You are invited to attend a seminar by Professor Steven A Siegelbaum Regulating memory storage by trafficking HCN1 channels to neuronal dendrites Ion channels are often selectively targeted to distinct neural compartments where they regulate specific aspects of neural activity. The HCN1 hyperpolarization-activated cation channels are highly enriched in the distal dendrites of CA1 pyramidal neurons in the mammalian hippocampus, a brain structure critical for memory storage. In this seminar, Professor Siegelbaum (Chair of Neuroscience and Professor of Pharmacology at Columbia University Medical Center, New York City, USA) will describe how HCN1 channels act to constrain both the excitatory effects of cortical inputs that innervate CA1 distal dendrites and hippocampal-dependent learning and memory. He will discuss how the HCN1 channel auxiliary subunit, TRIP8b, and the extracellular signaling molecule Reelin are necessary for the dendritic localization of these channels, and how alterations in Reelin signaling may contribute to HCN1 mislocalization in neuropsychiatric disease. Event Details Date: Time: Venue: Monday 20 April 2015 4 pm Confucius Institute, Building 202, Level 4, Room 2 RMIT Bundoora campus west Clements Drive (off Plenty Road) Bundoora, Victoria RSVP Contact: Michelle Nicolo Email: Tel. +61 3 9925 6606 14087 0415 BUNDOORA CAMPUS EAST & WEST LEGEND A Wind Tunnel « tram: 86 » Bundoora campus east 257 the Hub B Bus stop 252 C Tram stop 254 251 McKimmies Road D 253 Plenty Road Plenty Road Bundoora campus west Library 258 E 255 211 Building number Hall Landmark P Parking Security F 256 G 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 McKimmies Road H H 208 J K ot ba ll Tennis Courts Fi el d Hockey Field 213 220 209 Lake 214 217 203 204 M 205 201 J K 223 211 Plenty Road L I Fo « tram: 86 » Athletics Track & Soccer Field Student Amenities Building 206 L M 202 N N 224 210 207 215 nts e lem 222 ve Dri « tram: 86 » O C 216 P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 O P Produced from information supplied by Property Services, 9 April 2014. I 21 Produced from information supplied by Property Services. Bundoora campus map ver 8 April 2014. The Hub offers current RMIT students service, advice and information. » the Hub at Bundoora campus west Building 202, Level 2, Room 36 Opening hours: 9 am – 5 pm RMIT Campus Store Building 202, Level 2, Room 1 Libraries Building 210 Building 251, Level 2, Room 4 Cafes Building 251, Level 2 Building 201, Level 2 Building 202, Level 2 Building 220, Level 2 Bundoora Netball and Sports Centre Building 203, Level 1
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