Thomas POLLET, PhD Postdoctoral researcher MAPIEM laboratory, University of Toulon Toulon, France Tel: (+33) 04 94 14 67 19 Email : RESEARCH INTERESTS – Aquatic Microbial Community Ecology Description of the microbial (including bacteria and archaea) community biodiversity, dynamics and ecology in aquatic ecosystems (benthic and pelagic). Understanding processes (space, time, environmental conditions, pollutants) shaping aquatic microbial communities. Understanding the influence of disturbances (natural and/or anthropogenic) on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning using microbial communities. Keywords: Aquatic microbial ecology; Bacteria; Archaea; Dynamics, diversity and driving factors; Disturbance ecology. UNIVERSITY EDUCATION AND SCIENTIFIC EXPERIENCE 2015- : Postdoctoral researcher «Influence of antifouling on microbial community diversity and composition in marine biofilms » DGA fellowship (Direction générale de la défense, ministère français de la défense) MAPIEM laboratory, University of Toulon, Toulon, France Supervisor: Pr. JF. Briand. 2013-2015 : Postdoctoral researcher «Influence of organic enrichments on benthic microbial communities and microbial ecology of benthic nitrous oxide production» RAQ-FONCER fellowship (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada) Marine science institute, University of Quebec at Rimouski, Canada Supervisors: Pr. P. Archambault (UQAR)- Dr. CW McKindsey (MPO). 2014-2015: Collaboration with the Marine and Environmental biology department, University of Southern California, USA. Co-supervisor: Pr. W. Ziebis (USC). 2012-2013 : Postdoctoral researcher « Natural bioremediation of atrazine (and derivatives) by indigenous environmental bacterial strains isolated from sediments» Marine science institute, University of Quebec at Rimouski, CANADA Supervisor : Pr. Karine Lemarchand 2007- 2011 : PhD (April 26, 2011): Aquatic Microbial Ecology Dynamics and diversity of Planctomycetes in lakes: a case study to better understand the ecology of the rare microbial phyla in aquatic ecosystems.. INRA-UMR CARRTEL (Thonon-les-Bains), Savoie University (France) Supervisors: Dr. Rémy Tadonléké, Dr. Humbert Jean-François 2006-2007 : Research assistant Prokaryotic aminopeptidase activity along a continuous salinity gradient in a hypersaline coastal lagoon (the Coorong, South Australia). Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia. Supervisor: Pr. Laurent Seuront 2004-2006 : Master degree in Oceanography Speciality Oceanography. Lille University (France). ADDITIONAL EDUCATION November 2007 : Molecular biology course (INRA, Rennes, France) February 2014 : MOTHUR course (IBIS-Laval University, Quebec, CANADA) COMMUNICATIONS Published articles Pollet T, Cloutier O, Nozais C, Mc Kindsey C and Archambault P. (2015). Metabolic activity and functional diversity changes in sediment bacterial communities organically enriched with mussel biodeposits. PlosOne. 10(4): doi:10.1371/journal.pone. 0123681 Pollet T, Humbert JF and Tadonléké RD. (2014). Planctomycetes in lakes: poor or strong competitors for phosphorus? Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 80:819-828 Berdjeb L*, Pollet T*, Chardon C and Jacquet S. (2013) Spatio-temporal changes in the structure of archaeal communities in two deep freshwater lakes. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 86:215-230.* These authors contributed equally to this work Pollet T, Tadonléké RD and Humbert JF. (2011). Spatiotemporal changes in the structure and composition of a less abundant bacterial phylum (Planctomycetes) in two peri-alpine lakes. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 77:4811-4821 Pollet T, Tadonléké RD and Humbert JF. (2011). Comparison of primer sets for the study of Planctomycetes communities in lentic freshwater ecosystems. Environmental Microbiology Reports. 3:254-261 Berdjeb L, Pollet T, Domaizon I, Jacquet S. (2011). Effect of grazers and viruses on bacterial community structure and production in two contrasting trophic lakes. BMC Microbiology. 11: 88 Pollet T, Schapira M, Buscot MJ, Leterme SC, Mitchell JG and Seuront L. (2010). Prokaryotic aminopeptidase activity along a continuous salinity gradient in a hypersaline coastal lagoon (the Coorong, South Australia). Aquatic Biosystems. 6:5 Schapira M, Buscot MJ, Pollet T, Leterme SC and Seuront L. (2010). Distribution of picophytoplankton communities from brackish to hypersaline waters in a South Australian coastal lagoon. Aquatic Biosystems. 6:2 Leterme SC, Ellis AV, Mitchell JG, Buscot MJ, Pollet T, Schapira M and Seuront L. (2010). Morphological flexibility of Cocconeis placentula (Bacillariophyceae) nanostructure to changing salinity levels. Journal of Phycology. 46: 715-719 Schapira M, Pollet T, Mitchell JG and Seuront L. (2009). Respiration rates in marine heterotrophic bacteria relate to the cytometric characteristics of bacterioplankton communities. Journal of Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 89(6): 1161-1169 Schapira M, Buscot MJ, Leterme SC, Pollet T, Chapperon C and Seuront L. (2009). Distribution of heterotrophic bacteria and Virus-Like Particles along a salinity gradient in a hypersaline coastal lagoon. Aquatic Microbial Ecology. 54(2): 171-183 Submitted articles or in prep Tadonléké RD, Pollet T, Van Rijswik P, Leberre B and Middelburg JJ. Effects of oxygen loss on carbon processing and bacterioplankton from an estuarine ecosystem. Journal of Plankton research. Submitted. Pollet T, Cloutier O, Nozais C, Mc Kindsey C and Archambault P. Let’s do not neglect the “cumulative” intensity in disturbance ecology. Nature communications. In prep Pollet T*, Berdjeb L*, Chardon C, Jacquet S. Seasonal and vertical distribution of ammoniaoxidizing archaeal communities in two peri-alpine lakes. *These authors contributed equally to this work. In prep. Scientific reports Pollet T, Lemarchand K. (2013). Natural bioremediation of atrazine (and derivatives) by indigenous environmental bacterial strains isolated from sediments. Scientific report to Sani-Marc Inc. company. 40p. Book chapters Lemarchand K, Pollet T, Lessard V and Badri A. (2014). Preparation of nucleic acids from marine samples: application to microbial analyses. Springer. *All the authors contributed equally to this work. In press. Popular articles Allaoui A, Pollet T, Roland J. (2009). Quel équilibre entre cours magistral et travaux dirigés pour un enseignement scientifique efficace ? Rapport CIES Grenoble (France). *All the authors contributed equally to this work. Talks (the name of the person who presented is underlined) Pollet T, Cloutier O, Nozais C, Mc Kindsey C and Archambault P. Let’s not neglect the “cumulative intensity” in disturbance ecology. Resources aquatiques Quebec meeting. November. 13-14, 2014. Quebec, Canada. Pollet T, Cloutier O, Nozais C, Mc Kindsey C and Archambault P. Influence of disturbance regimes on the metabolic activity and diversity of benthic bacterial communities. Ecological Society of America meeting. August 10-15, 2014. Sacramento, USA. Pollet T, Cloutier O, Nozais C, Mc Kindsey C and Archambault P. Influence of mytiliculture on the metabolic activity of benthic bacterial communities. Ressources Aquatiques Quebec meeting. November 20-21, 2013. Rimouski, Canada. Tadonléké RD, Pollet T, Van Rijswik P, Leberre B and Middelburg JJ. Effects of strong oxygen depletion on bacterial composition and phosphorus dynamics. ISME Meeting August 19-24, 2012. Copenhagen, Denmark. Pollet T, Tadonléké RD, Humbert JF. Dynamics and diversity of Planctomycetes in lakes: a case study to better understand the ecology of the rare microbial phyla in aquatic ecosystems. Invited conference speaker. University of Montreal. December 19, 2011. Montreal, Canada. Pollet T, Tadonléké RD, Humbert JF. What about the dynamics and the diversity of nondominant bacterial communities in freshwater ecosystems? A study on Planctomycetes in peri-alpine lakes. Journées Internationales de Limnologie, October 5-8, 2010. Thonon les Bains, France. Pollet T, Tadonléké RD, Humbert JF. Test of some Planctomycetes specific primer sets and comparative analysis of the Planctomycetes composition in four lakes with differing trophic status. Séminaire station d’hydrobiologie lacustre. January, 2009. Thonon-les-Bains, France. Posters Berdjeb L, Pollet T, Chardon C and Jacquet S. Spatio-temporal changes in the structure and composition of archaeal communities in two large and deep freshwater lakes. SAME13. September 8-13, 2013. Stresa, Italie. Pollet T, Tadonléké RD, Humbert JF. Comparaison de l’efficacité et de la spécificité de trois couples d’amorces à PCR pour l’étude des Planctomycetes en milieu lacustre. Congrès AFEM August 30- September 2, 2009. Lyon, France. Pollet T, Tadonléké RD, Humbert JF. Test of some Planctomycetes specific primer sets and comparative analysis of the Planctomycetes composition in four lakes with differing trophic status. ASLO Aquatic Meeting January 25-30, 2009. Nice, France. Pollet T, Tadonléké RD, Humbert JF. Les Planctomycetes en milieu lacustre : distribution, facteurs de contrôle et implication dans le cycle de l’azote. Colloque réseaux trophiques aquatiques, CNRS-GDR 2476 November 29-30, 2007. Montpellier, France. Seuront L, Schapira M, Doubell MJ, Pollet T, Paterson JS and Mitchell JG. Turbulence rerevisited: intermittency and marine ecosystems structure and function “Turbulence and the marine ecosystem” 39th Liège Colloquium “Marine Turbulence Re-Revisited”, May 7-11, 2007, Liège, Belgique. SKILLS Bacterial and archaeal communities Bacterial cultures: Isolation, culturing and conservation Abundances: Flow cytometry Epifluoresceence microscopy (DAPI, FISH, CARD-FISH) Quantitative PCR Production: 3H-leucine incorporation Bacterial enzymatic activities: Aminopeptidase activity Genetic diversity and composition: DNA extraction and purification PCR amplifications Fingerprinting approaches (i.e. DGGE) Cloning-sequencing High throughput sequencing Phylogeny Metabolic activities and functional diversity Ecoplates, Biolog Sediment geochemistry Micro-sensors: nitrous oxide, oxygen, redox potential. Statistical analysis Univariates, multivariates Software Diversity, phylogeny, bioinformatics softwares: Mothur, BioEdit, Genedoc, Gelcompare II, MEGA General softwares: Word, Excel, Powerpoint Statistical softwars : Statistica, Past, XLstat, Primer TEACHING EXPERIENCE 2007- 2010 : Teaching assistant (196h) Aquatic ecology Centre of superior teaching initiation (Grenoble, France) Savoie University, Bourget du lac (France) HONORS AND AWARDS 2007-2010 : MENRT scholarship from the French Ministry of Education and Research: PhD scholarship 2013-2015 : RAQ-FONCER : (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada) : Merit postdoctoral fellowship. SUPERVISION Olivier Cloutier (Licence level), 2013: supervisor : Philippe Archambault, co-supervisor : Thomas Pollet PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS International Society for Microbial Ecology (ISME) Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) Ressources Aquatiques Quebec (RAQ) Association Francophone d’Ecologie Microbienne (AFEM) Association Française de Limnologie OTHERS 2008-2010: - representative of PhD students at INRA-UMR CARRTEL 2008-2010: - Organizer of the annual PhD student meeting at INRA-UMR CARRTEL REFERENCES Dr TADONLEKE R: INRA, Thonon-les-Bains (France). Dr HUMBERT JF: Ecole normale supérieure-BIOEMCO, Paris. Pr SEURONT L : Flinders University, Adelaide (Australia). Pr ARCHAMBAULT P : ISMER, Rimouski (Canada). Dr JACQUET S : INRA, Thonon-les-Bains (France).
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