MARTINSVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY DISTRICT Martinsville Messenger VOLUME 2015 ISSUE 2 March/April 2015 Library Calendar May 4th 11:00 am - 5:00 pm Arts and Craft Show Set Up 7th 7:00 pm Library Board of Trustees Meeting 10th Mother’s Day Arts and Crafts Show Do you have some arts or crafts you wouldn’t mind loaning the library for a few weeks? The library would love to have your items on display for public viewing. Items can be dropped off at the library on May 4th & 5th. The display will be open to the public May 6th - 21st. All items on display can be picked up on May 22nd. If you have any questions, please call the library at 382-4113 and ask for Jill. Busting Garden Myths May 14 at 6:30 p.m.—Martinsville Public Library Busting Gardening There are so many recommendations and suggestions for gardening and plant care out Myths Program there, but which are fact and which are fiction? Join Kari Houle, Extension Educator Horticulture, as she walks you through some of the most common garden and plant myths Senior and explains why they are myths and gives recommendations for better plant care. Bingo 14th 6:30 pm 20th 2:00 pm 22nd Arts and Craft Show Pick Up 25th Closed Memorial Day 26th 1:00 pm Reading with Ms. JoAnn 28th 4:00 pm Book Club 11:00 am - 5:00 pm June 4th 7:00 pm Library Board of Trustees Meeting 16th 2:00 pm Senior Bingo 17th - 20th Closed Closed for Improvements 21st Father’s Day 22nd Open Library Reopens after Improvements 23rd 1:00 pm Reading with Ms. JoAnn 25th 4:00 pm Book Club The library is welcoming Lee Whitacre back as a member of the Board of Trustees. Thank you for your commitment to the library Lee! Thank You Thank you, Jean Cook, for your years of service on the Library Board. The time and talents you devoted to the position has benefited the library in so many ways. The staff and the board appreciate your years of dedication. Reading with Ms. JoAnn The library will be hosting reading with Ms. JoAnn on May 26th and June 23rd at 1:00 pm. Children ages birth to 10 can read a book, enjoy a craft and have some fun with Ms. JoAnn. If your child hasn’t attended Kindergarten, we ask that you remain with them for the program. We hope to see a lot of kids enjoying the library! If you have any questions, please call the library at 382-4113. Library Improvements The library will be closed June 17th - 20th for improvements. The library will reopen Monday June 22nd. The board of trustees and the staff have big plans for improvements. If you are interested in assisting in painting, drop in and let the librarian know. Many hands make the work light! The upper parking lot will be closed for a portion of this time. Please ask the staff for information on returning material while the library is closed. Coupon Some like it During the month of May the library is hosting a new HOT competition. Stop in and enter a list of hot new books that you think patrons would enjoy. Make sure you include your name on the list somewhere. We will draw a winner June 1st and they will take home an array of hot sauces. Mark Your Calendars! Summer Reading will start on July 2nd at 5:00 pm. This year’s theme is Read to the Rhythm. Join us every Thursday in July at 5:00 pm for some reading fun! Martinsville Public Library District PAGE 2 V OLU ME 2015 IS SU E 2 Community News Community Calendar Plant Sale SATURDAY, MAY 2, 8:00 - 10:30 a.m. U OF I EXTENSION CLARK COUNTY OFFICE, 1 mile south of Marshall on Route 1 May 2nd Plant Sale 8:00 am - 10: 30 am Extension office 2nd 7:00 pm Spring Band Concert 5th 6:30 pm Awards Night High School 8th 7:00 am All Pro Dad Fire hall 8th 12:10 pm/12:15 School - Early Dismissal 9th 5:30 & 6:00 Heritage Days Binga Fundraiser 12th 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm Texas Roadhouse fundraiser 15th & 16th City Wide Yard Sales 20th 7:00 pm Baccalaureate High School 22nd 9:30 am 6th Grade Promotion 22nd Last Day of School 22nd 7:00 pm High School Graduation 30th 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm Teen Dance at the Amphitheater Do you have too many irises and not enough strawberries? Are your houseplants falling off the shelf? Then dig up your irises, divide your houseplants, bake some yummy treats and bring them to the Annual Plant & Bake Sale. Anyone can buy! And anyone can sell seeds, flowers, garden plants or trees and baked goods! You set your own price. There is no charge, but we do appreciate donations to help cover our costs! Just call the Clark County Extension Office at 217-826-5422 to reserve a space or for more information. Clark County Master Gardeners will be on hand to answer your yard and garden questions. Fish Fry The MFLA is hosting a Fish Fry at the fire hall on Saturday, June 13th from 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm. The meal will consist of fish, baked beans, baked potato, bread, dessert and drink. Adults - $8.00, Children under 12 - $4.00 Carry out and delivery to amphitheater is available!! MARTINSVILLE FAIR DATES JUNE 14th -20th SCHEDULED ENTERTAINMENT : Gospel Sing/Worship Ag Olympics Donkey Races Truck & Tractor Pulls Barnyard Scramble Lawnmower Demo Derby Demolition Derby Flat Track Drag Racing Fireworks Again this year, there will be a $6 gate admission for each person; carnival rides will be free. Check the insert for more information on the Fair. June 8th - 12th 8:30 am - 11:30 am VBS Bible Church 12th - 14th Heritage Days 13th 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm MFLA Fish Fry 14th - 20th Martinsville Agricultural Fair 22nd - 26th 9:00 am - 11:30 am VBS Baptist Church 29th - July 1st VBS First 9:00 am - 11:30 am Christian Church Check the PTO website for school 2015/2016 school supply lists. They will be posted as soon as they are finalized. Martinsville Bible Church First Christian Church Theme - On the Edge June 8th - 12th 8:30 am - 11:30 am A light lunch will be served each day. Theme - Everest June 29th-July 1st. Starts with breakfast at 9:00 am Bible School ends at 11:30 am Martinsville First Baptist Island Grove Baptist Church Theme - Journey Off the Map June 22nd - 26th 9:00 am - 11:30 am For a ride, call church at (217)382-5202 July 27th - 31st Starts at 6:00 pm each night Classes for ALL ages- Babies - Adults More information in the next newsletter. Martinsville Public Library District PAGE 3 V OLU ME 2015 IS SU E 2 Heritage Day Fundraisers May 9 - Heritage Days Binga Fundraiser - at the Fire hall. Doors open at 5:30. Binga at 6:00. 50/50 Raffle. Food available--pulled pork sandwiches, hot dogs, chips, desserts, pop & water. Tickets: $10--at the door or from Roxanne Toner(217-994-2400) or Crystal Plummer (217-232-4553). Prizes from Sister Stitch, J&K Mitchell, UpperCut Salon, JJet, Gaslight Art Colony, Allright Jewelry, Dirt Road Photography, Posh, 31 bags, Texas Roadhouse & more!!! May 12 - Texas Roadhouse 10% Day Fundraiser for Heritage Days. 4:00-8:00 p.m. Help fund Heritage Days while enjoying a meal at the Texas Roadhouse in Terre Haute. Bring the flyer with you (or inform them you are there for the Martinsville on the Move Fundraiser) and the Roadhouse will donate 10% of the cost of your meal to Martinsville on the Move. Please tell your friends & neighbors. So that you won’t have to wait for a table, plan use Call Ahead Seating (812-234-3378). COMMUNITY WORSHIP SERVICE PLANNED A Community Worship Service will be held on Sunday, June 14, at 11:00 a.m. at the Martinsville Fairgrounds. It is a long-standing tradition of the Martinsville Ag Fair to begin fair week with a service or gospel sing to bring people together for worship and praise. In addition to bringing the community together, it also provides an opportunity for many people involved in the Fair and Horse Show to attend. The Martinsville Ag Fair and the Heritage Days Festival are working together to organize this year’s service. The Reverend John Hobbs, of Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina will bring the message. Rev. Hobbs has a long history with the Maranatha Ministries Unlimited, and has been involved in camps and retreats and hosted conferences throughout his years in the ministry. Mark your calendar and plan to attend the worship service, stay for lunch and then enjoy the Draft Horse, Mule & Haflinger Show, which will include the 6-horse hitch teams. Yes! You Can: Preserving Safely Wouldn’t it be nice to enjoy your garden or farmers market produce all year long? Whether just starting out or updating your food preservation knowledge, join University of Illinois Extension, nutrition and wellness educator, _Mary Liz Wright for this seasonal program. Besides receiving the latest, most up -todate food preservation information, you will also be able get your dial gauge pressure canner tested for accuracy. If you have a dial gauge pressure canner you need to get it tested once a year! Yes! You Can: Preserving Safely will meet on Tuesday, May 5, 2015 from 6:00-7:30. The program will be held at the Clark County Extension Office. To register, call the Extension office at 826-5422 or visit us online at cce/ Space is limited, so enroll now. City of Martinsville Gas Department Important Notice Federal Regulation 192.16 requires we inform customers to exercise caution regarding underground or buried piping. This piping may be subject to leakage or corrosion and be subject to hazards if not maintained. Remember that any piping downstream of the gas meter belongs to the customer. The customer is responsible for maintenance and operation of this portion of the fuel line. Buried Piping should be: 1. Checked for leaks periodically. 2. Inspected for corrosion. 3. Repaired if unsafe condition is found. 4. Located and marked if excavation is performed near gas line. This is a notice only. If you have any questions or comments please contact the gas department. City of Martinsville, IL 217-382-4323. After Hours Emergency 217-382-4023/911. J.U.L.I.E 811 Wish List Plastic Forks Inexpensive Plastic tablecloths Envelopes Construction paper -We currently have a lot of red, brown, yellow and orange. Other colors or a variety pack would be very useful! Small gifts or prizes - These are inexpensive prizes that we give to the kids at different programs. City Wide Yard Sales The Martinsville Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring a city wide yard sale May 15th and 16th. If you would like to participate, stop in at the library or City Hall to put your name and address on the list. This will ensure that your yard sale is on the map. For more questions call Bonnie Baird at 217-276-7578 Lincoln School The Martinsville Chamber of Commerce is looking for volunteers to sit at the Lincoln School. The school is open for visitors every Sunday afternoon, May thru September 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm. To volunteer please contact Bonnie Baird at (217) 276-7578 Though the one room school house has no electricity, the pole light utilities cost the Chamber about $60 a month. Donations to help offset the cost are welcome. Book Club Join our Book Club the 4th Thursday of the month at 4:00 pm. There is no required reading, You are required to have fun! M AR T IN S V IL LE PU B L IC L I BR A R Y D I STR I C T 1 2 0 EA ST C U M BER LAN D ST R EE T M AR T IN S V IL LE , I L 6 24 42 PRSRT STD ECRWSS U.S. Postage PAID EDDM Retail Phone:217-382-4113 Fax: 217-382-4113 Email: Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Friday - 11-5 Thursday - 11-7 Saturday - 10-1 *****************ECRWSS**** Martinsville Library Board of Trustees Deb Vincent - President John McFadden - Vice President Teresa Reynolds - Treasurer Jim Cunningham - Secretary Lee Whitacre Dave Kendall Steve Gard Local Postal Customer Librarian - Jill Goodman Assistant Librarian - JoAnn Morgan Library Aide - Mercury Bowen New Material PROPERTY DEMOLISH GRANTS Large Print DVD Insatiable Appetites, Stuart Woods Trust No One, Jayne Ann Krentz The Bridge, Robert B. Parker The Cinderella Murder, Mary Higgins Clark & Alafair Burke The Homesman Horrible Bosses 2* Mockingjay part 1 * Annie * Unbroken * The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies * Batman vs Robin * Taken 3 Paddington * When Calls The Heart, Season 1 Fiction NYPD Red 3, James Patterson Every Fifteen Minutes, Lisa Scottoline Memory Man, David Baldacci 14th Deadly Sin, James Patterson At the Water’s Edge, Sara Gruen - Also available in Blu-Ray. Junior Fiction The Land of Stories : The Wishing Spell, Chris Colfer The Land of Stories : The Enchantress Returns, Chris Colfer The Land of Stories : A Grimm Warning, Chris Colfer Public School Super Hero, James Patterson Plants needed! Non Fiction Traveling to Infinity, Jane Hawking Love the Home You Have, Melissa Michaels Pioneer Girl, The Annotated Autobiography, Laura Ingalls Wilder Lake Land College Alumni Cookbook, Donated by Lake Land One of Martinsville on the Move’s goals is to encourage property improvements that will impact the community’s housing market. The organization has established a “Property Demolition Program” that will provide incentives up to $500 for demolition and/or waste disposal fees when the owner is demolishing an uninhabitable house or to rid the community of an unsightly property . If you are interested in receiving more information on this Program, or an application for the grant, you can contact Norma at 713-865-0022 or send an e-mail to martinsvilleil@gmail CONGRATULATIONS CLASS OF 2015! The Linn Park Garden Committee is looking for plants to add to our booth at the Master Gardeners Plant Sale on May 2. If you have plants, bulbs, tubers, etc. to contribute drop them off anytime, potted, or in plastic bags on the concrete at the back of the Amphitheater. For questions, or more info, call or text 217-232-3232 or email us at Drive for the Kids Mark your calendar for this years Drive for the Kids. It will be held at the elementary on August 17th. Check the next newsletter for more information.
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