2015 Medicaid Numbers for Nursing Home Care Eligibility Facts and Figures for Residents of Hampden County, Massachusetts 1200 Converse Street, Longmeadow Massachusetts 01106 Call (413) 567-5600 to Schedule an Educational Meeting MassHealthHELP.com Personal Needs Allowance (PNA): $72.80 ........................................................................................ 1 Minimum Monthly Maintenance Needs Allowance (Minimum MMNA) for July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015: $ 1,966.25 ......................................................................................................................... 1 Maximum Monthly Maintenance Needs Allowance (Maximum MMNA): $2,931.00 ........................... 2 Asset Allowances .............................................................................................................................. 2 Community Spouse Resource Allowance (CSRA) for 2015: $119,220.00 ........................................ 2 Spouse Principal residence equity exclusion: $828,000 .................................................................... 2 Income Allowances Personal Needs Allowance (PNA): $72.80 A person who lives in the nursing home is allowed to keep income of $72.80 per month, as a personal needs allowance. Minimum Monthly Maintenance Needs Allowance (Minimum MMNA) for July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015: $ 1,966.25 If the nursing home resident is married to a spouse who lives at home or in assisted living, the healthy spouse needs income to live. The healthy spouse is allowed to keep this amount of the income that is paid to the spouse who lives in the nursing home, with no questions asked by Medicaid. This is called the Minimum Monthly Maintenance Needs Allowance ("Minimum MMNA"). Housing expenses for the spouse at home that are more than $589.66 can be added to increase the Minimum MMNA. Would you like to obtain an increased income amount? We can help you obtain additional monthly income if your circumstances fit within Medicaid regulations. Federal Medicaid Law [Section 1396a(a)(3)] gives the right to a fair hearing for "any individual whose claim for medical assistance is denied or not acted upon with reasonable promptness." Historical Data - Minimum MMNA July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014 $1,939.00 Federal Regulations [42 CFR 431.230] require that July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2013 $1,891.25 Medicaid payment for services be continued during the July 1, 2011 - June 30, 2012 $1,838.75 time an application is waiting for a fair hearing, and the July 1, 2009 – June 30, 2010 $1,821.25 state must make corrective payments if the applicant wins July 8, 2008 – June 30, 2009 $1,750.00 the fair hearing. July 1, 2007 – June 30, 2008 $1,711.25 LAW OFFICE OF JOHN L. ROBERTS ● (413) 567-5600 ● PAGE 1 of 2 Maximum Monthly Maintenance Needs Allowance (Maximum MMNA): $2,931.00 This is the upper limit on a nursing home resident's income that are allowed to his/her spouse, unless the healthy spouse shows exceptional circumstances. The Standard Shelter Expense is the amount included in the Minimum MMNA for rent, mortgage payment, property taxes and insurance, and/or condo maintenance charges. If these housing expenses are greater than $581.63, the extra expenses can be credited to the community spouse's Minimum MMNA. Maximum Monthly Maintenance Needs Allowance in Past Years 2013 $2,898 2012 $2,841 Excess Shelter Allowance $552 Asset Allowances The nursing home resident is allowed countable assets of $2,000. Non countable assets can include: life insurance with surrender value of $1,500 or less, prepaid funeral contract and burial account of $1,500 or less. If there is a spouse at home, these assets are also not countable: Community Spouse Resource Allowance (CSRA) for 2015: $119,220.00 If the person who applies for MassHealth nursing home benefits is married, that person's spouse is known as the "community spouse" because that spouse continues to live in the community. The community spouse is allowed to keep an amount of assets called the Community Spouse Resource Allowance. Massachusetts Medicaid law, Chapter 118E, Section 21A (a)(1)(v), requires that MassHealth “establish the maximum community spouse resource allowance permissible under 42 U.S.C. s.1396r5(f)(2).” That maximum amount is set by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. The CSRA allows elderly spouses, usually women and widows, to maintain a measure of financial security. It will help elderly spouses avoid the indignities of impoverishment, and can prevent the need for premature nursing home placements. If you have a spouse, mother, father, uncle, aunt, or other relative who receives nursing home care now, or may need care, we can help plan. Community Spouse Resource Allowance in Past Years 2013 $115,920 2012 $113,640 Medicaid Regulations allow additional assets to be set aside for the community spouse, to preserve assets for the community spouse, in addition to the Community Spouse Resource Allowance. Spouse Principal Residence equity exclusion: $828,000 The fair-market value and equity value of all countable real estate owned by the individual and the spouse must be verified at the time of application, and when it affects or may affect eligibility. Equity interest in the principal place of residence exceeding $828,000 renders an individual ineligible for payment of nursing facility and other longterm-care services, unless the spouse of such individual or the individual’s child who is under age 21 or who is blind or permanently and totally disabled resides in the individual’s home. Spouse Principal residence equity exclusion in Past Years 2014 $814,000 2013 $802,000 Return to Medicaid information and videos at MassHealthHELP.com. Read about more exceptions to Medicaid asset regulations LAW OFFICE OF JOHN L. ROBERTS ● (413) 567-5600 ● PAGE 2 of 2
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