Ra m ad Stop eating suhoor 5 minutes before Fajr Adhan Fajr iqamah 20 minutes after Adhan Days Rama Jun **Fajr Tulu dhan & Jul (Dawn Adhan Sunrise 1436 Hijra June-July 2015 Isha Iqamah 10 minutes after adhan Zuhr Asr Iftar / Maghrib Adhan Iqamah Adhan Iqamah Isha Adhan Wednesday 1 17 4:42 6:25 1:38 2:00 5:26 6:45 8:54 10:27 Thursday 2 18 4:42 6:25 1:38 2:00 5:26 6:45 8:54 10:28 Friday 3 19 4:42 6:25 1:38 2:00 5:27 6:45 8:54 10:28 Saturday 4 20 4:42 6:25 1:39 2:00 5:27 6:45 8:55 10:28 Sunday 5 21 4:42 6:26 1:39 2:00 5:27 6:45 8:55 10:28 Monday 6 22 4:42 6:26 1:39 2:00 5:27 6:45 8:55 10:29 Tuesday 7 23 4:43 6:26 1:39 2:00 5:27 6:45 8:55 10:29 Wednesday 8 24 4:43 6:26 1:39 2:00 5:28 6:45 8:55 10:29 Thursday 9 25 4:43 6:27 1:40 2:00 5:28 6:45 8:56 10:29 Friday 10 26 4:44 6:27 1:40 2:00 5:28 6:45 8:56 10:29 Saturday 11 27 4:44 6:27 1:40 2:00 5:28 6:45 8:56 10:29 Sunday 12 28 4:45 6:28 1:40 2:00 5:28 6:45 8:56 10:29 Monday 13 29 4:47 6:30 1:42 2:00 5:26 6:45 8:56 10:29 Tuesday 14 30 4:48 6:30 1:42 2:00 5:26 6:45 8:56 10:29 Wednesday 15 1 4:48 6:30 1:42 2:00 5:27 6:45 8:56 10:29 Thursday 16 2 4:49 6:31 1:42 2:00 5:27 6:45 8:56 10:28 Friday 17 3 4:50 6:31 1:42 2:00 5:27 6:45 8:55 10:28 Saturday 18 4 4:50 6:32 1:43 2:00 5:27 6:45 8:55 10:28 Sunday 19 5 4:51 6:32 1:43 2:00 5:27 6:45 8:55 10:28 Monday 20 6 4:52 6:33 1:43 2:00 5:28 6:45 8:55 10:27 Tuesday 21 7 4:52 6:33 1:43 2:00 5:28 6:45 8:55 10:27 Wednesday 22 8 4:53 6:34 1:43 2:00 5:28 6:45 8:55 10:26 Thursday 23 9 4:54 6:34 1:43 2:00 5:28 6:45 8:54 10:26 Friday 24 10 4:55 6:35 1:44 2:00 5:28 6:45 8:54 10:26 Saturday 25 11 4:56 6:35 1:44 2:00 5:28 6:45 8:54 10:25 Sunday 26 12 4:56 6:36 1:44 2:00 5:28 6:45 8:53 10:24 Monday 27 13 4:57 6:37 1:44 2:00 5:28 6:45 8:53 10:24 Tuesday 28 14 4:58 6:37 1:44 2:00 5:28 6:45 8:52 10:23 Wednesday 29 15 4:59 6:38 1:44 2:00 5:29 6:45 8:52 10:23 Thursday 30 16 5:00 6:38 1:44 2:00 5:29 6:45 8:52 10:22 Actual dates for start and end for Ramadhan will be determined on moonsighting and announced through Al-Farooq Masjid’s Info-line at (404) 874-7521 and Masjid Omar’s Info Line (770) 279-8606 OR check the website at www.alfarooqmasjid.org or www.masjidomar.org Sadaqat-ul-fitr $7 per person to be paid before Salatul'Eid Zakat-ul-fitr should be paid by adult Muslim, for himself/herself and all his/her dependents including a newborn child. Zakat al-Fitr should preferably be paid early enough so it will reach the needy and the poor before the Eid day. It will enable them to use it for food and clothes and give them the opportunity to enjoy the happiness of Eidul-Fitr. May Allah grant us the wisdom, strength and guidance to gather all the blessings of this blessed month, ameen Prayer for starting fast Prayer for ending fast Community Iftar and Dinner Program Daily iftar and dinner will be served during the month of Ramadhan and short talk arranged between salat-ulMaghrib and dinner. Qatmul-Qur'an Qatmul-Qur'an at Masjid Omar will be on 29th night of Ramadhan (Masjid AlFarooq will be on 27th night of Ramadhan). Last ten days of ramadhan Aishah رضى هللا تعالى عنها reported : when the last ten nights (of Ramadhan) would begin, the messenger of Allah صلى هللا عليه وسلمwould keep awake at night (for prayer and devotion), awaken his family and prepare himself to be more diligent in worship.(ألبخا ري )شريف Salat Eid-ul-Fitr: For timings and location, visit Masjid Omar website www.masjidomar.org or call (770) 279-8606 a few days before Eid.
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