Marcy Open
7-8 parent Newsletter
March 12, 2015
If you have trouble reading this
newsletter in email, please try
the on-line version on the
Marcy web page
4/9 – MOPSC Meeting 6:00
4/10 – All School Assembly
4/13 – MCA Reading Test
4/14 – MCA Reading Test
4/15 – MCA Reading Test
4/16 – Family Fiesta, Talent Show, Book Fair
and NJHS Induction Ceremony
4/24 – Middle School Dance
4/25 – MAP Gala
5/6 – Bike or Walk to School Day
5/8 – Plant Sale
6/5 – Completion Ceremony for 8th Graders
1:00 pm
Attachments- please see the other attachments that are going out
with this newsletter. There are several of them! Or you can find them
on the Marcy web page at
National Junior Honor Society:
The NJHS Marcy Chapter is open to students in grades 7 & 8 with a
GPA of 3.5 or higher. These students need to fill out an application to
join the group. The Induction Ceremony for this year will take place
at 6:00 on April 16 in the gym, right before the Talent Show. Feel
free to attend and help us recognize these hard workers!
There was a problem this spring getting an accurate Honor Roll from
the MPS District offices. If you feel your student should have been
eligible for NJHS membership, but they have not met with Eve or
filled out an application for membership, please let Eve know! We can
double check the GPA and send you a membership application. To
participate in the Induction Ceremony, we will need to get
applications back by Tuesday. You can email Eve at
Early Warning! Completion Ceremony for 8th Graders (also
known as graduation)
The Completion Ceremony for 8th graders will take place on June 5 at
1:00 in the gym. Mark your calendars! As you consider what your
student might want to wear for the ceremony, please keep in mind that
the dress code is still in effect on this day!
More details will follow closer to the date.
A note from Diane:
From Tracy in Social Studies
From Teresa in ELA
The Spring Middle School
Dance is scheduled for Friday,
April 24th from 5:30-8:00 p.m.
The cost if $4 per person and snacks
are available for purchase. The
dance ends at 8 p.m. and students
should pre-arrange their
transportation home as the building
closes at shortly after 8:00 p.m. and
there is no supervision for students
waiting for rides. Feel free to
contact me for more information
about either the dance.
Welcome to 4th Quarter! It seems
like yesterday we were just starting
school. It's exciting to see how your
students have grown over the last 7
I am excited to have a fresh start for
quarter four! We are still working on
To Kill A Mockingbird. Please
continue to work with your student
to keep up with their reading at
home. We will be talking about the
main conflict--the trial--next week on
Thursday, so students need to be
done with Chapter 19 by next
Thursday (4/16). There are tips and
resources for reading on my website.
Yearbook 2014-2015 Now On
Orders are now being taken for the
Yearbook! The book will be
delivered right before the end of the
school year and delivered to
students then. Order NOW to
make sure you get a book – we have
a limited number to sell. Once
those are gone we cannot get any
Students will get order forms in
homeroom for the Yearbook.
There is also a form you can
download from the Marcy Home
Page. Or you can order online by
going to and
using the ID Code 2360815
In my 3rd and 5th hour we are
taking a short break from Model UN
and learning about the Arab Spring.
Students will get to see how Social
Media helped influence these
movements in the Middle East and
North Africa. Before break students
turned in their rough draft position
paper and we will go back to
working on the final draft the week
of April 20th. The State Model UN
conference will take place at St
Thomas on May 12th. If there are
any parents interested in coming
along let me know!
My 4th, 6th, and 7th hours have
finished History Day and are moving
on to the Civil War. Congratulations
to all the students who participated
in the District History Day
competition they all did a great job!
Soren and his documentary on
Nikola Tesla are moving on to the
State competition. Jalen and Darius's
exhibit board on Thomas Edison
received an Honorable Mention. I
am proud of all the students who
completed the project you could
see they put a lot of thought and
effort into this.
As we start quarter four, I want to
make sure that all students are clear
about what assignments are due and
when they are due. I have a new
bulletin board in my room with an
assignment calendar and all
worksheets for late or missing work. I
showed the students the board in
class, but please make sure your
student knows to check for
assignments if they are absent or have
missing work. I am also posting all
assignments on my website
Finally, we will be taking the MCA
reading tests next MondayWednesday (April 13-15). Please
make sure your student gets a good
night sleep each of those nights and
comes to school ready to do their best
on the test.
Upcoming Field Trips
From Holly in Science:
Earth Day Field Trip- April
22nd 7th graders only
We are working on the periodic
elements. For the next 3 weeks
students will be practicing
memorizing the element name and
symbol for 1-36 on periodic
table. Dates and information can be
found on my website.
We are going to Van Cleve
Park to learn how to care for
the earth.
This is a field trip also to
recognize grades and positive
Have to have 60% or higher in
No referrals from 4/13-4/22
No detentions from 4/13-4/22
Valleyfair TripJune 4th
No more than 3 referrals, 3
detentions, or 1 suspension
We think the cost will be $35
Model UNMay 12th
For 3rd and 5th hour social
studies class. There are a
limited number of seats on the
bus so the first 40 with slips in
will be going. More
information will come as the
date nears.
This year WISE is hosting our tenth
year of Cool Chem at the University
of Minnesota. This event is a day
event in which 7th and 8th grade
girls will explore different chemistry
related activities, make liquid
nitrogen ice cream, and can watch a
demo show with various chemical
reactions. I've attached the flyer for
the event taking place on Saturday
April 25th. We were wondering if
you could pass this information on to
parents and students who might be
Summer Transportation Camp
at U of MN (Flyer is attached)
The Center for Transportation
Studies at the University of
Minnesota will host the Summer
Transportation Camp (STC) for
middle school students from July
13–July 24, 2015. The goal of this
two-week summer day camp is to
create awareness and stimulate
student interest in transportationrelated career opportunities. The
program is open to students who
will be in grades 7-9 as of the 2015–
2016 school year in public and
private schools in the Twin Cities
metro area.
Approximately 15-20 participants
will receive full scholarships to
participate in the two-week STC
program. Scholarships will include
tuition, materials, facility usage,
equipment/supplies, travel (field
trips), lab fees, lunch, and speakers.
If you are interested in more
information about this program, or
the application, contact Eve and she
will forward it to you.
More information is available on the
STC website at
Book Fair
The Scholastic Book Fair is next
week! It will be held in the library
and open for purchasing books and
book related items on Thursday, April
16th from 9-3pm and during the
Fiesta Dinner and Talent Show. It
will also be open on Friday, April
17th from 9-3pm. We are still in
need of volunteers! Please contact
Dee Dee Witthoft if you
are able to donate a couple hours of
your time! Thank you!
14th Annual Gala - Saturday,
April 25th 5:00-11:00pm.
Generously hosted by the Soap
Factory at 514 SE 2nd St. Online
tickets at the Marcy Open web site
and choose Marcy Arts Partnership
Gala. Our next Gala planning
meeting will be Friday, February 13th
at 6pm. Email
for the address. Please join in on the
A long-standing tradition at Marcy
is the student designed t-shirt. The
shirt will be one color with a
contrasting ink color. T-shirts will
be available for purchase in May.
This is a chance for all students to
be part of Marcy history! Designs
must be turned in to classroom
teachers by April 14. Classrooms
then decide on one design to be
submitted to Sidney for a school
wide vote. The winning designer
will determine the color for the
shirt and receive a free t-shirt.
Please use the following guidelines.
The design should fit on the front of
the t-shirt. The words Marcy Open
School 2014-2015 "Share your
Stories" must be included or will be
added. No copyrighted characters
can be used. All designs must be
original. The artist's name and room
number must be written on the
back of the design. Questions?
Please talk to Sidney
From Ms. Jean in Room 313
I would like to send a positive
“shout out” to the wonderful
members of the Marcy Project
Success Players from the “Little
Shop of Horrors” production last
month! I had the pleasure of
supervising this talented group of
young people in the Green Room. I
also want to send a thanks to Teresa
Hayes, Andrea Boesche, and David
Bruns for their help in supervision!
with activities before or after dinner
Thursday, April 16th 5:00–8:00 PM
Fiesta is $1.50 for students and $2.50 for adults. The Talent Show,
Book Fair and NJHS Induction are free. Prepaid reservations are
required for the Fiesta. Reservations are due by APRIL 14. The
Talent Show will start at 6:30 in the Gym. Fiesta service is 5:15 to 7:00.
You do not need to eat at exactly the beginning time for your seating,
for example if you make a reservation for the 5:45-6:15 seating, you
can eat at 6:00.
Return this form and payment to Sidney in room 111.
Which seating do you prefer?
Name __________________________________ Phone
# Students _________ x $ 1.50 = $ _________
# Adults ___________ X $ 2.50 = $ _________
Extra donation to help cover the cost = $ _________
Total Enclosed
Reservations are due by TUESDAY, APRIL 14.
South High School Choral Program
For students attending South High
School next year: Choral Director
Laurie Meyers would like to hear from
you if you are interested in participating
in the program next year. The
opportunities are:
Non-audition: Concert Choir (mixed, all
ability levels) – this is an introductory
Intermediate level audition: Women’s
Choir (girls) and Men’s Choir (boys) –
girls need to schedule an audition with
me by email. Boys can just sign up if they
have previous experience. If they don’t
have previous experience, they should
sign up for Concert Choir.
Advanced level audition: Varsity Choir
(mixed) – open to junior and senior
girls. Open to highly-motivated and
mature boys grades 9-12. This year we
have one freshman boy in the
ensemble. If boys are interested in
auditioning, they should contact me by
Pop Singers (jazz, mixed) – open to all
girls and boys. They meet zero hour
(7:20am every day). This year we have
one freshman in the
ensemble. Auditions for this ensemble
take place in the Fall after school
starts. All members of this ensemble are
required to be in another performing
ensemble at South (choir, band, or
Please contact
Staff E-mails
Donna Andrews – principal –
Amy Perkins – French –
Holly Siasoco – Science –
Leif Neilson – Math –
Teresa Hayes – ELA –
Tracy Doten – Social Studies –
Tamara Cowan – Health –
Greg Gilreath – Gym-
Andrew Tralle – Music –
Lorna Haug-Lee- Art –
Jean Dudley – ASD –
Luda Anastazievsky – ELL
Hannah Malone – ELL –
Diane Schmitz – Social Worker –
Eve Parker – MS Coordinator –
Sidney Orchard – Parent Liaison –
Steven Schmitz – Graphic Arts and Athletic
Ifolo Nwulu – Long Term Sub - French
with questions or to express interest