Basic - Gmu - George Mason University

Curriculum vitae – David W. Haines
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
George Mason University – SOAN 3G5
4400 University Drive
Fairfax, Virginia 22030
Phone: (703) 993-3600
2103 Persimmon Trek
Richmond, Virginia 23233
Phone: (804) 346-4897
Ph.D. Social Anthropology, American University, 1976. Dissertation: “Neighborhood and
Ritual in Northern Virginia.”
Southeast Asian Studies, School of International Service, American University, 1973.
Thesis option papers: “Vietnamese History and Communist Land Reform” and “The
French Economic Development of Cochinchina.”
English, Denison University, 1971.
Academic faculty in anthropology, George Mason University (hired in 1997;
tenured in 2003; full professor in 2008)
Spring and Fall 2014 at Mason-Korea
Spring 2013 in Italy (Mason Semester in Florence)
Fall 2012 in Korea (Practicum with applicants for U.S. fellowships)
Fall 2004 in Korea (Fulbright senior lecturer)
Senior management (division director), Virginia Worker’s Compensation
Management consultant (full-time internal staff position), Virginia Department of
Information Technology
Independent research (with funding from the ACLS/SSRC joint Asia program,
the Rockefeller Foundation, and the Fulbright Commission)
Research and policy analyst, U.S. Office of Refugee Resettlement
Visiting assistant professor and professorial lecturer, Department of
Anthropology, American University
Consultant (housing, education, institutional analysis) and adjunct faculty
(anthropology, sociology)
Graduate work (including teaching assistantships and fellowships)
Education and youth affairs advisor, translator/interpreter in rural development,
Republic of Vietnam
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Wind over Water: Migration in an East Asian Context. Co-editors: Keiko Yamanaka and Shinji
Yamashita. New York: Berghahn. 2012.
Safe Haven? A History of Refugees in America. Sterling, Virginia: Kumarian Press. 2010.
Transnational Migration in East Asia: Japan in a Comparative Focus. Co-edited with Shinji
Yamashita, Makito Minami, and Jerry Eades. Osaka: Japan National Museum of Ethnology (Senri
Ethnological Reports # 77). 2008.
The Limits of Kinship: South Vietnamese Households (1954-1975). DeKalb: Northern Illinois
University, Southeast Asia Publications. 2006.
Cultural Anthropology: Adaptations, Structures, Meanings. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson
Prentice Hall. 2005.
Manifest Destinies: Americanizing Immigrants and Internationalizing Americans. Co-editor: Carol A.
Mortland. Westport, Connecticut: Praeger. 2001.
Illegal Immigration in America: A Reference Handbook. Co-editor: Karen E. Rosenblum. Westport,
Connecticut: Greenwood Press. 1999.
Refugees in America in the 1990s: A Reference Handbook. Editor. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood
Press. 1996.
Case Studies in Diversity: Refugees in America. Westport, Connecticut: Praeger. 1997. (Abridged
paperback edition of Refugees in America in the 1990s with a new introduction.)
Refugees as Immigrants: Cambodians, Laotians, and Vietnamese in America. Editor. Totowa, New
Jersey: Rowman and Littlefield. 1989.
Refugees in the United States: A Reference Handbook. Editor. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood
Press. 1985.
Shorter edited collections:
Diversity at Mason: A New Kind of International. Co-edited with Hyun Young Cho and Karen E.
Rosenblum. George Mason University, Diversity Research Group. In Press.
Part I: Northeast Asia: Coping with Diversity in Japan and Korea. In The Age of Asian Migration,
Volume 1. Yuk Wah Chan, David Haines, and Jonathan H. X. Lee, Editors. Cambridge: Cambridge
Scholars Publishing. Pages 18-104. 2014.
Migration Policy and Its Ground Truths: Anthropological Approaches. Co-edited with Marietta Baba.
Special issue/section of International Migration 51(2): 1-89. 2013.
Labor and Migration in the 21st Century. Special section of City & Society 19(1): 1-76. 2007.
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Diversity at Mason: Student Reflections. Co-edited with Samuel Brase, Alejandra Gonzalez-Arias,
Celine Kemp, Tiffiany Newsome, and Razia Tajuddin. George Mason University, Diversity Research
Group. 2006.
Articles and book chapters:
“Wind over Water: Some Anthropological Thoughts on East Asian Migration.” In Migration in China
and Asia: Experience and Policy. Edited by Zhang Jijiao and Howard Duncan. Springer. 2014.
“Damunhwa: The Korean Search for Multiculturalism.” Co-author: Timothy Lim. In The Age of Asian
Migration, Volume 1. Yuk Wah Chan, David Haines, and Jonathan H. X. Lee, Editors. Cambridge:
Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Pages 27-45. 2014.
“Migration, Policy, and Anthropology.” International Migration 51(2): 77-89. 2013.
“Refugees.” In Immigrant Struggles; Immigrant Gifts. Edited by Diane Portnoy, Barry Portnoy, and
Charlie Riggs. Fairfax, Virginia: George Mason University Press. Pages 159-175. 2012.
“‘More Aware of Everything’: Exploring the Returnee Experience in American Higher Education.”
Journal of Studies in International Education 71(1): 19-38. 2013.
“The U.S. Legal Immigration System.” In SAGE Debates on U.S. Immigration. Edited by Judith
Gans, Elaine M. Replogle, and Daniel J. Tichenor. Pages 13-20. 2012.
“Synchronizing Foreign and Domestic Policy: The Case of the Refugee Act of 1980.” Federal History
4: 12-27. 2012.
“Rethinking the Vietnamese Exodus: Hong Kong in Comparative Perspective.” In The
Chinese/Vietnamese Diaspora: Revisiting the Boatpeople in Hong Kong. Edited by Yuk Wah Chan.
Routledge. Pages 20-35. 2011.
人类学、公共政策及全球移民:基于北美的比较视角 [Anthropology, Public Policy, and
International Migration: A Comparative Perspective from North America]. Journal of the North
University for Nationalities. January 2011.
“Epilogue” in Cambodian American Experiences. Jonathan H. X. Lee, Editor. Kendall Hunt. Pages
460-474. 2010.
“Perfectly American: Constructing the Refugee Experience.” Co-author: Karen E. Rosenblum.
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies (JEMS) 36(3): 391-406. 2010.
“America and Refugees: Morality, Rationality, and Expedience, 1939-2005” in From Arrival to
Incorporation: Migrants to the U.S. in a Global Era. Elliott Barkan, Hasia Diner and Alan M. Kraut,
Editors. NYU Press. Pages 41-59. 2008.
“Transnational Migration: Some Comparative Considerations” (pp. 15-26) and “Concluding
Comments” (pp. 205-208) in Transnational Migration in East Asia. S. Yamashita, M. Minami, D.
Haines, and J. Eades, Editors. Osaka, Japan: National Museum of Ethnology. 2008.
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“Crossing Lines of Difference: How College Students Analyze Diversity.” Intercultural Education
18(5) 397-412. 2007.
“Transnational Migration in East Asia: Japan in Comparative Focus.” Co-authors: Makito Minami and
Shinji Yamashita. International Migration Review 41(4): 963-967. 2007.
“Ethnicity’s Shadows: Race, Religion, and Nationality as Alternative Identities among Recent U.S.
Arrivals.” Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power 14(3): 285-312. 2007.
“Labor, Migration, and Anthropology: Reflections from the Work of Philip L. Martin. City & Society
19(1): 60-71. 2007.
“Refugees” in The New Americans. Mary Waters and Reed Ueda, Editors. Cambridge: Harvard
University Press. Pages 56-69. 2007.
“Illegal Immigration” in Social Issues in America: An Encyclopedia. James Ciment, Editor. New
York: M. E. Sharpe. Volume 4. Pages 929-940. 2006.
“Southeast Asia from an East Asian Perspective.” Korea Fulbright Review. Summer, 2005. Pages 7177.
“Fatal Choices: The Routinization of Deceit, Incompetence, and Corruption.” Public Integrity 6(1): 523. 2004.
Reprinted in The Ethics Edge. Jonathan West and Evan Berman, Editors. Washington, D.C.:
ICMA Press. 2nd Edition. Pages 89-100. 2006.
“Better Tools, Better Workers: Toward a Lateral Alignment of Technology, Policy, Labor, and
Management.” American Review of Public Administration 33(4): 449-478. 2003.
“Binding the Generations: Household Formation Patterns among Vietnamese Refugees.” International
Migration Review 36(4): 1194-1217. 2002.
“East Asia for Undergraduates: Balancing Regional Themes and Distinctive Cultures.” Education
about Asia 7(2): 22-27. 2002.
“Southeast Asian Refugee Crisis” in Encyclopedia of American Immigration. New York: M.E.
Sharpe. Volume I, pp. 186-194. 2001.
“Refugee Resettlement and Community Reaffirmation” (pp. 89-109; co-authors: Marilyn Breslow,
Dirk Philipsen, and Jan Williamson) and “Afterword: Manifest Destinies” (pp. 151-164) in Manifest
Destinies. Westport, Connecticut: Praeger. 2001.
“The Fatal Choice: Machine Competence or Human Control?” in Proceedings of the 2001
International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Edited by Michael J. Smith and Gavriel
Salvendy. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Pages 14-18. 2001.
“Minimalism in Governance: Workers’ Compensation in a Southern State.” Administration and
Society 31(5): 616-638. 1999.
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“Letting ‘The System’ Do the Work: The Promise and Perils of Computerization.” Journal of Applied
Behavioral Science 35(3): 306-324. 1999.
“Vision and Heart: The Anthropological Research on Refugees, Immigrants, and Displacees” in
Negotiating Power and Place at the Margins: Selected Papers on Refugees and Immigrants 7. Edited
by Juliene Lipson and Lucia A. McSpadden. Arlington, Virginia: American Anthropological
Association. Pages 33-52. 1999.
“Vietnamese Americans” in Violence in America: An Encyclopedia. Edited by Ronald Gottesman.
New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons. Pages 376-378. 1999.
“Problematic Labels and Volatile Issues” (pp. 1-10; co-author: Karen E. Rosenblum), “Labor at Risk:
The Exploitation and Protection of Undocumented Workers” (pp. 346-366), and “Introduction to the
Literature” (pp. 500-537) in Illegal Immigration in America. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood
Press. 1999.
“Anthropology and Contemporary Migration.” Co-author: Diane Baxter. General Anthropology 5(1)
1, 8-11. 1998.
“Southeast Asian Refugees in the United States: The Interaction of Kinship and Public Policy” (orig.
Reprinted in Asians in America, Volume 2. Edited by Franklin Ng. Hamden, Connecticut:
Garland. 1998.
Reprinted in International Encyclopedia of Anthropology, Volume 4. Edited by S. M. Channa.
New Delhi: VedamsBooks. 1998.
“Richmond’s Refugees: Understanding the Interaction between Refugees and Their New
Communities.” Co-authors: Marilyn Breslow, Dirk Philipsen, and Jan Williamson. Migration World
25(1/2): 30-34. 1997.
“Patterns in Refugee Resettlement and Adaptation” (pp. 28-59), “Vietnamese” (pp. 136-158; Coauthor: Nguyen Manh Hung), and annotated guide (pp. 397-441) in Refugees in America in the 1990s:
A Reference Handbook. Greenwood Press. 1996.
“Sentiment in Public Policy.” In Selected Papers on Refugee Issues, II. Edited by MaryCarol Hopkins
and Nancy Donnelly. Washington, D.C.: American Anthropological Association. Pages 42-52. 1993.
“Southeast Asian Refugees in Western Europe: American Reflections on French, British, and Dutch
Experiences.” Migration World 19(4): 15-18. 1991.
“Conformity in the Face of Ambiguity: A Bureaucratic Dilemma.” Semiotica 78(3/4): 249-269. 1990.
“South Vietnamese Households, Some Reconstructions of the 1954-1975 Period.” Vietnam Forum 13:
192-217. 1990.
“Refugees.” In Dictionary of American Immigration History, Edited by Francesco Cordasco.
Metuchen, New Jersey: Scarecrow Press. 1990.
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“Southeast Asian Refugee Resettlement in the United States and Canada.” Amerasia Journal 15(2):
141-156. 1989.
“Ritual and Cohesion: An Exploration among Ordinary American Families.” American University
Occasional Papers in Anthropology No. 2: 126-137. 1988.
“The Pursuit of English and Self-Sufficiency: Dilemmas in Assessing Refugee Program Effects.”
Journal of Refugee Studies 1(3/4): 195-213. 1988.
“Kinship in Vietnamese Refugee Resettlement: A Review of the U.S. Experience.” Journal of
Comparative Family Studies 19(1): 1-16. 1988.
“Ritual or Ritual? Dinnertime and Christmas among Some Ordinary American Families.” Semiotica
68(1/2): 75-88. 1988.
“Patterns in Southeast Asian Refugee Employment: A Reappraisal of the Existing Research.” Ethnic
Groups 7: 39-63. 1987.
“Vietnamese Kinship, Gender Roles, and Societal Diversity: Some Lessons from Survey Research on
Refugees.” Vietnam Forum 8: 204-217. 1986.
“Vietnamese Refugee Women in the U.S. Labor Force: Continuity or Change?” In International
Migration: The Female Experience. Edited by Rita Simon and Caroline Brettell. Totowa, New Jersey:
Rowman and Allenheld. Pages 62-75. 1986.
“Role of the Anthropologist” In “Indochinese Refugees in America.” Anthro-Notes 6(3): 14-15. 1985.
“Reflections of Kinship and Society under Vietnam’s Lê Dynasty.” Journal of Southeast Asian
Studies 15(2): 307-314. 1984.
“Assessing the Research on Southeast Asian Refugees.” Social Thought 10(3): 21-32. 1984.
“Refugees and the Refugee Program” (pp. 3-16), “Initial Adjustment” (pp. 17-35), “Toward
Integration into American Society” (pp. 37-55), and annotated guide (pp. 209-228) in Refugees in the
United States. Greenwood Press. 1984.
“The Economic Adjustment of Southeast Asian Refugees in the U.S.” Co-authors: Robert Bach, Linda
Gordon, and David Howell. World Refugee Survey 1983: 51-55.
“Southeast Asian Refugees in the United States: An Overview.” Migration Today 11(2/3): 8-13. 1983.
“Research Issues regarding Refugees in the United States” in Refugees in a Changing Nation: esearch
and Training, edited by Lucy M. Cohen and Mary Ann Grossnickle. Washington, D.C.: Catholic
University. Pages 151-157. 1983.
“Southeast Asian Refugees in the United States: The Interaction of Kinship and Public Policy.”
Anthropological Quarterly 55(3): 170-181. 1982.
“The Case for Exploratory Fieldwork: Understanding the Adjustment of Vietnamese Refugees in the
Washington Area.” Co-authors: Dorothy Rutherford and Patrick Thomas. Anthropological Quarterly
54(2): 94-102. 1981.
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“Family and Community among Vietnamese Refugees.” Co-authors: Dorothy Rutherford and Patrick
Thomas. International Migration Review 15(1): 310-319. 1981.
“Mismatch in the Resettlement Process: The Vietnamese Family versus the American Housing
Market.” Journal of Refugee Resettlement 1(1): 15-19. 1980.
“The Construction of Communities in Technological Societies.” Anthro-Tech 4(1): 3-7. 1979.
Reviews, essays, and short published comments:
“Multiculturalism Korean Style” in Anthropology News (AN): November/December 2014: p. 37.
Review of Darkness before Daybreak by Hans Lucht. Anthropology of Work Review 35(1):47-
48. 2014.
Review of The Intimate University: Korea American Students and the Problems of Segregation by
Nancy Abelmann. Anthropology Review Database. January 2014.
Review of Exodus: How Migration Is Changing Our World by Paul Collier. Choice. March 2014.
Review of Moving Matters by Susan Ossman. Choice. October 2013.
Review of Hmong and American: From Refugees to Citizens. Edited by Vincent Her and Mary Louise
Buley-Meissner. Minnesota Historical Society. Choice: October 2012.
Review of In a Sea of Bitterness: Refugees during the Sino-Japanese War by R. Keith Schoppa.
Harvard University Press. Choice: May 2012
Review of The Peoples of Southeast Asia Today by Robert Winzeler. Altamira Press. Choice: October
Review of Arrested Histories: Tibet, the CIA, and Memories of a Forgotten War by Carole
McGranahan. Duke University Press. Choice: March 2011.
“Safe Haven in America? Thirty Years after the Refugee Act of 1980.” Global Studies Review 6(1).
“Reassessment: Western Europe, 1987-88 and Korea, 2004.” In Diversity at Mason: The Fulbright
Experience. Sandarshi Gunawardena and Karen E. Rosenblum, Editors. George Mason University:
Diversity Research Group. 2008. Pages 8-12.
“Anthropology and Immigration in the Classroom.” Anthropology News 49(5): 38. 2008.
“Transnational Migration.” Co-authors: Shinji Yamashita and Makito Minami. Anthropology News
48(6):37-38. 2007.
“Refugees in America: Moral Impulses and Public Policy.” Global Studies Review 1(2): 10-11. 2006.
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Review of Civilizing the Margins: Southeast Asian Government Policies for the Development of
Minorities. Edited by Christopher R. Duncan. Journal of Asian Studies 64(2): 515-516. 2005.
Review of Reading the Korean Cultural Landscape by Je-Hun Ryu. Education about Asia 10(1): 70.
“Rethinking Migration in a University Setting.” SfAA Newsletter 16(2): 8-9. 2005.
Review of Songs of the Caged; Songs of the Free by Adelaida Reyes. Anthropology Review Database.
Joint review of Between Craft and Science: Technical Work in U.S. Settings, edited by Stephen Barley
and Julian Orr and Computation and Human Experience by Philip Agre. Anthropology of Work
Review 21(4):42-43. 2001.
Review of Soul of a Citizen by Paul Rogat Loeb. Practicing Anthropology 23(3): 53. 2001.
Review of Khmer-American, by Nancy Smith-Hefner. International Migration Review 35(1): 339340. 2001.
Review of Helping Out: Children’s Labor in Ethnic Businesses, by Miri Song. International
Migration Review 35(1): 340-341. 2001.
Review of Talking About Machines, by Julian Orr. Anthropology of Work Review 18(4): 43-44. 1998.
Review of Desperate Crossings, by Norman and Naomi Zucker. International Migration Review
32(1): 239-240. 1998.
“American Anthropological Association Expands Focus on Refugees and Immigrants” (with Diane
Baxter). World on the Move 3(2): 8-9. 1997
Review of Cambodian Culture Since 1975, edited by May Ebihara, Carol Mortland, and Judy
Ledgerwood. Journal of Asian Studies 53(4): 1317-1319. 1994.
Review of The Vietnamese Experience in America, by Paul Rutledge. Journal of Asian Studies 51(4):
990-991. 1992.
Review of Voices From Southeast Asia, by John Tenhula. Journal of Asian Studies 50(4): 1003-1004.
Review of Hearts of Sorrow: Vietnamese-American Lives, by James A. Freeman. Anthropological
Quarterly 64(3): 158-159. 1991.
Review of Victims and Survivors: Displaced Persons and Other War Victims in Viet-Nam, by Louis
Wiesner. Journal of Asian Studies 50(1): 218-219. 1991.
Review of The Far East Comes Near: Autobiographical Accounts of Southeast Asian Students in
America, edited by L. Nguyen-Hong-Nhiem and J. M. Halpern. Journal of Asian Studies 49(2): 440441. 1990.
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Review of The Strongest Part of the Family, by K. L. S. Muir. International Migration Review 23(4):
952-953. 1989.
Review of Resettlement of Indochinese Refugees: A Bibliography, compiled by L. Ashmun. Journal of
Asian Studies 44(2): 455-56. 1985.
Review of Exodus Indochina, by K. St. Cartmail. International Migration Review 18(2): 326. 1984.
Comments on “Refugee Women in Development” by Joanne Wagner. In Field Training in Applied
Anthropology, Volume III, edited by L. Cohen and T. Ready. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University.
Pages 33-36. 1984.
“Geographic Variations in the Economic Adjustment of Southeast Asian Refugees in the U.S.” Coauthors: Robert Bach, Linda Gordon, and David Howell. World Refugee Survey 1984: 7-8.
Review of The New Ethnics: Asian Indians in the United States, edited by P. Saran and E. Eames.
International Migration Review 16(1): 226-227. 1982.
Sessions organized at professional meetings
-- Organize and Chair: “Migration and Diversity: Policy Refractions and Productions in East Asia.”
Panel at the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association. Washington, D.C.;
December 2014.
-- Chair: “Northeast Asia: Coping with Diversity in Japan and Korea.” Panel at the conference on
Asian migration, City University of Hong Kong; September 2013.
-- Organizer and chair: “Safe Haven? Thirty Years after the Refugee Act of 1980.” Invited session
for the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association. New Orleans. November
-- Organizer and overall chair: “East Asian Migration: Implications for Diversity and
Development.” Integrated series of four panels for the International Congress of the
Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences.” Kunming, China. July 2009.
-- Co-organizer (with Gordon Mathews): “The World is City: Reflections from the East Asian
Urban Experience.” Panel for the meeting of the Society for East Asian Anthropology.” Taipei.
July 2009.
-- Organizer and chair: “Wind over Water: An Anthropology of Migration of Migration from an
East Asian Setting.” Invited (“presidential”) session for the annual meeting of the American
Anthropological Association, San Francisco, California. November 2008.
-- Organizer and chair: “Labor and Migration in the 21st Century: A Dialogue with Philip L.
Martin.” Invited panel for the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association. San
Jose, California, November 2006.
-- Organizer and chair: “Marriage out of Place: Continuity and Innovation in Marital Choices
among Asian Migrants.” Panel for the joint meeting of the Society for East Asian Anthropology
and the Hong Kong Anthropological Society. Hong Kong, July 2006.
-- Co-organizer (with Jeong Jong-ho) and chair: “Wind over Water: Understanding East Asian
Migration.” Panel for the annual meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology. Vancouver,
March 2006.
-- Organizer and chair: “Reconfiguring Identity in the American University: The Experience of
Immigrants, Children of Immigrants, and Foreign Students.” Panel for the annual meeting of the
Society for Applied Anthropology, Sante Fe, New Mexico, 2005.
-- Organizer and chair: “Forced Migration in an Age of Restriction.” Panel for the annual meeting
of the Society for Applied Anthropology, Dallas, Texas, 2004.
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Co-organizer (with Carol Mortland) and chair: “Manifest Destinies: America, Immigration, and
the Collision of Local and Global Histories.” Panel for the annual meeting of the Society for
Applied Anthropology, San Francisco, California, 2000.
Co-organizer (with Karen Rosenblum) and chair: “Illegal Immigration: Problematic Labels and
Volatile Issues.” Panel for the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association,
Chicago, Illinois, 1999.
Organizer and chair: “Contemporary Migration and Public Policy: A Review and Prospectus.”
CORI Plenary Session for the annual meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology, Tucson,
Arizona, 1999.
Organizer and chair: “Refugees, Immigrants, and Anthropologists: A Review and Prospectus.”
CORI Plenary Session for the annual meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology, San Juan,
Puerto Rico, 1998.
Organizer: “Internationalizing America: Immigrants, Refugees, and their Localities.” Coorganizer: Carol Mortland. Invited session for the annual meeting of the American
Anthropological Association, Washington, D.C., 1997.
Chair, Session on “Culture and Behavior in Work Organizations: New Research.” Annual
meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Atlanta, Georgia, 1994.
Organizer and chair: “The Uses of Social Science Data: Research on Refugees.” Panel for the
annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, 1986.
Organizer and co-chair, open meeting on current perspectives in refugee policy and research.
Annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, 1982.
Organizer and co-chair, symposium on Family and Public Policy in the United States. Annual
meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Washington, D.C., 1980.
Reviewer for books, book manuscripts, and articles (cumulative)
Alfred Publishing Company, American Review of Public Administration, American Sociological
Review, Annals of Tourism Research, Anthropology Review Database, Anthropology of Work
Review, Anthropological Quarterly, Asia Pacific World (Editorial Board), Center for Applied
Linguistics, Center for Migration Studies, Choice, City & Society, Committee on Refugees and
Immigrants (AAA), Current Anthropology, Duke University Press, Education about Asia, Food
and Foodways, International Journal of Sociology and Anthropology, International Migration,
International Migration Review, Journal of Asian Studies, Journal of Ethnic and Migration
Studies, Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies, Journal of Refugee Studies, Journal of
Southeast Asian Studies, Pacific Affairs, Population and Environment (Consulting Editor, 19811986), Practicing Anthropology, Rowman and Littlefield, Public Integrity, Social Forces, Social
Problems, Social Thought, Sociological Perspectives, Stanford University Press, University Press
of New England, Wadsworth/Thomson, Wiley Blackwell
Professional service (cumulative)
Discipline: Society for Urban, National, and Transnational/Global Anthropology (SUNTA):
president-elect (and program chair), president, past-president (six-year sequence); Committee on
Refugees and Immigrants: chair 1996-1998 and web manager 1998-2003; Association for the
Anthropology of Policy (ASAP): officer-at-large (2013-2015); Program committees: Society for
Applied Anthropology, General Anthropology Division; miscellaneous tenure and promotion
reviews and thesis and dissertation committees for other universities.
University and College: Various program and hiring committees; developed M.A. certificate in
immigration studies and M.A. in global interactions (not implemented); chair of the faculty of the
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College of Arts and Sciences (governance position: three one-year terms); member of college
council; founding member of the diversity research group (and de facto production editor of its
annual publications on diversity in the university), dissertation committees, program assessment.
Department: Miscellaneous committees (assessment, library, faculty matters) and hires
(committee member and chair); anthropology program director (one year); co-organizer of
careers events for undergraduates; various thesis committees (member and chair)
Grant reviews, program planning, and advisory boards (cumulative)
CUNY Lehman College (faculty awards); British Research Council; City University of Hong
Kong (External Academic Advisor); Fulbright Korea (Hubert Humphrey program, awards for
graduate study in the United States, awards for university teaching in the United States); George
Mason University (Global Studies individual and group projects); faculty study leaves; faculty
research; technology assessment; expanding Korea connections); Hong Kong Research
Consortium; Hong Kong university grants review exercise; Korea World Class University
Project; National Endowment for the Humanities; National Science Foundation; Office of
Refugee Resettlement; Orientation Resource Center (Center for Applied Linguistics); Refugee
and Immigration Services (Catholic Diocese of Virginia); Social Science Research Council;
Social Sciences and Humanities Council of Canada.
American Anthropological Association:
National Association for the Practice of Anthropology
Society for the Anthropology of East Asia
Society for the Anthropology of Work
Society for Urban, National, and Transnational/Global Anthropology
Committee on Refugees and Immigrants
Association for Asian Studies
Society for Applied Anthropology (sustaining fellow)
Virginia Historical Society
Honors, grants and awards:
Faculty study leave (competitive). George Mason University. 2010.
Grant to support the workshop “Wind over Water: An Anthropology of Migration in an East Asian
Setting.” Wenner-Gren Foundation, 2007.
Research and publication costs for Diversity at Mason. Offices of University Life, George Mason
University, 2006.
Fulbright Senior Lecturing Award. Korea (Seoul National University), 2004.
Faculty study leave (competitive). George Mason University, 2004.
University Teaching Excellence Award. George Mason University, 2003.
Supplementary research grant for “The Limits of Kinship: Vietnamese Households during the
Republican Period.” Office of the Provost, George Mason University, 2001.
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Grant for course development for “Anthropology and the Information Technology Revolution.”
Technology across the Curriculum, College of Arts and Sciences, George Mason University, 2000.
Two sequential grants for a team project on “Richmond’s Refugees.” Virginia Endowment for the
Humanities and Public Policy. 1995-99.
Research grant for “Refugee Resettlement and Integration: A Cross-National Comparison,” Western
European Regional Research Program of the Fulbright Scholar Program, 1987.
Supplemental grant for publication-related costs of Refugees as Immigrants, The Rockefeller
Foundation, 1986.
Research grant for “Family and Kinship in Vietnam,” Joint Committee on Southeast Asia of the Social
Science Research Council and the American Council of Learned Societies, 1985.
Research grant for “Synthesizing the Research on Southeast Asian Refugees in the United States,”
The Rockefeller Foundation, 1985.
Visiting scholar access grant, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison,
Summer 1983.
Awards for outstanding performance and special achievement, Office of Refugee Resettlement, U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services, 1983.
Research grant for “Rituals and the Solidarity of Family Households,” National Institute of Mental
Health, 1979.
Distinction on all comprehensive examinations for the Ph.D. in anthropology (1974-75), graduate
honors awards (1973, 1974), NDFL Fellow in Vietnamese (1972-74), foreign area scholarship (197172); Schools of International Service and Arts and Sciences, American University.
Commendations for rural development work, Republic of Vietnam, 1970.
For purposes of brevity, information on courses taught, papers presented, and reports written is
not included here, but is available in a separate curriculum vitae supplement.
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