Circuit writer April 2015 Reading Scripture Thank you to Taylor Loerch, Ella Gerlitz, Randy Meissner, Vern Unrath for reading Scripture in March. Thanks so much for your ministry. Ushering Thank you to the Mike Loerch family for ushering in March. Thank you for your ministry. Mandan United Methodist Church 610 12th ST NW Mandan ND 58554 Communion Helpers Thank you to Glenn & Amy Watson for preparing Communion in March. Thanks for your ministry. 701-663-8909 E-mail Website We are looking for a few more people to usher, take care of coffee clean up and read the Scripture. There is a sign up sheet in the new hallway if you would like help with these things. Thank you. We are on Facebook Pastor Rev. Bruce Adams Prayer Vigil Thursday, April 2nd through Friday, April 3rd Just as Jesus asked his disciples to “keep watch and pray”, so we are called to hold vigil through the long night and pray as Good Friday approaches. A prayer vigil will begin on Thursday, April 2nd at 9 p.m. and continue through Good Friday until 6 p.m. Each prayer time slot is an hour and you may pray at home or at the church. The sign-up sheet will be on the table outside the sanctuary on the east side. Please indicate if you will be praying from home. During the prayer vigil, the south door by the parking lot will be opened. Please use this door only. Scripture references, pray suggestions and other material are available to assist you as you pray and read. Thank you for your continued support and contributions to the Building Fund, Principal Only and Apportionments . After the March payment was made, $806.00 went to the principal and $613.47 went to interest. We also made and extra $1,590.00 payment for the principal, which brings the balance to $148,390. Thank you to everyone who has been contributing to the “Principal Only” so we can get the balance paid down so we don’t have to pay so much interest. Office Administrator Belinda Van Dyke Director of Family Ministries Lisa Rhodes Open Minds, Open Hearts, Open Doors Where People Believe, Belong & Become April Anniversaries April Birthdays 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 12 13 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 28 29 30 Hans Bjugstad Taylor Loerch Marilyn Hust Beverley Austin Lexi Dirk Clarence Hust Alan Reetz Darel Horner Wanda Markel Jake Keller Shayla Newgard Gerry Caya Keith Suko Floyd Hopfauf Brian Bonnet Hope Bonnet Amie Forde Connie Daniels Larry Leingang Rydel Samuelson Joy Schneider Jamie Wetsch Ryder Alyea Lexa Eckroth Betty Leingang Clyde Sayler Marlys Friesz Thomas Hogan Mryna Petermann Arva Dell Ost Althea Kessel Megan Neuberger Ryan Wetsch Barb Franke Hadlee Mathison 19 20 22 24 29 Charlet & Dion Feigitsch Jack & Bertie Kroh Pat & Oscar Hillius Curt & Darlene Swanston Karri & Sheldon Landeis OFFICE NOTES The next newsletter will be going out, Thursday, April 23 at 1 PM The office hours are from 9:00 AM—11:30 AM If you would like Pastor Bruce to give you a call or a visit, please call the church office or indicate that on the friendship registers in the pews. If you are in the hospital, please call the church office to let us know. Sanford has switched to a different computer system, and clergy are not able to pull up names of people at this time if they are in the hospital. The next Ad Board Meeting will be this Saturday, March 21. at 8 AM If your birthday or anniversary is not listed, please call the church office and your birthday can be added to our list. Friday Nite Lite March 20th We will be celebrating St. Patrick’s Day and the first day of Spring at Friday Nite Lite on March 20 th. From 7 to 11 p.m., we will enjoy tasty treats, games and just hanging out. Open to all youth sixth through twelfth grade; bring your friends and $2 for food. We’ll leave the “Lite” on for you! Prayer Concerns Marcy Hopfauf Gene Keller Cooper Peterson Dennis Heck Richard Geist Family and friends battling cancer Sheldon Landies’ mom, Gloria & Kari’s mom Several unspoken requests Arlen Ruff’s sister Pastor Bruce’s sister-in-law Darwin Vander Vorst Mandan Living Center Helen Keller Jean Jordan Faye Caya Prim Rose Pearl Heid Old Mandan Care Center Althea Kessel Good Samaritan Home Kate Bauer Missouri Slope Muriel Boyum Have you considered putting the church in your will?? Have you considered giving to the Youth Endowment Fund?? Check it out. If you have any questions, talk with Pastor Bruce. Thank you to our many performers who shared their talents during our St. Patrick’s Day Celebration and Talent Show! We are so blessed to have so many gifted musicians, readers and an emcee that kept us in stitches! Thank you to the Fellowship Committee for planning and hosting our fellowship! Last Supper Observance Meal March 27, 2015 The disciples and the Teacher met in an upper room that Thursday night of the Passover celebration. After a week that had begun with a parade in Jesus’ honor and had been highlighted by tense moments and great teaching, the thirteen were ready to share this feast. Little did they know that it would be the last meal they would eat together. None of the men knew the great fear, violence, death and miracles they would experience in the next several days. They saw only their Master washing their feet, sharing in dinner conversation and offering frightening insight into events they did not understand. You are welcome to come together at a banquet table and reflect upon the events of that night as Jesus gave the disciples the new covenant of forgiveness for the sins of many. The Last Supper Observance will be held on Friday, March 27th at 6 p.m. in the fellowship hall. A meal will be served and communion will conclude our time together. This event has become an important part of our Lenten journey to Easter and the members of the Fellowship Committee pray that you will take part in this special event. The supper will include meatballs, baked potato, green beans, roll and dessert. Please RSVP on the sheets on either side of the sanctuary by Wednesday, March 25th. A free will offering will be taken to defray the cost of the meal. Wednesday All Church Family Meals Each Wednesday a meal is served at 5:45 PM. All are welcome to attend. No cooking! The first Wednesday of the month is potluck and the rest of the month the meal will be prepared for YOU. Below is the menu for April. There is usually a sign up sheet (not mandatory) in the new hallway if you would like to bring an ingredient for the meal. Come join us! April 1 April 8 April 15 Potluck Meal Tacos Pulled Pork & Pulled Chicken Sandwiches, baked beans and chips Tater Tot Hotdish Spaghetti April 22 April 29 SEE YOU THERE! MEN’S CLUB The Men’s Club held their meeting in March. Randy Meissner gave a talk on the Lay Ministry and how he has been involved with it. If anyone would like to hear his talk, you can check out the CD of his talk, by calling the church office. The Men’s Club will not meet until fall. They had a lunch after worship on the 15th. Delicious pulled pork and pulled chicken BBQ sandwiches and baked potatoes with toppings and chili was served for a free will donation, which will go for camperships for kids to go to summer camps. Thank you to everyone who prepared the food, served the food, and helped to clean up. Thank you to all donations! After expenses, about $250 was donated! The next lunch after worship will be in the fall. Watch for more details. .EARLY DISMISSAL There will be an early dismissal on Wednesday, April 15. Wonderful Wed. will begin at 1:45 right after school until 5:30 PM. HE IS RISEN! HE IS RISEN INDEED! Easter Sunday, April 5th 7:30 AM. - Easter Sunrise Service to greet our risen Savior! This service will be led by the youth Group. 8:15 AM. - Easter Breakfast hosted by the youth group after the Sunrise Service. 9:00 AM - Sunday School classes will meet on Easter morning. 10:30 AM. - Easter worship Join us for the joyful proclamation that He Is Risen! Easter Breakfast April 5th at 8:15 a.m. The Youth Group will be hosting the Easter breakfast to be held after the Sunrise Service at 8:15 a.m. Easter morning. Chef Carolyn will be delighting your taste buds with a menu guaranteed to satisfy your hunger! A free will offering will be taken to benefit youth ministry. 2015 Vacation Bible School Dig out your electric socks and hire a Sherpa! We are going to climb Everest! Cold is something we know about here in North Dakota. Mountains, on the other hand, are a rare sight on the prairie. Good thing we have a knowledgeable guide as we traverse this new terrain – God! Everest is our theme for Vacation Bible School 2015, which will be held July 27 th through 31st. We will learn to Conquer Mighty Challenges with God’s Mighty Power! Be sure to write this on your calendars. Don’t miss the fun! Upcoming Events May 13th ~ Last Day of Wonderful Wednesday & Youth Group for the school year May 17th ~ Last Day of Sunday School for the school year High School Graduation Recognition & Reception May 31st ~ Kite Flying event June 13th ~ 1K/5K race Good Friday Service Led by the Reflections Clown Team “Weak and wounded sinner; lost and left to die. Raise your head for love is passing by. Come to Jesus. Come to Jesus. Come to Jesus and live.” Chris Rice Good Friday is a love story. A love story between God and us. A love so fierce that He would rather die than live without us. A love fierce enough to save us from ourselves at any cost. The price for our redemption was His live. A life He laid down willingly. For us. Celebrate the love on Good Friday with the Reflections clown team as we remember Jesus’ life, His death and His resurrection. Invite your friends, family, neighbors and coworkers and come as you are. The Good Friday Service will be held on April 3rd at 7 PM. Enjoy this interactive service led by our unique ministry team as we continue our journey through Holy Week to the empty tomb! UMW Rummage Sale The UMW Rummage Sale will be held Saturday, April 18 from 8 AM—3 PM. What is needed to have a rummage sale? First of all —YOU, YOU, YOU, and YOU!! YOU are needed to collect your extra items. It is always someone else’s treasurer. YOU are needed to help set up tables for the treasures on Sunday April 12 after church. YOU are needed to help the following hours April 13—18 5 PM—8 PM each evening the week before the sale to help unpack and arrange items as they come in. We’ve made this a party time, taking turns bringing supper and treats. Last year we had 5 ladies helping. Two ladies were 83 yr. old, one was 85 and one was 92 yr. and one lady was younger at 70 yr. old. This means we are all a year older so, we welcome old and young to come and help with the set up during the week. Items can also be brought in the morning from 9:15—11:30 AM. Saturday begins early — 7:30 AM — there’s always someone wanting to get in. 8 AM — Open doors. Several of YOU are needed to greet the people at both entrances — downstairs and upstairs and give them a plastic bag for their treasures. (If they get a bag at the door they pick more items). Several of YOU are needed to walk around to answer questions, straighten items up, and help people look for items and to be friendly. Several of YOU are needed to take money. 3 PM — Many of YOU are needed to help to pack items not sold to be given to charity and to help clean up. A few of YOU who have muscles (strong men, women and youth) to help carry items out. It is a lot of work, but SO worthwhile and if we have lots of people to help do these things, it makes things easier for everyone. Plus, you get to meet people from your church family you may have not met and/or worked with before. You visit with the customers which is always fun too. But best of all, it is raising the money to send kids to camp during the summer. A few years ago, the UMW received a thank you note from a little girl who thanked us for the money for her and her brother to go to camp. They wouldn’t have been able to go without it. They had so much fun and you get to be part of that by helping with the Rummage Sale! Please consider helping this year. It is a lot of fun. Call the church office or sign the sheet in the new hallway. SEE YOU THERE! FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK “Let us not become weary in doing good for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.” Galatians 6:9-10 At times of our life it is easy to get tired, even when you know you are doing something good. I want to encourage you to remain faithful, to your call in Christ Jesus. Encourage each other in love. Sometimes all we need is someone to say thank you, or good job, or I appreciate you. Keep going! It is said of Henry of Bavaria that at one time, becoming weary of court life, he determined to enter a monastery. When he presented himself to Prior Richard, the faithful monk gave him the strict rules of the order. The king listened eagerly and enthusiastically expressed pleasure at the prospect of such complete consecration. Then the prior insisted that obedience, implicit and expressed was the first requisite of sainthood. The monarch promised to follow his will in every detail. “Then go back to your throne and do your duty in the station God assigned you,” was the prior’s word to him. The king took up his scepter again, and from then until he died, his people said of him, “King Henry has learned to govern by learning to obey.” I do not know what God has called you to today. We need to seek God’s will for us every day. However, I know that when we serve God it gives us great joy. So I want to encourage you in your journey of serving Christ. Pastor Bruce
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