Parish Office Staff Parish Life Clergy Pastor: Rev. Msgr. John P. Hopkins St. Vincent DePaul Society Mike DeShaies: 302-365-5136 Deacons Tommy Watts Austin Lobo Religious Education Madeline Romano Pastoral Associate Sr. Catherine Charles, SND Parish Support Staff Tina Maichle Lois Nowell Patricia Golt General Information Parish Ministries Special Ministers of Holy Communion Kathy Linsner: 302-832-1488 Lectors Lynn Woerner: 302-836-5206 Altar Servers David or Lisa Carey: 738-9530 Suzanne Kirk: 302-369-6443 Cantors & Choir Tom Mucchetti: 610-220-2690 Mary Kate Newell: 302-521-7788 Knights of Columbus Rob Szczerba: 302-836-5806 Pro-Life Teri Dzik: 302-834-5590 Parent Bereavement Group Irene Felker: 302-834-8259 Jean Brady: 302-738-5126 Prayer Line Karen Kolek: 302-834-0225 ext. 108 Lectio Divina Susan Brubaker: 302-834-1671 Pastoral Counseling Sandy Cooper: 302-738-4539 Bible Study and Faith Sharing Deacon Tommy Watts: 302-834-5408 Boy Scouts Steve Williams: 302-270-1383 Cub Scouts Joe Musike 302-545-8149 Friends of St. Margaret (50 +) Sr. Catherine Charles: 302-834-0225 ex. 105 St. Margaret of Scotland Football Team Michael Klepacki: 302-229-2285 Golf Committee Mike DeShaies: 302-365-5136 Mike Ryan: 302-283-1474 Church Cleaning Group Barbara Coates: 302-838-7738 Gardening Janet and Ed Tyczkowski: 302-832-1057 Nursery / Babysitting Megan Januszka: 302-454-0112 Doughnuts / Refreshments after Mass Cindy Sparco: 302-836-0385 Welcoming Committee Trish Gerhart: 302-379-3869 Prayer Shawl Sara Moss Starkey: 302-836-4008 Barbara Coates: 302-838-7738 Margaret’s Song (guitar & choir) John and Patty Jacob: 302-388-0767 Social Justice Committee Bill Mitchell: 302-836-6006 Meg Kane-Smith: 302-836-3511 Ministry of Hospitality (Ushers) Tim Higgins: 302-836-1099 Women at the Well Janet McGehean: 302-392-2236 RCIA ( The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) Michael Felker: 302-834-8259 Vocations Francis Woerner: 302-836-5206 Page 1 - 306 Mass Schedule Saturday: 5:30 pm Sunday: 8:30 am & 10:30 am Weekday: Mon., Wed., & Fr i. 8:30 am Holy Day: 8:30 am & 7:00 pm Reconciliation: Sat. 4:30 pm Rosary: Thur s. 7:00 pm Devotions Rosary Recitation of the Rosary is held every Thursday at 7:00 p.m. in the church. Fifth Sunday of Lent March 21 & 22, 2015 Living the Paschal Mystery Self-giving strengthens our fidelity as a servantfollower of Jesus. We must take up the habit of dying to self for the good of others. This defines what it means to be a faithful follower of Jesus. When we struggle with the dying to self, we are in good company: Jesus himself was “troubled” (gospel) by this and cried out to be delivered from it. We don’t enter the paschal mystery as the dying and rising rhythm of our Christian living apart from Jesus. When we do take up the cross and die, not in the physical sense but by laying down our lives in service, we are able to see that the cross is the means of glory—for the Father, for Jesus, and for us. Our dying to self is hardly the pain of “no pain, no gain.” It is the road to glorification. -Living Liturgy First Friday Adoration Adoration is held from 9am - 10am on the first Friday of every month. All are welcome to join us in worshiping our Lord. STATIONS OF THE CROSS We will have the Stations of the Cross every Friday during Lent at 7:00 p.m. in the church. Mass Intentions March 23 March 25 March 27 March 28 March 29 8:30 am 8:30 am 8:30 am 5:30 pm 8:30 am 10:30 am Guy Gruttadauria C.A. Daniels Jane Madden Paul Marsilii Erwin & Jane Wegert People of the Parish Sacraments Baptism Baptisms can be scheduled on most Sundays at noon or during any of our Masses. If this is your first child you are required to attend a class before the Baptism can be scheduled. Call the office to schedule. Reconciliation Saturday at 4:30pm or by appointment. Matrimony Consult the parish priest at least one year before your wedding date. Page 2 - 306 Parish News St. Vincent de Paul Food Closet Thank you for your generous donations to satisfy the needs of the food closet. The items that are currently needed are desserts, shampoo, baked beans, spaghetti sauce, jelly and canned ham. Thank you for your generosity in helping to feed and care for the community. Thank you for your generosity, no canned goods are needed at this time. From the Religious Ed Office: Registration information for the 2015/16 RE year is going home with all current RE families this week. Please r etur n all forms and deposit to the Religious Ed Office before April 15. RE families with students who will be preparing to receive sacraments next year will also be receiving that information. Registration for new RE families will begin the weekend of April 18. Please contact Madeline Romano for more information. There will be no RE classes on March 29/31. This is a change from the original schedule. We expect to see our RE families at Palm Sunday Mass next weekend, hopefully at Triduum celebrations, and on Easter Sunday. All RE students are expected to report for class the week of April 11. VBS – This year ’s VBS will be held the week of August 3. The planning meeting will be held this Wednesday, March 25, at 6:30 pm. Please contact Brenda Carlton for more information, or simply stop by and join us for the meeting on Wednesday. What about the cards? Please continue to pray for the young people of our parish. Next Sunday, Palm Sunday, all parishioners will be invited to take home a card and to pray for the young person whose name is written on the card. We also ask that you please begin to also pray for members of our parish to come forward and volunteer to help plan and provide ways that we can help the young people of our parish feel more a part of parish life. Next weekend, there will be opportunity for anyone to sign up to find out more about how we hope to better serve our young people Confirmation: THANK YOU to “all” the par ents and candidates who participated in the Lock-In. The Spirit was alive and with us which made everything go very smoothly. Knights of Columbus “February” Family of the Month Dennis and Marie Murphy A MESSAGE FROM FR. JOHN: I need your help! This is a difficult r equest for me to make because of your generosity when you are asked to support various requests. When you understand what the mission and need is you always respond. To help the parish to continue to grow we need to build a social hall. I can’t accomplish this without your help. Phase II of our Capital Campaign will kick-off in April and will be completed by Memorial Day. The parishioners who will be asked to support this campaign are those who were not participants in Phase I. Our goal is to raise an additional $1,000,000 to build the Social Hall. Please consider supporting this effort. Without your help and commitment we will not be able to reach our goal. The Hall will be available for the use of all parishioners and ministries. It will allow for all kinds of family activities. I ask you to be open to support this effort. Again, you have always been generous. Please plan to respond in a positive way when given an opportunity to complete a pledge card. The Social Hall is a real need and it is up to all of us to make it happen. Worship ● Service ● Social Life KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS The St. David Council #12842, invites men 18 and older to join us in supporting the parish and the community through acts of service. Please call Grand Knight Rob Szczerba for additional information at 302-836-5806 or e-mail Tony Francia Memorial Golf Tournament St. Margaret’s annual Tony Francia Memorial Golf Tournament will be held June 11, 2015 at Cavaliers Country Club in Newark. The cost is $125 per golfer and the proceeds will be donated to our campaign to build a social hall. We had 89 golfers play last year; our goal this year is 100 golfers. Golf committee members will be available in the gathering space in a few weeks to register this year’s participants. Come on out for a fun day on the links with your fellow parishioners and help support the campaign for our social hall! For more information, please contact Mike Deshaies ( or Mike Ryan ( Attention all those who have gone through the RCIA program in years past as a candidate, catechumen or sponsor. Please join the RCIA team along with this year’s catechumen, John, for a soup supper and Stations of the Cross at 5:30 pm Friday; March 27th. Families are welcome. Contact Laura Julien @ 832-9726 or Cathy Lavallee @ 368-9874 to let us know that you are coming. LENTEN CONFESSIONS Saturdays – 4:30 P.M. Wednesday, April 1st – 6:00 – 7:00 P.M. PARISH/DEANERY PENANCE SERVICE Sunday, March 22nd - 7:00 P.M. St. Joseph Church, Middletown HOLY WEEK SERVICES HOLY THURSDAY – April 2nd Mass of the Lord’s Supper and Procession 7:00 P.M. Visits to Repository until 11:00 P.M. GOOD FRIDAY – April 3rd Stations of the Cross - 12:00 noon Celebration of the Lord’s Passion - 5:30 P.M. HOLY SATURDAY – April 4th Blessing of Food – 12:00 noon Easter Vigil Mass - 8:00 P.M. EASTER SUNDAY – April 5th 8:30 A.M., 10:30 A.M. & 12:15 P.M . Social Justice Fifth Sunday of Lent – March 22 It is by uniting his own sufferings for the sake of truth and freedom to the sufferings of Christ on the Cross that a human person is able to accomplish the miracle of peace and is in a position to discern the often narrow path between the cowardice which gives in to evil and the violence which, under the illusion of fighting evil, only makes it worse. … A human person is alienated if he refuses to transcend himself and to live the experience of self giving and of the formation of an authentic human community oriented towards his final destiny, which is God. -- John Paul II, Centesium Annus, 25, 41 Page 3 - 306 Community News The Kirkwood Creamery is NOW HIRING for ice cream servers/cashiers. Days, evenings and weekends available. April thru September. Email resume or letter of interest to 60 Images of Our Lady in Art, plus Faberge Eggs APRIL 8TH - Bus leaves St. Polycarp for Washington. D.C. at 7 am (Pick-up en route on Kent Island). See mosaics in St. Matthew Cathedral. National Museum of Women in the Arts has displays of works from them Vatican, the Louvre, the Uffizi & elsewhere. Enjoy a moderately-priced lunch in the café. Hillwood, home of Marjorie Merriweather Post, includes collection of priceless French & Russian art, including world famous Easter eggs of the Czars. Head home at 3:30 pm. $50 includes all but lunch. Bernadette Baker (302)653-8279. Holy Week Quiet Retreat Monday, March 30-Sunday, April 5 –Come to Malvern Retreat House for a silent retreat during the most holy of weeks. Daytime events are scheduled Monday through Wednesday. Retreatants can stay overnight from Holy Thursday through Holy Saturday and end the retreat with Easter Sunday Mass. Please visit for more information or contact Malvern Retreat House Rector Monsignor Joseph Marino at or 484-321-2545. Do you enjoy camping, making friends, climbing rocks, exploring caves? If you are a boy 11 years or older or have completed 5th grade, come check out Boy Scout Troop 283 on Tuesday, March 31 or Tuesday, April 14. Contact Rob Szczerba at 302-836-5806 or email to schedule your visit. Looking for Someone to Clean? If your are looking for a house cleaner, call your fellow parishioner, Sally at 302-228-9112. Licensed. References available upon request. Mount Aviat’s 5thAnnual 5K and Sister Walk Join the MAA community on Sunday, April 26th at 9:15 a.m. for the 5th Annual 5K and Sister Walk. Don’t miss out on the preregistration rate available until April 17th: $20/per person or $50/per family. Pre-registration fee includes T-shirts. Trophies will be awarded after the race. To register, go to or contact Dina ( or Kandi ( Mass will take place prior to the race at 8:00 a.m. at the school. Christ the Teacher Catholic School News…. Christ the Teacher Catholic School is accepting students for the 2015-16 school year. If you have interest in knowing more about our regional Catholic school, please contact Sister LaVerne at 302-838-8850 ext. 129 or for an appointment to tour the school. Christ the Teacher School Our Regional Catholic School For additional information visit 302-838-8850 Come see the Official Relic of Saint John Paul II April 15-16, 2015 , St. Hedwig Church Under the direction of the Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary, the official relic of Saint John Paul II will be brought to our diocese April 15-16, 2015, to St Hedwig Church. Wilmington is one of only three dioceses in the United States to receive this relic during its official pilgrimage from March-July 2015. You are invited to attend a Welcoming Mass and Veneration on Wednesday, April 15 and/or a Farewell Mass and Veneration on Thursday, April 16, 2015, 5:30pm Holy Hour, 6:30pm Mass, 7:30pm Veneration of the Relic. Immediately following, there will be a Saint John Paul II display and refreshments in the Msgr. Gulcz Hall. For more information about the relic, go to or call (302) 594-1400. Divine Mercy Weekend, April 10-12 Malvern Retreat House Directed by: Rev. Ronan Murphy & Rev. Pio Mandato with Rev. Stephen DeLacy Immerse yourself in the grace of Christ’s Divine Mercy during this 10th Anniversary weekend retreat at the beautiful Malvern Retreat House; culminating with the Feast of Divine Mercy Sunday! Visit or call 610-644-0400 for more information. Pondering the Mystery of Christ Tuesday, April 28th: 9:30 am – 3:30 pm “Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth, break forth into joyous song and sing praises!”(Psalm 98:4) As the earth prepares to bring forth new life this Spring, we invite you to join us, with Retreat Leader, Liz Sweeney, SSJ, as we ponder the mystery and impact of Christ in our own lives as our own deepest Self so that we can do what we must do—live Christ ever more fully and deeply in our everyday lives. Liz Sweeney, SSJ, is a spiritual director and retreat leader at Jesus House, in Wilmington, Delaware. Her extensive work and experience leading Contemplative Dialogue retreats has enlarged the arena of her ministry to working with religious congregations throughout the United States. Cost is $35 per person before April 28th, $45 at the doorCost included continental breakfast and lunch To register: call our office at 302-995-6859 or visit us at Jesus House Prayer and Renewal Center, 2501 Milltown Road, Wilmington, DE 19808 Marydale Retirement Villages “Spring Bazaar” March 28th: 9:00am—3:00pm Held in the Community Center 135 Jeandell Dr. Newark, DE 19713 Worldwide Marriage Encounter Delaware / Maryland / Eastern Shore In the first reading it says “I will be their God, and they shall be my people.” God wants to be invited into your marriage. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is scheduled for April 24-26 in Rehoboth Beach, DE. For mor e infor mation, visit our website at or to r egister for the weekend, please call Dave and Cyndi Germack @ 302-220-9833. Page 4 - 306 Diocese News Pilgrimage 2015 People of Joy Bishop Malooly invites youth and young adults from all parishes and schools to join him as we come together for the sixth annual Pilgrimage on Saturday, March 28, 2015. Young people from across the diocese will carry the diocesan pilgrimage cross through the streets of Wilmington with the bishop as a representation of Jesus’ entry to Jerusalem and his journey on Good Friday to Calvary. Registration opens at 10 am at St. Elizabeth parish and the day begins with opening prayer and a concert featuring Steve Angrisano at 10:30 am. We conclude with the 5pm liturgy at St. Elizabeth. Don’t miss this great opportunity to wrap up your Lenten journey with hundreds of your peers. Cost for the day is $15 or $45 max per family (bring your own lunch). To register, please contact Madeline Romano For more information, visit Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Wilmington is seeking Field Specialists for the Weatherization Assistance Program in Wilmington and Dover. For more information or to apply, see our posting on EOE M/F/D/V. The Diocese of Wilmington/Catholic Charities seeks 1 Fulltime Basic Needs Case Manager (35 hours a week) to work at both its Georgetown and Dover offices. For more information or to apply, see our posting on EOE M/F/D/V. Seeking a Director/ Coordinator of Liturgy and Music St. Francis de Sales Parish in Salisbury is seeking a Director/ Coordinator of Liturgy and Music. The successful candidate will have knowledge of the Roman Catholic Church Liturgy with a love for the Church and a prayerful commitment to the parish community. An understanding of liturgical music and cultural variances is crucial for our large parish with a diverse assembly. Qualifications: Masters of Divinity or equivalent with emphasis in liturgy, Bachelors considered with 1-3 years’ experience and knowledge of Catholic liturgical practices. Please contact Father Chris LaBarge at 410-742-6443 or Good News Listen to Catholic Forum every Sunday morning at 10:05 a.m. on 1150AM WDEL and Next Sunday, March 29th, tune in for the annual presentation of the Passion of Our Lord by the St. Elizabeth High School Drama Class. For photos, information regarding upcoming guests and more, “Like” Catholic Forum on Facebook at Are you Being Called to God? Through the prophet Jeremiah, God promised that He would write His covenant in the hearts of His people. Throughout the history of Christianity, courageous women and men have generously offered the whole of their lives in the service of that covenant as consecrated religious sisters and brothers. Do you have what it takes to follow their lead? If you’d like to explore the options, please call or write Father David Kelley, Diocesan Director of Priestly and Religious Vocations (302-573-3113; Be sure to visit our website:! Marriage Moments A grain of wheat must fall to the ground and die to produce much fruit. (Jn 12:24) What needs to die in you to bear fruit in your marriage? Pride? The desire to always be right? Wanting stuff your way? Avoiding decisions? Humble yourself today. Parenting Pointers This coming Sunday is Palm Sunday. Before we walk into the passion of Holy Week, perhaps you could rejoice with your family about your accomplishments as a family (Toilet training? A day without fighting or complaining? An award? A healing?). Bring It Home March 22, 2015 In the readings this week, some Greeks came to Philip and said, "Sir, we wish to see Jesus." Take the Scriptures and Bring It Home by, giving up forty seconds to forty minutes throughout this week to engage in silent prayer. Meditate with this simple mantra over and over: “I wish to see Jesus in my life.” Discuss with others in your home what insights you may have received from this prayer. READINGS FOR March 22nd — March 29th March 22– Fifth Sunday of Lent Jer 31:13-34/ Heb 5:7-9/ Jn 12:20-33 or Ez 37:12-14, Rom 8:8-11/ Jn 11:1-45 or 11:3-7, 17, 20-27, 33b-45 March 23– Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62/ Jn 8:1-11 March 25- Is 7:10-14; 8:10/ Heb 10:4-10/ Lk 1:26-38 March 26– Gn 17:3-9/ Jn 8:51-59 March 27– J er 20:10-13/ Jn 10:31-42 March 28– Ez 37:21-28/ Jn 11:45-56 March 29– Palm Sunday of the Passion for the Lord Mk 11:1-10 or Jn 12:12-16/ Is 50:4-7/ Phil 2:6-11/ Mk 14:1—-15:47 Page 5 - 306
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