as p ⬍ 0.05. Statistical analysis was performed using GraphPad Software (San Diego, CA). RESULTS A total of 136 blunt trauma patients were diagnosed with pneumomediastinum during the study period. A further 22 patients with aerodigestive tract injury but without pneumomediastinum were also identified, and are described separately at the end of this section. These patients were not included in our primary analysis. patients sustained focal neck injury and four (3%) patients had isolated chest trauma. Forty-three (32%) patients were transferred from another institution, and 71 (52%) patients arrived intubated. Pneumothorax was the most common associated diagnosis for the entire cohort. Mean hospital length of stay was 11 days, but length of stay was significantly shorter for patients with isolated neck injury versus thoracic injuries (2 days vs. 12 days, p ⫽ 0.04). There were four deaths. One patient died shortly after admission because of massive exsanguination from abdominal and thoracic injuries, and one patient had life support withdrawn because of severe brain injury. Two patients died from multisystem organ failure and septic complications. There was no evidence based on chart review that missed aerodigestive tract injury as a factor in any of these deaths. Clinical Signs and Symptoms Table 2 describes the common clinical findings in the study group. Crepitus was the most common sign in all patients. Hoarseness was significantly more common in patients with isolated neck trauma. Table 3 describes the sensitivity and specificity of the clinical findings for major aerodigestive tract injury. Hoarseness was the most specific symptom, and crepitus was the most sensitive sign in patients with aerodigestive injury. There is no specific institutional protocol for the initial diagnostic modalities of pneumomediastinum, and patients were evaluated according to attending surgeons discretion. Imaging Studies—Radiography and CT Scanning Patient Characteristics and Outcome Table 1 describes the characteristics and mechanism of injury of the 136 patients with pneumomediastinum. The patients were mostly men (n ⫽ 99, 73%), reflective of the general trauma population. The majority of patients (n ⫽ 79, 58%) were victims of motor vehicle collisions. Seven (5%) Table 1 Characteristics of Patients With Pneumomediastinum After Blunt Trauma Number of patients Age: mean, SEM Male sex Mechanism of injury Motor vehicle collision Motor cycle/all-terrain vehicle Fall Isolated blow to chest Handlebar injury to neck Isolated blow to neck Hanging Associated injuries Pneumothorax Hemothorax Sternal fracture Hospital length of stay, mean (SEM) Mortality Volume 65 • Number 6 136 34 (⫾1.5) yr 99 (73%) 79 (58%) 17 (12.5%) 29 (21%) 4 (3%) 2 (1.5%) 4 (3%) 1 (1%) 92 (68%) 22 (16%) 8 (6%) 11 d (⫾1) 4 (3%) The majority (n ⫽ 133, 98%) of patients had intravenous contrast-enhanced CT of the chest, neck or both performed. Sixty-nine (51%) patients had CT of both chest and neck, 33 Table 2 Clinical Presentation, Injuries, and Outcome in Patients With Pneumomediastinum Signs and Symptoms All Patients (n ⫽ 136) Isolated Neck Injury (n ⫽ 7) Crepitus Chest pain Dyspnea Hoarseness Sternal tenderness Airway injury Esophageal injury 47 (35%) 33 (24%) 20 (15%) 11 (8%) 4 (3%) 8 (6%) 2 (1.5%) 4 (57%) 0 2 (29%) 3 (43%) 0 2 (29%) 0 p 0.25 0.35 0.25 0.02 0.077 Table 3 Sensitivity and Specificity of Various Components of Physical Examination for Aerodigestive Injury in Patients With Pneumomediastinum Crepitus Dyspnea Hoarseness Chest pain Sensitivity (%) (95% CI) Specificity (%) (95% CI) 66.7 (30.9–91.0) 44.4 (15.3–77.3) 33.3 (9.0–69.1) 33.3 (9.0–69.1) 68.6 (59.4–76.6) 86.8 (79.1–92.0) 94.2 (88.0–97.4) 75.2 (66.4–82.4) 1341 The Journal of TRAUMA威 Injury, Infection, and Critical Care Fig. 1. CT image, arrow shows tracheal injury near the carina. Fig. 3. CT image, arrow shows location of anterior laryngeal injury. for aerodigestive tract injury. CT scan was able to identify the precise location of injury in all three tracheal injuries (100%) and four of the five (80%) laryngeal fractures. CT scan was able to identify both cases (100%) of esophageal injury, although not the precise location. There were 17 (13%) false-positive CT scans, in that no significant injury was found on further investigation. There were no false-negative CT scans, i.e., injuries that were missed on CT scan and presented later with clinical symptoms. The sensitivity and specificity of CT scanning for major aerodigestive tract injury in our series was 100% (CI 69 –100) and 85% (CI 80 –92.5), respectively. Specific Investigations for Pneumomediastinum— Endoscopy and Contrast Esophagram Fig. 2. CT image, arrow shows right posterior tracheal injury. (24%) had CT of the neck only, and 31 (23%) had CT of the chest only. The remaining three (2%) patients had pneumomediastinum identified by chest radiograph and never received thoracic CT imaging. Pneumomediastinum was identified on plain chest or cervical spine radiograph in only 20 (15%) patients. CT findings were suspicious for a major airway or esophageal injury in 27 (20%) patients. Suspicious CT findings included airway irregularity, disruption of the cartilage or tracheal wall, (Figs. 1–3) focal thickening or indistinctness of the trachea or main bronchi, laryngeal disruption, and concurrent pneumo-peritoneum on CT of the abdomen. Massive pneumomediastinum despite adequate tube drainage of pneumothoraces was also considered as a suspicious finding 1342 Thirty-eight (28%) patients underwent bronchoscopy, 14 (10%) patients underwent direct or indirect laryngoscopy, and 9 (7%) patients underwent esophagoscopy. This includes procedures performed in the operating room to confirm and further evaluate injuries already identified by CT scan. Thirtyfive (26%) patients had contrast esophagram to exclude perforation. There were no complications from any of the diagnostic procedures noted in our chart review. All patients had undergone prior CT imaging. Results of Clinical Observation Eighty-one (60%) patients were admitted for observation (78 with CT scan, 3 with plain x-ray only) with no endoscopic or esophagography evaluation. None of these patients had a missed injury or suffered any complications related to the pneumomediastinum. There were no diagnostic delays. December 2008 Evaluation of Pneumomediastinum in Blunt Trauma Patients Patients With Significant Injury Requiring Operation Ten (7%) patients in this series were confirmed to have a major aerodigestive injury related to the pneumomediastinum that required operative intervention. Pneumomediastinum was noted on chest radiograph in 5 of these 10 (50%) patients, with subcutaneous emphysema in 4 (40%) patients. All 10 patients had documented CT findings suspicious for aerodigestive tract injury. Airway injury was the cause of pneumomediastinum in eight cases, and esophageal injury in two cases. In seven of the eight cases of airway injury (87.5%), CT scan was able to localize the site of injury. In both cases of esophageal injury CT scan was diagnostic, although the exact location of the injury was not identified preoperatively. Immediate surgical repair was performed in all cases with good recovery and no postoperative complications. Laryngeal Injury There were five laryngeal injuries, primarily fractures of the cricoid cartilage, arytenoids, and thyroid cartilages. Two cases were in the isolated trauma group, the only injuries found in this cohort. One patient survived an attempted hanging, and the other had sustained a blow to the neck. The other three injuries were caused by motor vehicle collisions. All injuries were confirmed with intraoperative laryngoscopy and bronchoscopy, and underwent surgical treatment. One patient was treated with tracheostomy alone, whereas the others had primary repair of the defect without tracheostomy. Tracheobronchial Injury A 3-cm tracheal rupture extending onto the right mainstem bronchus was found on a 37-year-old woman after motor vehicle collision. The second injury was in an 18-yearold man after motor vehicle collision with a small tear noted at the carina extending 0.5 cm onto the right main bronchus. The final injury was in a 43-year-old woman presenting with persistent large pneumothoraces, despite thoracostomy drainage and massive subcutaneous emphysema after motor vehicle collision. She had a 4-cm laceration at the posterior trachea, extending 0.75 cm onto the right main bronchus. All injuries were identified by discontinuity of the tracheal wall on CT scan, followed by confirmatory bronchoscopy, urgent open thoracotomy, and repair. Esophageal Injury Two esophageal perforations were identified. The first was in a 12-year-old boy presenting nonintubated after a motorcycle crash. No specific signs or symptoms related to pneumomediastinum were noted. The injury was a perforation just proximal to the gastroesophageal junction with adjacent stomach laceration. The patient had concomitant pneumoperitoneum on CT scan. The second patient, a 58year-old woman arriving intubated after a motor vehicle collision, had a perforation at the mid-thoracic esophagus. CT Volume 65 • Number 6 scan revealed air tracking along the esophagus. Both injuries were confirmed with esophagram preoperatively and treated with primary repair and wide drainage. Patients With Aerodigestive Injuries Without Pneumomediastinum There were 22 patients between 1998 and 2005 who were diagnosed with aerodigestive tract injuries without evidence of pneumomediastinum. The airway injuries were all laryngeal fractures. No clinically evident tracheobronchial injuries without pneumomediastinum were diagnosed during this time period. Four (18%) patients sustained karate-style blows to the neck, and four (18%) other patients had handlebar injuries from bicycle/motorcycle mishaps as the mechanism for anterior laryngeal fractures. The remainder of airway injuries (62%) occurred from high-speed motor vehicle collisions. There was one (4.5%) esophageal injury in this group. An additional seven blunt trauma patients had iatrogenic airway injuries because of failed attempts at intubation or surgical airway in the field, requiring operative revision. DISCUSSION Our study demonstrates the rarity of major aerodigestive tract injury as a cause of pneumomediastinum. Approximately, 7% of patients had an injury requiring operative intervention. Airway injury was present in 6%, and esophageal injury in only 1% of our patient cohort. The increased utilization of routine trauma CT scans is likely to increase the number of patients diagnosed with incidental pneumomediastinum. It is evident that in the majority of cases, pneumomediastinum is a benign finding. Almost 70% of our patients had concomitant pneumothorax. Dissection of the pneumothorax via a pleural tear is well described, and a likely mechanism of pneumomediastinum. The Macklin effect, first described in 1939, is caused by air dissecting medially along bronchovascular sheaths after alveolar rupture. This has been noted to occur in up to 39% of trauma patients.2 The effect has been documented not only in trauma but also in asthma crises, positive pressure ventilation, and after Valsalva maneuvers.5 Improvements in CT technology have allowed radiologists to diagnose this effect by identifying air tracking contiguous to pulmonary vessels and bronchi. However, trauma patients often have multiple abnormalities on chest CT scan, which render this diagnosis impractical in the acute setting. Additionally, the mere presence of the Macklin effect does not in itself exclude a synchronous airway injury. Many authors have suggested that bronchoscopy be mandatory for all patients4,6,7 given the high morbidity of tracheal disruption.8 However, given the low incidence of actual injury, this would subject a large number of patients to an invasive diagnostic procedure with low yield. Although there were no complications from endoscopy in this series, they can and do occur, and it is a potentially unnecessary use of limited resources. The challenge facing the trauma surgeon is how to select those patients who are at increased risk of 1343 The Journal of TRAUMA威 Injury, Infection, and Critical Care Blunt trauma with pneumomediastinum on CXR/CT CT neck and chest with IV contrast High suspicion for esophageal injury High suspicion for airway injury Bronchoscopy and/ or Esophagoscopy and/ or Esophagram Laryngoscopy -- + Observation Low suspicion for airway or esophageal injury Evaluate for operation -- Observation Fig. 4. Algorithm showing evaluation of blunt trauma patients with pneumomediastinum. CT, computed tomography scan; CXR, chest radiograph. severe tracheal disruption or esophageal injury for further evaluation. On the basis of our findings, we offer the following algorithm to assist with the decision-making process (Fig. 4). Certain mechanisms of trauma may place patients at higher risk of airway injury. We were concerned that patients with isolated blows to the neck may be more likely to suffer significant airway disruption than patients with more “diffuse” mechanisms. Our isolated neck trauma cohort was five times more likely to have laryngeal fractures (29% vs. 5%) than the rest of the study population. Although this did not reach statistical significance ( p ⫽ 0.077) because of the small numbers of injuries in the series, we nevertheless think that this group may warrant a higher index of suspicion for airway injury. We examined the utility of clinical signs to select patients for further evaluation. Crepitus was the most prevalent sign in all patients with pneumomediastinum. In addition to being common in patients with benign causes of pneumomediastinum, many of our patients had concomitant pneumothorax as a likely cause. Therefore, it is of less value in determining who requires further investigation for pneumomediastinum. Hoarseness and dyspnea had specificity for airway injury approaching 90% in our cohort, and further investigation is clearly warranted in these patients. Interestingly, sternal tenderness was a rare finding overall, being present in only 3% of patients. This correlates with the likely mechanism of pneumomediastinum being an increase in intrathoracic pressure rather than a result of direct mediastinal trauma. Because many patients remain intubated during their first 24 hours of admission, the value of clinical findings is somewhat limited. CT scan would be the logical screening tool in this patient population. The majority of these patients will have indications to receive a CT scan shortly after admission because of their injury mechanism. Kunisch-Hoppe et al. in a 1344 retrospective review performed between 1992 and 1998 found CT scan to be unreliable, confirming tracheal injury in only one of nine cases. However, the technology used in modern CT scanners has improved significantly since that period. The development of helical CT scanning and highspeed scanners allows the acquisition of contiguous patient data and produces high-quality three-dimension (3D) reconstructions. In our patient population, CT was able to accurately identify all patients who had significant injuries. The overall specificity for excluding injury was 85%. The small number of total injuries prevented us from attempting an analysis of sensitivity or specificity for different injury sites and time periods. The current generation of helical CT scanners may have a significantly higher accuracy than reported in previous literature, as suggested by Moriwaki et al.9 They were able to accurately identify six tracheal injuries in their series of blunt and penetrating trauma using 3D CT tracheography. Chen et al.10 performed a retrospective study analyzing the sensitivity of helical CT in detecting traumatic tracheal rupture. They were able to identify tracheal rupture on CT by discontinuity of the tracheal wall, deformity or herniation of the endotracheal tube balloon. Using these criteria, the sensitivity of CT in their study was 85%. Scaglione et al.11 report 94% accuracy in localizing the site of tracheobronchial injuries from blunt trauma in a recent series. Their CT findings were similar, including displacement of the endotracheal balloon, discontinuity of the airway wall, and focal enlargement of the airway. There were no missed injuries or other complications in patients who did not receive mandatory bronchoscopy in our cohort. It is possible that injuries too subtle to be identified on CT scan may heal spontaneously, and that we would have discovered a larger number of injuries had we performed mandatory bronchoscopy. Whether minor airway injuries require surgical treatment is a matter of debate. Several authors have described the successful non-operative management of iatrogenic tracheal injuries.12,13 Gomez-Caro et al.14 recently described the non-operative management of traumatic tracheobronchial injuries and shown this to be effective treatment, especially in minimally symptomatic membranous injuries. In the largest review of tracheobronchial injuries with 265 patients, Kiser et al.15 found that patients who do not manifest acute symptoms may present several months later with chronic obstructive symptoms distal to the injury. However, patients in that review who underwent delayed diagnosis and repair of their injury did as well, if not better, than those patients who had immediate repair. In minimally symptomatic patients, airway injuries too small to be detected by CT scan may represent a population that would not require operative treatment. Esophageal injuries are a rare cause of pneumomediastinum from blunt trauma. The existing literature consists largely of case reports, with fewer than 20 reported cases.16 We had a 1.5% incidence of esophageal injuries in our series, only two cases, and both were diagnosed by CT scan and December 2008 Evaluation of Pneumomediastinum in Blunt Trauma Patients confirmed by esophagram. Suggestive findings on CT scan without oral contrast included air tracking along the esophagus and in one case, pneumoperitoneum. The accuracy of multidetector row CT scan in detecting esophageal perforation has been demonstrated in the setting of malignancy, iatrogenic and traumatic injury.17,18 The addition of oral contrast to the CT scan may increase the accuracy of detecting esophageal perforation, and enable diagnosis of aerodigestive tract injury in patients with pneumomediastinum, with a single study. Given this very low incidence and the accuracy of advanced CT imaging, we think it is unnecessary to continue to utilize esophagography or esophagoscopy in the routine evaluation of blunt trauma pneumomediastinum given a negative and unsuspicious thoracic CT scan. We do recognize that esophageal injury has disastrous consequences if not diagnosed and treated in a rapid fashion, and others may continue to prefer routine esophageal evaluation in all patients with pneumomediastinum. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. CONCLUSION Routine CT scanning of trauma patients has resulted in an increase in the diagnosis of pneumomediastinum. A major aerodigestive tract injury is seen in approximately 7% of patients with blunt trauma pneumomediastinum. CT scan is useful in identifying patients with a high likelihood of serious aerodigestive tract injury, and may be used as the initial screening tool to distinguish patients who can be safely observed, and those in need of further evaluation. 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