THE DAM Phone: (07) 882 8555 Fax (07) 882 8556 CITYADVERTISER Produced By: Mangakino Community Agency T H U R S DAY 9 A P R I L 2 0 1 5 Lakeweed Control Work at Lake Maraetai Week beginning 20 April Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) will be carrying out weed spraying at Lake Maraetai in the week beginning 20 April to control the lakeweed hornwort. This work will involve a helicopter spraying weed beds with the herbicide diquat. The spraying will take place in an area of the lake offshore from Mangakino. Diquat has been used in New Zealand lakes for more than 50 years as a safe, efficient and cost effective method of weed control. The concentration of diquat used for this work is less than the rate of chlorine used in swimming pools. Scientific studies have shown that there are no detrimental effects on water, fish or people. As a precautionary measure only, LINZ advises the community not to use this area of the lake while spraying is underway, or to take water from around the treatment area to consume or for irrigation until 24 hours after treatment has been completed. Signs will be placed at authorised public boat ramps before the treatment begins and will be removed 24 hours after treatment. There will also be staff patrolling this area of the lake shoreline while the work is underway, advising residents and lake users of progress. If you have any questions about this activity, please contact LINZ’s Biosecurity Project Manager Marcus Girvan on 0800 638943 or Community Hui The Board invites all parents/caregivers and members of the community to a hui to discuss: ● The proposed redevelopment of the school campus ● Uniform policy review. ● Marau delivery. ● He Whakairo Hui; the new curriculum delivery‐ progress so far and next steps. on: Wednesday, 23rd April 2015 ‐ 5:00pm at: Mangakino Area School Wharenui Nau Mai ‐ Haere Mai! Whitu Karauna Chairperson ‐ Board Of Trustees Mangakino Area School Te Kura-A-Rohe O Mangakino Mangakino Area School requires a Teacher Aide this - is a fixed term position for 10 hours per week, to start as soon as possible in Term 2. Application close Friday,10th April 2015. Please apply in writing to: The Principal Mangakino Area School P O Box 75 MANGAKINO OR Email: Mangakino FitGym in conjunction with Sport Waikato are holding a Green Prescription 12 Week Challenge Do you want to: Improve your health Tone up Lose weight Feel better Have more energy Change your eating habits Improve your fitness Then this is the programme for you! Starting 09:00 Tuesday 21 April for 12 weeks at the Mangakino FitGym, session will include goal setting, effective exercise, healthy eating and an opportunity to try different exercise options! All fitness and ability levels welcome Get the whanau involved and make the changes together! Cost: Free for gym members, usual gym entry fee per workshop for others Why not take advantage of Aprils Half Price Membership Deals! Sign up by talking to Tash at the gym or contacting her on 027 960 9900 or contact Nikki on 0272306278 mathZwise FIRST AID COURSE Tuition for Maths and Science Years 1 to 13 Meets the needs of the individual Follows NZ Curriculum NZ registered teachers No more than 2 students per teacher Competitive rates Jeff Marshall 0800 mathZwise 0800 628499 REMINDER Our email address has changed. It is now: Mangakino Community Agency Is hosting a Comprehensive and Refresher First Aid Course The dates are: Wednesday & Thursday 22nd & 23rd April To be held at the Youth Hub 9.00am - 3pm Please phone 882 8555 to to confirm. THANK YOU FOR SALE Mangakino St John would like to thank all who supported St John from the re-use shed at the Mangakino Refuse Transfer Station. Weaner Pigs Well Grown With the donations received, we have purchased a TV for training purposes. Phone 882 8419 MANGAKINO HEALTH SERVICES Mangakino Spiritual & Healing Group Sunday 12th April 2pm St John Hall FLU VACCINES HAVE ARRIVED Please book with our nurse to have your Flu Vaccine before that cold weather really sets in. Guest Speaker Karina Williams-Tairei, Clairvoyant from Tauranga Free for 65 years and over. Free for patients with other conditions please ask nurse if you are unsure. Gold Coin Donation Raffle Tickets $2.00 Phone 882 8299 Everyone Welcome Kevin Brown 0274 221 309 07 372 8222 Pumps, pipes, fittings & filters. Servicing deep well bores Pressure & submersible pumps Water meter installations Welding repairs UV treatment and filtration 30 kVa generator and wood splitter for hire SPECIALIST IN UNBLOCKING # COW SHEDS # SEWER LINES # EFFLUENT LINES Phone Ash: 0275 274 080 Police Community Report – April 9th 2015 This week it appears to have been a traffic focused week. We still keep one eye on the thieves too, remembering that thieves use the roads as well so we certainly come across them easily. Several locals have recently had their licences suspended for excess demerits and not only does traffic offending hurt the wallet, it takes away simple freedoms such as the ability to freely drive a car. The common theme is that it is the driver’s fault their demerits have risen, some are slow learners. We are aware of a few other stupid drivers and will punish them when we catch them involved in unsafe or idiotic behaviour. On Friday we had to educate a visitor to town about how to drive sensibly. Making a car slide sideways to show off cost this man his car, several fines and a Court appearance. The worst part of it is that he was a suspended driver and should not have been in the driver seat in the first place. As a reminder to parents and caregivers, please make sure your young ones have plenty to do these holidays. We do not need to see them wandering the streets because as we know, boredom is the beginning of mischief. We have so far been impressed with the behaviour of the youths in the town and have had very few reports about them. Remember if you see anything suspicious or wish to let us know about vehicles with unrestrained children, you can do so anonymously by calling crime stoppers on 0800 555 111. To call our office it is 07 882 9070 (office hours only). For all noise complaints call 882 8700 (during office hours) or 0800 275 832 (after hours). In emergencies dial 111. For traffic complaints call *555. Until next week, stay safe. Senior Constable Wayne Dickson Beat burglary by visiting HARVEY WORLD TRAVEL TOKOROA ST PAUL’S The Church on the Corner Worship @ 10.00am Every Sunday Everyone Welcome 231 Leith Place, Tokoroa Ph Fax (07) 886 6258 (07) 886 6256 Email WEEKEND DR ROSTER CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE TO HOW PATIENTS ACCESS WEEKEND AFTER HOURS CARE FOR THE SOUTH WAIKATO WHICH INCLUDES MANGAKINO HEALTH SERVICES. The after-hours Duty Dr is now based at the ‘GP FAST TRACK CLINIC’ based at the Main Entrance of the Tokoroa Hospital. SATURDAY ONLY: HOURS ARE FROM 10AM - 4PM. NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY Sunday after-hours are covered by Tokoroa Hospital Emergency Department. Patients registered at Mangakino Health Services can phone 07 882 8299 to speak to a triage nurse out of usual hours. If you need urgent assistance from the emergency ambulance service phone 111 Whakamaru Energy Centre Phone 882 8817 OPEN 7 DAYS—SUMMER HOURS: 7am - 7.00pm Monday - Saturday 7.30am - 7.00pm Sunday FAST, FRIENDLY, EFFICIENT SERVICE WOF’S (INCLUDING MOTORBIKES) 6 DAYS A WEEK CALL FOR BOOKINGS Workshop is open for Mechanical Repairs, Welding, Petrol and Diesel Services, Tyre Repairs, Balancing, Wheel Alignments etc. WINZ quotes available Show your GOLD CARD and get 5c off a Litre GASOLINE ALLEY 100% NEW ZEALAND OWNED AND OPERATED QUALITY HOME-KILL MANGAKINO HOMEKILL RAKAUNUI RD TAUPO PH 07 377 4235 2015 1/2 price Beast Killing Fee for local residents All Beef hung for two weeks Bacon & Sausages are very popular (conditions apply) QUALITY SMALL GOODS We also specialize in Salamis (traditionally smoked) 314 Tihoi Road Mangakino Phone 07 882 8575 or 027 696 5223 NOT HAPPY - NO CHARGE OUR NEW FUEL STOP IS OPEN AT A Free and Confidential Counselling Service To assist with issues surrounding the use or abuse of Drugs and/or Alcohol For yourself, family, whanau or friends For further information or to make an appointment please call 0800 227 5272 3 WAIPAPA ROAD, MANGAKINO Open 24 hours / 7 days Unmanned Pay N’ Pump for your convenience Eftpos and credit card facilities available Commercial rates with Waitomo Fuel Card Discounted Unleaded 91 and Diesel Phone Paul Easton 021 804 891 AIM GARDEN SERVICES LAWNMOWING Mower/Catcher, Ride On Weed Eating/Path Edging Home/Commercial EST 2007 For Quotes, Call/Txt 021 864 254 MICK FINCHAM 027 372 0244 07 376 7480 a/h LOCAL SCRAP METAL DEALER Anything Metal, Brass, Copper, Batteries 730 Whangamata Road KINLOCH Weekend & After Hour Collections by arrangement TRUCK HIRE: 7 Ton Truck with 3 Ton Crane THE PAINTER For All Painting Outside / Inside / Roofs (Includes all prep cleaning) ALAN FIELDSEND 27 Wairenga Road Mangakino 020 40 111 194 Wallpapering House Washing Roof / Gutter / Cladding And Water Blasting Glenys 027 480 4761 TYRE SALES TRAILER HIRE BATTERY SALES WOF INSPECTIONS ELECTRICAL REPAIRS MECHANICAL REPAIRS 12 to 20 tonne excavators Tree Harvesting, marketing, slash removal & clean up. General farm supplies, silage, hay & machinery cartage. All aspects of rural maintenance & construction All work is guaranteed & insured Local family owned and operated, Call us for a free quote. Jarrod & Dannii Lowe M: 02777 01122 E: Did you know Brandon Compain Couriers (027 272 0839) offer RD1 Pick up and Delivery Service and can pick up and deliver your bikes for servicing ? Craig Stevens Motorcycles Limited 30 Main Road, Tokoroa Ph 07 886 1014 Fax 886 1015 A&T GLASS WILL TRAVEL TO YOU TO SATISFY YOUR GLAZING & BUILDING NEEDS. ONCE WE HAVE COORDINATED ENOUGH WORK WE WILL SPEND THE DAY IN MANGAKINO AT A DISCOUNTED RATE. CONTACT A&T GLASS (CHAINSAW) ON 07 3789140. WE CAN HELP YOU WITH: ALL GLAZING REQUIREMENTS BUSH MACHINES HOME AND OFFICE SECURITY PRODUCTS ALL TYPES OF BLINDS BALUSTRADING MIRRORS AWNINGS SHOWERS INSECT SCREENS WARDROBE DOORS AND ORGANISERS Contracting BASED IN WHAKAMARU, WE ARE OFFERING THE FOLLOWING SERVICES AT COMPETITIVE RATES: Full Cultivation Roll Seed rolling Direct Drilling Round Baling, Wrapped Silage and Hay Pit or Stack Silage, with loader wagons Digger, Scraper, Bulldozer Specialists In: Silage Chopper ‘BIG X’ Maize, Grass & Cereal Wrap Bales Big Squares & Rounds Hay Big Squares & Rounds Cultivation Discing, Power Harrowing & Roll Seeding Direct Drilling Pneumatic delivery of seed & fertiliser PHONE BOB ON 027 244 9039 OR SAM ON 022 026 3564 All enquiries please contact Philip 0274 724 760 A/H (07) 882 8500 J D EARTHWORKS EFFLUENT POND PUMPING Truck & Digger Hire $90 per hour Phone Jeremy 073783476 or 0273576394 AFTERHOURS LOCKSMITH At Normal Prices Keys Locks Padlocks Deadlocks Automotive Repair & Replacement For all your locking needs Phone or Text 027 633 1818 or 882 8108 We will quote on your ponds - stirrer supplied so phone 0274 573674 or 07 3781211 REGISTERED VALUATIONS ROBERT DWANE ELECTRICAL ESTABLISHED 1972 14 TANEKAHA TERRACE , MANGAKINO Email: Phone/Fax 07 8828493 Robert 027 298 3441 Andrew 027 498 3245 Specialists in all farm and water installations Domestic Commercial and Industrial Installations Electrical Inspections Appliance Testing and Tagging Installers of Toshiba Heat Pumps Licenced Security Alarm Installers Installation Monitoring and Consultation All work to AS/NZ 3000/2007 Standards which is the “Wiring Rules” P & B BUILDERS Est 1992 Alterations, Extensions, New Buildings, Decks, Fences, Roofing, Concrete, Window Replacement, Glazing, Kitchens & Bathrooms Phone Phil 0274 381 017 or 882 8240 Vehicle Repairs Phone 886-7061 Whitu Karauna TCB ROOFING 2011 LTD CRAFTSMAN PLUMBER Specalists in all types of Long Run roofing Residential & Commercial Plumbing Reasonable Rates Excellent Service 19 Moana Crescent, Mangakino Phone (07) 8828523 or 027 493 4498 Ph 07 846 6390 Fax 07 846 6395 Taylor Classic Gutter, Re-roofs, Butynol, All types of flashings, ¼ Round Gutter , Roof Inspections & New House Roofing A Member of the Roofing Association, New Zealand
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