Sl.No: M.A.M. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY M.A.M. Nagar, Trichy – Chennai Trunk Road, Siruganur, Tiruchirappalli – 621 105. Ph : 0431-2650521, 2650516 E-Mail: APPLICATION FORM For Admission to B.E/B.Tech, Degree Course 20 – 20 ADMITTED UNDER Admission Category / Quota GOVT. MGT. NRI Space for Passport size Photograph SPORTS ADMISSION NO.: MARKS OVERALL %: 1. Degree B.E B.Tech Regular Lateral entry A) Choice of Branch i) B.E., Civil Engineering iv) B.E., Electrical & Electronics Engineering. ii) B.E., Computer Science & Engineering v) B.Tech., Information Technology iii) B.E., Electronics & Communication Engineering. vi) B.E., Mechanical Engineering B) Name (In Block letters with initials at the end) __________________________________________ : Address for Communication a) Permanent Address: b) Local Address (if any): S/o / D/o S/o / D/o Pin Code : Pin Code : 2. Sex: Male Female 1 3. i) Date of Birth & Age : Age: (DD / MM / YY) ii) Place of Birth: (Village/Town/City) (District) 4. Citizenship 5. a) Community (State) : ST SC MBC/DNT BC b) Name of Caste : (In case of BC/MBC/SC only) c) Whether NRI : Yes No Sponsor Name : Relationship Country d) Whether Minority Muslim : Yes 6. Mother Tongue : 7. i) Name of the Parent/Guardian : 8) i) Occupation of the Parent / Guardian with Designation, department / Office address : ii) Telephone Number : 9. Monthly income of Parent / Guardian 2 No OC 10. Extra curricular activities (Original Certificates must be produced at the time of admission) Yes No a. Sports b. Games c. N.C.C. d. Social Service e. Other extra curricular activities 11. Proficiency in Sports and Games Represented Nation State District Not applicable 12. Details of Study: S. No. Register No. Year of Passing Name of the Course/Discipline Name of the School/College/ Polytechnic 1. 2. 3. 13. Medium of Instruction : ________________________ 14. Marks obtained in the qualifying examination : (1) HSC (Academic) or Equivalent Subject Marks Obtained Max. Marks ii) HSC (Vocational) % of Marks Subject Maths Maths Vocational Physics Subjects Chemistry Total Total 3 Marks Obtained Max Marks % of Marks (III) Diploma Examination (Lateral Entry Candidates) Semester Marks Obtained Max. Marks % V VI Total Total _______________ Signature of the Applicant UNDERTAKING I am fully aware that my admission is subject to the approval by Directorate of Technical Education / Anna University. Incase of non-approval by DOTE/University, neither the College nor the Trust will be held responsible. Countersigned: Parent’s signature Candidate’s Signature DOCUMENTS TO BE PRODUCED PLEASE NOTE: The following documents in original along with a set of photocopies should be produced at the time of Admission, failing which the application is liable to be rejected. 1. Mark list(s) of the qualifying examination (+2 / Diploma in Equivalent) 2. S.S.L.C/Date of Birth Certificate 3. Transfer Certificate from the institute last studied 4. Conduct Certificate 5. Community Certificate 6. Photos 3 nos 7. Physical Fitness Certificate 4 DECLARATION 1. The information furnished is true and correct to our knowledge and belief. The original certificate will be produced at the time of admission or on demand. If any information is found incorrect or false, no matter at what stage of the course it is, we agree to forfeit any claim for admission/seat. 2. We agree to abide by the rules and regulations now in force and those that may come into effect from time to time by university/government/DOTE/A.I.C.T.E and other agencies. 3. We promise to abide by all the decisions of the authorities in all matters of training, examination, tests, assignments, conduct and the disciplinary matters with no right of questioning in any court of law. 4. We will make good the loss or damage caused to any of the properties of the institution by us. 5. We promise that we will not involve in anything that will interfere with its functioning and discipline, either inside or outside of the institution. 6. We accept that upon admission, a fee paid to the institution is not refundable. 7. We further accept that if the student has to leave the institution in the middle of the course, we will pay the “special fee” for the remaining duration for transfer and other certificates. 8. We promise to abide by all the rules and regulations of M.A.M College of Engineering & Technology. 9. We further promise to abide by rules and regulations of hostel if the student is admitted in hostel Signature of the Applicant Signature of the Parent/Guardian Name: Name: Place: Date: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Application Form : Accepted/Rejected Reason for rejection : …………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… Certificates verified by: Principal 5 M.A.M. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY M.A.M. Nagar, Trichy - Chennai Trunk Road, Siruganur, Tiruchirappalli-621105, Ph : 0431-2650521,2650516 IMPORTANT PARTICULARS Space for passport size photograph (To be filled-up by the candidate) 1. Name (in BLOCK LETTERS With initials at the end) : _________________________________________________ 2. Address for communication a.permanent Address : _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ b.Local Address : ____________ ___ Pin Code: : : _____________ Pin Code : 3. Date of Birth : _________________________________________________ 4. Place of Birth : ________________________________________________ (Village/Town/City) District State 5. Mother Tongue : _________________________________________________ 6. Average % of Marks in Diploma Last 2 Semesters : _________________________________________________ 7. Whether NRI Quota : Yes 8. Whether Muslim Minoritiy : Yes 9. Name of the Parent/Guardian : ________________________________________________ And Residential Address No No ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 10. Occupation of the Parent/Guardian : ________________________________________________ 11. Telephone Number (Off) : ________________________________________________ (Resi) : ________________________________________________ 12. Monthly income of Parent/Guardian : ________________________________________________ 13. Reference : Name & Address : ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 6
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