STOP PLANTING MANGROVES ON SEAGRASS BEDS _ A CALL TO ACTION We, marine scientists and coastal NGO practitioners attending the Workshop on Building Resilience in Marine Protected Areas in Cebu City, note that ecological sins are being committed in the name of coastal resilience, specifically mangrove planting of the WRONG species * bakhaw Rhizophoro - instead of piapi Avrcennia marina and pagat?at Sonnerotia albo in the WRONG sites - particularly on seagrass beds * instead of abandoned fishponds (which mangroves formerly occupied). Seagrass beds are important as habitats in themselves. They provide nursery and feeding grounds to the iconic marine turtles, seahorses, dugong and most coastalfishes and shellfishes. Aside from being highly productive ecosystems, seagrasses also buffer waves, stabilize substrates and improve water quality. Although mangrove hectarage has doubled from -120,000 hectares !n the mid-1990s to some 250,000 hectares by 2000, a big part of this increase has been due to the misguided practice of transforming to mangroves. Field visits and presentations during conferences and workshops indicate that many mangrove plantations (e.g., Banacon in Bohol, Bantayan in Cebu, and Nueva Valencia in Guimaras) are on seagrass beds. seagrasses ln March 2072, over 7,000 volunteers planted one million bakhaw propagules in Ragay, Camarines Sur primarily for a new Guinness record and secondarily for the environment. The multi-million peso Philippine National Aquasilviculture Program of the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) and the multi-trillion peso National Greening Program of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and similar initiatives continue to plant bakhaw in the wrong sites {see attached photos). And the ecologically incorrect practices continue, in light of the millions and billions of pesos released to mangrove programs after Super Typhoon Yolanda. An article in the 5 November 2014 issue of Business World Online reported the DENR planting of 23 million mangrove trees in 38,200 hectares in Leyte Gulf to be followed by another 42 million seedlings. This is based on the DENR-ERDB claim of 1,700 hectares of mangroves damaged by the storm in Samar-Leyte which is way above the 100-200 hectares estimated by a composite science-NGO team that surveyed these provinces in January and March 2014. The same team observed that bakhaw plantations were devastated while natural stands remained largely intact. This means that such misguided planting using bakhaw does not even achieve its goal of coastal protection. Another gross overestimation of mangrove damage is the reported mortality of 328 hectares of plantations plus another 115 hectares of natural stands in Cordova, Cebu caused by an oil spill, according to the DENR. This is in contrast to less lhan% hectare of damaged mangrove actually surveyed by U.P. Visayas scientists. Reiterating previous calls of the Philippine Association of Marine Science in 2003 and 2005, we therefore call on the DENR/BFAR/other nationalagencies, localgovernments, NGOs, academe and the corporate sector to STOP mangrove planting on seagrass beds, and to STOP seafront planting of bakhaw. lnstead, we strongly recommend the: a) propagation and planting of piapi A. marino and pagatpat S. alba in appropriate sites, following protocols in the 2012 Manual on Community-based Mongrove Rehabilitation in the Philippines, and b) immediate enforcement of policies (e.9., DENR orders that date back to 1990) that mdndate reversion of abandoned ponds to their original.mangrove condition, and c) legislation to protect seagrass habitats. ..:.t !0il* tffi,tmIfr* n3* $&r*tu* u*kr rftr !tui**rl l;*41r* .h*tl{ffi.i 1$tiYI il!& !* t r:.. :.t.r..r. :t;.: : :j:: sfi&sflif Itr{t i! 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"th* *tld*nm*t , Mangrove planting on seagrass beds as part of "rehabilitation" of oilspillin Poblacion, Cordova, Cebu. Dec. 19,2013 Signed this 17th day of February 2015: NAME AND AFFILIATION 6cer.n,r &. Ju 04i^^o-o rfuea nC r,i Pl.t, Rrqe ^/. L.\eR*a SIGNATURE Zgl- - N , ZSL - /n4 (hr,p,,s ll-t4ri^r. tULLo ffi#{&-Alt"uq fu,twfiylfu, 0N 11t vicy<s qA-{lrfrrufr 6atr,ton- W ?A' c4,,r4 a-', M(, +il,,-k {,",h* . mN/h-th., b- fyl\fn tlqwfr* (f v1 .b. Uf Bt o\,a6 7 , ol Lt n^ftnJ Rettg frBesry/tls gU +KC&.eYl , OqMfrbtL€JE- gyplxtVp <l L.1il e$rt k?145t , Warf1rt4u a\u- 6F4,O0-+O ' C t7-1 oturvsrJ 6N<1 Los oar-l Wr t/) e- PeeA PA,k,ap- fytrtz\@N rcUNptrnOp ruryD rrfi,brtrNPt stdst\ste Ltc- ? $_Vr&tt er 7{ilt-r?7tt) Z-+zA*-o- *t*r, Jost ? --=, A u7n yv\\FAri O Signed this 17th day of February 2015: SIGNATURE NAME AND AFFILIATION (/re 'c( NJ(ra Fo'.JA JoY A.LoMA, Z'sL Ptl\L\FPlt{Es tl*L€r- n. Pt"tg ,2dt -P\lu?flqw cUOptM fvttl , 6L- NlflR ?V1t5 ^A. fDfiur fi<ks - XL -ftr\"-s M,,\^ D,r*A^<^,n - 26'-PitttS r-- c[lqrrfllJ L WrturAo ZtL- fl,uk Wy,,tgtao c, . l<l' (l.a.qrr,rmw ',-td Lev {k. *{nwr)b f,ilnl B.fulrohtt ?arNU Dl#BERN ZeL" lW Zec-F'I L'tor#ffiJIt zSL tffiWa A. 9E-&utt\2 tE T. 6t- l?t;lryEt't-z- AtLr-ilA,rztN Z-cL ?l*tr-g. (vrwrn Y. g* Co-r.l zeo P.\cr1 c. z>.L - Qguvnu - Q*wPPr,$ss ?Fr'L\PPlh\ED \ Signed this 17th day of February 2015: NAME AND AFFILIATION SIGNATURE rtrnvt\oo E. ?^J^l;\,.r_ I zsc R*rk., , P h ,' ll,i . Kow [,t'e ll o Ju o lsAMpLD zS L ' J au zvt Z<c
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