MANUFACTURING Q u e r e t a r o C o n g r e s s C e n t e r, Q r o . , M e x i c o Automotive applications: latest trends in advanced manufacturing • The leading industry event in Mexico focused on the production and manufacturing of automotive applications and components. • The best scenario for a real autopart manufacturing networking experience. • Directed primarily to autopart manufacturing and production engineers at OEM`s and Tier-1/2/3 plants in Mexico. S P E C I A L C U R R E N T S P O N S O R S : P A R T I C I P A N T S : Premium: Gold: With the support of: Organizers: Venue: 4 Conference & Exhibition th August AUTOPARTS 26-27 MANUFACTURING 2 0 1 5 Q u e r e t a r o C o n g r e s s C e n t e r, Q r o . , M e x i c o About the event An autopart focused event where knowledge transfer and networking opportunities put you in the forefront of this growing Mexican industry! Mexico's automotive industry has grown steadily and remains a major recipient of foreign direct investment (FDI). Information of the Secretary of Economy has estimated US$3.6 billion of FDI for the automotive industry during the first three quarters of 2014, with US$1.2 billion destined solely to autoparts manufacturing. Today, the automotive industry is one of the most important economic engines in Mexico, represents 6% of total GDP in Mexico and 18% of the manufacturing production. The National Autopart Industry association (INA) estimates that Mexico produced US$81 billion worth of autoparts in 2014. Mexico was by far the biggest supplier of autoparts to the U.S. last year, accounting for 34% of the total US$138 billion imported by the U.S. Mexico is bound for continued growth with the arrival of other automakers such as Infinity, Mercedes Benz, Audi, BMW and Kia Motors in 2017. • The Mexican autoparts industry is now the 6th major producer in the world, behind China, Japan, United States, Germany and South Korea. • In 2014, Mexico became the bigger automotive manufacturer in Latin America, leaving Brazil behind. And this growth will continue since automotive production could reach 3.3 million vehicles by 2015 and up to 4.8 by 2019; as indicated by the Automotive Industry Mexican Association (AMIA). • Big opportunities in Mexico are unveiled for machinery and equipment manufacturers, as indicated by the Center of Development for Automotive Industry (CEDIAM), due to the need for technological reconversion in Tier-1, 2 and 3 autopart manufacturers, in order to meet the automakers new goals and requirements. The Mexican supply-chain is the backbone of this growing industry, a structure where part-makers are at the forefront. To help strengthen this sector, the industry publications METALMECANICA and TECNOLOGIA DEL PLASTICO will launch in 2015 the 4th edition of the Autopart Manufacturing Conference & Exhibition, to be held in Queretaro, a city located strategically in the heart of Mexico’s leading industrial development region: the Bajio. During its 2015 edition, the Autopart Manufacturing Conference & Exhibition will highlight state-of-the-art technical developments related to materials, processing, design, equipment and machinery for manufacturing metallic and plastic automotive parts and components. Along with OEM’s, Tier-1/2/3 manufacturers, recognized industry experts and leading technology suppliers, we invite you to be part of the present and future of the thriving, dynamic and world-class Mexican autopart industry. Fotos Phantermedia 2 Growing Attendance since 2011 Interact face-to-face with an exclusive and highly-qualified industry audience! 2013 2012 2011 34 38 Speakers Speakers 18 Speakers 134 693 562 235 Qualified attendees to the conference & exhibition area Total Attendees Total Attendees Total Attendees 83 Industry Suppliers 416 Qualified attendees to the conference & exhibition area 194% 128 531 108 Industry Suppliers Industry Suppliers Qualified attendees to the conference & exhibition area Increase of total visitors 2011 - 2013 2013 Seminar & Exhibit attendee breakdown: 8% Tier-1 693 TOTAL ATTENDEES 3% OEM’s 87% 2% 2013 CONFERENCE ROOM Industry Associations & Goverment Institutions Tier-1/2/3 and industry Suppliers 3 4 Conference & Exhibition th August AUTOPARTS 26-27 MANUFACTURING 2 0 1 5 Q u e r e t a r o C o n g r e s s C e n t e r, Q r o . , M e x i c o Our Focus in 2013 Contributing to strengthening and growing the Mexican autopart supply chain! 2013 Review: The conference & exhibition presented technical conferences on new industry trends and more effective and efficient manufacturing and production processes, promoting the strengthening and development of the Mexican autopart manufacturing supply chain, in order to face the growing domestic demand from established and new OEM’s present in Mexico. Highlights: Imports Substitution, Technical Training, Keynote Speakers, Commercial Exhibitions, and Networking Lunches & Cocktail. VISITOR-EXHIBITOR INTERACTION TECHNICAL TRAINING BUSINESS NETWORKING Testimonials from 2013 participants: “The Conference and Exhibition Autoparts Manufacturing 2013 was very important for the Autoparts industry in Mexico. We had the opportunity to network with the OEM´s and this was key to understand how companies like Moldegama can increase its share in the Mexican market. To Mexico it is very important to promote the injection plastic industry for Autoparts.” Carlos Febra - Moldegama. “I really enjoy being here. We need more from the suppliers. The 2013 event was an excellent platform to interact with the suppliers and see what they are planning to offer in the near future. If the suppliers have innovative ideas, we need to know them.” Bhavani Thota - Ford Company. “The Event is highly important as it promotes the knowledge and development of the Mexican Companies in the autoparts industry.” Diego Moretti -Nortegubisian. 4 Our Focus for the 2015 Edition Strengthening and growing the Mexican autopart supply chain through industry intelligence and technology knowledge-transfer! Our 2015 event will focus on the present and future of autopart manufacturing, via world-class technical conferences devised to helping production, manufacturing, quality and design engineers become better prepared to compete globally and meet the significant demands of the growing Mexican autopart industry. • Cutting-edge training in manufacturing trends, best practices and technical breakthroughs in automotive applications. • Focus on major developments on light-weight materials, automation, robotics, software, quality control, and additives for industrial autopart manufacturing. • Networking and new business opportunities among the major players of the autopart manufacturing industry in Mexico. • Interaction with leading technology supplier experts who will participate in our exclusive exhibit area. For plastics component manufacturers: Current and forthcoming uses of materials, injection molding technologies, auxiliary equipment and new technical developments for plastic components manufacturing. For metal component manufacturers: Most demanded metal components by automakers, new machining technologies (multi axis machining centers; EDM, laser and Waterjet systems, etc.), new materials for manufacturing components; die casting and tooling. • Relevant and up-to-date market information to better navigate the growing Mexican automotive industry. • Opportunity to share ideas in a peer-to-peer ambiance of engineers and manufacturing professionals. • An effective approach to dig into today`s real autopart manufacturers requirements and challenges. Adjusting to make you MORE successful: • Double the exhibit time to increase networking and sales opportunities • Larger exhibit space to offer more autopart manufacturing solutions 5 4 Conference & Exhibition th August AUTOPARTS MANUFACTURING 26-27 2 0 1 5 Q u e r e t a r o C o n g r e s s C e n t e r, Q r o . , M e x i c o Sponsorship opportunities GOLD SPONSORSHIP: • 3x3 meters booth to showcase your technology solutions. • Gold sponsor branding in advertising campaign to promote the event in METALMECANICA and TECNOLOGIA DEL PLASTICO print and electronic media, and communications delivered through other contributing media and industry associations. • Mention as Gold Sponsor in prominent section of the event’s webpage including logo, company description and contact information in the exhibitors listing. • Mention as Gold Sponsor in the Event Directory including logo, company description and contact information in the exhibitors listing. • Three (3) passes to the conference program, exhibit area, lunches & cocktail for company staff. • Six (6) passes with a 30% discount for your VIP guests Price: US$6,470 Gross (with Agency) / US$5,500 (w/out Agency) Additional 3x3 meter booth: USD$3,300 Net 3 mtr 3 mtr PREMIUM LIMITED SPEAKER SPONSORSHIPS: (REQUIRES EXHIBIT SPACE PURCHASE) • Be part of our conference program and present our qualified audience with a success story that reflects the application and benefits of your technological solutions. • Speaking opportunity in the conference room to present your technology solutions (30 minutes including a 5 minutes Q&A session). The main topic of the conference is subject to revision by our editorial team. • Exclusive for 4 top metalworking and 4 top plastics technology suppliers (2 success stories per day per industry). • Branding as Success Story Conference Speaker in the advertising campaign to promote the event in METALMECANICA and TECNOLOGIA DEL PLASTICO print and electronic media, and communications delivered through other contributing media and industry associations. • Mention as Success Story Conference Speaker in the Event Directory including logo, company description and contact information in the exhibitors listing. • Mention as Success Story Conference Speaker in prominent section of the event’s webpage including logo, company description and contact information in the exhibitors listing. Non-exhibitors Price: US$11,500 Gross (with Agency) / US$10,000 (w/out Agency). Only two available for Exhibitors Price: US$5,500 Gross (with Agency) / US$4,800 (w/out Agency)* the plastics track * To be added to the booth price of your choice. STANDARD EXHIBITS: • 3x3 meter booth to showcase your technology solutions. • Mention as Standard Sponsor in the event’s webpage including logo , company description and contact information in the exhibitors listing. • Mention as Standard Sponsor in the Event Directory including logo, company description and contact information in the exhibitors listing. • Two (2) passes to the conference program, exhibit area, lunches & cocktail for company staff. • Six (6) passes with a 30% discount for your VIP guests. Price: US$5,000 Gross (with Agency) / US$4,200 (w/out Agency) Note: The Standard Sponsorship does not include branding in advertising campaign to promote the event in METALMECANICA and TECNOLOGIA DEL PLASTICO print and electronic media, and communications delivered through other contributing media and industry associations. 3 mtr 3 mtr MANUFACTURING CELL: (LIMITED TO 2 EXCLUSIVE CELLS) • Exclusive 12x6 meter islands to be shared by up to 4 other suppliers to present a “live” manufacturing cell within the exhibit hall. • Limited to one Manufacturing Cell for metal components and another one for plastics. • Manufacturing Cell Sponsor branding in advertising campaign to promote the event in METALMECANICA and TECNOLOGIA DEL PLASTICO print and electronic media, and communications delivered through other contributing media and industry associations. • Mention as Manufacturing Cell Sponsor in prominent section of the event’s webpage including logo, company description and contact information in the exhibitors listing. • Mention as Manufacturing Cell Sponsor in the Event Directory including logo, company description and contact information in the exhibitors listing. • Eight (8) passes, per Manufacturing Cell, to the conference program, exhibit area, lunches &cocktail for company staff. • Twenty (20) passes, per Manufacturing Cell, with a 30% discount for your VIP guests. Price: US$24,000 Gross (with Agency) / US$20,400 (w/out Agency). 6 12 mt r 6 mtr 4 Conference & Exhibition th August AUTOPARTS 26-27 MANUFACTURING 2 0 1 5 Q u e r e t a r o C o n g r e s s C e n t e r, Q r o . , M e x i c o Conferences & Speakers 2015 Industry intelligence and state-of-the-art plastics and metalworking manufacturing & production trends and technology. General Audience Track: “The Mexican Autopart Industry”, by INA’s Oscar R. Albin: Mr. Albin is Executive President at National Industry of Autoparts in Mexico (INA) since 2012, the leading association representing over 350 autopart manufacturing plants in the country. Albin has a Mechanical Engineering degree from the University of Monterrey. He is currently pursuing a renewable energies Master degree. “Challenges and opportunities faced by the American automakers: Focus on Mexico”. UMTRI, Bruce Bełzowski. Bruce M. Belzowski, managing director of UMTRI's Automotive Futures group, received a B.A. from the University of California, Berkeley, and an M.A. from the University of Michigan (U-M). Prior to joining UMTRI, Bruce worked for U-M's Institute for Social Research and for R.L. Polk, where he was responsible for developing models of new car purchases and aftermarket spending. He joined Automotive Futures as a research associate for the former Industry Structure Group in 1994. “Panel Discussion: Plastics VS Metal” An interesting discussion where automotive experts will challenge the true and myths about the substitution of metal for plastics components. Participants to this debate will be exposed to the myths and realities that must be identified to meet the demands for lightweight, durable and eco-efficient vehicles. Moderator: Armando Bravo, Physicist from the Facultad de Ciencias dela UNAM, Mexico; postgraduate and doctorate physics degrees from Auburn University, Alabama USA; and current Director and co-founder of CeDIAM Nacional (Centro de Desarrollo de la Industria Automotriz en México). “Panel Discussion: Benefits of Tooling and Equipment's Life-Cycle Management”. Gerardo Arias, Process Manager at General Motors Jesús Ascencio, Technology and Operations Manager at Chrysler German Esparza, Channel Director Mesoamerica at Siemens Industry Software Moderator: David Luna, Editor-in-Chief at Metalmecanica Internacional 7 Specific Plastics Track: “Shining a Spotlight on Innovation: SPE Automotive Innovation Awards Competition” Dr. Jeff Helms - SPE Dr. Jeffrey Helms received his Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry in 1984 and his Ph.D. in Chemistry in 1988 at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. In addition, he received his MBA degree from Michigan State University through the Executive MBA program in 2000. Helms has been employed by Celanese Corp. in the Engineered Materials business since November 2008 where he is the Global Automotive Manager. In this role, he is responsible for driving and coordinating the Celanese Engineered Materials product line growth at the OEM level. “Alternative precursors for sustainable and cost-effective carbon fiber production for the automotive industry”, by VW’s Hendrik Mainka: Hendrik Mainka has worked as a Project Engineer for VW since 2011. He also is a Ph.D. candidate in the Manufacturing Engineering Department of University of Bremen in Germany. Hendrik Mainka earned a Bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering from the Otto-von-Guericke University in Magdeburg, Germany in 2008 and a Master's degree in Molecular and Structural Product Design from the same University in 2010. Mr. Mainka was also a Research Assistant at Otto-von-Guericke University from 2010 to 2011. The focus of his current research is on alternative precursors for sustainable and cost-effective carbon fiber production for the automotive industry. “Utilization of High Volume Composite Material Manufacturing Technologies as Light Weight Solutions” FPC’s MEng. Vanja Ugresic: Vanja received her Masters of Engineering Science (Chemical Engineering) in 2011 and her Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical Engineering) in 2008 from Western University, London, Canada. She worked at Techniche Universitat Munchen, Germany as a Project Leader from 2008-2011. Since 2012 she worked as a Research Engineer at Fraunhofer Project Center @ Western (FPC). She was responsible for planning, executing and evaluating the manufacturing trials on full industrial scale in the field of compression molded fiber reinforced plastics. Vanja transitioned into a Manager of Operations role at FPC@Western in 2015. Specific Metalworking Track: “Toyota’s Vision in today’s Automotive Industry”, by CSE’s Roberto Hernandez: Dr. Hernandez Lecanda is currently president and founder of Consultores en Sistemas Esbeltos (i.e. Lean System Consultants), base of Mexico’s Lean Way Group. He has over 35 years of experience working in manufacturing plants, and over half of them in senior management positions, and more recently as Operations VP of Mexico’s Flextronics Plata Sur. “Evolution of Manufacturing & Machining Processes for a More Competitive Automotive industry”, by BorgWarner’s Santiago Rodríguez Uribe: Engineering and Production Manager with a wide experience in manufacturing processes and new technologies for the automotive industry. 8 Event Map and Floor Layout H H 19B 20 27 28 29 30 30A 31 32 33 34 35 36 38A 39 40 41 42 37 38 ACCESS DAY 2 43 44 74 65 84 75 73 66 64 55 53 46 103 96 92 87 83 76 72 67 63 56 52 47 102 97 91 88 82 77 71 68 62 57 101 98 90 89 81 78 70 69 61 58 MC-2 80 79 100 99 19 18 54 45 93 86 17 H 16 15 14 13 2 9 8 7 6 Ambulance Manufacturing cell Media Booth H 5 4 3 CONFERENCE ROOM #1 METALMECANICA STAGE Column 1 50 49 CATERING AREA STAGE + 51 48 60 59 12 11 10 CONFERENCE ROOM #2 TECNOLOGÍA DEL PLÁSTICO MC-1 REGISTRATION AREA 94 85 104 95 STAGE H Hydrant Organizers Booth + Door Sold Reserved Available 05/05/15 CONFIRMED SPONSORS/EXHIBITORS BOOTH # 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 19B 22 al 25 27 COMPANY NAME Benign Winner Tech Proteam UPS Taiwan Takisawa IQMS IQMS Dees Hydraulic ABB ABB Frago Ditek Tecnología del Plástico Mitsubishi Electric Metalmecanica BOOTH # 28 29 30 30A 34 38A 45 46 - 47 48 49 50 54 55 58 59 60 - 61 COMPANY NAME Autopartes Media Booth INA ANIPAC Gravotech Moldes RP Fuji Hitec Tong-Tai Welding Helmut Redi Color Smicentroamericana Dessouter Lagalm Elementia Elementia BOOTH # 62 64 65 al 67 69 - 70 72 74 75 79 80 84 85 89 90 100 - 99 101 - 102 105 - 95 COMPANY NAME Mattsa Dessouter Schuler KAESER Fidsa Indpad Karl Zeiss Epicor KOSMEK Ciateq Nitrex Polnac Jon Wai BASF Renishaw Totvs 9 4 Conference & Exhibition th August AUTOPARTS MANUFACTURING 26-27 2 0 1 5 Q u e r e t a r o C o n g r e s s C e n t e r, Q r o . , M e x i c o CONTACT INFORMATION Reserve your booth space ASAP and take capitalize on the growing Mexican autopart manufacturing industry! General Manager Alfredo Domador, Mexico: +52 (55) 5093-0000 Ext. 47302 USA: +1 (305) 448-6875 Ext. 47302 Event Manager Oscar Higuera, Mexico: +52 (55) 5093-0000 Ext. 15042 USA: +1 (305) 448-6875 Ext. 15042 Exhibit & Sponsorship Sales Daniel Cespedes, Mexico: +52 (55) 5093-0000 Ext. 15043 USA: +1 (305) 448-6875 Ext. 15043 Sales Representative Mexico Miguel Jara Betancourth, Tel. Mex: +52(442) 340 7317 Cel: 52 (442) 126 9709 Conference Program: Metalworking Track David Luna, Mexico: +52 (1) 55 1535 3326 Conference Program: Plastics Track Natalia Ortega, Mexico: +52 (55) 5093-0000 Ext. 15020 USA: +1 (305) 448-6875 Ext. 15020
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