LT R R fi R 12 PENTAMINOS CT~n Fig-3 KATAMINO Fig. 1 9 10 11 LJ12 run Fig. 2 4x15 3x20 Fig. 4 6x10 6 Tl-7 771 4 io| i Fig-7 11 2 7F9 11 2| 1 6 L3- I I tl 00 : VO ; 0\o in tt M ft »•:'« ft.-ft ft tt 1 u "ft <? T 7 8 910 PENTA 12 PENTAMINOS 11 10 10 10 11 11 12 11 12 N01C 10 12 ril N°lj M°3 10 11 11 12 11 10 12 11 N°31 N°32 N°33 N°34 N°35 M°16j2 N°T5f N°18 N°19 11 10 " 10 " 10 8 10 10 11 10 ^ 10 ' 10 N°22 12 12 10 12 11 10 11 12 11 12 12 11 12 11 / 12 ° 11 < N°21 12 10 ^ 10 7 8 910 12 10 11 12 11 11 10 12 N°36 N°37 N°38 N°39 ' / 10 <> 10 10 11 10 ft 8 10 11 12 11 12 11 12 11 12 10 f1 12 11 12 12 8 11 10 12 < b , . 11 12 ATAM RULES OF THE GAME 1 TO 2 PLAYERS The more pieces you use, the more difficult the game is. There are thousands of combinations. 3) You can make numerous PENTAS 12 with 4 different formats. (Fig.1). 4) Each pentamino can be reproduced 3 times by using 9 pentaminos for each of them. (Fig. 2). 5) With Pentaminos you also can do various shapes (geometrical figures, animals and so on). (Fig. 5, 6 and 7). RULES OF THE GAME FOR 2 PLAYERS CONTENTS: 12 pentaminos (*). 1 board for playing alone. 1 setting stick to demarcate the limits of the playing area chosen on the board. 1 grid for doing the Pentas Grand Challenge.(«Grand Chelem», «Super Chelem», «Challenge»). 1 checker-board for two players. (*) A pentamino is a figure formed by 5 juxtaposed squares having at least one common side. Each of the 12 possible pentaminos therefore covers exactly 5 squares on the board or the checker-board. MATERIALS REQUIRED : The 12 pentaminos and the checker-board on the back of the grid. PRINCIPLE OF THE GAME : In turn, the 2 players place one pentamino on the checker-board until one of the players is no longer able to play. RULES OF THE GAME FOR ONE PLAYER BASIC RULES : MATERIALS REQUIRED : The 12 pentaminos. The board and the setting stick. The grid. AIM OF THE GAME : 1) The first piece set down by the player who starts must cover at least one of the 4 squares around the central point of the checker-board. (Fig. 3). 2) Next, each piece set down on the checker-board must touch at least one side or one angle of a piece already set down. (Fig. 4). To produce perfect units called PENTAS by juxtaposing a certain number of pentaminos on the board (see illustration on the back of the box). HOW TO PLAY : IMPORTANT FEATURE : The 12 pentaminos are placed beside the board. The first player drawn by lots picks one and sets it down on the checker-board. His opponent does the same on his turn, and so on The pentaminos possess neither front nor back. They can be placed in any direction on the board, except for Pentamino n° 1 which can only be placed horizontally. HOW TO PLAY : SUPER CHELEM Place the setting stick vertically on the board between numbers 5 and 6. Take the 5 pentaminos indicated on the grid in column PENTAS of line A, i. e. pentamino numbers 2, 4, 6, 10 and 11, and make PENTAS. Next, move the setting stick one notch and position it between numbers 6 and 7. You have already used 5 pentaminos and you must now add pentamino 8 as indicated in column 6 of line A. Using these 6 pieces you can now make PENTA number 6. Carry on by adding the pentamino indicated in each subsequent column, until you have made PENTA 11 of line A. Proceed as above for all the sets (A to L). When you have come to the end of these 12 sets you will have made 84 different PENTAS and accomplished the Grand Challenge of Pentas.(SUPER CHELEM) However, the 12 sets required for the challenge are not exhaustive. It is up to the player to create new ones. WINNING THE GAME : The winner of the game is the player who sets the last piece on the checker-board. LENGHT OF TIME OF A GAME : From 5 to 10 minutes. VARIATIONS : Instead of playing the pentaminos as they are picked, the two players divide the 12 pentaminos before starting to play. They can either pick them turn about until each player has 6, or, one player takes the 6 ODD pentaminos and the other takes the EVEN ones. (Fig. 2). The game can then begin and the players proceed as previously explained. OTHER POSSIBILITIES OF THE GAME : 8 1) You can make the 12 sets of the « Grand Chelem « (96 Pentas) and the 40 sets of the «Challenge» (160 Pentas). 2) Without using the grid you can make up your own PENTAS, by finding pentaminos which fit together. ®&©1993Gigamic. 1.MJ I.«J LI
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