Niagara Orleans District F & AM April 2015 Newsletter

Niagara Orleans District
F & AM
April 2015 Newsletter
District Deputy Grand Master
RW Robert L. Donovan
(585) 317-7041)
Can't Remember A Flipping Thing “Polite version.” This acronym has various uses:
for example Monday morning after watching games on TV; those 'Senior' moments
experienced by folk of advancing years, ritual we have done many times before, etc.
There are various ways to overcome these deficits. I am focusing on remembering the
dates of Masonic events, not only in your own Lodge, but in the District as well. The
tools used include such things as:
1. A calendar on the refrigerator
A date book (checked every day)
Calendars on your smart phone
District Newsletter
District Calendar (google)
Your significant other!!!
Using some or all of the above will give new meaning to the word, “CRAFT.”
Grand Sword Bearer
RW Floyd E. Koerner, Jr.
(716) 417-0521
Ritual Director and
Assistant Grand Lecturers Corner
April 2015
Masters & Wardens
2nd Friday of each month @ Hartland Masonic Hall
6:30 pm dinner
7:00 pm meeting
VW J.C. Seefeldt, President
(585) 590-9702
See you there.
Charlotteville Lodge No. 73
2757 Main Street
Newfane, NY 14108
Meetings: 1st & 3rd Wednesdays @ 7:30 pm
W Douglas Holland
Worshipful Master
(716) 628-5523
March 18th Regular comunication 7:30pm
April 1st regular comunication 7:30pm
March 26st colonial degree practice
6:30 pm at lodge, all brothers
April 9th masonic discovery group 7:00pm9:00pm
April 15th an edict first degree 7:30pm
Renovation Lodge No. 97
39 Platt Street
Albion, NY 14411
Meetings: 1st & 3rd Tuesdays @ 7:30 p.m.
W Gary Cooper
Worshipful Master
(585) 330-0369
Did not receive an article
Niagara LaSalle Lodge No. 132
9605 Colvin Boulevard
Niagara Falls, NY 14304
Meetings: 1st & 3rd Wednesdays @ 7:30 p.m.
W William Beckwith
Worshipful Master
(716) 523-1755
Did not receive an article
Cataract Lodge No. 295
20 Main Street
Middleport, NY 14105
Meetings: 2nd & 4th Wednesdays @ 7:30 p.m.
W Joseph Massaro
Worshipful Master
(716) 628-5582
Brethren, Ladies & Friends,
Here are some dates to remember:
March 13 (4th Fish Dinner) If you have not had a chance to help us or eat with us, you deserve
the pleasure of fulfilling that experience this week or before April 4, 2015.
March 20 5th Fish Dinner
March 21 (Saturday – 1 P.M.) the Bud Gillings Memorial Charity Bowling Tournament will be
held at Allie Brandt Lanes in Lockport starting at 1 P.M. Bowlers, we need you, as some of our
“usuals” can’t do it anymore. Team entries must be submitted by MARCH 13, 2015. Contact
Bro. Matt Flammger to register for a team.
March 25 Regular Communication Opening at 7:30 P.M. Program: Update and Discussion on
Grand Lodge Renaissance Program with refreshments following.
March 27 6th Fish Dinner
April 3 7th (& last Lodge) Fish Dinner. A special note: The Order of the Eastern Star will be
using our facitilities to serve Fish Dinners to the public (as a fund raiser) on April 10 & 17 as
well as May 1. Should you be asked to help, please offer your help willingly.
April 8 7 P.M. Officers and Interested Members meeting to discuss 2015-2016 Line of Officers.
Your participation is extremely important. The future of our Lodge depends on it. Lodge will
open at 7:30 P.M. with refreshments served following the meeting.
April 15 Youth and Family Night beginning with a Spaghetti Dinner served at 6 P.M. Note that
is 6 P.M. Mr. Randall Bushover, Morning Show Producer for Radio Station WBEN in Buffalo,
will be the speaker following dinner. His topic will concern Technological Changes in Producing
a Twenty-first Century Radio Show Including Career Opportunities for Young Adults.
April 22 Cataract Lodge will open at 7 P.M. At 7:30 P.M. a Team of Royal Arch Masons will
present a program called "Fervency and Zeal" which is designed to "dispense true Masonic
Light and Knowledge to you, our Symbolic Lodge Brethen and express the vital, important, and
necessary value that the Holy Royal Arch has in relationship to the Symbolic Lodge. Royal Arch
Masonry provides the only legal, true and Historical completion of the Third degree." (Quoted
from a Royal Arch brochure.)
Mark the following dates on your calendars for May and June:
May 13 Lodge opens at 7:30 P.M. Election of Officers. Refreshments after the meeting.
May 27 Awards and Ladies Night dinner served at 6 P.M.
May 30 Conferring the Third Degree at Fort Niagara, a very impressive Masonic experience.
June 10 Installation of Officers. Details TBA
June 24 Lodge Family Picnic. Details TBA
Special Note: The Masters and Wardens of the N-O District meet the 2nd Friday of most
months in The Masonic Temple in Johnson Creek. All Master Masons are welcome. Dinner
served at 6:30 P.M. with Meeting starting between 7 & 7:30 P.M.
For Your Thoughts and Prayers:
Wor. Bro. Bob Bush had a life-threatening experience in Florida on February 3 caused by a
very serious infection in his lungs that affected his diabetes and Parkinson’s. He presently is in
FLORIDA 33884, ROOM 223B. The phone number at the facility is 863 318 8646 – Room 223B.
The operator will connect you.
Bro. Lew Bell is still in the Batavia VA Hospital, 222 Richmond Ave., Batavia, NY 14020. His
phone number is 716 374 3011 and would really enjoy a call from or visit by any Lodge
Brothers. Afternoons and evenings are the best time to call or visit.
Bro Kyle Pollworth is experiencing a financial crisis right now. If you can afford to assist him
with funds or food, that would be greatly appreciated. He lives at 24 Park Ave. in Middleport.
His phone is 716 735 4122.
The financial condition of the Lodge right now is not as good as it could be. One way you can
help is – if you are not holding a 2015 dues card, which means your dues are not up to date pay them NOW. Please send the appropriate amount of money to our secretary, Hans
Rosentreter, 4767 Bigford Road, Medina, NY 14103. If you have a question about your dues,
call Hans at 585 205 1054 and put a *82 before the number to identify yourself. We want to
keep YOU as an ACTIVE Brother so you can enjoy all the priveleges of membership. Should you
by any chance have a financial problem, please discuss this with our Master or Secretary.
If you have not contributed to the Brotherhood Fund for 2015 yet, send contributions to Tim
Cater, 1889 Quaker Rd., Apt. 202, Barker, NY 14012 or the Lodge Secretary.
March 17 - Tuesday
April 6 - Monday
April 13 - Monday
April 21 - Tuesday
Brethren, get involved. Support the Masonic Activities of YOUR Lodge, District and Grand
Lodge. Much is happening. Be a part of it.
Herb Koenig
Cataract Correspondent
Medina Lodge No. 336
229 West Center St.
Medina, NY 14103
Meetings: 1st & 3rd Wednesdays @ 7:30 p.m.
VW Robert Mix
Worshipful Master
(585) 738-2767
MM Degree TBA in April. Medina Lodge traveled to Cataract Lodge to bring home the Traveling
Trowel. Thanks to the weather we still have it. We are looking forward to the visitations of the
other Lodges to share it with them.
RW Robert Donovan
Medina Correspondent
Niagara Lodge No. 375
1 Cottage Street
Lockport, NY 14094
Meetings: 2nd & 4th Wednesdays @ 7:30 p.m.
W Jack Jennings
Worshipful Master
(585) 205-0141
April 8th and 22nd Regular Communications
Ransomville Lodge No. 551
2553 Main Street
Ransomville, NY 14131
Meetings: 2nd & 4th Wednesdays @ 7:30 p.m.
W Robert Coulter
Worshipful Master
(716) 297-1790
Springtime will be here soon. No more snow, ice or freezing cold for a while.
Easter will be here and the spring flowers will beautify the earth and our lives.
What a nice blessing for us.
NOTE: The March wives and widows dinner has been moved to April 22, 2015 at 6:30 pm.
March 25. There has been a First Degree scheduled at 7:30 pm.
April 8.
Business Meeting 7:30pm.
April 22.
Wives and Widows Night. Dinner at 6:30. (Meeting not tiled)
Somerset Lodge No. 639
9201 Ridge Road
Middleport, NY 14105
Meeting: 4th.Tuesday @ 7:30 p.m.
RW Kevin Luckman, Sr.
Worshipful Master
(716) 550-2795
Did not receive an article
Red Jacket Lodge No. 646
1 Cottage Street
Lockport, NY 14094
Meetings: 1st & 3rd Thursdays @ 7:00 p.m.
W Thomas Dalton, Jr.
Worshipful Master
(716) 866-2419
March 19th: FC Degree @ 7 pm
March 20th: Table Lodge @ 6 pm
March 21st: Bud Gillings Bowling Tournament @ 1 pm
Social Lodge No. 713
1979 Kendall Road
Kendall, NY 14476
Meetings: 2nd & 4th Mondays @ 7:30 p.m.
W David Maslyn
Worshipful Master
(585) 319-2039
We are planning a 2nd degree for March 23rd. Brother Jim Cowley will be conferring the degree.
On February 22nd we held our annual Sweetheart Dinner for our brothers and surviving spouses. It
was well attended by the members of the lodge and our invited guests. As part of the activities, the
surviving spouses were presented with a widow’s pin as a reminder that they and their departed
husbands have not been forgotten by the Lodge. The District Deputy Grand Master R:.W Robert
Donovan and Grand Sword Bearer R:.W Floyd Koerner, Jr & his wife were in attendance. Both
Brother Donovan and Brother Koerner addressed the group.
Reminder, Social Lodge will be hosting the Euchre tournament on April 13th.
Niagara River Lodge No. 785
PO BOX 128
1001 South Street
Niagara Falls, NY 14305
Meetings: 2nd & 4th Mondays @ 7:30 p.m.
VW Peter Stein
Worshipful Master
(716) 432-7751
 April 2015
o On the 6th will be our Fellowcraft Club evening starting at 7:00pm
o On the 13h will be a Regular Communication at 7:30pm
 Speaker Brother Christopher Russell
o The 18th is our Annual Awards Night stating at 7:00PM
 We will be presenting service awards
 A presentation for our ladies
 And our Annual Community gift Presentations
o The 20th there will be an Officer Meeting at 7:00 pm
 Followed by a Board of Directors Meeting @ 7:30pm
o On the 27th will be a Regular Communication at 7:30pm
 Guest speaker from Niagara Dog Tags
V∴W∴ Peter C. Stein – Master
Gasport Lodge No. 787
9201 Ridge Road
Middleport, NY 14105
Meetings: 1st & 3rd Tuesdays @ 7:30 p.m.
W David Patton
Worshipful Master
(716) 544-5785
Gasport Lodge will be hosting a Gasport Boy Scout Troop with a spaghetti dinner (6:30 pm)
April 21st: Euchre Nite
6:30 pm Pancake dinner
7:30 Meeting
We are mourning the loss of a 52 year member, Ron Hurtgam, who passed away March 7 th. A
Masonic Funeral Service was held at the Harland United Methodist Church.
Sutherland Lodge No. 826
1400 Ruie Road
North Tonawanda, NY 14120
Meetings: 2nd & 4th Mondays @ 7:30 p.m.
W James Campbell, Jr.
Worshipful Master
(716) 930-7608
Did not receive an article
District Events
1. Discovery Club
a. 2nd Thursday at Charlotteville 73 @ 7 pm
b. Contact: RW Kevin King 716-998-6589
2. Masters and Wardens
a. 2nd Friday @ Gasport 787
i. Dinner 6:30 pm
ii. Meeting 7:00 pm
b. Contact: VW JC Seefeldt 585-590-9702
3. Euchre
a. March 17th @ Renovation 97
b. April 6th @ Sutherland 826
c. April 21st @ Gasport 787
4. Colonial Degree
a. Meeting: March 26th @ Charlotteville 73 at 6:30 pm
The Grand Master has provided a “Wish List” for the Masonic Care Community
5. District Investiture
a. Contact the AGL’s for information
6. Installations
a. May 23rd: Niagara-River 785
i. Details TBA
7. DDGM going over the books
a. Anytime after installation
b. Call and make an appointment
8. Official Visits: More details to follow
a. Monday, September 14th @ Social 713
b. Tuesday, September 15th @ Renovation 97
c. Tuesday, September 22nd @ Somerset 639
d. Wednesday, September 23rd @ Cataract 295
e. Thursday, October 1st @ Red Jacket 646
f. Tuesday, October 6th @ Gasport 787
g. Wednesday, October 7th @ Charlotteville 73
h. Monday, October 12th @ Niagara River 785
i. Wednesday, October 14th @ Ransomville 551
j. Wednesday, October 21st @ Niagara-LaSalle 132
k. Monday, October 26th @ Sutherland 826
l. Wednesday, October 28th @ Niagara 375
m. Wednesday, November 4th @ Medina 336