Masa U'Matan Lakewood Rental List of Wednesday, July 1, 2015 Skinny A's are basement apartments, bold A's are non-basement apartments. T's are any attached houses, such as townhouses and duplexes. H's are stand-alone houses. R's are rooms for rent. Units that start with a light grey box are furnished apartments. This list is available late Tuesday night at *We pay: Gas, Electric, Water, Heat Types: House, Townhouse, Apartment or Room Type BR Baths A T A T A H A R H A A T A & T H A A A A A A A A A 675 675 676 677 677 677 678 668 679 679 680 680 680 681 681 682 682 682 683 683 683 2 4 1 5 3 3 1 1 5 1 3 3 2 to Location Forest Park $ ( 1 2½ Whispering Pines 1700 1 Lexington/Courtney 950 2½ Whispering Pines ( Kielt Way ( 1½ 2 12th & Shafto ( 1 Squankum/Cty. Ln. ( 1 Shady Lane/Miller 700 2 New Central Ave. 2250 1 Poplar Street area 850 ( 1½ Chesterfield 1500 3½ Laurel in the Pines + fees 2 2½ 1500 to 2440 square feet 5 3 14th Street 1500 3 1 1 1 12th & Clifton ( 3 1 Yesodei Court ( 1 1 7th & Princeton ( 1 1 Buckwald Court 600 4 1½ Queens Garden ( 2 1 Whispering Pines 1000 3 2½ Miller & Gudz ( 3 2 Presidential Estates 1250 3 1½ Somerset Meadows 1200 ACCEPT We pay* CAN HUD? GEWH ( means “Call to discuss.” Comments Furnished or unfurnished. In very good shape. Freshly painted, new carpets. Designated parking spot. Available immediately. Stunning new furnished apt. for Chosson Available August. Freshly painted. 732-866-3071 Available August. PAGER Brand new in duplex. Extra soundproofing. Wide layout. Available immediately. 4 BR for HUD. Small, great location, near shopping & shuls. Spac. grounds & parking. Gorgeous furnished Chosson/Kallah apt. Full bath, washer/dryer. Av. immediately. For single male, in nice quiet private 2 BR house with kitchen & living room. Totally renovated bilevel. Available immediately. Beautiful new furnished apt., ideal for single girls. Washer/dryer. Available immediately. Brand new apartment. Available immediately. Furnished, short or long term. Excluding the month of Av. Available immediately. 732-552-7589 ( 730-0992 732-644-4531 GEWH GEWHi GEWH Starting at $1160 GEWH Telephone 718-930-7105 367-7055 942-8557 347-662-9087 732-575-9161 848-525-9759 370-5895 732-232-5415 Some brand new units. All units extremely 942-1111 large & luxurious with very spacious, overHUD accepted sized rooms & closets. Washer/dryer in each unit. Within walking distance of shopping center. Large beautiful park. Choson/Kallah promotions. Call for availability. 732-691-6022 908-773-9159 363-3950 367-6332 908-600-2525 886-7575 917-671-8558 732-860-8898 364-4185 718-928-5191 347-414-0304 Ranch. Available immediately. Furn. Choson/Kallah apt. in great location! Separate entrance. Nicely done. Extra soundproofing. Large storage area. Available July. Brand new, furnished or unfurnished. Available July 15. Furnished apartment on beautiful block. Available immediately. 4th floor duplex in building with elevator. Available July 1. End unit in great location. Freshly painted. Available immediately. Brand new. Available immediately. Large apt. in single-family house. Beautiful layout. Available mid-July. Beautiful spacious apartment in singlefamily house. Separate meters. Av. imm. Type BR Baths A T T A A A A A A A A H H 683 683 683 683 683 683 683 683 683 684 684 684 684 Location Regency Estates $ 3 3 5 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 5 4 900 1 3½ 4th & Private 1950 ( 3½ Laurel/Ridge 1 Teaberry area ( Regency ( 1 2 Presidential Estates ( 1 Sterling Forest ( 1 Sterling Forest ( 2 Albert Avenue ( 1 Park & E. 8th St. ( PRICE 1½ Arlington Avenue REDUCED 3½ Off Drake/Central 2400 Raintree 1600 1½ 2 5 2 4 1 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 5 1 Cov.: Downing Ridge 3½ 1 Off 14th Street 2½ Woehr Avenue 1 Near Westgate 1 W. Kennedy area Pine River 1 1 Chateau Park 1 Squankum/Lawr. 2 Woods at Cedarbridge 1 5th & Private 1 Ridge & New York 2 Laurel/Ridge 3½ Laurel/Ridge ACCEPT We pay* CAN HUD? Telephone Comments 617-783-1749 718-644-3207 732-908-6368 732-232-1039 848-525-4318 Upgraded end unit, uniquely designed, with lots of closets & storage space. Av. Aug. 1. Large master BR & master bath w/Jacuzzi. 2fam. house. Huge rooms. Porch. Av. Aug. 1. Brand new duplex with many upgrades; call for details. Available August. High ceilings, large windows. Available July. Newer apartment in great condition. Available August 1. In priv. house. Gorgeous layout with LR, 2 full baths, walk-in closet, parking. Av. imm. Corner unit, very private. Available immediately. End unit. Available immediately. Brand new legal apt. Large windows, lots of light. Vinyl flooring throughout. Av. imm. Brand new, nicely done. Available immediately. Like-new, spacious apt. in duplex in very desirable area. Available immediately. Brand new upgraded custom home, beaut. & spacious. Large priv. bkyd. Av. beg. Sept. New air conditioning and gas heat. Fenced-in yard. Available immediately. 732-668-6063 732-668-6089 730-2364 848-210-3635 416-875-7904 732-330-6921 718-851-2398 917-929-9048 732-608-1975 732-664-7501 732-773-2295 Why live in someone else's basement... Call today: 732-901-1647 ...when you could be in a regular apartment like everyone else? 683 T T A T A A A A A A A A A T 682 684 684 684 683 681 685 685 685 685 685 685 685 1195 ( 1200 2000 All on one floor. 2 sinks. Gas heat. Available immediately. Brand new beautiful duplex, wide model. Many upgrades. Br. new, stunning! Beautiful modern style. Spacious kitchen. New appl. Bright. Av. im. Totally renovated: carpets, walls, porch. Available beginning July. 732-994-8737 Spacious layout, less than yr. old. Fully furn. Has couch & WD. Long/short. Av. imm. Call or text Spacious. Freshly done. Available immediately. 732-415-7102 Entire basement for tenant. Sep. LR & DR. Handyman on staff to maintain. Av. imm. 732-998-1039 848-525-1068 845-536-2472 718-963-1831 ( ( ( 732-749-0584 900 732-278-3036 ( GEWH 1300 NEG. 1400 1175 ( ( Available July. Near Kol Shimshon/Farm Fresh. New floors. 367-5369 848-525-2373 Freshly painted. Available immediately. 330-354-9240 Brand new, very upgraded. Large windows. 732-719-8346 In private house. Available beginning July. apt. Priv. driveway with snow-melter. 845-608-2886 Luxury Radiant heat. Private entrance. Av. July 1. upgraded apartment in duplex on 848-299-3746 Beautifully regular street. All separate meters. Av. imm. Brand new apartment in duplex. 364-3352 Available mid or end July. Brand new duplex. Many upgrades. 364-3352 Available mid or end July. Type BR Baths ACCEPT We pay* CAN $ Location HUD? Telephone James & Williams 1350 732-423-9379 New Central area ( 732-995-1061 H A A A A H T H T A A R A A A T 2 2 3 1 1 5 5 5 5 1 2 1 3 2 1 4 1 1 2 Woods at Cedarbridge 1250 1 5th & Lexington 700 GW 1 County Line Manor ( GEWH Faraday 2300 3½ Ridge/Clover ( 3½ 2½ Brook Hill area ( 3½ Ridge/Bruce St. ( White Oak ( 1 1125 Brook Hill GEWH 1 1 5th & Private 450 GEWH Vine/Oak ( 1½ Brook Hill ( 1 1 Near Chat. Woods 750 GEWH 2½ The brand new 1600 A A T A A T A A A A A H T T A A 2 2 3 2 3 4 3 3 1 2 3 5 5 5 3 1 1 300 Locust Street 1 Near Chat. Woods 1 Cov.: Downing 1 Near Chateau Park Westgate 2½ 2½ Forest Park 1 Clifton & Carey 2 Chat. Woods area 1 High St. area 1½ Cty. Line & Clifton Villas 1 3½ Woods at Cedarbridge 3½ Ridge area 3½ Bruce Street 1½ Near Westgate 1 West County Line 685 685 685 673 686 686 686 686 686 686 686 686 686 686 686 686 686 686 686 686 683 685 684 686 686 683 683 685 687 685 or weekly HARMONY PARK 700 1100 ( 925 ( 1750 1375 ( ( GEWH 1200 GEWH ( ( ( ( ( ( 347-522-3733 370-1217 718-791-0219 732-598-1877 732-660-5784 732-814-8834 905-7721 732-766-3100 845-548-5537 732-740-7797 Between 2–4 Available mid-July. Brand new furn. Choson/Kallah apt., long or short term. WD, DW. Available August. Luxurious apartments at incredible prices! Brand Reserve now, new, spacious. Upstairs: 2 floors with attic, before prices rise! ~2200 sq. ft. Private parking space. Basement: private entrance, full size windows, 8–9' ceiling, ~1000 sq. ft. Heimishe environment: Bais Medrash, Mikva, playground. Brand new legal apartment. Separate utilities. Available August. Renovated ranch. Two sinks in kitchen. Baseboard heat. Price reduced. Av. imm. Fairly new basement apt. Large kitchen. Large windows. Available immediately. Cheap rent. 2-story corner unit, not in the tunnel. Nice area. Available mid-August. End unit. New washer, dryer and frig. ( Available immediately. Private house with large bedrooms and large eat-in kitchen. Available immediately. Summer rental: Mostly above-ground furnished apartment in new condition. 347-768-0974 Beautiful spacious furnished temporary apt. Available July/August, flexible. 732-513-9278 Brand new. Has parking spot. Upgraded carpeting & soundproofing. Av. imm. In private home. Freshly painted. Larger model, with large BRs. Av. imm. Br. new, upgrades throughout. Extra soundproofing. St. steel appliances. Av. end Aug. Br. new upgr. duplex. Hardwood 2nd floor. Extended kitchen, st. st. appliances. Av. Aug. 367-0704 Brand new spacious duplex, many upgrades. Option for long term. Available August. LEAVE MSG. Brand new beautiful apartment in single-family house. 732-228-2971 1 bed studio apartment, totally renovated. LEAVE MSG. New kitchen, bath, carpets. WD. Av. imm. 732-330-3275 347-566-0564 732-330-3275 732-343-4388 347-683-8133 732-674-6708 905-7114 942-2935 848-240-7531 718-207-2073 718-801-0471 646-236-4634 347-666-1239 845-642-0520 GEWH Comments Large DR/LR, EIK, playroom, huge private backyard, garage, full unfinished basement. Beautiful walk-out in private house. Large windows. Stainless steel appliances. Av. July. Brand new, more private. Large windows, High ceiling, alarm, soundproofing. Av. imm. Furnished apartment in great location — walk to everything! Available immediately. Furnished apartment. Washer/dryer, microwave. Available July 15. Beaut. house on large property on peaceful block. Incl. unfinished bsmt. Av. mid-July. Brand new upgraded duplex for short term. 367-0056 Available beginning of August. LEAVE MSG. Built-in closets. Pesach kitchen. Very large playroom. Available immediately. Brand new upgraded duplex. 347-527-3525 Available August. 718-436-7534 Oversized furnished apartment. EIK, dining room, living room, WD. Av. beg. August. Beautiful large furnished Choson/Kallah apt. Nice-size kitchen, all appliances. Av. imm. Room for one male. Parking spot. Washer/dryer. Available immediately. Brand new apartment in duplex. Upgraded soundproofing. Available mid-July. Type BR Baths A A R A T A A A A A A A A A A A A A A H T A H A A A A A A A A H A 677 682 687 687 687 687 687 687 687 687 687 687 687 687 687 687 687 687 687 687 687 687 687 687 687 687 687 687 687 687 687 687 687 1 2 1 3 4 1 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 3 3 4 5 1 4 3 2 2 2 3 3 2 1 5 3 Location Gudz Road 1 1 Sterling Forest 1 Elmwood Village Brook Hill 2 1½ 2nd & Monmouth Red Oaks 1 1½ Ridge/Clover 1 Prospect Park 1½ Gudz/Miller area 1½ Ridge Avenue 1 Sterling Place Seminole 1½ 1½ Chesterfield 1 14th & Lexington 1 Ridge Meadows Pine River 2 1 9th & Clifton 1 M. L. King Drive 1½ New Cent. (Attaya) Miller Road 3 3½ Somerset & Ridge 1 Park & County Ln. 5 Hunters Ct. off 70 Gudz/Attaya 2 1 E. 8th & Nowlan 1 Glen Avenue 1 2nd & Forest 2 Ridge/Bruce St. 1 Sterling Forest 1 14th Street area 1 Ridge Avenue 3½ Near Belz/N. Hamp. 2 7th & Somerset $ ( ACCEPT We pay* CAN HUD? GEWH 875 ( GEWH ( ( ( ( 364-7061 732-597-6506 908-692-5201 732-674-4558 732-703-0780 732-557-1329 917-533-3993 901-7513 732-597-0180 646-457-0655 1200 ( ( 1200 1150 GWH W ( ( GEWH 1125 1200 ( ( ( 905-7413 W 370-3573 732-489-1149 732-998-1039 848-525-4686 845-553-5883 GEWH 3500 ( ( 950 GEWH ( ( 840 1200 GEWH ( GEWH 3000 1250 942-1187 718-227-8583 732-575-9628 908-330-1054 ( Comments Brand new furnished Chosson/Kallah apt. Short or long term. WD. Av. immediately. Excellent condition, freshly-painted. In end unit. Well-lit. Available immediately. 2 furnished room available, one bath. Can take one or both. Available immediately. Spacious apartment, with lots of closet space incl. walk-in. Available September. Brand new furnished townhouse for July & August. Convenient to everything! 364-3983 Beautiful furnished walk-in short or long term. 9' ceiling. WD. Av. July 10. 732-850-3198 Brand new, in duplex. Extra soundproofing. Available August. Beautiful spacious furnished apt. Available to be rented for the month of August. Beautiful brand new spacious legal apt. in private house. Separate meters. Av. Aug. 1. Beautiful, spacious. Large eat-in kitchen. Available September 1. Beautiful legal apartment in duplex. Separate meters. Available August 1. Brand new apartment in private house. Available August 1. Beautiful upgraded apartment. Available end of July. In excellent condition, in central location. Available August 1. Brand new, in private house, near Raintree. New appliances. Lots of sunlight. Av. imm. Deluxe apt., not your regular! MBR has priv. bath. Large open kitchen. 2 DWs. Av. Aug. New, beaut., airy, furnished. High ceiling, 367-6877 848-525-2114 large above-ground windows. Av. Aug. 1. Has storage room. Dinette. Large windows. Front load washer/dryer. Av. mid-August. 908-770-0434 New spacious, priv. house. Ext. soundproof. LEAVE MSG. Stunning. Prefer newlyweds. Av. Aug. 1. Beautiful cape on huge private lot. Available mid- or end July. Brand new, all upgrades. Available immediately. Furnished apt., large windows, well-lit. Sep. AC, sep. entrance. WD. Av. July 15. Next to Belz. Magnificent, huge! 2-car garage, pool. Fin. basement, no kitchen. Av. Sept. 1. Brand new in priv. house. High ceiling, very spacious. EIK. Ex. soundproofing. Av. Aug. Beautiful furnished apartment, 848-299-1213 available from now until August 15. LV. MESSAGE 732-606-2589 Furnished apartment for short or long term. Available immediately. 443-386-3836 Nice layout. Great condition. Brand new, beautiful and spacious apt. 886-8159 in duplex. Available August. 732-833-3240 In duplex. Excellent layout, very airy, in good condition. Av. beginning August. New upgraded furnished apt. 9-foot ceiling. Tiled. Microwave, DW. Av. July 15. Beautifully furnished. Washer/dryer, dishwasher. Available immediately. 718-541-4005 On one acre lot in Toms River. Excellent 917-709-1838 layout. Spacious. Fin. bsmt. Pool. Av. imm. Legal apartment. Large bedrooms. Available August 1. 347-405-1136 908-251-3621 848-525-6204 786-348-7608 1300 ( ( Telephone 908-910-5067 732-228-0950 732-600-6566
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