University High School Band 2015-16 INFORMATION AND ORIENTATION May 6th 7pm @UHS WELCOME! It is that time of the year again when plans are being made for the next school year and you must decide where you intend to devote your time, effort, and energies. We highly encourage you to become a part of our family that is the University Titan Regiment Band Program! Musical talent is a gift. The fact that you are part of the tradition of excellence in your band means that you possess this gift of music, and your gift must be nurtured and developed to its fullest potential. All of the students in the University Titan Band are ready to welcome you into our program. Ask any student in our band and they will tell you about the “family” that exists between the members of our group. The intellectual and emotional stimulation that music provides, as well as, the important lessons they have learned about leadership, teamwork, and friendship. With the feeling of “family,” band at University High School is definitely not just another class at school. Take advantage of your opportunity to be in the University Titan Regiment Band Program—this is what you have worked towards since the first day you played your instrument. The sense of teamwork, commitment, and feelings of personal accomplishment will take on a whole new meaning when you are in the University Titan Band. THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR MAKING MUSIC!! CLASSES, PLACEMENT AUDITIONS, AND SCHEDULING Placement auditions for students at the middle school will be held in March for placement in the band classes at University High School. **Everybody makes the band**, so the audition simply places you into the band class where it is best suited for you. There are 6 main ensembles in 2015-16: Marching Band, Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Band 1, Symphonic Band 2, Jazz 1, Jazz 2, and Jazz 3. Placement auditions will be the first week of April. Jazz auditions will be held at the same time. Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Band 1, and Symphonic Band 2, Percussion Mr. Martin and your Middle School Band Director will hold auditions at your school. We will assign you an audition day and time. Each audition will last about five minutes. It is important that you play well for the placement audition, but don’t stress out! Mr. Martin and your director know that all of you play well, so you should not put undue pressure on yourself. Jazz Bands Auditions for the jazz bands will be held at the same time as your classical auditions. Students interested in Jazz Band need to notify Mr. Martin when they audition. The top five 1 Saxophones, trumpets, and trombones will make Jazz 1 and the next top five will make Jazz 2 and so on. Rhythm section auditions will be held at the same time. Students only need to audition for Jazz 1. Students that want to be in jazz 2 or 3 simply need to let Mr. Martin know. You will be placed in the ensembles based on your concert band audition. BAND CAMP IS REQUIRED May 5th Percussion Practice: Band Practice: August 6th and 7th August 10th-14th August 17th-20th Freshman Band students and parent Orientation at UHS 7pm Every Monday during the summer 9am-1pm Every Monday during the summer 9am-1pm Rookie and Officer Camp 9:00am-3:00pm Full Band Camp 9-5pm Full Band Camp 9-5 Being a member of the University High School Titan Regiment will be one of the greatest experiences of your life. Membership in the marching band is a requirement of all band students, but more than that, it’s FUN! Band camp is the name of our summer practice session that prepares our band to be the best it can be. Many of you have little experience with marching band, and learning the steps and the music is a fun and rewarding experience. When we plan the marching show, we assign everyone a place on the field. If you do not attend band camp, you will miss out on your placement and might spend most of the season on the sidelines as an alternate for the marching band. Alternates for the show attend all marching band rehearsals, performance, and functions, and are considered to be full members of the marching band. Alternates will be assigned a permanent spot in the show when one becomes available during the season. Freshmen will be selected as alternates during the early part of the season, as they are the least experienced marching members. However, permanent spots will open quickly and EVERYBODY GETS A TURN!! It will be almost impossible to catch up learning the marching and maneuvering required for marching band if you are not at camp. You and your parents should plan vacations around band camp so you can have a spot in the show. Most morning rehearsals will be held outside and most afternoon rehearsals will be held inside, although there will be some times when we practice in the afternoon sun. We are planning a great show for you— Make sure you are at camp so you can be a part of our awesome show. 2 Will I be able to do other things, too? Of Course! Students in the band participate in virtually every other school activity as well: Track, newspaper, golf, volleyball, basketball, drama, chorus, you name it! Football and band are the only two activities that conflict with each other enough to make it nearly to impossible to participate in both. Remember, students should not plan to participate in activities that are regularly scheduled against marching band practice (Tuesday and Thursday’s) or Friday night performances. Many students in band are enrolled in AP courses, dual enrollment, and other challenging academic opportunities. Band Practices Marching band requires after school rehearsals in order to coordinate all of the aspects of the marching shows. The only time we put the entire band on the field is at band practice. Regular band rehearsals will be from 3:00-6:00 PM on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. ******On weeks that we have a Thursday football game, there will be no band practice.****** We practice less than many other marching bands in our area, and yet we continue to have one of the strongest marching programs in the county and the state. The University Titan Regiment has begun a history of excellence with both marching and concert bands. The philosophy of our program emphasizes concert literature as being the most important. We will be working on the best in band literature during class each day. We will practice marching band music during class occasionally, but the majority of our year will focus on the repertoire for Seasonal Concerts, and Concert Band Festivals. Regular Marching Band Practice August, September, and October Tuesday 3:00pm-6:00pm Thursday 3:00pm-6:00pm 3 PARENTS- WE NEED YOUR HELP!!! As you can see, we have an active organization dedicated to making your students experience with music worthwhile. It is important that you remain involved with the musical aspect of your child’s education. A great way to help is to be an active part of our band parents’ support group. By volunteering your time, you will be able to help our organization raise money with fundraisers or you could be a chaperone for a football game. We know you’ll find our parents to be friendly and focused on helping music education affect your child in a positive way. We can continue to have one of the best programs in Volusia County if you pitch in and help. Thanks for your support! Charms!!! The Charms Music Office Assistant is our system for keeping financial records for the University Titan Regiment Band. Fundraisers, trips, and band fees are organized through Charms. Also all communication is sent through this program You can access your account balance, update your contact information, view your assigned inventory, and check dates on the calendar any time you want through charms. UHSTITANREGBAND is the school code. Your student ALPHA code is your login. You will have access to Charms as soon as we receive your information. WHEN YOU ACTIVATE YOUR CHARMS ACCOUNT, YOU WILL ENTER YOUR ADDRESS, TELEPHONE NUMBER, AND E-MAIL ADDRESS SO YOU CAN GET ALL THE LATEST BAND ACTIVITY INFORMATION! We will have forms and additional information posted on our main website for you to peruse- Make sure to stay connected and up to date! 4 2015-16 Band Schedule (TENATIVE) May 5th June-August EVERY Monday, All Summer August 6-7th Freshmen Orientation Summer Music Practices 7pm 9am-1pm Rookie Camp 9-3pm August 10th-14th August 17th-20th August 20th August 24th Full Band Camp 9-5pm End of Camp Show First Day of School 6pm August, September, October, TITAN FRIDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL GAMES See school website for dates May be on Thursdays.. All State Auditions Marching Competition Band Practice Marching Competition Fall Concert UHS Auditorium Marching MPA Location Deland HS Winter Concert Location: PAC Recruitment Concert Jazz MPA Location: Seminole HS High School S&E Location: Seminole MS Jazz MPA & S&E Location: TBD Pre-MPA Concert Location: Deland or UHS Concert MPA Location: TBD State Solo and Ensemble Spring Concert UHS Auditorium TBA Away Games- 4-10:30pm Home Games 5:30-10:30pm September 26th October 4th October 23rd October 24th October 30th Maybe Nov. 7th December 11th February 3rd February 11th February 13th-14th February 27th-March 1st February 23rd March 3rd-5th Late March May 20th Spring Trip (March) Location: Deltona HS 9am-10pm; Leesburg HS 8am-5pm; UHS All Day 7pm 9am-10pm 7pm Times: TBA Times: TBA Times: TBA Times: TBA 7pm Times: TBA 7pm TBA Mid April Lakeside Jazz TBA Early May Leadership Audition TBA Mid April State Concert MPA TBA Mid May Band Banquet TBA Late May Graduation TBA **Parades: We will do two parades every year, not including the homecoming parades. Parades will be scheduled during the day on a weekend in December.** 5 Fees and Payment Schedule Band fees for the 2015-16 Fees: Band: $350 Guard and Percussion: $350 Payment Schedule June 15th at the first band camp Instrument Rental Fee Percussion Stick/Mallet Fee And Instrument Rental August 10th Band Camp $200 will be due $100 (only if playing a school instrument) $100 (Percussion Only) $150 due Uniform Fees Marching Uniform Fee $50 Rental (All students must pay) DUE FIRST DAY Concert Uniform Fee* $50 Rental (All students must pay) DUE FIRST DAY Color Guard Uniform Fee $50 (All students must pay) DUE IN JUNE!! **All other payment options are by request through the Band Director and Treasurer*** ++++Your first payment guarantees you a spot in the show. Students will only be included in the show if they have paid their first payment.++++ Discounts: Sibling $50 Summer Private Lesson Discount* $50 *Lessons occurring over the summer are only lessons able to be applied to band fees Must have one a week for the whole summer* Other items required for freshmen. Due first day of school or time of Order Marching Shoes Gloves Band Polo/Hat $30 $6 $20 or $10 (Optional) Fundraisers*** There will be fundraisers all year. Students and parents will be encouraged to participate in these fundraisers throughout the year. Profits from fundraisers go into the general operating fund. Fundraising will allow us to meet the many financial obligations that are part of sustaining our thriving music program. ***Students that have a financial hardship must meet with Mr. Martin and the booster Treasurer to request the possibility of fundraising their band fees. Parents and students are responsible for paying their fees and paying them on time.*** If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. David C Martin, 386.968.0013 Ext. 46298 6 UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL BAND SAMPLE SCHEDULE 9th 1 Option 1 (Regular) English I Option 2 (Honors) English I Honors Option 3 (Advanced Placement) English I Honors Option 4 (Academy+ or Dual Enrollment**) English I Honors 2 World History World History Honors AP Human Geography AP Human Geography 3 Algebra I Geometry Honors Algebra II Honors Algebra II Honors 4 Phy. Science Phy. Science Honors Phy. Science Honors Phy. Science Honors 5 Band Band Band Band 6 Jazz Band Jazz Band Jazz Band Jazz Band 7 Elective Elective Elective Acad. Elective/Spanish Online PE Waiver(.5 credit) PE Waiver(.5 credit) PE Waiver(.5 credit) PE Waiver(.5 credit) *Must participate in marching for two years for waiver. Must finish other PE class online. 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Online Option 1 English II American History Geometry Biology Band Jazz Band/Ap Theory Elective Option 2 English II Honors American History Honors Algebra II Honors Biology Honors Band Jazz Band/ Ap Theory Elective Option 3 Eng. II Honors AP World His. Pre Calculus Honors Biology Honors Band Jazz Band/AP Theory Spanish/Elective++ Option 4 UHS Class UHS Class Dual Enrollment** Dual Enrollment** Band Jazz Band UHS Elective or Dual 11 Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 English 3 Elective Algebra II Chemistry Band HONORS CREDIT Jazz Band/Ap Theory Spanish/Elective++ English 3 Honors Elective Pre Calculus Honors Chemistry Honors Band HONORS CREDIT Jazz Band/ Ap Theory Spanish/Elective++ AP Language AP US History AP Calculus (AB) AP Chemistry Band HONORS CREDIT Jazz Band/AP Theory SpanishII/Elective++ Dual Enrollment Course Dual Enrollment Course Dual Enrollment Course Dual Enrollment Course Band HONORS CREDIT Jazz Band UHS Elective or Dual Option 1 English 4 Gov. /Econ Pre Calculus Elective Band HONORS CREDIT Jazz Band HONORS Spanish II/Elective++ Option 2 English 4 Honors Gov./Econ Honors Calculus/ AP Statistics Elective Band HONORS CREDIT Jazz Band HONORS Spanish II/Elective Online 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Online Option 3 AP Literature AP Gov/Econ. AP Statistics AP Biology** Band HONORS CREDIT Jazz Band HONORS AP Spanish++ Option 4 Dual Enrollment Course Dual Enrollment Course Dual Enrollment Course Dual Enrollment Course Band HONORS CREDIT Jazz Band HONORS UHS Elective or Dual +++Online Classes through Florida Virtual School will not require a placeholder.+++ ++ Two years of Foreign Languages is not a requirement to graduate High School but is required for admissions to a 4 year university and for Bright Future Scholarships. ** Must get Permission to start Dual enrollment in 10th grade. Must have at least a 3.0 GPA (Unweighted) **++ Must take 6 classes total between UHS and Daytona State but you may also take 7. The maximum number of credit hours at Daytona State during a Semester is 15 hours. (AA degree is 60 credit hours) + Academy option can be used in any option but student must have at least one Academy class all year to say in. ++++This is a guide!! Please see a guidance counselor for help with your schedule!!!++++ 7
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