COUNTY GOVERNMENT OF MARSABIT DEPARTMENT OF TRADE, INDUSTRY AND ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT P.O. BOX 75-60500 MARSABIT PUBLIC PARTICIPATION FORUM FOR A BUDGET MAKING PROCESS FY 2015-2016 MAIKONA WARD A REPORT: PREPARED ON 6TH FEB,2015 MAIKONA WARD PUBLIC PARTICIPATION FORUM FOR A BUDGET MAKING PROCESS FY 20152016: HELD ON 6TH FEB: VENUE AT WARD ADMINS’ OFFICE MAIKONA. Introduction and overview Kenya’s 2010 Constitution and subsequent legislation, such as the County Governments Act and the Public Finance Management Act, require public participation in matters of public finance.Kenyans have deep and longstanding concerns about the ways in which resources have been distributed throughout the country. Many regions and communities feel that they have been excluded by a strong central regime. The antidote in the 2010 Constitution is, on the one hand, devolution of power to lower levels of government and, on the other hand, an attempt to open up institutions at all levels and increases the opportunities for public participation, as well as greater checks by new bodies, such as the Controller of Budget. It follows from this that public participation is in part about aligning the needs and demands of the public more closely with the choices of government officials. This suggests that public participation must occur at the formulation and approval stages of the budget, when priorities are being set. At this stage, public participation can enhance decision making by bringing information about public needs to the attention of policymakers as they prioritize their spending. This can lead to more equitable distribution of resources. At the same time, concerns about corruption and failure to account for resources during the course of budget implementation suggest that public participation in Kenya is also important during budget execution and when budget performance is evaluated. The public has an oversight role to play that complements the County Assembly and other bodies. Information that the public holds about the effectiveness of public spending on the ground can help inform the oversight process and improve budget implementation. We conclude from this that public participation is essential at all stages of the budget process.This report was prepared following a public participation forum in Maikona ward for the Budget making process FY 2015-2016. PROGRAM OF EVENTS: 1.Introduction/Registration of the participants by ward admin. 2.Purpose of the meeting. 3.Functions of each department be explained. 4. Reading of the previous years budget 2013-2014 and 2015-2016. 5.Qns and answer session/ any concerns raised. 6. Budget priorities setting from each area,Forolle, Hurri hills, Kalacha, Elgade&Maikona. Present officials 1.Paul Jalla-Sub County Admin. 2.Diko Fora- Deputy Sub County Admin. 3. Darare Gonche- Ward Admin. 4. Dr. Boru Okotu- Health Services 5. JirmHalake – Trade & enterprise development 6. Hon.WarioBulleSora-C/REP Maikona 7. GalgalloOkotu- Culture & Social Services Participants Lists 1. Ibraesharamo -Hurri Hills11. Hoko boru– Kalacha21. QuriGuyo- Forolle 2. Dulach Tune ,, 3. Dabassowario,, ,, 4. Roba Bora 5.Budha Yattani,, 6. GuratiGuracha,, 7. KatelloBoru ,, ,, ,, 12. Doko Gonne,,22. ShanuDuba 13. SabdioWario,,23. SoraAdano ,, ,, ,, 14. MalichaGuyo - Elgade 24. ShamoMoli ,, ,, 15. GuyoDalacha,,25. Umuroorto- Maikona ,, 16. AdanoAbudho,,26. RobaDima ,, ,, 17.Sharamo Okola,,27. Roba Ali ,, 8. KuluFugichaKalacha18.MakaHalakhe ,,28. Katello Demo ,, 9. JarsoHalake ,, 19. BarakoGuracha-Forolle29. Hoko Funacha ,, 10. DengeUmuro ,, 20. YattaniSora ,,30. Kula Dida 1. Introduction/Registration of participants ,, Agenda of the day was set in motion by the ward administrator, Madam DarareGonche, who welcomed the participants. She thanked them for coming and asked a mzeedabella, to open the meeting with a word of prayer. After introduction of the participants, Mrs. Darare invited the Sub county Administrator to introduce other officials and also to bring on the next agenda item, which was the purpose of the visit. 2. Purpose of the meeting- Mr. Jalla welcomed the participants and introduced the other officials who were present. The Administrator explained to the participants how the new constitution 2010, which ushered in the principle of devolved Governance system, has empowered the Citizenry to have a stake on how resources and other policy issues will be handled by the critical mass of the people. He highlighted thepurpose of the forum, went on to emphasize theimportance of Public participation and that it was a requirement of the law for them to be involved in a Budget making process at the beginning of every financial year. 3. The functions of each County Departments The participants were given the insights into all the County Departments’ functions and mandates,including the Office Public Service Board. This was for the participants to make an informed choices on sectoral areas from which those priority projects can be flag shipped. The officers presented the departments and gave a very informative update on the functions of each department. The participants were enlightenedon the County Government structure and as its core mandate its desire for an efficient and effective system of service delivery. The participants were challenged to know all the line ministries within the county structure and also target all for the development agendas.Mr. Galgallo from Culture & social services department also gave his remarks, he highlighted to the participants the pilot County Social Protection programme that will support the vulnerable members of the society. He also confirmed the list of beneficiaries in Maikona as valid and deserving cases. MrGalgallo also reiterated the vision of the County Government to scale this intervention to include a larger group of beneficiaries. 4. Reading of the previous years Budgeted development projects This was done by the duo of Dr. BoruOkotu who read to the participants the earmarked projects for lapsed year 2013-14 FY, and also Mr. Jirm who read the projects earmarked for the current FY 2014-15.This elicited a lot of concerns from the participants,who then were advised by Mr. Jalla to note their point of concern on the read projects and give feedback which formed the next agenda item, thus Qns and Ans. Session. 5. Question and Answer session/Concerns There were flurry of questions from various locations, as pertains mainly, to the manner in which projects were handled by the contractors without any proper consultations and official launching of the project to the residents. This was seen to be critical in order to create some form of rapport with the locals and to create a sense of ownership and buy in. Specific concerns raised were as follows;1). Forolle- Boreholes drilled along the border points at Forolle, Idhido all have problems, enquiry made was, why the one across the Ethiopian border, at ALA BOR just 23kms, have enough water and is very sustainable. They opined that problem with all this Boreholes is the weaker capacities of the Gen sets-thus small pistons, or hose pumps sizes e.g. initially, KubiIrresBurale pump test showed enough water, but things changed later. Proposals, on way forward, on this particular issues of Boreholes was mentioned as follows; i)Cleaning/flashing of the sand trapped pipes.ii)Generators with a good load capacity be purchased and mounted on those boreholes. 3) Hurri hills – Concerns were raised on some shoddy jobs done by the contractor at HaroJatama. Very poor workmanship. Some contractors when advised , by locals on best approach to undertake the project would refer them to how the BOQ cannot be altered or changed. Some of those advises would fall on deaf ears, and indeed an initially good water catchment /pan would later become diverted, hence the run off course changes for good. 4) Some roads poorly done, spot improvement areas be revisited. The evaluation committee should involve the community before they give their approval letter. 5) Cost of constructing an ECD class be revisited, especially for far flung areas like Forolle and others. Given the cost of consignment for materials to the site. 6. Budget priorities setting for the FY 2015-2016 The major Locations under Maikona ward;- Forolle, Hurri hills, Kalacha, Elgade&Maikona. The participants were already informed of the budget exercise,where it was expected a meeting of all the locations residents were conducted to gather their priority areas for next years’ development agenda. This was adhered to by most locations and in fact some came prepared with a written Memorandum. The following Table gives a breakdown of each locations priorities as wished by the residents of Maikona ward. AREA PRIORITY PROJECTS ESTIMATED COSTS MAIKONA WARD 2015/2016 ESTIMATE BUDGET SUMMARY PRIORITY PROJECTS LISTED AS PER CENTRES MAIKONA CENTRE WATER Construction of water tank & piping system at health centre Construction of water no.1 tank & piping system for katelo demo,guyo roba, elema guraa& chalbi pry. Construction of underground tanks at Toricha&Iyole Construction of tanks & piping system of Boji water to basbalesa 1.5m 3.5m 3m 1.5m EDUCATION 2m ECD construction & equipping of ECD at Gamura pry school HEALTH 4m CULTURE & SOCIAL SERVICES Construction of a Lab at Maikona health centre Electricity for mkn health centre 0.5m 2.6m Dispensary to be constructed at El Boji Manyatta 2.5m Social Hall 1m AGRICULTURE,LIVESTOCK & FISHERIES Fodder management(enclosure ) SUB TOTAL KALACHA CENTRE WATER Drilling of Bore hole, Equiping with solar system & Piping at Rage village Installation of Piping system from Hosp. borehole to town, polytechnic & erection of water kiosks at 4 strategic places ROADS EDUCATION 21.1m 3m 2.5m Drilling of bore hole at Lag Lokho/Rock catchment at Gotu Mata Katelo Qalle 6m Spot Improvement of Kalacha to Arilo road via Chalbi. 2.0m Upgrading of Kalacha to Alguman road 2m Construction of ECD class, store, kitchen & 1.5m furniture at Kalacha pry school. AGRICULTURE,LIVESTOCK & FISHERIES Construction of 1.1m store,kitchen & furniture at Rage ECD. Hay & fodder management & infrastructural support SUB TOTAL HURRI HILLS CENTRE WATER Construction of 6/12 underground tanks(400cubic metres) 1m 19.1m 10m 6.6m Purchasing of 10,000LTRS water tank 300 h/holds Drilling of a Bore hole at Selle Aroresa ECD plastic Water tank at Bori, shankera & Kubi Qoti Desilting & rehabilitation of 1/8 existing water pans on Hurri hills at strategic place 6m 0.7m 3m ROADS 1m Upgrading of BoriToricha road HEALTH 1m ELGADE CENTRE WATER Dispensary fencing Equipping maternity SUB TOTAL Drilling of bore hole at Dakane Drilling of bore hole at Town & piping system Construction of shallow wells at El Budha 1.6m 30.0M 6m 3m 1m EDUCATION 1.5m Fencing of ECD class & latrine constructions SUB TOTAL FOROLLE CENTRE WATER ROADS 11.5 Drilling of additional bore holes at kubi irres burale 5m Equiping existing boreholes 2 boreholes with bigger capacity gen set 2m Rehabilitating existing water pans 1m clearing of Forolle /Ell Bor rd. 1m EDUCATION MAIKONA WARD BUDGET SEALING: Upgrading Forolle to Gar Nyencha rd. 2m fencing of Forolle pry school ECD SUB TOTAL TOTAL SEALING 1m 12.0 93.0M The Budget sealing FY 2015-2016 for Maikona Ward is ksh. 93,037,726/= according to CRA formula applied on the key parameters. which is 45% population, 25% Equal share, 18% poverty, 8% Land area,1% fiscal responsibility,1% development factor, 2% personnel emoluments. Other concerns: There was a terrible outburst, hue and cry concerning the various Social protection programs, e.g the hsnp(hunger safety net program) whose payment is done by Equity bank, Social pension forthe aged and vulnerable groups done by Posta. The service delivery mechanism is a quagmire & an inefficient process. Imagine an old man ,aged 80 yrsand frail coming all the way from far flung remote areas of Dukana, forolle, North horr. CONCLUSION: The participants unanimously agreed that their priorities be fast tracked by relevant authorities within the County Government and their sentiments as raised against rogue contractors be addressed.In future, they promised that every project assigned for their area should be done through participatory approach, that involves the locals at the various villages and centers. The awarding of contracts should also enlist the local contractors and not an outsider who may not have any filial attachments to the residents. There being no other business the meeting ended at around 4.30 p.m.
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