GLOBAL PREMIER SOCCER GPS JUNIORS CURRICULUM 2015 U6 & U7 MODULE 1 Leading GPS Juniors In this document you will find eight sessions which incorporate a mixture of fun themes, basic movements and soccer techniques. Each session is carefully explained so that you, the coach, will get maximum understanding to be able to run these sessions effectively. The eight sessions, have a main technical theme to the session, some psychological components and also key basic physical components. The coach may have the flexibility to alternate the games/exercises but should follow the technical and physical theme to ensure the players cover all keys aspects through each module. In order to make each coach feel comfortable running a GPS Juniors session below are a list of help reminders what to do for every session; • Arrive Early – Get to your session 15-30 minutes before it starts. If your session starts at 1pm and you arrive at 1pm YOUR LATE. • Have appropriate equipment – Make sure that all your soccer balls are pumped up before you even leave for your session. At this age group we use size 3 soccer balls which you can request to borrow from Operations. Also have clean colorful pinnies and cones because players this age group like colorful and new equipment. • Communication – speak clearly, calmly, and unrushed. As you will be working with 3-6 year olds they are still tuning their sense of hearing so better communication we have the easier it will be for the players. Ensure you demonstrate. • Be patient and entertaining – The children you work with may be completely new to soccer. They will take time to even familiarize themselves with a soccer ball so keep reinforcing the basics; using feet instead of hands, can we keep our head up, keep the ball under control. • HAVE FUN – Most importantly have fun! Do not be afraid to have fun yourself and be funny because the players will respond to that. If you provide energy and happiness to the session the players will do the same! KEY PLAYER MOVEMENT WITH THE BALL PLAYER MOVEMENT WITHOUT THE BALL MOVEMENT OF THE BALL (PASS / SHOT) Small-Sided Games Each session should finish with small sided games, giving the players the opportunity for free play. The small sided games should account for around 40% of the session time at this age (approx 25mins) This allows the players at a young age the opportunity to express themselves and to practice what has just been coached, in a fun and structured environment. Small Sided Game (25mins) - 3v3/4v4 (no goalkeepers) 30x25 yard area Restarts should be made by the coach, where possible playing a ball into play. Allowing the ball to be in play as much as possible. The time can be split into three 7 minute periods, allowing the players the opportunity to play for longer spells with a coaching point being made at the start or end of each period. Coaching Points Close control- Keep ball close to feet Awareness- look for space to dribble/move into, where is the defender? Where is your team mate? Movement- try to keep moving into space, help be an option for your team mate to pass to. Physical- ensure their basic movements are correct Have FUN! Let them play!! GPS CURRICULUM INDEX INDEX- U6 & U7 Module 1 Physical Element- Basics- Running, Changing direction, Acceleration and Deceleration Technical Elements- (Opportunity for players task on the FCB player) Week 1 - Awareness like Schweinsteiger- Spacial Awareness Week 2 - Dribbling like Ribery - Dribbling Week 3 - Dribbling like Robben- Dribbling Week 4 - Skillful as Goetze - Dribbling and Changing Direction Week 5 - Talented as Thiago- Dribbling and Changing Direction Week 6 - Turning like Muller- Stop Turn Week 7 - Passing like Alonso- Passing Week 8 - GPS Juniors World Cup Awareness like Schweinsteiger- Spacial Awareness WARM UP Technical - Traffic Lights Set up 10x10 yard area The coach (highlighted) on the outside has one red and one green pinny. When coach shows red players stop. Coach shows green players move. Can they freeze and hold balance when red is up. Progression Introduce a ball each Add a third colour cone to make players turn Coaching Points Ensuring players basic movement technique is correct Push off to change direction. Maintaining balance. Keep ball close to feet Keep head up to see Pinny TECHNICAL/TACTICAL Technical - Pinny Tag Set up 10x10 yard area Each player has a pinny tucked into their shorts. 1 player (highlighted) will try and grab as many pinnies as possible. 1 point for each pinny. Once a pinny has been taken, it is dropped on the floor so player can re-join the game. Players mopve around the area trying to keep away from all other players. Progression Add another catcher Each player now has a ball Coaching Points Move into space Keep ball close to feet SMALL SIDED GAME Small Sided Games (25mins) - 3v3/4v4 Setup 25x20 yard area Free play games. Coach should have plenty of footballs to pass into the playing area when ball goes out of play. Keep the game flowing. With periodic coaching points Coaching Points Look for space, defender, team mate Move into space to receive Head up when on the ball- can you find a team mate Keep ball close to feet- under control Progression Re-starts need to be as quick as possible - have a spare ball ready to put into play 3 short periods Don’t keep score Dribbling like Ribery - Dribbling WARM UP Warm-Up- Walk the Dog Set-Up 25x30 yards Place dribbling arches randomly inside the area. Each player has a ball. Tell the players that their ball is their dog and that they must keep it close to them all the time. Players try and dribble the ball under an arch ( a bridge in the park). Dribble and run under as many bridges as possible. Coaching Points Use the instep or inside of foot to connect with the ball. Eyes up to see where other players are. Progression Pet the dog by doing toe-taps on the ball Play with the dog by doing inside taps (Foundations) on the ball. Add a tagger. If player stops ball under an arch they are safe from tagger. Can only stay under an arch for 6 seconds. If tagged player must put one foot on the ball for 6 seconds. TECHNICAL/TACTICAL Technical- Feed the Dog Set-Up 25x30 yards Place some cones upside down on the outside of the area Players dribble the ball around the area. On coach’s command, players will dribble the ball to the outside to a free cone. The ball is the players dog and the upside down cone is a food bowl. Players are feeding their hungry dog. Progression How many bowls can they dribble to in 30 seconds Coaching Points Use the inside of feet to connect with the ball. Head up to see where other players are. SMALL SIDED GAME Small Sided Games (25mins) - 3v3/4v4 Setup 25x20 yard area Free play games. Coach should have plenty of footballs to pass into the playing area when ball goes out of play. Keep the game flowing. With periodic coaching points Coaching Points Look for space, defender, team mate Move into space to receive Head up when on the ball- can you find a team mate Keep ball close to feet- under control Progression Re-starts need to be as quick as possible - have a spare ball ready to put into play 3 short periods Don’t keep score Dribbling like Robben- Dribbling WARM UP Technical - Sticky Toffee Set up 15x15 yard area Players move around in the area whilst the catcher tries to catch them. If player is caught then they stand in a star position. Only way they can be released is by another player give them a high five. Progression Give each player a soccer ball, if their ball is touched by the catcher they become stuck Only way to release a player is passing a ball between their legs Coaching Points Spatial Awareness TECHNICAL/TACTICAL Technical - Chasing Numbers Progression Set up 15x15 yard area Player has to dribble round said number cone Scatter the cones around the field given by coach Players dribble round cones in number order (1-6 then back to 1 to start again) Coaching Points Both these drills help players to keep their head up to survey the area for the next numbers SMALL SIDED GAME Small Sided Games (25mins) - 3v3/4v4 Setup 25x20 yard area Free play games. Coach should have plenty of footballs to pass into the playing area when ball goes out of play. Keep the game flowing. With periodic coaching points Coaching Points Look for space, defender, team mate Move into space to receive Head up when on the ball- can you find a team mate Keep ball close to feet- under control Progression Re-starts need to be as quick as possible - have a spare ball ready to put into play 3 short periods Don’t keep score Skillful as Goetze - Dribbling and Changing Direction WARM UP Warm-Up- Finding Nemo Set-Up 30 x 30 yards. Hide an object (Nemo) underneath one of the cones. You may like to print a picture of Nemo to make the game more realistic. The idea is players have to swim (dribble their ball) around and find Nemo by stopping their ball and looking under the cones. Once Nemo is found all players must swim (dribble) to land and rest (lay down so they can’t see when you hide Nemo again) Progression 5 toe-taps before looking under the cone. 5 inside taps before looking under a cone. Must do a turn before looking under a cone. Must do a skill before looking under a cone. Coaching Points Using the laces or inside of the foot to touch the ball when dribbling. Eyes up us see the next cone. Speed moving to the next cone. TECHNICAL/TACTICAL TechnicalSet-Up 20 x 20 yards divided into 10x20 halves. Place a large amount of cones randomly in each half (same amount in each half ) Split players into two teams. In a half each. Teams have to try and get all their cones into the other teams half by picking up a cone and dribbling into other half. Progression Can’t carry the cones with your hands. (balance on head, wear like a bracelet) Coaching Points Using the laces or inside of the foot to touch the ball when dribbling Eyes up us see other players are Place cones in big space SMALL SIDED GAME Small Sided Games (25mins) - 3v3/4v4 Setup 25x20 yard area Free play games. Coach should have plenty of footballs to pass into the playing area when ball goes out of play. Keep the game flowing. With periodic coaching points Coaching Points Look for space, defender, team mate Move into space to receive Head up when on the ball- can you find a team mate Keep ball close to feet- under control Progression Re-starts need to be as quick as possible - have a spare ball ready to put into play 3 short periods Don’t keep score Talented as Thiago- Dribbling and Changing Direction WARM UP Technical - Follow the leader Set up 15x15 yard area In small groups or pairs, the front player leads the others. The following players must copy the movements of the leader. Take turns so everyone has a chance at being the leader. Progression Give the players balls to use during the game Coaching Points Different types of movement Communication TECHNICAL/TACTICAL Technical - Painting with the ball Set up 15x15 yard area Scatter multiple colours around the field Ask players to dribble to a colour then turn to change direction once they reach the colour in question. Progression Introduce stop turn Add other turns dependent upon ability of the group Add more colours into the session Coaching points Correct turning technique Sharp and quick turns SMALL SIDED GAME Small Sided Games (25mins) - 3v3/4v4 Setup 25x20 yard area Free play games. Coach should have plenty of footballs to pass into the playing area when ball goes out of play. Keep the game flowing. With periodic coaching points Coaching Points Look for space, defender, team mate Move into space to receive Head up when on the ball- can you find a team mate Keep ball close to feet- under control Progression Re-starts need to be as quick as possible - have a spare ball ready to put into play 3 short periods Don’t keep score Turning like Muller- Stop Turn WARM UP Warm-Up- Foundations - Static to movement Set-Up Each player will have a ball and find a space inside the area. Week 1 review on Toe-Taps. Demo Foundation Exercise- static firstly Into foundations while movement if possible. Progression Foundations Introduce Stop Turn Coaching Points Use inside of the feet to flick the ball from side to side Use arms for balance Get into a rhythm. TECHNICAL/TACTICAL Technical- Turning - Super Skill - Stop Turn Set out 2 cones in a line 10 yards apart with a cone in the middle. Set-Up Split into groups of 4 and have 2 at each cone. Players dribble towards each other and turn before their soccer balls hit each other. Use one foot only. Coaching Points Keep ball close to feet Head up for awareness Progression Use other foot Use both feet Relay Race Electric Fence game: Create 2 lines of cones 10 yards apart. Players stand on one line and dribble to the other. Players must turn before their ball crosses the line to stop them being shocked by the electric fence. SMALL SIDED GAME Small Sided Games (25mins) - 3v3/4v4 Setup 25x20 yard area Free play games. Coach should have plenty of footballs to pass into the playing area when ball goes out of play. Keep the game flowing. With periodic coaching points Coaching Points Look for space, defender, team mate Move into space to receive Head up when on the ball- can you find a team mate Keep ball close to feet- under control Progression Re-starts need to be as quick as possible - have a spare ball ready to put into play 3 short periods Don’t keep score Passing like Alonso- Passing WARM UP Technical - Sticky Toffee Set up 15x15 yard area Players move around in the area whilst the catcher tries to catch them. If player is caught then they stand in a star position. Only way they can be released is by another player give them a high five Progression Give each player a soccer ball, if their ball is touched by the catcher they become stuck Only way to release a player is passing a ball between their legs Coaching Points Spatial Awareness TECHNICAL/TACTICAL Technical - Power Pass 15x15 yard area Set up Put two cones, one at either end. Rest of the cones put in middle of area with balls on top of them Players dribble from either end of the area and try to knock a ball off the cone Progression Increase distance to pass the ball Pass with ‘other’ foot Coaching Points Use correct part of the foot to pass the ball, dependant on distance and ability SMALL SIDED GAME Small Sided Games (25mins) - 3v3/4v4 Setup 25x20 yard area Free play games. Coach should have plenty of footballs to pass into the playing area when ball goes out of play. Keep the game flowing. With periodic coaching points Coaching Points Look for space, defender, team mate Move into space to receive Head up when on the ball- can you find a team mate Keep ball close to feet- under control Progression Re-starts need to be as quick as possible - have a spare ball ready to put into play 3 short periods Don’t keep score GPS Juniors World Cup - Recap TECHNICAL/TACTICAL Technical - Sticky Toffee (20mins) Set up 15x15 yard area Players move around in the area whilst the catcher tries to tag them. If player is caught then they stand in a star position. Only way they can be released is by another player give them a high five. Progression Give each player a soccer ball, if their ball is touched by the catcher they become stuck. Only way to release a player is passing a ball between their legs Coaching Points Spatial Awareness SMALL SIDED GAME Small Sided Games (35mins) - 3v3/4v4 Setup 25x20 yard area Free play games. Coach should have plenty of footballs to pass into the playing area when ball goes out of play. Keep the game flowing. With periodic coaching points Coaching Points Look for space, defender, team mate Move into space to receive Head up when on the ball- can you find a team mate Keep ball close to feet- under control Progression Re-starts need to be as quick as possible - have a spare ball ready to put into play 3 short periods Don’t keep score
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