Application form 2015 RMIT Equity Travel Grant

Application form
2015 RMIT Equity Travel Grant
To be considered for the RMIT Equity Travel Grant, you must complete additional requirements
listed on page 6.
Purpose of scholarship and value
Duration of scholarship
Eligibility (all criteria must be fulfilled)
Travel support of up to $4000.
One-off payment before you travel.
You can apply if you are:
—— an Australian citizen, permanent resident or
humanitarian visa holder
—— studying a diploma, associate degree, bachelor or
postgraduate (coursework) program
—— undertaking an international mobility activity
—— experiencing financial and educational disadvantage.
Interested? Here’s how to apply
5. Send your application to us
1. Read this information first
When you send us your application you need to submit:
——your application form (pages 1–5)
Stop! Before you fill out the application form, read pages i to iv
so that your application is the best it can be. Tear off these pages
and keep them for your records.
2. Make sure you are eligible to apply
Check out the ‘eligibility’ column in the table above. Then make
sure you are studying:
——full time at RMIT in 2015 (if you have extenuating
circumstances for studying part time, we will consider your
——at a Melbourne campus
——in an RMIT program that lasts for at least a year
——with financial difficulties and educational disadvantage.
Ensure you meet the eligibility criteria for the RMIT Equity Travel
Grant by reviewing its website and the additional information and
requirements section on page 6.
3. Start writing your application
Complete the application form (pages 1–5), addressing the
additional requirements stated on page 6.
4. Provide documentation to support your claims
When you see
in the application form, you must submit
copies of supporting documentation to support your claims
for that question. It is important that you submit the required
documents. If you don’t, we will not be able to assess your
application and you will not be eligible to receive the scholarship(s)
you are applying for.
RMIT University | 2015 Travel Grant Scholarship
——additional information as requested (page 6)
——Supporting documentation to back up your claims.
You can:
——bring your application to the Hub at the City, Brunswick or
Bundoora West campuses
——mail it to Private and Confidential, RMIT Scholarships,
GPO Box 2476, Melbourne, VIC 3001.
Your application must be received by 4 pm on 8 May 2015.
We cannot accept incomplete or late applications.
OK, so what supporting documentation do I need to provide?
Check out the table below. Scan the column on the left for circumstances that apply to you, and then
go to the column on the right for the correct documentation to supply with your application.
My circumstances
Evidence that I need to submit with my application
1. I am experiencing financial hardship.
Review options A and B in the left column. Decide which
one best suits your circumstances and review support
documentation requirements in the right column. You only need
to submit documentation for section A or B, not both sections.
A) I receive Australian Government benefits for income
support or have a concession/health care card. I have been
low income tested.
Minimum requirement
A copy of:
——your current Centrelink Health Care Card# or
——your Centrelink Pensioner Concession Card# or
——Centrelink Exceptional Circumstances Certificate# and/or
——an income statement from Centrelink that shows you are
in receipt of low-income support payments for Austudy,
ABSTUDY, Youth Allowance, carer allowance or a pension.
The letter should show the type and amount of Centrelink
payments you receive (excluding any non-income support such
as Family Tax Benefit Part A or B, Childcare Benefits and/or
Parenting Payment)#.
You may print your income statement direct from your Centrelink
online services.
B) I don’t receive Australian Government benefits for income
support nor do I have a low-income concession/health care
Minimum requirement
A copy of:
——your proof of income for the financial year 2013–14,
i.e. Australian Taxation Office notice of assessment—year
ended 30 June. Your income must be below the Centrelink
low-income test in the financial year 2013–14, and
——your last three pay slips, if applicable#, and
——a brief description of your living arrangements in 2015,
including number of family members and what capacity,
if any, you contribute to the family income.
In addition to providing evidence of your income, if either
of the below is relevant to you, you need to provide
appropriate supporting documentation:
A copy of:
I live with my parent(s) or with a partner and do not receive
Australian Government benefits for income support.
——your parents’ or partner’s income for the financial year
2013–14, e.g. Australian Taxation Office notice of
assessment—year ended 30 June, and
——their last three consecutive pay slips#.
I don’t live with my parent(s) or partner and they
financially support me.
A statement:
——specifying their yearly or weekly contributions to you or on
your behalf (e.g. rent, bills paid to a third party#), and a brief
description of what 2015 their living arrangements will be
including details of any other dependent children, their ages
and whether there are any other tertiary students living at
home, and
——your parents’ or partner’s income for the financial year
2013–14, e.g. Australian Taxation Office notice of
assessment—year ended 30 June, and
——your parents’ or partner’s last three consecutive pay slips#.
= The evidence you provide must not be more than three months old.
RMIT University | 2015 Travel Grant Scholarship
Your circumstances
Evidence that I need to submit with my application
2. I have family difficulties and/or special circumstances.
A copy of documentation to support statements in your
3. I am studying with a disability, long-term illness or
mental health condition.
A copy of:
——a detailed letter from your health care provider# or
——evidence of Centrelink disability or sickness benefit payments#.
4. I am an Australian Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
——Identification that shows you are an Australian Aboriginal or
Torres Strait Islander and the name of your community or
——Indication that you have registered with the Ngarara Willim
Centre for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples at RMIT
Note: we require you to be identified on our student information
database as an Australian Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander.
5. I am a recent migrant or refugee.
——A copy of your migration status if you arrived in Australia in
2005 or after, e.g. current passport showing your photograph,
entry visa details/stamps of arrival, country of origin, year of
arrival or
——A statutory declaration with detailed information if this
information is not available on your passport.
6. I am a recent refugee.
A copy of your refugee status papers from the Department of
Immigration and Citizenship as well as your current visa.
7. I am a part-time student.
Evidence to support reasons why you are unable to study fulltime, e.g. a copy of a detailed letter from your health care provider,
evidence of Centrelink Carer or dependent payments#.
8. I am moving from a rural/regional/interstate location
to study.
Proof of your current rural/regional/interstate address, e.g. a copy
of a bank statement#.
9. I have already moved from a rural/regional/interstate
location in order to study.
A copy of evidence that shows your previous and current
addresses and when you moved, e.g. dated bank statements
that show old and new addresses, rental agreement that shows
when you moved in.
= The evidence you provide must not be more than three months old.
Frequently asked questions
It will also make it easier for the scholarship selection panels to
review your application.
What is a letter of support?
However, if you need to submit multiple academic letters of
support and only have one academic referee, simply ask for
one letter of support that addresses all the requirements for the
scholarships you are interested in.
A letter of support is a document to support your application –
often a character or academic reference - written by a person
who knows you. It must indicate how the person knows you
and the duration they have known you for. A letter of support
provided by parents, family members or friends will usually not be
When are letters of support from parents, family members,
or friends accepted?
These letters of support from parents, family members, or
friends will only be assessed when other forms of supporting
documentation (as per the table above) cannot verify a particular
hardship or confirm the applicant is receiving financial support.
I am applying for multiple scholarships. Do I need a
separate statement and letter of support for each?
We prefer that you provide a separate statement and letter of
support for each scholarship you are applying for. This will help
you to address the individual requirements of each scholarship.
RMIT University | 2015 Travel Grant Scholarship
Are photocopies of supporting documentation allowed?
Yes, photocopies of original documents may be submitted with
your application. You must ensure no portion of the document is
missing or unreadable. If the document has markings or text on
both sides, both sides must be copied and submitted.
Photocopies will not be assessed if essential details are missing
or if the quality renders it illegible.
Can I apply for a scholarship before receiving an offer
at RMIT?
Yes, unless otherwise stated.
How much information do I need to provide?
Try to provide as much information and detail as possible as
requested. We award scholarships based on the information
and documentation that you provide. If you are financially
disadvantaged but not on Centrelink income support or facing
other circumstances that affect your ability to study (refer to
section D in the application), please be as specific as possible and
provide supporting evidence.
How will my application be assessed?
Each application is individually assessed and treated in the
strictest confidence. The Coursework Scholarships Office,
in consultation with the appropriate selection committees,
manages the assessment and awarding of scholarships.
Where can I get more information?
—— Coursework Scholarships Office
City campus, building 12, level 4, to the left hand side of the
Hub counter is a red door, press the scholarship’s doorbell.
Tel. +61 3 9925 2811
—— Ngarara Willim Centre for Aboriginal
How do I find out about the outcome of my application?
We will send a letter to your nominated mailing address. If you
change your mailing address after submitting your application,
be sure to notify the Coursework Scholarships Office.
If I meet all the entrance requirements, will I receive a
There are only a small number of scholarships available each year.
Therefore, applications are assessed and ranked according to the
selection criteria. Not all eligible applicants will be able to receive a
and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
City campus, building 12, level 4, room 29
Tel. +61 3 9925 4885 or free call 1800 054 885
How do I apply for scholarships not listed on this form?
A range of scholarships are listed by interest area on the
Scholarships website. For more information, please go to
Do I need to update my application if my circumstances
Yes. If your circumstances change, please advise the Coursework
Scholarships Office as soon as possible.
If I receive a scholarship, when will I be paid?
We will inform you about payment details by mail in your
provisional scholarship offer.
What happens if I transfer to another university?
If you transfer to another university, you cannot keep your RMIT
What happens if I defer my offer of a place at RMIT?
If you defer your offer, you cannot accept your scholarship.
You will need to reapply for the scholarship when it is offered next.
No guarantees can be made that you will receive the scholarship
offer again.
What happens if I take a leave of absence?
Most scholarships allow for a leave of absence after the first
semester for a maximum of 12 months. You must notify the
Coursework Scholarships Office if you plan to take a leave of
absence and to ensure your scholarship allows for a leave of
If I am awarded a scholarship, will it affect my Centrelink
These scholarships may affect your Centrelink payments. If you
accept a scholarship from RMIT, you must notify Centrelink.
For more information, go to
If I am awarded a scholarship, do I have any obligations
throughout the year?
You may be required to participate in publicity for the scholarship
(e.g. photography shoot) or write a report about your studies
at the end of each academic year to demonstrate an ongoing
commitment to your study and career choice. Depending on the
scholarship, you may be invited to attend a scholarship ceremony.
Some scholarships may have additional requirements. Please
check the terms and conditions in the provisional offer letter and
RMIT University | 2015 Travel Grant Scholarship
= The evidence you provide must not be more than three months old.
Application form
2015 RMIT Equity Travel Grant
How to fill out this form:
1.Complete this form in BLOCK letters using a black pen only.
2.Where applicable, please tick the boxes.
3.For questions marked with
you must provide copies of supporting documentation. See pages ii to iv for more information.
Complete the entire application form and mark any sections that do not apply to you as N/A (not applicable).
Staple the application in the top left-hand corner. Do not place your application in a folder.
Remember to keep a copy of your application and the supporting documentation. We cannot return your application to you.
Incomplete applications will not be assessed.
4.Submit your application
—— in person to:
Coursework Scholarships Office, City campus, building 12, level 4, to the left hand side of the Hub counter is a red door,
press the scholarship’s doorbell
the Hub on Brunswick and Bundoora West campuses
—— by post to:
Private and Confidential, RMIT Scholarships, GPO Box 2476, Melbourne, VIC 3001.
Applications must be received by 4 pm on 8 May 2015. Applications will not be accepted by email or fax.
Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure the information contained in this application form is accurate and current at the date
of printing. For the most up-to-date information, please refer to the RMIT University scholarships website before lodging your application
RMIT University CRICOS Provider Code: 001122A
Full name
RMIT student number (if known):
Please tick the scholarship you are applying for:
RMIT Equity Travel Grant*
*Remember to complete the additional requirements stated on page 6.
RMIT University | 2015 Travel Grant Scholarship
Given name
Family name
Date of birth
RMIT student number (if known)
2014 VTAC number (if applicable)
Residential address
Street number and name
Mailing address (if different from above)
Street number and name
Email (Current students must provide their RMIT email address)
What are your current living arrangements for 2015?
Living with parent/s
Living with partner/spouse
Living alone
Sharing a rented house/flat
Living in a hostel/residential college
What type of RMIT program are you enrolled in, or intending to study, in semester 2, 2015?
Vocational Education
Postgraduate by coursework
Certificate IV
Associate degree
Graduate diploma
Bachelor degree (incl Honours)
Master by coursework
Advanced diploma
Juris Doctor
Program title
Program code
Year of study in 2015
First year
Second year
Third year
Fourth year
In what semester and year do you expect to finish your RMIT program?
RMIT University | 2015 Travel Grant Scholarship
Fifth year
Is 2015 the first year you are enrolled in a tertiary program (vocational or higher education)?
Are you a full fee paying student in 2015?
No, I have a government-subsidised place
What is your citizenship status?
Australian citizen
Permanent resident
Permanent humanitarian visa holder
New Zealand citizen
Other visa holder (please specify):
Are you a full-time student in 2015? (i.e. completing a minimum of 75% of full-time study load per semester)
If no, please provide the reason below.
Carer responsibilities
Disability or long-term medical condition
Other (please specify). I am unable to study full-time because
What secondary school did you attend?
When was your last year there?
Did you apply to RMIT through the Schools Network Access Program (SNAP)?
What level of education you will have achieved at the end of semester 2 2014, excluding your current program?
(tick all that apply)
Studied but not completed
Year 11 or below
Year 12 or equivalent
Certificate III or below
Certificate IV
Advanced diploma
Associate degree
Bachelor degree program
Honours program
Graduate certificate
RMIT University | 2015 Travel Grant Scholarship
Year last studied
Studied but not completed
Year last studied
Graduate diploma
Master by coursework
Doctorate by coursework
Master by research
Doctorate by research
Have you previously completed a program at the same level as the program you will be studying in 2015?
(e.g. you have completed a bachelor degree and are planning to study another bachelor degree in 2015)
If yes, please specify
If yes, is the program you have completed a prerequisite of your current program?
Are you an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander?
No (please go to next question)
If yes, have you already registered with the Ngarara Willim Centre for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples?
If you have not registered, please contact the Ngarara Willim Centre by the application due date.
You will need to provide supporting evidence when you register, i.e. a statutory declaration stating that you are
an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, or a letter from an Aboriginal organisation/cooperative or a community
Are you living with a disability or a long-term medical condition that impacts your study?
Were you born outside Australia?
If yes, what year did you arrive in Australia?
If yes, what country did you arrive from?
Do you speak a language other than English at home?
Have you already moved, or are you moving, from rural/regional/interstate area in order to study in Melbourne?
If yes, and you have already moved, indicate the date you moved
and the date you commenced your tertiary studies
If yes, and you are planning on moving, indicate the date you intend to move to Melbourne
RMIT University | 2015 Travel Grant Scholarship
Are you currently receiving one of the following Centrelink benefits for low income support?
Low Income Health Care Card
Youth Allowance
If you are experiencing financial difficulties but not receiving Centrelink benefits for low income support, please provide:
a) details about your circumstances, including how your education is affected, and b) why you are not receiving Centrelink benefits.
Do you currently receive any scholarships (e.g. RMIT, Centrelink, Commonwealth, other)?
If yes, list the name of the scholarship(s), how much you receive and the frequency of payments.
Complete this section only if you are experiencing family difficulties or circumstances not previously mentioned, that are hindering
your study.
Please indicate if these circumstances are affecting your:
— education — ability to study — access to educational facilities and resources — school attendance or
— other factors relevant to your application.
I have reviewed and completed my application and have attached:
supporting documentation to verify my equity details as per Section B, D and E.
additional information as per the individual scholarship requirements.
Your full name
declare that, to the best of my knowledge, the information supplied in this application is true and complete. I acknowledge that the
provision of false information or documentation or the withholding of information or documentation relating to my application may result
in the cancellation of any scholarship by RMIT University. I confirm that I have read and understood the information for applicants, and
understand the conditions of the scholarships. I authorise RMIT University to obtain, where necessary, further information regarding this
application from other relevant bodies. I understand that the scholarship process is competitive and that not all applicants who meet the
eligibility criteria can be awarded a scholarship. I will verify my ongoing eligibility as required.
Please note: giving false or misleading information is a serious offence under the Criminal Code Act 1995 (Commonwealth).
RMIT University is providing you with this notice because the University has sought personal information about you. The University needs
this information so that it can fully and properly assess your application in accordance with its policies and procedures. The information
you supply on this form and in any documentation supplementary to this application may be provided to scholarship selection
RMIT University | 2015 Travel Grant Scholarship
If you are going on a placement/internship, will you
receive a payment, e.g. salary/allowance?
RMIT Equity Travel Grant
If you are travelling overseas in 2015 for academic credit
towards your current RMIT program (i.e. mobility activity) and are
experiencing financial hardship, an RMIT Equity Travel Grant could
assist you.
The mobility activity may take the form of (but is not limited to)
an exchange program, study abroad, study tour or industry
placement/internship where no salary is paid.
If successful, this grant provides a one-off payment worth up to
$4000 prior to your mobility activity commencing.
*You are not eligible for an RMIT Equity Travel Grant if you
are not earning any credit points, if the course is not entirely
undertaken overseas, or if you will receive credit exemptions
from the mobility activity.
Region 1*
Region 2*
Exchange or Study Abroad
(one semester or longer)
All other overseas mobility
activities (includes study tour,
How many credit points will you complete on this
mobility activity?
*You are not eligible for an RMIT Equity Travel Grant if you are
not earning any credit points.
What is the RMIT course code and title of your mobility
activity? When will you be enrolled in it?
Course code
Course title
What is the status of the application for your mobility
Applied but not yet approved
industry placement/internship)
* Region 1 - Africa, Europe, Central and South America, Japan, Korea,
Middle East
Region 2 - North America, Asia (excluding Japan and Korea ), Pacific,
Indian subcontinent
Additional information to submit
1. You are required to attach a separate typed statement, no
more than one page in length, outlining:
a) what mobility activity you are undertaking
b) why you have chosen to undertake this mobility activity
c) how this activity will benefit you—personally, academically and
d) how this grant will assist you to meet your goals.
2. You must provide one letter of support from an academic
(preferably from RMIT) dated not more than three months ago.
It must back up the statements you have made in your application
and provide details about why you are suitable and committed to
your international mobility activity. It should address more than the
confirmation of your mobility activity.
3. You must complete the following questions:
Please indicate the type of mobility activity you will be doing:
Study abroad
Study tour
Industry placement/internship
Other (please specify)
Please indicate what region your mobility activity
will predominantly take place in:
Region 1 - Africa, Europe, Japan, Korea,
Middle East, Central and South America
Region 2 - North America, Asia
(excluding Japan and Korea), Pacific, Indian subcontinent
Applied and place confirmed.
Please provide a copy of the confirmation letter with this application.
Is this the first mobility activity that you have undertaken
as part of your current program at RMIT?
If no, please provide details of previous involvement
When does your mobility activity start and end?
Start date
End date
Are you planning any personal travel before and/or after
the mobility activity?
If yes, please list the dates.
For more information, go to
Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure the information
contained in this application form is accurate and current at the date of
printing. For the most up-to-date information, please refer to the RMIT
University scholarships website before lodging your application
RMIT University CRICOS Provider Code: 001122A
RMIT University | 2015 Travel Grant Scholarship