City Planning Division Anita M. MacLeod Manager & Deputy Secretary Treasurer Toronto and East York Panel Committee of Adjustment 100 Queen Street West, First Fl W Toronto ON M5H 2N2 Tel: 416-392-7565 Fax: 416-392-0580 Mailed on/before: Sunday, April 5, 2015 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE MINOR VARIANCE/PERMISSION (Section 45 of the Planning Act) MEETING DATE AND TIME: Wednesday, April 15, 2015 at 3:30 p.m. LOCATION: Committee Room 2, Second Floor, Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen St W, M5H 2N2 File Number: A0161/15TEY Zoning Owner(s): CHRIS KARACHALIOS Ward: CR 2.5(c2.5; r1.0) SS2(x1163) & C (ZZC) Toronto-Danforth (29) Community: East York [ Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: TREVOR GAIN 1030 PAPE AVE PLAN M39 PT LOT 90 PT LOT 91 PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To alter the existing two-storey mixed-use building containing one dwelling unit by constructing a complete third floor addition, and a rear three-storey addition in order to add a second ground floor retail, and 5 additional residential dwelling units on the second and third floors. REQUESTED VARIANCE(S) TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: 1. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The maximum permitted floor space index is 1.0 times the area of the lot (231.31 m²). The altered mixed-use building will have a floor space index equal to 1.63 times the area of the lot (378.98 m²). 2. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 All waste and recyclable material is required to be stored in a wholly enclosed building. In this case, the altered mixed-use building will not have a waste and recyclable storage area. 3. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 A minimum of five parking spaces are required to be provided on the lot. In this case, there will be no parking spaces provided on the lot. 4. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 Bicycle parking on the lot must be provided at a rate of 0.1 short-term bicycle parking space per dwelling unit for a total of one short-term bicycle space. In this case, there will be no short-term bicycle parking spaces provided on the lot. 5. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 Pub Hearing Notice - MV.doc Page 1 Pedestrian access for a lot which abuts a lot in the Residential or Residential Apartment Zone category, or is separated from a lot in the Residential or Residential Apartment Zone category by a lane or a street may not be within 12.0 m of a lot in the Residential or Residential Apartment Zone category. In this case, the pedestrian access to the building will be located 10.78 m from a lot in the Residential or Residential Apartment Zone category. 6. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The minimum required height of the first storey of the building, measured between the floor of the first storey and the ceiling of the first storey, is 4.5 m. The first storey of the mixed-use building will have a height of 3.37 m. 7. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The minimum required rear yard setback is 7.5 m. The altered mixed-use building will be located 0.08 m from the west side lot line. 8. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 If a lot abuts a Residential Apartment Zone category, then every building on that lot in the CR Zone may not penetrate a 45 degree angular plane projected over a deep lot, along the entire required rear yard setback, starting at a height of 7.5 m above the average elevation of the ground along the rear lot line. In this case, the altered mixed-use building will penetrate the 45 degree angular plane. 9. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 A minimum 1.5 m wide strip of land used only for soft landscaping must be provided along the part of a lot abutting a lot in the Residential or Residential Apartment Zone category. In this case, there will be no soft landscaping strip provided on the part of the lot abutting the Residential or Residential Apartment Zone category. 10. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 A pilaster, decorative column, cornice, sill, belt course or other similar architectural feature on a building may encroach into a required minimum building setback a maximum of 0.6 m provided it is located no closer to a lot line than 0.3 m. In this case, the architectural feature on the south side of the altered building will encroach 0.30 m, and is located 0 m from the south side lot line. 1. Section 8.2.2, By-law 6752 The commercial building or structure shall be so located on a lot as to provide and maintain, free of all construction and obstruction between the level of the floor of the lowest storey that contains a habitable room or rooms and the highest part of the roof of such building or structure, an area equal to not less than 50% of the lot area. In this case, 0% of the area of the lot will remain free of all construction and construction between the level of the floor of the lowest storey that contains a habitable room or rooms and the highest part of the roof of such building or structure 2. Section 8.1.3, By-law 6752 A minimum of one loading space is required to be provided on the lot. In this case, there will be no loading spaces provided on the lot. 3. Section 8.4.3 & 8.4.4, By-law 6752 The minimum required rear yard setback is 7.5 m. The altered mixed-use building will be located 0.08 m from the west side lot line. 4. Section 8.4.1 & 8.4.4, By-law 6752 The minimum required front yard setback is 0.6 m. The altered mixed-use building will be located 0.5 m from the east side lot line. 5. Section 8.5.1, By-law 6752 Pub Hearing Notice - MV.doc Page 2 A minimum of six residential parking spaces are required to be provided on the lot. In this case, there will be no residential parking spaces provided on the lot. 6. Section 8.5.1, By-law 6752 A minimum of three commercial parking spaces are required to be provided on the lot. In this case, there will be no commercial parking spaces provided on the lot. THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT & MINOR VARIANCES The role of the Committee of Adjustment is to provide flexibility in dealing with minor adjustments to zoning bylaw requirements. To approve such variances, the Committee must be satisfied that: the variance requested is minor; the proposal is desirable for the appropriate development or use of the land and/or building; the general intent and purpose of the City's Zoning Code and/or By-law are maintained; and the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan are maintained. The Committee of Adjustment forms its opinion through its detailed review of all material filed with an application, letters received, deputations made at the public hearing and results of site inspections. MAKING YOUR VIEWS KNOWN The notice has been mailed to you, as required by the Planning Act, to ensure that, as an interested person, you may make your views known by: Attending the Public Hearing. Attendant Care Services can be made available with some advance notice. Sending a letter by Mail or Fax. Information you choose to disclose in your correspondence will be used to receive your views on the relevant issue(s) to enable the Committee to make its decision on this matter. This information will become part of the public record. If you do not attend the public hearing, or express your views in writing, the Committee may make a decision in your absence, and may recommend changes to the proposal TO VIEW THE MATERIALS IN THE APPLICATION FILE Attend the Committee of Adjustment office at the above address Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The standard fee will apply to any materials photocopied. RECEIVING A COPY OF THE COMMITTEE'S DECISION The Committee will announce its decision on the application at the Public Hearing. To receive a copy of the Decision, fill out the Decision Request Form at our office or at the Public Hearing or write a letter requesting a copy of the Decision and send it to our office. If you wish to appeal a Decision of the Committee to the Ontario Municipal Board, you must file your written request for a decision with the Deputy Secretary-Treasurer. CONTACT Greg Whitfield, Application Technician Tel. No.: (416) 338-5913 Email: Pub Hearing Notice - MV.doc Page 3
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