www.marden.kz Business Center «SAAD» («Marriott») Business сenter «SAAD» New office zone with excellent specific characteristics and views is located on the left coast of Astana city in 15 minutes drive from the airport, in 500 meters away from the Oil and Gas Ministry of RoK, in 400 meters away from shopping and recreation center "KHan Shatyr" and 2 km away from "Bayterek" monument. 2 Business сenter «SAAD» Besides a successful arrangement of the business center, other its unique advantage is existence of high quality hotel and a conference complex in the neighbourhood and proximity to offices of other big companies and government institutions. In "SAAD" business center tenants are given an opportunity of planning and finishing of office space according to the individual sketch. 3 Business сenter «SAAD» Total area per one floor: 672 sq.m. Between the business center and the hotel has a walkway on the 3rd floor, which will allow tenants business center use the hotel facilities (conference rooms, meeting rooms, restaurants and bars, hotel rooms), without leaving the building. This is especially valuable in the winter, in the harsh climatic conditions of Astana. 4 Business сenter «SAAD» On the 1st floor business center «SAAD» is a cafe «Rafe». This is one of the best Italian coffee networks Astana. On the 3rd floor of a business center «SAAD» is specially equipped smoking room with seating area. 5 About «Marden Realty» Marden Realty company has a professional experience of management of objects of commercial real estate more than 8 years. The company currently operates two business centers in Astana. Business Centre «SAAD» Business Center «Alma-Ata» 10 200 sq.m. 30 000 sq.m. 6 About «Marden Realty» Since 2010, the management company «Marden Realty» is a member of the Guild of Managers and Developers of Russia and the CIS (Moscow ) . Since 2011 Kaydzen - the Japanese philosophy of economical production is implemented in company. Specialists of the company were trained according to 3 programs of professional management of commercial real estate (St. Petersburg). Marden Realty company has 4 own divisions – customer operational service, professional cleaning service, security service, commercial service. It allows Marden Realty company to provide all range of high-quality services of management. 7 We are always near ... Our contacts: Burkitbaeva Aynur Address: 010000, Republic of Kazakhstan Astana, the district "Almaty" Str. Imanova 19, office 306 Phone: + 7 (7172) 787 555 8707554 35 43 E-mail: a_burkitbaeva@marden.kz a_burkitbaeva@mail.ru www.marden.kz 8
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