Date: Class: Name: Dailies * After I had checked over the clothes I had picked out, I headed toward the bathroom but stopped dead in my tracks. lVly worst enemy, my brother Alex, was making his way to my destination. He had a bad reputation of taking tong showers and leaving the room with the lingering scent of his awful cologne. I looked at him, and he stared right back' lt was like an old Western cowboy movie. Suddenly he shot me his don'teven-think-about-it look. So, of course, I retaliated with my world-famousmake-me look (Mescall, Meagan, "My Worst Enemy")' 1. What can you lcedic+ will happen? Give -t\r??oc+' A. ?cedic*ion, Su??oc*: 2 3. What are th€ eo*.n^o ru\e"s fof the following sentence?: A. Fics* :t€^+ence: B. Seco,^d .senlence (*u.lo commo-s/.so-e gu\e): C. Fouclh .sentence: D. Six+v' .sen*enc Quote a figucolive \on.3'Jo€e A. -Devrce'. B. Tgte, deu,ce and tell its +gle. 4 @ 2AO2 bY 16 M.E. Ledbetter Name: Class: Date: Dailies * | stopped, looked back at Jacob, and realized we didn't have a chance. we didn't have a chance to run to the shed, we didn,t have a chance to distract them, we didn't have a chance to stealthily get to the house (Roeschen, Michael, "No Help in Sight,'). 1. what two Sn^i\eg-Foce Tcicrs does the author use in this passage? & 2. Howare the s-ireg-Foce 3' "Sleot*hi\g'is an adverb, which the author needed to describe that there was no way to get to the house, even secre*rg. write a sentence using "s+eo.\+hg", +he odieclive, tho* covtd fit *he ?€e. eive o COntgXt ClUg trithin *he sentence ond vndec\ine it- 4. What can loU infec about the narrator? Give sv??oc+. 5. A-_ n. -Lnference-_ B. Su?Poc*: From wirat aoin* of Tcicrs ef{ee)ve? What *ood do thev create? vier.r is this passage written? @ 18 2002 by M.E. Ledbetter rellaqpel 3'y! ^q z00z 6t o '(a+o+ ttaa\q+o> QL a^a7 -r avQ -r a+o\ o+ a^o\ sor\ auo aq+ aq 'uaaJ9) puo 1_rrB \.ro-:tDr{,o+-a^a\--f"\L,. lr\\ -socr -r- Bo-s p\nol noB -s-sang -r- .plp a_ln-s ,{AR =,,i?w +uOc. nof, cnou;1 noB ruo awcD ,\e ,,i c.o\, +gBrJ poorl ag+ \.rl .r.ou o-s wD -fi 1u^{ noB rqo,.13 *"r' '{^ PaEBn\d- spcn +l a-tl\ (Eu\pu^o-s R++orr-s a\++l\ o (Joa f,w rrr gr,ril+Dalq +Jlo-s c '+Das aI+ uo 3l#n;s Fw tfiocr ftw ur ;q p\noD PJoa\ :i +D\+ s)occjr J€ Frd_d_o\d_ puo s))'otlDDq Jo -s,req-s Buo Jaao {lJ+ o+ +o\J \rv.AJ]f) ,apls +gBrl hDocl aq+ wo+L +roas .-soq o+ pa)\oe1 Htlpoal-s \*:no3r Sluo 1 Jr++lq +Dae,r-s \\aw-s po\ puc +,ol+ "\+ +ol pn^D R+s^p socr znr{ a\rlp)o6) vcnop ft1tllaw Eur\\eJ -s'^q al+ 3r.e a1L "pr-sv\ 'Jno-s P\ro +aarls g*o9 socn 2)\o^ _sr\ +D\+ ptTr\\oal -T puf,) (tuo+ \r-ow_oqDDq. D \.rr,,(-tr)sq aq \\,f-,, ta:l\ E:ur\+awo-s,J'oa f,w rtspJocl o pa\9wnw;r** 'a+D\ o+ a^o\ -r- +9\+ a\lws: B\s ,J\)a-o* -JDa a\++'\ +D9+ +oB al prrD (-s'JDa+ I+lr. +J^q Bat11 a 111 ,Japrcr +oB _srBa sl\t '\B^o\+,p,o= r som,,/auo\o rw a^oa\ +Dqr' puo(arp:r9 a\{:*l\,Bomo B\j. -*\Bt-t spm aL1 tAloaul B* wo++oq ,q+ o+ ,Joac,r-s 1 3I-o 'Ja{'o{ By E:rl'1-s PVc\oJD ts$ o ?-il\ ?w pv^oJD Bu]l.,op p\,s spjGc. r-so\4+ B,.^Br,,s Bvrcro\s plos aq sst) P\.tD aw p\o\ D\lvDfl neft r,ov1 nofi 'tw a:ll\ nof, rrorr;1 noft (in ;ni1q .\\ri ,rD\ro JoJ* sll* Fd-d_o"1 B\\on+tn wD aaB o+ awr+ s,+l +o\+ 1-ro :l =- , rs^a 'B{s\J) uJ^+ uapJDg a:o;La.r s'arrtrooD puD Baqa Je!1 lDa\D cr rloo) D JoJBuqoB Jawl+ o 2)r\ a"oqr Fw ur apo\C.\a o+ apr'tl++! a\l+l\ sl+ i+o -szr^o\ 'PJacn RJa^a eptulH-+o a11ar1 pvv :noft +uoaw fprD >tls wD -,r... i J-a ?a)1+ '1ia\r Fw rro $urq-:*1rB ru Bol pa:rrog-:1JDp a\+ o+ -saDrr{ \rr pros -T ,,/:t\.rr\4- noft rpr.rolo aw a^o?7 '{n paBBn\d- socn +' all ($urprlno-s B++ovs a\{:+l\ D r:roa Bw '"1 grrg;oa:9 1;r.os p pJroail -r- \ra\+ -soc,l +-'+Da-s al+ \.ro #*n1s tsw pa{{-otd- puo (Boer gw r,l ;q p\^c,J +D\+ s)ocq Jo -s-l).g{))ps Jo -s?oq-s Ja^o d_lj+ o+ +o\.r \^jrrJ'oD ,apts +\BlJ (tDDq a\+ *oJ* +oas \+J^c-r a\+ o+ Ptl\oea Rlrpoal-s 1 '-sDLl +Drms B1v,o 11aw-s a\D+-s ,.:a+flq +D9+ ppl p"o +o, puo fu-snp socr ?ar3e a\o?-Aec) vcrop f,1:rraw Bvl\\o: -sn9 ag* +a apls\rl ^11a so!l!Po :alec :sselc :OUJBN Date: Class: Name. Dailies * lt was like a drug. lt caught me fair and square. lt was like night; it shut the darkness into my life and caused a loneliness I had never known. Oh, how I missed my grandmother. None of the tears and sorrow the night let out could bring her back. Nobody felt like opening presents or turning on the festive house lights, for darkness covered the lonely, deserted road (Pelt, Gregg, "Grandmothe/'). 1. What is the co.,ftic+? ls it interno\ oc ex*ecno\? A. Co"f\ic+, B. T$1" ond ex}\ono*ion: 2. What can 3. Quote tu.:o sinni\es 4. "Foir" and "sn.roce" are examples of what \i+erorg devrce? 5. What is the r' Rewfite the sentenCe, svuslitu*in.f the conjr.rnct,on "or,d" Which way is rfiota effec*ive? rJug? foU infec about th€ -se**in.3: cowrv,",o ru\e for separating '\onelg" from "de-er)ed"? foc +he cor,^w\o. O 2002 bY M.E. Ledbettor 22 rau€qp€'l '3'y! Aq z00z @ lPrat\o+r{oa s! ,,arqJot -lao\t' {qlvr Ufeldx3 s.ra{{Bq eLl} Jo g esn aq} uteldrJ epro eLll eqfJcsap ol sesn JoqlnB 3L{},/o'+d_uDsap e^\+dal_J-a fsow eq] s!lu!r.]] no^ op lBqM '-rF. .de_nI 'g :+DruL\rot 'v 'ad.ts+ pue +DlULuoD eLll uleldx:J :+Jod.{^S :arrol 'JA/v\SUe e I v JflOf 1-re<-sn3 aeoessed slrll Jo a\re+ eql sl lEqM '(,,llo6 etqJeg,, '{uegug 'eAeJOJeH) Lrnq ol paluB/v\ | 'Joou orll uo {;;ec4ce.rd sem }t osnesaq )uo/n },uplno/f\ }eq} }nq 'd!r sltl lsnq ol pelue^ | 'ulr.lo s,srJrlc puoi4^oq {u urnop lloJ e^rles orrlos /v\es I lqonoql I luorroru lenlce ue JoJ ellop arqJeg r3Blg purr-e-lo-auo 'pouurls-ernd 'per{e-;ezeq slql ur eas s{n6 plp ler.lM ,lt l"oi,rbip I .arour ue^e Jaq eleq au apBru leql )tool au-uo-so^e-1;e srql peq eqs .uoseer str{ sB/'A }Brl1 'SSAJp u[es Jor{ '}ste/v\ eq} o} u/v\op 1q04 pue Jopua^el 'soeur eql pourullrs leql ilrrs pareu e qll/vr ssoJp urles B se^ ll lF so!lteo :aleo :ssel3 :OIIJEN
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