Sign-up Form ~ Bahamas/Florida Deaf Cruise 2016
PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY: (must fill out all information including address, etc.)
Your Name (Match Name as Passport Book): _____________________________________________________ Date of Birth: _____ / _____ / _____
Do you have passport book? (check one)
Are you (check one)
□ Deaf / HOH?
□ No
□ Will Apply soon
□ Hearing?
□ Yes (please make a copy and mail with this form)
Are you from Tennessee Deaf for the Deaf School? (check one)
□ No
□ Yes
Is it your first time cruise with Royal Caribbean (RC)? (check one)
□ Yes
□ No, how many times have you cruised with RC? ____________
Do you have Crown & Anchor membership with RC? (check one)
□ No
Is your spouse going with you? (check one)
□ No
don’t know
□ Yes, #_______________________________
□ Yes (go to 2nd page, see the gray box)
Email Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Mailing Address: ___________________________________________________________________________ Apt. # (If any) _______________
City: _____________________________________________________________________ State: ______________ Zip: ____________________
Your phone number:
(check one)
□ Voice
□ VP
(_____________) ________________________________________________
Special Needs:
Medical: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
(wheelchair, CPAP, diabetic, medication needs refrigator, low vision, blind, etc.)
Dietary: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
(vegetarian, gluten free, lactose-free, etc.)
Emergency Contact Information:
Please provide the name of someone who is not traveling with you.
Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Relationship to you: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
(parent, daughter, sister, friend, etc.)
Mailing Address: ___________________________________________________________________________ Apt. # (If any) _______________
City: _____________________________________________________________________ State: ______________ Zip: ____________________
Phone number:
(check one)
□ Voice
□ VP
(_____________) ________________________________________________
Email address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Type of Stateroom (cabin): (check one) □ Inside~$544 pp □ Large Inside~$564 pp
Large Ocean View~ □ $594 pp
□ $624 pp
Any request your cabin*: ________________________________________________________________________________________________
(near elevator, midship, front of ship, back of ship, name of friends that you want to be near their cabin, etc.)
Type of Bed for Stateroom: (check one)
□ One Bed (Together)
□ Two Beds (Apart)
NOTE: If you are traveling alone: Your rate will be much higher. (You can add a roommate later, if find one, let me know then your rate will be reduced.)
Name of Roommate(s) who will share cabin with you: (your roommate will have to fill her/his separate passenger information form) ___________________
*Once your deposit or total of payment reach $180 per person, then I can check if there are available or near as possible, but not guarantee. Early deposit would be better chance.
If your spouse is going cruise with you, please fill this gray box.
Spouse’s Name:_____________________________________________________________ Date of Birth: _____ / _____ / _____
Does spouse have passport book? (check one)
Is spouse (check one)
□ Deaf / HOH?
□ No
□ Hearing?
□ Will Apply soon
□ Yes (please make a copy and mail with this form)
Is your spouse from Tennessee Deaf for the Deaf School? (check one)
□ No
□ Yes
How many times have your spouse cruised with RC? _____________
Does Spouse have Crown & Anchor membership with RC? (check one)
□ No
don’t know
□ Yes, #_______________________________
Deposit Payment:
Make to L’ATTITUDES TRAVEL) (Deposit is $80 per person – check, cashier check or money order only for deposit. If you want to pay
$180, my suggestion to write a check of $80 per person and call me to give me your debit/credit card to charge the rest after we receive
the check of deposit. (NOTE: all deposits will be deducted from the group cruise rate)
Check one:
□ Check
Money Order
□ Cashier Check
Amount of $ ________________
Automatic Monthly Payment Plan:
Check here _____ Yes, I want to sign up for automatic monthly payment with my Debit/Credit card toward Cruise Package only. Please
send me Debit/Credit Card Authorization form.
******************************************************************************************** ******
I agree to notify L’Attitudes Travel/Maria Michaelson, Travel Concierge in writing or emailing of any changes of my cruise package or
cancelling my cruise. It is my understanding that there is a cancellation fee of $80 per person with L’Attitudes Travel, whenever I cancel
my cruise any time.
Your Signature
Your Spouse’s Signature (if going with you)
Any Comments: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
How did you find out about us?
Check one:
□ Facebook
□ Other:
□ Google / Internet
□ Friend:
(name) _______________________________________
(explain) ___________________________________________________________________________
After complete the Passengers Info form, checks for deposit & copy of passport book (if any)
Mail to: L’Attitudes Travel
Attn: Maria Michaelson, Agent
2045 E. Dorothy Lane
Kettering, OH 45420
Any Questions ~ Call Maria Michaelson, Travel Concierge (Agent) at 937-630-4844 or email at