606 Cedarwood Drive Friendswood, TX 77546-4551 281-482-1391 281-482-4886 (fax) Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston www.maryqueencatholicchurch.org www.lasalette.org April 19, 2015 MASS SCHEDULE Saturday 5:30 PM Vigil Mass Sunday 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM, 11:30 AM & 5:30 PM (Life Teen) First Saturdays 8:30 AM Weekday 8:30 AM Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 6:30 PM Wednesday Reconciliation 4:00—5:00 PM Saturday Morning Prayer 8:10 AM Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday Daily Rosary after 8:30 AM Mass Monday, Tuesday Thursday & Friday (except First Friday) 1st Friday Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 9:00 AM—5:45 PM Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 4:30 PM Tuesday — 5:45 PM Wednesday The Priests who serve Mary Queen Catholic Church are Missionaries of Our Lady of La Salette. Pastor: Fr. James H. Kuczynski, M.S. Parochial Vicar: Fr. Benny Thadathilkunnel, M.S. Deacons: Darrell Moulton, 281-482-0939 Kimble Nobles, 281-482-1391 Paul Robison, 713-416-1585 Chuck Turner, 281-482-1391 Priests in Residence: Fr. Maurice “Moe” Linehan, M.S. Pastoral Administration Office Administrator Administrative Assistant Bookkeeper I Bookkeeper II & Capital Campaign Admin. Receptionist Coordinator of Ministries & Functions Pastoral Formation Director, Adult Faith Formation RCIA Coordinator Director, Elementary Faith Formation Administrator, Faith Formation Director, Youth Ministry & Senior High Faith Formation Director, Junior High Faith Formation & Confirmation Administrative Assistant, Youth Ministry Music Ministry Director, Parish Music Ministry Director, Life Teen Music Ministry Carla Martin, ext. 311 Rhonda Hansen, ext. 315 Susan Silva, ext. 313 George Rodgers, ext. 313 Anita Shorosky, ext. 310 Rose Mary Baez, ext. 219 Adam G. Martinez, EdD, ext. 319 Amy Schauss, ext. 334 Cindy Newman, ext. 333 Alice Malek, ext. 328 If you are new to Mary Queen parish or visiting, please stop by with any questions regarding our parish. We would love to meet you!! If you have been attending Mary Queen Church and consider this your parish, please register with the Parish Office so we can keep an accurate census. Registration forms can be found in the: Parish Office Welcome Desk (in Church narthex) Church’s website Come Worship With Us! Manny Bourque, ext. 317 Our Parish community worships together at Sunday Mass, daily Masses, Holy Hour and Morning Prayer. Renee Bourque, ext. 329 Jo Ellen Baker, ext. 318 Join us for Morning Prayer each weekday (except Wednesday) at 8:10 AM. Russell Bolduc, ext. 227 Morgan Guajardo, ext. 310 Food Pantry/Social Concerns Coordinator, Food Pantry/ Social Services Ministry Chris Austgen, 281-482-1950 Facilities Management Facilities Manager Maintenance Coordinator Chuck Turner, 832-618-4647 Charles Ganter, ext. 310 Support Staff Maintenance Maintenance New to the Parish? Have you been here awhile but haven’t registered? We pray the rosary after the 8:30 AM daily Masses (except Wednesday & First Fridays). Ron Johnson Mike Alexander Sacramental Life Sacrament of Baptism: Congratulations for Choosing Life! Parents should contact the Parish Office to register for preparation. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Peace Be With You! Saturday Bulletin Submission & Room Reservations 4:00—5:00 PM or by appointment. Sacrament of Matrimony: The Lord Bless You! Contact one of the priests at least six months in advance for preparation. Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick: The Healing Love of Christ Surround You! If you know someone who is sick or in the hospital, contact the Parish Office so we can visit and include them in our prayers. RCIA: Christian Initiation of Adults: Journey With Us In Faith! For inquiry into the Catholic Faith, contact the Parish Office. 1 Bulletin announcements must be submitted to Rhonda at rhansen@maryqueenchurch.org no later than 12:00 PM on the required submission date. Please see page 9 for dates. All Ministries and Organizations who need to reserve a room and/or schedule events for the calendar need to contact Rose Mary at baezrm@maryqueenchurch.org. If you have questions, please call the Parish Office, Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM, at 281-482-1391. This Week in the Parish Mass Intentions Sunday, April 19, 2015 9:30 & 11:30 AM Masses: Children's Liturgy of the Word (St. Cecilia Room) After 11:30 AM Mass - Baptisms (Church) After All Masses - Reverse Draw Ticket Sales ( Church Narthex) After All Masses - Check Out Festival Yard Signs (Welcome Desk) 9:30 AM CCE Class (Rooms 113, 116, 117, 118, 120, 125) 9:30 AM Mary Queen Women's Ministry Community Mass (Church) 9:30 AM RCIA - Children & Teen Session (Mini Hall, Room 110, Youth Room) 11:30 AM CCE Class (Rooms 113, 116, 117, 118, 120, 125) 1:30 PM Adult Confirmation Immediate Preparation Process Sessions (Mini Hall) 3:00 PM Financial Peace Workshop (La Salette Hall) 3:45 PM Scripture Study II - ACTS of the Apostle"" (Room 114/115) 6:45 PM Life Teen Night (Parish Center) 6:45 PM Men's ACTS Director Meeting (Bride's Room) Monday, April 20, 2015 7:30 AM Stretching for Strength Class (Mini Hall) 5:30 PM Special Friends (Mini Hall) 6:30 PM Baptism Interviews (Pastoral Office Conference Room) 6:30 PM Bear Den (Room 118) & Tiger Den (Room 116) & Wolf Den (Room 117) 6:30 PM Divorce Care Forum Meetings (Retreat House) 6:30 PM Webelos I (Room 119) & Webelos II (Room 114/115) 7:00 PM Boy Scout Troop #452 Meeting (La Salette Hall) 7:00 PM Easter Mission - From Easter to Pentecost: Growing in the Mystery and Mission of Mercy"" (Church) 7:00 PM La Salette Prayer Group (La Salette Hall - St Anne Room) Tuesday, April 21, 2015 9:30 AM Mary's Chain of Love Crochet/Craft Ministry (Room 114/115) 1:00 PM Women's Study Group (Retreat House) 4:00 PM & 7:00 PM CCE Class (Parish Center) 7:00 PM Easter Mission - From Easter to Pentecost: Growing in the Mystery and Mission of Mercy"" (Church) 7:15 PM Witnessing the Faith (Room 114/115) 9:00 PM Exposition for 24 Hour Eucharistic Adoration (St. Joseph Chapel) Wednesday, April 22, 2015 9:00 AM Christian Meditation Prayer Group (Bride's Room) 9:30 AM Queen's Bee Quilters (Mini Hall) 9:30 AM Special Friends Reading Class (Room 118) 1:00 PM Role of Family Catechesis Training Module (Room 110/Library) 4:00 PM & 5:30 PM CCE Class (Parish Center) 5:30 PM Christian Meditation Prayer Group (Bride's Room) 5:45 PM Benediction concludes Eucharistic Adoration (St Joseph Chapel) 6:45 PM Edge Night (Parish Center) 7:00 PM Women's Faith Sharing on Sunday Scripture (Bride's Room) 7:30 PM Life Teen Music Practice (St Cecilia Room) Thursday, April 23, 2015 9:30 AM Special Friends Reading Class (Room 118) 12:30 PM Rosary for Our Nation (La Salette Hall - Divine Mercy Chapel) 5:30 PM Men's ACTS Retreat Send Off (Main Hall ) 6:00 PM First Eucharist Interviews (Parish Center) 7:00 PM Adult Scripture Study Program (Mini Hall) 7:00 PM Bay Area Serra Club (Room 120) Friday, April 24, 2015 7:30 AM Stretching for Strength Class (Mini Hall) 6:00 PM Wedding Rehearsal - Gardner & Tomkowicz (Church) Saturday, April 25, 2015 After All Masses - Selling Reverse Draw Tickets (Church Narthex) 7:30 AM Men's ACTS Faith Sharing group (Room 110/Library) 7:30 AM Men's Ministry Prayer Group (Retreat House) 8:00 AM ACTS Core Team Leadership Training (Mini Hall) 9:00 AM FTCM Day of Reflection (Main Hall) 11:00 AM Wedding - Gardner and Tomkowicz (Church) 4:00 PM Reconciliation (Church) Saturday, April 18 5:30 PM Arcuri Sisters, !Pam Pesl, !Anton Blake, Sr. Sunday, April 19 7:30 AM Deacon Kimble & Denise Nobles, !Woodley & Della Credeur, !Charles Bass, II 9:30 AM Mike & Julie Hopkins, Steve & Debbie Boewn, Chris & Nicole Stott 11:30 AM Mark & Jullie Vandehei, !Ernest Gionta, !Johnny Palumbo, Sr. 5:30 PM Rachael Soto, All Our Parishioners, !Lawrence Del Papa Monday, April 20 8:30 AM !Ray Russo, !Lawrence Del Papa, !Rick Smart Tuesday, April 21 8:30 AM Joanie Rincon, !Josephine Leggio, !Lawrence Del Papa Wednesday, April 22 6:30 PM !David O’Brian Howerton, !Alicia Lara, !Alice Chacon Thursday, April 23 8:30 AM Carol Webb—Birthday Blessings, Evelyn Rose, !Lawrence Del Papa Friday, April 24 8:30 AM Rachael Soto, !Rose Rapp, !Lawrence Del Papa Saturday, April 25 5:30 PM !Sylvia Nimon, !John Michael Garry, !Eugene & Mary Joan Glennon Sunday, April 26 7:30 AM !Tony & Margaret Bosch, Paul Reviere, Deacon Chuck & Beth Turner 9:30 AM Matthew & Shannon Hall, !Lawrence Del Papa, !Rick Smart 11:30 AM !Ernest Gionta, !Otylia Garay, !Thelma Merron 5:30 PM Joanie Rincon, All Our Parishioners, Rachael Soto Parish Financial Information Sunday, April 5, 2015 Envelopes $46,447.00 Loose $7,229.00 Youth $977.95 Total $54,653.95 Envelopes: 769 Master’s Plan: $1200.00 Good Friday/Holy Land: $7,458.46 Sunday, April 12, 2015 Envelopes $27,164.75 Loose $2,468.22 Youth $330.52 Total $29,963.49 Envelopes: 494 Master’s Plan: $1,988.00 Future Development & Maintenance: $5,481.22 Food Pantry Report for March 2015 Food Assistance Utility Assistance Other Expense Total Expense Families 135 9 People 550 39 Expense $298 $546 0 $844 2 Today’s Gospel. Gospel : Luke 24:35-48 He stood in their midst. Let us pray for the insight to see the Risen Christ, standing here among us today. Daily Readings Sunday, April 19 Acts 3:13-15,17-19, 1 John 2:1-5a, Luke 24:35-48 Monday, April20 Acts 6:8-15, John 6:22-29 Tuesday, April 21 Acts 7:51 — 8:1a, John 6:30-35 Wednesday, April 22 Acts 1b-8:1b-8, John 6:35-40 Thursday, April 23 Acts 8:26-40, John 6:44-51 Friday, April 24 Acts 9:1-20, John 8:52-59 Saturday, April 25 1 Peter 5:5b-14, Mark 16:15-20 Sunday, April 26 Acts 4:8-12, 1 John 10:11-18 World Day of Prayer for Vocations Next Sunday, April 26th, the Fourth Sunday of Easter is also known as Good Shepherd Sunday. In 1963 Pope Paul VI designated this day as World Day of Prayer for Vocations. Our parish will join with the universal church to ask for God’s blessings that we may be strengthened in our Christian vocation. Recent News Fr. J. Lamartine Eliscar, M.S., who had been assigned as a resident at Mary Queen Rectory for Vocation Ministry, has been assigned to the National Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette in Attleboro, MA. Please pray for God’s blessings in his future ministry. There will be no Orchestra or Children’s Choir Practice on April 20th & 21st. Eucharistic Adoration April 21, 2015 Adoration will begin at 9:00 PM on Tuesday, April 21st, in St. Joseph Chapel following the Easter Mission. 3 An Easter Mission 2015 April 20th & 21st 7:00 PM—Mary Queen Church “From Easter to Pentecost: Growing in the Mystery and Mission of Mercy” During Lent the Church is immersed in becoming spiritually prepared to celebrate the essential mystery of our faith, the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ. An Easter Mission is intended to position ourselves within the experience of the Apostles and the first believers. Having experienced the Lord’s passion and death, and stunned by the “Good News” of the Resurrection, those first believers had to grapple with the meaning of those events in their lives and the implications for their faith. For those who have just entered into the Church by baptism or a profession of faith at Easter, this period is one of MYSTOGOGIA, a time to deepen in the awareness of the faith and the implications for discipleship. As an Easter people we are called to give witness to our faith by responding to the call to evangelize. Rev. Donald Nesti, CSSp, Director of the Center for Faith and Culture at the University of St. Thomas will preach an EASTER MISSION 2015 at Mary Queen April 20—21, 2015 at 7:00 PM in the church. REV. DONALD S. NESTI, CSSp Biographical Sketch Fr. Donald S. Nesti, CSSp, a native of Pennsylvania, was ordained to the priesthood in 1963. He earned a licentiate and a doctorate in theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. He has served the Congregation of the Holy Ghost in many capacities. Fr. Nesti’s teaching assignments include Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA; the Pontifical College Josephinum, Columbus, OH; and currently the University of St. Thomas Graduate School of Theology, Houston, TX. In the administrative field he served as Director of the Immaculate Heart Seminary, Bethel Park, PA; Director of Planning, Research and Renewal, Congregation of the Holy Ghost USA - Eastern Province; President, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA; and Provincial Superior, Congregation of the Holy Ghost USA Western Province. Currently, he serves as the Director of the Center for Faith and Culture, University of St. Thomas, Houston, TX, which implemented a new Masters Program in Faith and Culture in the Fall, 2010. Fr. Nesti founded the Center in 1994 in response to Pope John Paul II’s 1983 creation of the Pontifical Council for Culture. The Center for Faith and Culture seeks to understand and affect the relationship between the worldview of Catholic faith and culture. In addition, Fr. Nesti has lectured extensively, published articles, conducted workshops and served as retreat master for clergy, laity and religious groups. 4 PRESCHOOL & ELEMENTARY FAITH FORMATION 281-482-1391 Alice Malek, Administrator, Ext. 328 Cindy Newman, Director, Ext. 333 NOW AVAILABLE 2015-2016 FAITH FORMATION REGISTRATIONS PLEASE REGISTER EARLY. Fees must be paid at the time of registration. No deferred billing. A $10 discount per student is given if the form and fees are received by May 30th. Tuition increases to $100.00 per student after August 15th ($150 for non-parishioners). Parents have many wonderful choices of activities for their children, but faith formation should remain a top priority every year. We can give children no greater gift than a knowledge of and a relationship with Jesus Christ. In life and in death, it really is about WHO you know. DON’T FORGET YOUR RICE BOWL! Turn them in to the CCE Office or catechist thru Sunday, April 26th. Someone needs your donation. Thank you! Vacation Bible School “Hometown Nazareth” Monday - Friday July 13th-17th, 9 AM-12 PM For children entering Kindergarten - Grade Six in the fall. Registrations open Sunday, May 3rd at the Parish Festival and re-open on Saturday & Sunday, May 8th & 9th after all Masses in the Narthex for immediate family members of Mary Queen registered households. Cost: $30 per child or a maximum of $90 per household. Non-registered households: Open registration begins Monday, June 15th Needed: Volunteers with VIRTUS training at 11:30 a.m. Mass for the 5th Sundays of the month (quarterly). Training and mentoring is provided. 5 Next LifeTeen: Sunday, April 19th at 6:45 - 8:35 PM - “Connections” Life Teen Core Meeting: Monday, April 20th at 7:30 PM Witnessing The Faith: Tuesday, April 21st at 7:15 - 8:30 PM Congratulations Confirmation Class 2015 Lauren Abowd Averie Arce Kaitlyn Austgen Alyssa Barker Tayler Bingham Samuel Bischof Conner Brewster Andrew Briones Luke Campbell Josh Clark Melissa Crowder Natalie Crowder Mathew Diaz Joshua Dickens Chelsea Ebert Ryan Epperson Stephanie Estrada Damian Falcon Janet Gabourel Alexandrya Garza Chavez Garza Grace Garza Tylor Garza Caitlyn Goins Brittney Green Michael Gruber Breana Guajardo Jacob Hale Jack Hawkins Cade Holub Ryan Hopkins Evan Kelly Jordan Klebieko Parker Knight Catherine Langston Bella Leggio Lael Lockhart Brook Lord Emily Lord Giuliana Lucchesi Charlie Marabella Angelica Martinez Hannah Martinez Marina Meche Tyler Melebeck Savannah Mize Alyssa Olguin Samantha Montz Thomas Phan Connor Proulx Lindy Reed Liam Reeves Cody Richards Becca Rodriquez Jack Rodriquez Tara Ruth Andrew Saul Isabelle Sheridan Olivia Shoemaker Rachel Sims Albert Sinopoli Matthew Speyrer Nicholas Stevens Dustin Surber Maddie Thompson Kensie Verratti Melanie Vicente Leon Warnakulasuriya Jacob Wauters Matthew Westhoven Jon-Michael Williams Anna Woodruff Sophia Zehentner Andrew Cho Church Festival May 3, 2015: We still need teen volunteers! Book Drive: Please donate gently used or new books. There will be collection box outside the youth room. It is to help build a library for Hope Village. Thank you for your generosity. For more information about Hope Village please visit www.hope-village.com LAST EDGE NIGHT Wednesday, April 22nd at 6:45 - 8:30 pm “Sign Off! That’s A Wrap” EGDE Core Meeting: Monday, April 20th at 7:00 PM Prayer Groups & Scripture Studies Adult Scripture Study Join us on Sunday afternoons 3:45-5:15 PM in Room 114/115, and on Thursday nights, 7:00-8:30 PM in the Mini Hall. Classes are offered in 4 to 5 week sessions so please see the parish website for scheduling or contact Adam Martinez at adammartinez@maryqueenchurch.org in the Adult Faith Formation Office. Christian Meditation Prayer Group All are invited to join us on Wednesday, from 9:00—10:00 AM or (New Group Added) 5:30—6:15 PM in the Bride’s Room (enter through the side door of the church). Contact Sandy at 281-482-1784 or ghsorrell1@gmail.com. Our Lady of La Salette Prayer Group Join us on Mondays in La Salette Hall—St. Anne Room. at 7:00 PM. We praise the Lord and exercise the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Join us for worship, song, teaching, testimonies and prayer for healing. For information, contact Brother Roger at 281-648-2764. Men’s Ministry Prayer Groups All men of the parish are invited to join us for prayer, reflection, and faith sharing on Saturday mornings in the Retreat House from 7:309:00 AM, or on Tuesday evenings from 7:00 to 8:30 PM in La Salette Hall. This is a great opportunity for men to support one another in our faith journeys. Love of God and Love of Country All are invited to join us every Thursday at 12:30 PM in La Salette Hall—Divine Mercy Chapel. We pray the Rosary for the needs of our country. We study the writings of the Founding Fathers of the Republic, deeply rooted in the Christian faith. We also discuss events, legislation and social trends that are shaping the country's direction. W.O.R.D.—Young Adult Prayer Group and Social Young professionals and college students (ages 18-35) are invited to join our Mary Queen Young Adult Group on Sunday afternoons at 1:00 PM in the Retreat House for a light lunch and Scripture Study. We will spend time each week in prayer and focusing on the weekly Mass readings. For more information, please email maryqueenword@gmail.com. Hope to see you there! ACTS Leadership Training Are you interested in being a Director or Co-Director for a future ACTS retreat? There is an upcoming ACTS Leadership Training workshop being held at Mary Queen on Saturday, April 25th from 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM. Sign up on-line at www.actshouston.org. The registration fee is $20.00 plus an additional $5.00 for lunch. If you have any questions, please contact Robin Fischer at 281-827-9937 or fischr36@gmail.com. Parish Social Ministry New Ministry - St. Lawrence Meal Delivery When someone is in the hospital, just coming home from the hospital or just had a baby, a little extra help may be greatly appreciated. St. Lawrence Meal Delivery is a new ministry at Mary Queen that will offer that extra help by preparing and delivering meals to parishioners in need. If you would be willing to cook and deliver a meal from time to time during the year please contact Chris at chrisaustgen@maryqueenchurch.org. Please title the email St. Lawrence Meal Delivery and include your name, phone number and address in the body of the message. You can also call the Mary Queen Receptionist Desk at 281-482-1391 to volunteer. Volunteers Needed Friendswood Health Care Center, located at 213 E. Heritage Drive, Friendswood, is looking for volunteers to help with bingo on the 1st, 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month from 10:00 - 11:00 AM. If you can brighten the day of these residents, please contact Chris Austgen at chrisaustgen@maryqueenchurch.org or call the receptionist at 281-482-1391. Come to the Water All are welcome as we join together, with a merciful heart, on Thursday, April 30th at 7:00 PM. We will come together as the body of Christ to embrace the “Works of Mercy” and discuss how we can reach out to the poor, the hungry, the sick and the sorrowful. Please contact Terri Kettle at tlkettle@comcast.net or 713-560-4503 for more information. Restore Hope Mary Queen Church offers a support group, Restore Hope, to women who have had an abortion at any time during their lives. This ministry seeks to help them heal, experience God's love and mercy and find forgiveness within a small group setting. All information is kept confidential. If you are interested or would like more information, please contact the group facilitator at restorehopemq@gmail.com. Men's ACTS Retreat The next Men's ACTS retreat is right around the corner. It will be held at the Christian Renewal Center in Dickinson beginning Thursday, April 23rd and conclude Sunday, April 26th. The ACTS weekend brings the retreatants to a better understanding of God's love for them and also develops their need to share that love with others through their involvement in a faith-centered parish community. If you or someone you know would like to enter into a new and or deeper relationship with our Lord and fellow parishioners, then make the time to attend the upcoming ACTS retreat. Registration forms are available in the Church Narthex or at the Reception Desk in the Parish Center. Divorced or Separated? Our next session is Monday, April 20, 2015 6:30 PM in the Retreat House Divorce Care is a weekly support group and seminar series where you’ll learn how to deal with the pain of the past and look forward to rebuilding your life. Start when you can, come as often as you can. The cost is just $15 per person (includes workbook). Call Joanie at 832-878-7905 for information or to pre-register. 6 Women Under Mary’s Mantle Women Under Mary’s Mantle (WUMM) is a spiritual growth ministry for women who desire to grow spiritually under Mary’s example and teaching – we acknowledge her place in Scripture as the Mother of our Savior who tells all of us, “Do what He tells you to do.” We look to her as our model to live our daily lives in humility, obedience, gratitude, service, prayer, faithfulness and loyalty, good example and many other qualities she teaches us. We desire to grow closer to her Son, our Lord Jesus Christ and to know and honor His Mother and our Mother. In doing these things, we will be better Christians, daughters, wives, mothers and friends. We welcome women of all ages and backgrounds - women of Mary Queen parish and their teenage/young adult daughters, friends and others are most welcome at every function. Our next monthly gathering is First Friday, May 1st from 7:00 - 8:30 PM in the Mini Hall. Please contact Linda at 281-316-0420 for questions. In Our Year of the Family Mother’s Day Tribute In keeping with our Parish Theme: “Year of the Family” we want to honor our mothers with a special tribute. We ask families to select and send us a favorite or special photo of “mom” - living or deceased - so that we can include her photo in this year’s tribute. We plan to create a video collage of all our mothers to be shown during our parish Mother’s Day Breakfast, May 10th. All photos must be scanned and emailed to Anita Shorosky at anitashorosky@maryqueenchurch.org. Please include in “Subject Line” the words Mother’s Day Photo. For production purposes, the deadline for submission is Monday, May 4, 2015 We look forward to celebrating all of our mothers with this special tribute. First Friday Luncheon Mary Queen May Queens, it’s time to celebrate your birthdays at Ellies, on Friday, May 1st at 11:30 AM. Ladies come join us for lunch and wish Janice, Jana, Margie, Margot, Vinnie and Barbara a happy birthday! Please RSVP to Levenia at 281-482-6364 or to Anita at anitashorosky@maryqueenchurch.org or 281-482-1391 by Monday, April 27th. "Coming Soon!” Year of the Family Parish Survey All parishioners should be on the lookout for a "2015: Year of the Family Parish Survey" coming in early April. The Pastoral Council encourages all families to share their opinions on current family-based activities of our community as well as suggest ideas for the future. Make your voice heard and help make Mary Queen an even more family-friendly community! SCHOLARSHIP & GRANT INFORMATION Knights of Columbus Mary Queen Council 8494 Announces 2015-2016 Education Grant Applications The Knights of Columbus are again pleased to announce that Education Grant Applications for the school year beginning in the Fall of 2015 are now available at the Mary Queen Church reception desk. Education Grants for $1,000 each will be awarded to two well-deserving students, who exhibit a substantial financial need. The chosen recipients will receive a $1,000 check for the 2015-2016 school year. All the guidelines and requirements for the education grant applicants are included on the first page of the application. Application Deadline: Fully completed applications and transcripts must be received or postmarked by June 1, 2015. Contact Dave Allen at 713-501-0618 with any questions you may have. 7 Women’s Ministry Scholarship Mary Queen High School seniors are invited to apply for three $1,000 scholarships to be awarded by the Women’s Ministry. You may pick up an application at the Receptionist Desk in the Parish Center or print a copy by visiting the Mary Queen Catholic Church website at www.maryqueencatholicchurch.org. Click on the Women’s Ministry Application Form Link, located on the left side of the home page under DOCUMENTS. Applications are due by April 30, 2015. Hispanic Ministry Scholarship Mary Queen high school seniors are invited to apply for a $500 scholarship to be awarded by the Hispanic Ministry. You may pick up an application at the Receptionist Desk in the Parish Center or print a copy by visiting the Mary Queen Catholic Church website at www.maryqueencatholicchurch.org. Click on the Hispanic Ministry Application Form Link, located on the left side of the home page under DOCUMENTS. Applications are due by April 30, 2015. Parish Festival Reverse Draw Raffle A Chance To Win $250 or $5000!! A Reverse Draw Raffle has a limited number of tickets sold and the LAST ticket drawn from the 'hat' is the big prize winner. The $5000 winning ticket will be drawn at 2:30PM on May 3rd. Nine additional $250 prizes have been added with winning tickets drawn between 11:30 AM and 2:15 PM. Gift cards will be provided for the winning amounts. You do not have to be present to win. Only 400 tickets, $50 each, will be sold. Tickets are available for purchase after all weekend masses and at the Reception Desk in the Parish Center. Contact Cheryl O'Quin at grandmaox2@hotmail.com or 832-654-9984 for additional information. Plant Booth - Plants Needed The Plant Booth needs donations such as cuttings, plants, trees, etc. If you are in need of pots, help transporting your donations, or for general information regarding plant donations, please contact Carmen Schoolmeyer at 281-648-9343. Monetary donations and gift cards from nurseries are appreciated. Share your plant knowledge and volunteer your time in this booth. Live and Silent Auctions The success of the festival depends largely on the types of items available for the auctions. Are you willing to donate the use of a vacation home, season tickets to sporting events, concert tickets, a gift from Christmas that you have not used, new or gently used home decor items (paintings, decorative pieces, etc), a theme basket, jewelry, or craft items? Cash donations or gift cards are also appreciated! If you are willing to help with a donation or have questions, please contact Paula Wick at 713-870-8678 or pjpthree@yahoo.com. Mary Queen Annual Festival Sunday, May 3rd 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM Children’s Games, Face Painting, Inflatables, Cake Walk, Plant Booth, Craft Show, B-I-N-G-O, Reverse Draw, Live Auction, Silent Auction, Beer Garden and Food...Food...Food Sharing the Faith Artist: Larry Dyke This beautiful painting will be auctioned off during the Live Auction at the Mary Queen Parish Festival, Sunday, May 3rd. A special re-release from the talented Larry Dyke. Sharing the Faith depicts two priests, one of whom bears the countenance of Pope John Paul II, in front of San Jose Mission near San Antonio, Texas. In 1982, Dyke agreed to paint Sharing the Faith during a private audience with Pope John Paul II. Later the painting was presented to the pontiff in a special ceremony at the Vatican on February 29, 1984. “The painting is very beautiful, may God bless your work”, said the Pope upon receiving the painting in front of 15,000 people. Following the ceremonies Dyke was escorted to the Pope’s private chambers where the painting had been taken at the pontiff’s request. “I wanted to paint something that was representative of the church’s influence in America,’ said Dyke. “Religious faith was a fundamental part of the early American experience and the string of missions that stretched across the frontier has come to epitomize that faith. I decided to include the Pope in the painting because of his overwhelming warmth and presence which I felt in our first meeting.” The painting is donated to Mary Queen Church by: Friendswood Frame & Gallery 140 S. Friendswood Drive, 281-482-2202 friendswoodframeandgallery.com For more information, to volunteer or to donate items, contact Tim Westhoven at twesthoven99@gmail.com or Katherine Cox at kgcox@att.net 8 New Members March 2015 Guy & Anastasia Lagarde Patrick & Maria Karg James & Ronda Barrington Kody Clabon Monica Hall Christopher & Ann Zajac Khoa & Phuong Nguyen Steven & Erin Consiglio Rodolfo & Pamela Reyes Oscar & Patricia Phillips Thomas & Paula Pierce Traci Schott Michael & Windy Tabo Sharon Yousefpor Derick & Petra Soares Robert & Jennifer Barfield Matthew & Sarah McQuinn Brandon & Lisa Kinsey Genie Balderaz Brian Barnard Jan Barnard Jay Barnard James Baur Mary Behne Martha Boedeker Katheryn Brezina Brad Bumber Jackson Burgett Deann Carlson Larry Carlson Nola Carter Annetta Courtney Dwight Courtney Courtney Family Jacob Daniel Roger del Valle Tim Dorsey Mindy Dorsey Newton Ducote Blanca Eubank Cameron Faulk Barbara Fontenot James Fontenot Friedrichsen Family Lucille Fricano Andrew Garcia Nancy Gardner Shirley Geerts Mayo Gonzales Carina Guerrero Kay Hafenmaier Martha Hahn Clyde Hamlett Handwerk Family Helen Hervada Byron Holt Ron Johnson Charita Jordan Vic Kelemen Kent Kaufold Eva Mae Kelemen Robert Knight Jim Kornegay Stacy Krieger Evelyn Kreuz Debbie Loinette Debra Lopez Carol Lorance Michael Lotief Family Marie Marrero CJ Massingill Jim McBride Leola McBride Steve Melton Marilda Mendoza Eddie Mikes Vera Mireles Melissa Morrison Cindy Oberlin Sandra O’Day Emily Oliff Judy Palomarez Agatha Peterkin Vennoy Racca Norbert Reil Mildred Ripple Mary Riveron Evelyn Rose Jennifer Rose Saturnino Santiago Pat Scroggins Rachael Soto Nancy Soyke Special Needs Families Lori Speiser Kim Thomas Huyen Tran Elizabeth Trochan Gale Truman Jesse Vasquez Bruce Wahl Betty Wellen Betty West Jackie Will Danelle Yerkey Aloma Naivar Franklin Naivar Emma Nesrsta Robert Zimmerman Lord Jesus, who went about doing good and healing all, we ask you to bless our friends who are sick. Give them strength in body, courage in spirit, and patience with pain. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Rene & Janice Gomez ~ In Memoriam ~ Eduardo Rossi Please pray for the repose of the souls of !Alejandro Lara, brother of Irma L. Trevino !Margit E. Stoyanov, wife of Victor Stoyanov !Nena Chirafis, mother of Denise Nobles !Mary Ann Johnston, mother of Richard Johnston Vincent & Lenka Caruso Andre & Doris Massicott Mary Queen Cookbook! We Need Your Recipes In celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Mary Queen's first Mass, we are going to put together a Mary Queen Parish Cookbook. Please submit your recipes online at www.typensave.com, User ID: Mary Queen and Password: mary. In addition to the usual recipe categories, we also included a section for Holidays and Pets. We encourage you to write a short personal note about each recipe you submit. Watch the bulletin for pre-sale dates! 9 We Pray For …... The Sanctuary Candle is in memory of !Lawrence Del Papa for the week of April 19th - 25th We offer the Vigil Candle as a Memorial Candle each week to interested parishioners who would like to request that it burn “In Memory of” or “In Honor of” a loved one, living or deceased. Contact the Receptionist in the Parish Office at 281482-1391. The name of your loved one will be published in the bulletin and near the Sanctuary Candle in the Church. Bulletin Submission Dates - Due 12:00 PM April 26th Bulletin—due April 20th May 3rd Bulletin—due April 27th May 10th Bulletin—due May 4th Bay Area Wholesale The Party Store Bring this ad in for one FREE class 128 S. Friendswood Dr. • Friendswood, TX 77546 7501 Fite Rd. • Pearland, TX 77584 3508 FM 528 Friendswood, TX 77546 281-996-5025 service@partystore1.com 281-482-YOGA (9642) • www.sundanceyoga.com SUPPLIES: PARTY, RENTALS, JANITORIAL & MUCH MORE 15313 Gulf Freeway Houston, TX 77034 (281) 484-1500 www.hojo.com 281-997-6112 http://pearland.certapro.com/ At CertaPro Painters®, we understand painting is personal for you, because it’s personal for us and we have a system to ensure your satisfaction. BECAUSE PAINTING IS PERSONAL® • Wallpaper Removal • Licensed & Insured • Warranty • References SALES OPPORTUNITY Messner Publications is seeking a motivated sales person. 401 Bay Area Boulevard Houston, TX 77058 281-486-7677 FRIENDSWOOD KWIK KAR 2 Locations 281-482-5945 If you have experience and would like to sell advertising in this bulletin, please send your resume to • Interior & Exterior Painting • Residential & Commercial • Decks & Staining • Drywall Repair Hopping Eye Associates, Ltd, LLP Clear Lake: 281-488-2020 • Friendswood: 281-482-2030 www.hoppingeyeassociates.com • Parishioners THIS SPACE IS scottm@messnerpublications.com Enrolling all year grades PK3-8th www.sthelenchurch.org 2213 Old Alvin Rd. Pearland, TX 77581 Phyliss Coleman Ed.D., Principal pcoleman@sthelencatholicschool.org Joseph’s Nursery Upscale Consignment 281-997-1009 2540 E. Broadway, Unit D Pearland, TX 77581 Across from Green Tee Terrace 3723 fm 1128 tel: (281) 489-9786 Pearland, TX 77584 fax: (281) 489-1134 Mon-Sat 8-6 • Sun 10-5 “Caregivers With Character” LET US PLACE YOUR AD HERE. 832-632-2273 GET IN TOUCH WITH YOUR COMMUNITY! Call Messner Publications at 1-866-651-2111 to Find out How You Can Advertise Your Business. 16-0103-I Potential Customers Are Reading This Publication Right Now! REALTOR® Parishioner 311 N. Friendswood Drive (281) 992-7200 www.jeterfuneralhome.com LOUISIANA BOILED CRAWFISH 281.886.4033 www.LeslieBuratti.com Tired of paying too much for your Cell Phone & Utility Bills? 10% OFF FOR MARY QUEEN Creating awareness of ones love of God through style! 4GLTE Cell Phone Service • Home & Commercial Energy Home & Life Protection Services • And Much More Joshua S. Clark Sr. (Parishioner) 713-360-8356 www.utilitysolutions.mystream.com friendswood4jesus@gmail.com Servicing businesses, Churches, schools, community events, & charitable organizations. Whatever your needs are no matter how big or small we are here to answer the call. T-Shirts • Performance Wear • Hats Tote Bags • Koozies/Can Coolers • And Much More! Joshua S. Clark (Parishioner) • 713-360-8356 www.facebook.com/jc.christianapparel.com jc.christianapparel@gmail.com PARISHIONERS 281.482.5100 607 South Friendswood Dr., Ste 11 • Friendswood, TX 77546 WWW.JUSTINSSEAFOOD.COM Justin’s Seafood Tx 196 S. Friendswood Drive, Friendswood (next to Kumon) For details contact us@ www.kidsbloomllc.com / 281-886-7656 250 Blossom St. Ste. 350 • Webster, TX 77598 832-553-5430 3203 E. Broadway • Pearland, TX 77581 832-553-5410 A PRO AIR HEATING AND A/C, INC. 281-485-4627 24HourACServicePearland.com Dick Daugird Agent Over 47 Years As A State Farm Agent® Enroll in fun, educational, creative classes to UNLEASH YOUR CHILD’S POTENTIAL Dr. Elizabeth Cloninger JC Christian Apparel Co. Call me today and let me help you reduce these bills with great rates, the latest products, and World Class Customer Service! “In the Lighthouse” Larry Holdorff Scott Gordon Darla Winters Mylinda Barrera Sales • Service • Installation FREE Estimates on HVAC Equipment Replacement TACLA000147C We offer an Exceptional combination of Price, Performance, Quality and Service. 281-482-4455 3502 FM 528 Friendswood, TX 77546-5005 HVAC SERVICES Tune Ups • Complete Installations • 24 Hour Emergency Service 100% Financing on Equipment Purchases* OTHER SERVICES !"#$%&'$(")*)+,,-./0)1&(2'./0)1#.$#3 Carpentry, Tile, Masonry • Commercial & Residential www.DickDaugird.com www.statefarm.com FREE Estimates • NO JOB TOO SMALL Providing Insurance & Financial Services Home Office, Bloomington, Illinois 61710 Allstate VanMeter Agency 4815 FM 2351 Rd #207 Friendswood, TX 77546 Ph: 281.993.8257 Fx: 832.569.4565 State Farm Insurance *call for details What sets one financial advisor apart from the rest? Experience. Passion. Integrity. kvanmeter@allstate.com Auto. Home. Renters. Life http://allstateagencies.com/KVANMETER/Welcome Brett VanMeter Kyle VanMeter Parishioners Art W. Spiller, CFP®, ChFC® Private Wealth Advisor CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ practitioner ORTHODONTICS FOR Children & Adults 2015 E. Broadway, Suite A | Pearland, TX 77581 Phone: 281.485.6003 | Fax: 281.485.3376 www.ellisorthodontics.com Spiller and Associates (832) 632-1500 CA Insurance # OH41737 281-480-3433 711 W. Bay Area Blvd, Ste 500 • Webster TX 77598 art.w.spiller@ampf.com •advisorspiller.com CROWDER Funeral Homes A Catholic Family Serving Families Since 1959 Webster Pearland 281-280-9000 281-412-3000 Berlinger Law Firm, PLLC Probate, Guardianship & Estate Planning Melbourne T. Berlinger, Attorney Parishioner 907 S. Friendswood Dr, Ste 218 Friendswood, TX (281) 993-3779 www.Berlingerlawfirm.com Russell R. Boone, D.D.S. Clear Lake Termite & Pest Control A private wealth advisory practice of Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. (832) 210-3400 Family and Cosmetic Dentistry, Parishioner 221 E. Edgewood, Friendswood 281-482-3331 Vince Eklund Owner/Parishioner Chris Eklund - Technician 6HUYLQJ<RXU1HLJKERUV6LQFH PEARLAND PEDIATRICS, P.A. Deborah L. Gant, MD • Shannon O. Stroope, MD • Jason E. Decker, MD Jennifer D. Gray, MD • Brad Onhaizer, MD • Shirley Chan-Ramirez, MD www.pearlandpediatrics.com • 281-485-9990 2017 Broadway, Pearland Private Training and Group Equipment Classes Available W. DAVID TOROK (281) 797-6442 ATTORNEY PARISHIONER Call to schedule a FREE placement test today! darolnoronha@ikumon.com 117 E. Edgewood Dr., FM 2351 Friendswood, TX 77546 (281) 317-8666 1819 E. Broadway, Ste. 106 • Pearland DAROL NORONHA, Instructor SIXTA & ASSOCIATES, P.C. 281-482-3339 www.undergroundpilatestx.com Crystal A.M. Brady, D.D.S., F.I.C.D., Diplomate Periodontal and Implant Surgery “Parishioner” 521 Orchard St. • Webster, Texas 77598 (281) 332-7563 • Fax (281) 332-0617 16-0103-O Our Family Serving Your Family in Friendswood Since 1994 with Professionalism and Dignity Published by Messner Publications, Inc. For Advertising Information Call 1-866-651-2111 • www.messnerpublications.com LESLIE BURATTI JETER Funeral Home
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