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Summer is fast approaching and it is time to plan ahead for enrollment in the Summer Camp Program at
Mandeville Middle School. The campers will be supervised by at least one certified teacher in each group.
Physical Education Teacher Jodi Hoffpauir will be directing the camp. This camp will offer exciting activities
which promote physical fitness and fun.
General Information
Activities offered will include, but not be limited to, bowling, skating, Global Wildlife, Swamp Tour, InstaGator Ranch, the arena, Chuck E. Cheese, Bounce House, arts & crafts, recreational games, cooking, museum
visits, water slides, sports, movies and many more activities to keep your child happily engaged.
Field Trips
Campers will go on at least one big field trip a week. Camp shirts must be worn on this day.
Beginning Date: May 27, 2015
Ending Date: July 24, 2015
Camp will run a total of 8 ½ weeks, Monday through Friday, with the exception of May 27 – May 29.
Campers must provide their own lunch.
Ages: 6 – 13
Camp Hours: 8:30 – 3:30
Free morning care available starting at 7:30. Aftercare available at rate of $4/hr until
Cost: $150.00 *Notice discounts below!
Registration Fee:
$40 for first child and $35 for each additional child. This deposit is non-transferable
and non-refundable. Attach payment to the application form and return to school. Please make the check
payable to Mandeville Middle School. Camp shirt is included with registration.
Payment Options:
(1) Pay in advance for the Full Summer
(2) Pay in advance for a two-week Session
(3) Pay Weekly.
Pre-Pay and Save! Pre-Pay all 8 ½ weeks by May 8, 2015 and pay just $130 per week.
That’s only $1,160.00 (Registration included) for a whole summer of fun.
Pre-Pay for each two week session, save $10 per week.
Session 1: May 27 – May 29 ($85.00) * 3 DAYS ONLY
Session 2: June 1 – June 12 ($280.00)
Session 3: June 15 – June 26 ($280.00)
Session 4: June 29 – July 10 ($280.00)
Session 5: July 13 – July 24 ($280.00)
WEEKLY RATE: $150.00
Drop in Rates: $40.00 per day/per child
The balance of tuition will be due on the 1st day of the camp week.
For More Information Contact:
Jodi Hoffpauir
626 – 8778 or (504) 669-2565
1. _____________________________
2. _____________________________
3. _____________________________
Parent’s Name: _____________________
Home Phone #: ____________________
Mother’s Cell #: ___________________
Email address :__________________________
Father’s Cell #:____________________
Email address :______________________
Please list emergency contacts and individuals who may check your child out of camp. Only those named below will be allowed to
check out your child. Additional names can be added to back of this registration.
Contact #
Contact #
Does your child have any medical condition, special needs (physical or emotional) or the need for one-on-one supervision? Examples
are allergies or conditions that limit or disallow participation in physical activities. If so, please name the condition and be specific
regarding the limitation. Failure to fully disclose could result in the cancellation of camper’s participation/attendance. Use reverse
side to elaborate.
My child/children have permission to attend all field trips planned by MMS Summer Camp
Program. Transportation will be provided by a school bus. Campers must wear camp t-shirt on
field trip days. Shirts will be issued to students who forget shirts at a charge of $5.00.
_________________________________________________Parent’s Signature
Please enroll my child/children in the following weeks. I have attached a check or money order
for the registration fee and optional early Pre-Payment Plan if I choose. This will reserve a
place for my child in M.M.S. Summer Camp.
______ Week 1: May 27 – May 29
______ Week 2: June 1 – June 5
______ Week 3: June 8 – June 12
______ Week 4: June 15 – June 19
______ Week 5: June 22 – June 26
______ Week 6: June 29 - July 3
______ Week 7: July 6 – July 10
______ Week 8: July 13 – July 17
______ Week 9: July 20 –July 24