Parent’s Toolshop® 8 Weeks T.I.P.S Parent Equipping Workshop Tools for Improving Parenting Success Starts Thursday 7 May 2015 19:00 -21:00 @ CHOOSE LIFE Church, 589 Rubenstein Drive, Moreleta Park, Pretoria East Register by emailing Cost: R750 each or R950 per couple. Includes Parents Toolshop® Manual ( worth R350) Banking Details: Bank Name: FNB Account Name: Branch: Centurion Purposeful Parent Branch Code: Account Number: Email Proof of Payment to SESSION 1 DATE 7 May 2015 14 May 2015 3 21 May 2015 4 28 May 2015 5 4 June 2015 6 11 June 2015 7 18 June 2015 8 25 June 2015 For more information phone Trevor 072 120 3599 CHAPTERS 2 261550 62340516600. Chapter 1) Introduction & Overview Chapter 2) Foundation-Building Toolset Chapter 3) The Universal Blueprint Chapter 4) Self-Esteem Toolset Chapter 5) Cooperation Toolset Chapter 6) Independence Toolset Chapter 7) F-A-X Listening Toolset Chapter 8) Problem-Solving Toolset Chapter 9) Keep Your Cool Toolset Chapter 10) Clear Communication Toolset Chapter 11) PU Toolset (Unintentional misbehaviour) Chapter 12) PO Toolset (“On purpose” misbehaviour) Chapter 12) PO Toolset (“On purpose” misbehaviour) (continued) Chapter 13) Discipline Toolset Chapter 14) Family Council Toolset Chapter 15) Three C’s: Consistency, handling Criticism, maintaining Confidence Turn in Parenting Skill Assessments, Evaluations and receive graduation certificate The Secrets of Preventing & Stopping Misbehaviour Practical T.I.P.S. to Equip Parents Tools for Improving Parenting Success Sign Up Now…Seats Are Limited! Attend this 8 week program if YOU: Are so stressed and overwhelmed with the everyday demands of parenting that you may not always be your best — and then feel guilty about how you handled things later. Want to raise your children to be respectable, independent, successful adults, but aren’t sure if you’re on “the right track.” Want to be a great parent, but are busy and need tips and practical tools you can use right away to see results–not just theory. In this 8 week, FUN interactive workshop, you’ll walk away with: A parenting style that helps you reach your long-term parenting goals. Attend with your parenting partners, so you are “on the same page.” A step-by-step, easy-to-follow formula you can use to find the best response to ANY parenting challenge — that meets your child’s needs and family’s values. Knowing how to nurture self-esteem instead of self-centeredness so children have the confidence to think for themselves and resist peer-pressure. Strategies that will get kids to cooperate the first time you ask without power struggles, bribes, tantrums A three-step formula for decreasing the drama when your children are upset and teaching children how to solve their own problems and make responsible decisions. Ten tools for expressing your concerns to children with “parent deafness,” without guilt trips or blame. An understanding of why children misbehave and how to prevent or stop it for good! An easy-to-follow formula for disciplining your child, so you aren’t the bad guy, they learn from their mistakes and become self-disciplined, responsible children. Personalized solutions for your most pressing parenting challenges from a national parenting expert. Ways to maintain your progress, hold family councils, and be consistent and confident no matter what. Presented by: Trevor Farley, B Prim Ed (Hons). Founding Expert of The Relationship Toolshop® – South Africa® and Author of MAP4Parenting – Creating-a-Memory® book, this focuses on parental goal setting. He is married to Sharon and has two adult children. He has 29 years teaching experience, and has hosted over 1700 families on parent/child camps since 1999. He has always enjoyed interacting with children and parents. He is passionate about making a difference in the lives of those he touches on a day-to-day basis. He has a vision that the hearts of children will be turned to their parents, and the hearts of the parents to their young, so that the face of our nation South Africa, can be changed
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