2015 Annual Conference & Exhibition SUNDAY, MAY 17 2:00 PM – 4:30 PM CONFERENCE REGISTRATION Hotel Lobby 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM EXHIBIT HALL VIEWING Grand I/Osterville Please become acquainted with our vendors and the products and services they offer your agency. 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM RECEPTION Grand I/Osterville Co-Sponsored by: MassNAHRO Insurance Group, Inc. MMDT 7:00 PM DINNER & KEYNOTE ADDRESS Bass River Keynote Address Speaker: Senate President Pro Tempore Marc Pacheco of Taunton, Lead Sponsor LHA Reform Bill 9:00 PM COFFEE & COOKIES Lobby Coffee Bar Sponsored by: Execu-Tech Consultants MONDAY, MAY 18 7:00 AM – 9:00 AM 8:00 AM BREAKFAST CONFERENCE REGISTRATION Bass River Grand Ballroom Foyer 9:00 AM – 9:45 AM 1. Plenary Session: Managing Change – The Future of Local Housing Authorities Grand II Speakers will address the major changes associated with the implementation locally of Chapter 235, the perception and implications nationally of the initiatives in Massachusetts, and the prospects for future preservation and revitalization of locally governed public housing. Moderator: Colleen Doherty, President, MassNAHRO and Executive Director, Taunton H.A. Presenters: Jeffrey A. Lines, President, TAG Associates, Nationally known public housing and MassNAHRO Consultant; Thomas Connelly, Executive Director, MassNAHRO; Steve Merritt, Senior VP, National NAHRO 10:30 AM– 12:00 PM EXHIBIT HALL VIEWING Grand I/Osterville Please visit with our vendors while you enjoy fresh coffee or soda. REFRESHMENT BREAK Sponsored by: Southeastern Massachusetts Executive Directors Association (SMEDA) 10:30 AM – 4:30 PM SILENT AUCTION Grand Ballroom Foyer All proceeds benefit the MassNAHRO Past Presidents Memorial Scholarship Fund. Bidding will close Tuesday, May 19, at 6:30 PM. 10:00 AM – 12:15 PM 2. Yardsticks and Helping Hands: How Performance Monitoring and Regional Capital Assistance Will Impact Your Housing Authority Grand II DHCD Directors will give a detailed presentation on the soon-to-launch Performance Monitoring and Regional Capital Assistance Team (RCAT) Programs. They’ll cover scopes, benchmarks, timelines, and next steps before opening up the floor for questions. Presenters: Steve Carvalho, Associate Director, Division of Housing & Rental Assistance; Sarah Glassman, Deputy Associate Director, Division of Housing and Rental Assistance; Amy Stitely, Director of Bureau of Housing Development & Construction; and Laura Taylor, Director, and Mirna Concepcion DeRodriguez, Assistant Director, Bureau of Housing Management 3. Open Meeting Law Centerville A review of the revised Open Meeting Law and the obligations it imposes upon public bodies, including changes to the timing of notice, substantive notice requirements, as well as the content, maintenance and disclosure of minutes. Bring your Open Meeting Law questions! Presenter: Tom McEnaney, Esq, Kopelman & Paige, PC 12:15 PM LUNCH Bass River Presentation of Longevity Awards, Board Member Certification Awards & Massachusetts Public Housing Administrator (MPHA) Certification Awards Guest Speakers: Rep. Kevin G. Honan, House Chair, Joint Committee on Housing, Massachusetts House of Representatives; Undersecretary Chrystal Kornegay, Department of Housing and Community Development 2:00 PM – 3:15 PM Centerville 4. Crime Prevention – Security, Violence, Drugs and Guns in Public Housing Dealing with criminal activity, including drugs, guns, and violence, presents a major challenge to Housing Authorities. Having the tools to both prevent and respond to these challenges is essential to the mission of providing safe, decent, and affordable housing. This session will provide an overview of the legal and practical approaches available to Housing Authorities to both prevent such activity, and to respond and remove offending residents and visitors. We will review the security, intelligence and infrastructure monitoring through the use of IP camera solutions, video management systems and the program of crime prevention through environmental design. We will then discuss the legal options available, including the effective use of G.L. c.139, § 19 and G.L. c. 121B, § 32C, as well as proven techniques to significantly reduce criminal activity. Moderator: Dan Ouellette, Executive Director, Salisbury H.A. Presenters: Lieutenant John M. Grennon (Ret.), Security Consultant, Lan-TEL; Jeffrey C, Turk, Esq., Turk & Quijano, LLP 5. Is Your Board Good, Bad, or Indifferent? Tips to Improve the Effectiveness of Your LHA Board Orleans This session will provide an in depth presentation as to the collective role and legal responsibilities of your LHA Board, as well as the responsibilities of each individual member of the Board. Discussion will focus on the Board’s responsibility for various functions of the LHA including, but not limited to, governance, the hiring of an executive director, evaluation of the executive director, approval of policy, oversight of the LHA, relationships of the board with the executive director, residents, local officials, etc. Members’ responsibilities with regard to the Open Meeting Law and the State Ethics Law will also be discussed. Moderator: Kelley Cronin, Executive Director, Acton H.A. Presenters: Jeffrey L. Driscoll, Esq. and Jonathan L. Driscoll, Esq., Driscoll & Driscoll, PC 6. Public Housing Portal Grand II Over the past year, DHCD and MassIT have partnered to create the Public Housing Portal, software for an online application and centralized database for state-aided public housing applicants. The presentation will show the interface for both applicants and housing authorities and discuss how this system will change (or not) the work flow for housing authorities in processing applicants, filling units, and updating waitlists. We will also address regulatory and policy changes and lay out anticipated next steps for pilot and roll-out. The presentation will be followed by time for questions. Demos will be available in the DHCD Resource Room. Moderator: Brian Costello, Executive Director, Watertown H.A. Presenters: Luella Wong, Technology Team Leader, MassIT; Juliana Gamble, Manager of Special Initiatives and Chris DeVore, Assistant Director, Bureau of Housing Management, DHCD 3:15 PM - 4:30 PM 7. Upcoming Accounting Topics: GASB 68 & Agreed Upon Procedures Orleans This session will discuss two emerging accounting and auditing issues that will affect local housing authorities beginning in 2015 - DHCD’s Agreed Upon Procedures requirement and GASB 68: Accounting and Financial Reporting for Pensions. Learn what you can expect and what you need to do to prepare. Moderator: Connie Desbiens, Executive Director, Dartmouth H.A. Panelists: Gary L. DePace, CPA; Michael Guyder, CPA 8. Bio-Hazard Safety: How to Keep Safe Upon Entering a Death or Bio-hazardous Scene Centerville Attendees will examine response protection methods involving meth labs, Sick or "hoarding" houses, bed bugs, scabies, hepatitis, HIV, MRSA, tuberculosis, CJD or “mad cow” disease, feces, and ebola. Every situation you encounter has the potential to be harmful to you, your co-workers and your family! Hear stories and lessons learned of people who have been exposed throughout the years while on the job and how you can mitigate your risk. You will see real scenes that 24 Trauma has cleaned up, and learn safety precautions you should be taking when faced with brain tissue, blood, and other harmful elements. Moderator: Karen Rudd, Executive Director, Bridgewater H.A. Presenters: Mike Wiseman, Owner, and Kerry Gilmore, Director of Sales and Marketing, 24 Trauma 9. Navigating the Updated Salary Guidelines for New Executive Directors Grand II This workshop will outline how the guideline components and factors interact, use of the calculation worksheet, new salary ranges, state/federal budget prorations, and possibility of eligibility for locally approved revisions. Moderator: Thomas J. Connelly, Executive Director, MassNAHRO Presenter: Paul J. Johnson, Jr., Principal, Professional Housing Associates, and creator of the Salary Guidelines 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM EXHIBIT HALL VIEWING Grand I/Osterville Please become acquainted with our vendors who feature the latest products and services available to the housing industry. 4:30 PM MassNAHRO Ins. Group, Inc. Annual Meeting 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM RECEPTION Barnstable II Grand I/Osterville Co-Sponsored by: MassNAHRO Insurance Group, Inc. Driscoll & Driscoll, PC 7:00 PM 9:00 PM DINNER & ANNUAL ELECTION Bass River Annual Awards presentations by MassNAHRO President Colleen Doherty COFFEE & COOKIES Lobby Coffee Bar Sponsored by: Execu-Tech Consultants TUESDAY, MAY 19 7:00 AM – 9:00 AM BREAKFAST Bass River 8:30 AM CONFERENCE REGISTRATION Grand Ballroom Foyer 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM SILENT AUCTION – Place Your Bid Grand Ballroom Foyer All proceeds benefit the MassNAHRO Past Presidents Memorial Scholarship Fund. Bidding will close Tuesday, May 19, at 6:30 PM. 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM 10. Housing Authority Employees and Board Members and the Campaign Finance Law Grand I Can public employees support candidates? Can a candidate campaign on housing authority property? These and other questions will be answered by the Massachusetts of Office of Campaign and Political Finance, which will review the impact of the state’s campaign finance law on housing authority employees. Moderator: Jennifer Polito, Operations Manager, MassNAHRO Presenter: Michael Sullivan, Director, Office of Campaign Finance 11. Best Practices in LHA Collaborations, Interagency Agreements and Peer Mentors Grand II 62 LHAs either participate in a consortium or share an Executive Director. Come hear what LHAs have learned through experience with interagency collaborations - benefits and pitfalls to be avoided, fiscal and governance aspects, and the successful use of peer intervention in crisis situations. Moderator: Leila Botsford, Executive Director, Mashpee H.A. Presenters: Peter Proulx, Executive Director, Leominster, Fitchburg, Sterling & Lunenburg H.A.s; Connie Desbiens, Executive Director, Dartmouth & Swansea H.A.; Candace Loewen, Millis and Medfield H.A.s 12. Safety at Work: Managing Your Workers’ Compensation Claims Osterville Whenever an employee is injured at work, the best outcome is to have them properly treated and returned back to their job as quickly as possible. The longer an injured employee remains out of work, the harder it is to get them back to work, and the more expensive the claim will be. Is your housing authority taking the correct actions to support a prompt return to work? Do you understand the claims process? Do you know what benefits are payable to your employees under your workers' compensation insurance policy? This session will teach you how to effectively participate in the management of your worker's compensation claims, and ultimately reduce your claims costs. Presented by the MassNAHRO Insurance Group, Inc. Moderator: Lisa Audette, Executive Director, Franklin H.A. Presenter: David Matosky, Certified Risk Manager, CMS Associates, Inc. 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM REFRESHMENT BREAK Grand Ballroom Foyer Sponsored by: North Shore Executive Director Associates (NSHEDA) 10:45 AM – 12:00 PM 13. HUD Public Housing and Section 8 Management Update Grand II This popular session will address the latest in HUD regulations, reporting requirements, program changes and funding reductions as they impact the administration of federal public housing and Section 8 HCV. The potential local impact of the changes Congress continues to seek in key HUD programs will be discussed. This session is a must for PHA administrators. Time will be provided for Q&A. Moderator: Matthew Mainville, Executive Director, Holyoke H.A. Presenters: Marilyn O’Sullivan, Director, HUD New England Office of Public Housing; Robert Cwieka, Deputy Director, HUD New England Office of Public Housing 14. Employment Law Topics – A Helping Hand Grand I This workshop will cover some of the topics every executive director needs to know when it comes to personnel matters. Regional Attorneys Pat Grace and Karen Ahlers will offer suggestions for attracting, interviewing, training and retaining qualified and talented personnel. Even with your best efforts on training, evaluation and development, performance may go awry. Pat and Karen will give you useful tools and practices for these situations, including properly documenting employee files. Privacy and confidentiality and civil service rules will be discussed. Sample documents will be provided. Moderator: Joanne Toomey. Executive Director, Dedham H.A. Presenters: Karen Ahlers, Regional Attorney for Central Massachusetts and Pat Grace, Regional Attorney for Southeastern Mass, Cape and Islands 15. LHA and the Role of the Inspector General Osterville This presentation will discuss the mission and history of the Office of the Inspector General, the multi-faceted role the Office has in the prevention and detection of fraud, waste and abuse, the Office’s contribution to “housing reform,” and what LHAs can expect if they need our assistance or if an LHA is the subject of an investigation. Moderator: Peter Proulx, Executive Director, Leominster H.A. Panelists: Glenn Cunha, Inspector General; Neil Cohen, Deputy Director, Audit Oversight & Investigations; Joyce McEntee-Emmett, Director, MCPPO Program - Office of the Inspector General 12:15 PM PAST PRESIDENTS LUNCHEON Bass River Presentation of 2015 Past Presidents Memorial Scholarships 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM 16. Board Member Roundtable – Changing Policies and Programs Ostervile This interactive session is designed to foster the exchange of information and experiences on issues, innovations and solutions by those charged with overseeing and setting policy for LHAs. With so many changes underway, discussion and questions are encouraged. Training opportunities and mandates will be addressed as well. Discussion Leaders: Catherine Luna, Board Member, Dedham H.A.; Karen Ahlers, Regional Attorney for Central Massachusetts and Pat Grace, Regional Attorney for Southeastern Mass, Cape and Islands; Rick Leco, Board Member, North Attleboro H.A.; Donna Brown-Rego, Board Member, Dedham H.A. 17. Addressing Small Authority Roundtable – Local Changes, Challenges and Concerts in LHA Administration Grand I This popular forum will cover diverse topics including the impact of the changes underway, strategies for coping with local capacity, oversight issues, local problem solving, and other topics as needed. Discussion Leaders: Tom Connelly, MassNAHRO; Leila Botsford, MassNAHRO VP for Small LHAs, Connie Desbiens, Chair, MassNAHRO Professional Development Committee; and Colleen Doherty, Chair, MassNAHRO Housing Committee; Lisa Audette, Executive Director, Franklin H.A. 5:30 – 7:00 PM RECEPTION Hyannisport Silent Auction to benefit the Past Presidents Memorial Scholarship Fund. Bidding will close at 6:30 PM. 7:00 PM 9:00 PM DINNER BUFFET Bass River COFFEE & COOKIES Lobby Coffee Bar Sponsored by: Execu-Tech Consultants WEDNESDAY, MAY 20 7:00 AM – 9:00 AM 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM Wrap Up Roundtable BREAKFAST Bass River Cape Cod This interactive session provides delegates with an issues recap and information on specific topics as determined by the audience. It provides a chance to render conference feedback and raise issues and items for future sessions. Questions and comments are encouraged. Facilitators: Tom Connelly and Members of the MassNAHRO Leadership
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