VGA_Automotive Engineering & Homologation_27th – 29thApril 2015

3 Day Proficiency Improvement Programme on Automotive Engineering & Homologation
Due to the shrinking life-cycle of new vehicles and models,
the vehicle manufacturers have to keep an eye on the future
to sustain in the competitive global markets. The amazing
advancements in automotive technology have been driven by
market preferences of the ever demanding customer and the
opportunity presented by the new technology. At the same
time, the new regulations regarding vehicle performance,
safety, emissions, clean air and fuel consumption have
changed the way vehicles are designed and manufactured
Homologation is the process of certifying automobiles or a
particular component in it, as per the requirements set by
various statutory regulatory bodies. It is mandatory to get
approval from these testing agencies to sell in India and also
to export automotive products or components.
Homologation standards are applicable to all kinds of on &
off-road vehicles especially in the areas of emission, power,
safety, noise, roadworthiness, fuel economy, gradeability,
performance, etc. This programme encompasses
fundamentals of Automotive Engineering and some of latest
technology & regulatory aspects for certification of vehicles.
On completion of the module, the delegates should be able
 Understand Fundamentals of Automotive Engineering.
 Understand Automotive Transmission Systems.
 Understand Automotive NVH.
3 Day Proficiency Improvement Programme on Automotive Engineering & Homologation
Day One
11.00 - Automotive Engineering
14.00 - Lunch
15.00 - Automotive Transmission System
16.30 - Automotive NVH
Certification & Homologation Engineers
Vehicle & Component Manufacturers
Engineering / Consulting companies
Professors / Engineering college students
Engineers interested in pursuing further studies on part time
or full time basis
Fees (Rs.)
Total Fees including
Tax of 12.36% (Rs.)*
(per participant)
(per participant)
Engineers &
Teaching Faculty
College Students
Day Two
10.00 - I.C. Engines Design & Development
12.30 - Homologation for Export
14.00 - Lunch
15.00 - Emission Control & After Treatment Devices
16.30 - Component Testing & Certification
18.00 - Conclusion
Day Three
10.00 - Vehicle Testing & Certification
12.15 - New Product Development
14.00 - Lunch
 Understand Emission Control & After treatment Devices.
16.00 - Summary, Discussion & Feedback
 Understand How to Apply for Certification to the Test
17.00 - Valedictory Function
18.00 - Conclusion
 Understand Export Homologation.
 Understand Automotive & Component Testing for
 Understand Homologation compliance of Vehicles for
Static & Dynamic conditions.
 Understand New Product Development
 Lead multi-disciplinary teams.
 Become sel f- di sci p l i n e d a n d sel f -m oti vate d ,
demonstrating personal responsibility in the pursuit of
studies and professional practice.
15.00 - Written Test
 Demonstrate independent learning ability necessary for
conducting professional development.
Organizations involved in Automotive Research, Design,
Development, Testing, Certification & Manufacturing
18.00 - Conclusion
 Understand I.C. Engines Design & Development.
 Understand Type Approval (TA) and Conformity of
Production (COP) Certification process required for
automotive & component products.
09.30 - Registration
10.30 - Inauguration & Welcome Address
Note : ARAI reserves the right to change the dates, schedule, contents,
speakers, venue etc. for the programme without any notice.
*Service Tax is as applicable at the time of program.
Registration fees include food, but no accommodation
For help related to accommodation,
please contact at this email :
At Par / Multicity cheque or demand draft in favour of
The Automotive Research Association of India
payable at Pune.
ARAI, over five decades, has provided its design and
development expertise to the Indian automotive industry,
focusing on the testing and evaluation of components and
systems to meet national and international standards. ARAI
strives to achieve international recognition in these areas. In
keeping with the globalization of economy and business, ARAI
continues to enlarge its scope of services to meet the
requirements of automotive industries around the world. In
addition to utilizing state-of-the-art technology, laboratories and
highly-trained personnel, ARAI recognizes the need to develop a
new generation of engineers to meet the demands of the
automotive industry, not just in India but across the globe.
ARAI ACADEMY is classified into three divisions:
LEARNING CENTRE has embarked upon a programme of building
up human resources by commencing educational programme
(Graduate Post graduate & Doctoral) with specialization in
Automotive Engineering. It has tied up with VIT University
(Vellore), Veltech University (Chennai), College of Engineering
(Pune), University of Alabama (USA), Tennessee Tech University
(USA), Loughborough University (UK) and University of
Braunschweig (Germany).
KNOWLEDGE CENTRE has collection of around 14,000 books &
standards, 50,000 technical papers and numerous journals,
technical reports and seminar / conference proceedings. It
publishes monthly magazine 'Automotive Abstracts' and supplies
CDs of CMVR Type Approval Handbook and Automotive Industry
Standards (AIS).
TRAINING CENTRE, In line with Post Graduate and Doctoral
Programs conducted by various universities abroad, ARAI
Academy has devised various Proficiency Improvement
Programmes (PIPs), to be taught by ARAI, Academia & Industry
Experts. PIP gives engineers, faculty and student's knowledge
and technical expertise in a wide range of automotive disciplines.
It helps in understanding system's view point for automotive
design and manufacture, with specific skills in formulating
automotive engineering solutions in terms of their function and
performance, through optional modules.
Based on the present system in universities, credits are proposed
for each module, so that the graduate engineers can attend
various modules and sum-up the credits required for Master's or
Doctoral Programs. Participants also get chance to visit related
laboratories of ARAI and get hands on experience. Certificates
are issued on the basis of attendance & written test conducted at
the end of the programme. We also conduct Training
Programmes through WEBEX and Domain Training Programmes
for Automotive Industry.
Please visit for more information.
Scheme of GOI and supported by Ministry of Commerce and
Industries, GOI and GOM. This project was initiated by Chamber
of Marathwada Industries and Agriculture, Aurangabad. It will
offer common facility centre for SME’s of Marathwada Region.
The facilities installed and planned to be installed will encourage
SME’s to design and develop new products with shortest possible
time into the market.
The cluster will be equipped with design centre manned by
design professionals who are experts in using latest design
Apart from this, facilities like Rapid Prototyping, state of the art
Tool Room, Standards Room equipped with Mitutoyo Inspection
Equipment, 5-axis Laser Cutting and welding are planned to be
installed for the SME’s.
A Slitting and Cutting Line and 630 T Auto Blanking for Sheet
metal user Industry will provide a cost effective way to manage
individual Inventories and also bring down costs for the SME’s.
Apart from the above The Marathwada Auto Cluster is also
creating a Centre of Excellence facility , where in various
meaningful Skill Development and Management Development
Training will be imparted to the SME’s all year round by inviting
illustrious trainers from all over the country.
Facilities for imparting training on Industrial Automation,
Welding Simulation are also envisaged to be installed in the
center of Excellence Building.
The Centre of Excellence also has designed spaces for organizing
Technical Exhibitions, Trade Fares and Seminars which again will
greatly benefit the Local SMEs.
Please visit for more