j ust the facts M TA G O V E R N M E N T R E L A T I O N S H498/S262 – AN ACT FOR LANGUAGE OPPORTUNITIES FOR OUR KIDS LEAD SPONSORS Sal DiDomenico (D-Everett) and Rep. Jeffrey Sanchez (D-Jamaica Plain) CO-SPONSORS REPRESENTATIVES James Arciero Ruth Balser Christine Barber Jennifer Benson Michael Brady Paul Brodeur Antonio Cabral Thomas Calter Linda Campbell Evandro Carvalho Claire Cronin Daniel Cullinane Marjorie Decker Marcos Devers Daniel Donahue Michelle DuBois Sean Garballey Colleen Garry Carlos Gonzalez Kenneth Gordon Jonathan Hecht Paul Heroux Mary Keefe Kay Khan Peter Kocot Robert Koczera John Mahoney Joseph McGonagle James Miceli Frank Moran James O’Day Thomas Petrolati Denise Provost Angelo Puppolo David Rogers Daniel Ryan Tom Sannicandro Frank Smizik Thomas Stanley Benjamin Swan Timothy Toomey Jose Tosado John Velis Chris Walsh SENATORS Sonia Chang Diaz Kenneth Donnelly James Eldridge Linda Dorcena Forry Robert Hedlund Patricia Jehlen Barbara L’Italien Eric Lesser Jason Lewis Thomas McGee Marc Pacheco James Welch PURPOSE OF THIS BILL As a national and global leader, Massachusetts recognizes, values, and invests in programs that help students acquire 21st century skills. Today, those skills must include multilingualism, both through English language acquisition and dual language learning. Bilingualism, biliteracy, and multicultural understanding are skills essential to improving career and college readiness, and enhancing social and economic growth within a global economy. However, the current “one-size-fits-all” model for English language learners continues to disadvantage students, who increasingly come from diverse linguistic, cultural and socio-economic backgrounds; the existing laws and practices are failing many Massachusetts students, while constraining teachers. This bill will ensure that all children in Massachusetts public schools are provided with the highest quality education through access to innovative, research-based language education instructional programs that provide effective academic English language and/or dual language proficiency and high academic achievement. WHAT THIS BILL DOES ■■ Updates the law to encompass the latest in academic research and best practices in public schools serving English language learners. ■■ Allows all districts to choose high quality, alternate Language Acquisition Programs based on the needs of students, in addition to Sheltered English Immersion. ■■ Encourages parent involvement in selecting, advocating for and participating in English learner programs. ■■ Recognizes the value of bilingualism and biliteracy skills by establishing a state Seal of Biliteracy, which districts can award to high school graduates who demonstrate proficiency in two or more languages continued ➤ Kate Donaghey, Lobbyist | Catherine Fichtner, Lobbyist | Julie Johnson, Lobbyist | Sean King, Lobbyist 617.878.8119 j ust the facts These updates require no major changes to existing programs or initiatives such as RETELL, currently underway by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE). In addition, this revised language reduces the administrative burden on districts who seek to expand their language acquisition program offerings. Specifically, this bill makes the following changes to current law, MGL C. 71: Allows districts to choose from a variety of ELL programs and requires monitoring and support: ■■ Updates definitions to include inclusive terms such as Language Acquisition Program, English Learners, two-way immersion and English as a Second Language (ESL). ■■ Removes language that signals to districts that Language Acquisition Programs are limited to Sheltered English Immersion. ■■ Removes language that restricts access to Sheltered English Immersion programs to only one school year. ■■ Directs districts to monitor students who have exited language acquisition programs and make support available as necessary. Encourages parental involvement: ■■ Updates language on parental choice and parental involvement in selecting, advocating and participating in English learner programs. Parents have the right to select or reject a program based on the educational needs of their child. Parents may advocate as a group for a district to adopt a specific language acquisition program (including dual-language programs). Establishes parent advisory councils for all districts with language acquisition programs. ■■ Removes the restrictive and burdensome language requiring districts and parents to document a waiver process for placing students in a variety of language acquisition programs. Removes liability for teachers and districts, recognizes experienced educators in dual-language programs and requires qualified administrator for Language Acquisition Programs: ■■ Removes language that exposes educators and districts to personal liability for enforcement of this statute. ■■ Directs DESE to establish an educator endorsement for teachers in dual-language programs and establishes an administrator pathway for directors of Language Acquisition Programs. ■■ Directs districts to appoint a designated administrator for Language Acquisition Programs. Kate Donaghey, Lobbyist | Catherine Fichtner, Lobbyist | Julie Johnson, Lobbyist | Sean King, Lobbyist 617.878.8119
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