EXTENSION F A O'S o Filing an extension WILL NOT generate an audit. . lf you are due a refund, there is no need to file an extension. o Extensions only buy you time for the paperwork; you still need to send in money with the extension foims. . Send as much as you can,reasonqbly afford with the extension if you have no idea what your Iiability wil! be. If you overpay, you'll get it back. lf you underpay, the less of a balance due you have, the less the penalties will be. o Late payment penalties are calculated on a monthly basis. Make your appointment to file your taxes as soon as you can after the filing deadline. Don't wait until the last minute. Again. o Make a copy of both the federal and state extensions to keep for your records. . . ,\;, The extension deadline for 2014 is April 15,2015 EXTENSION FORM INSTRUCTIONS FEDERAL PART 1 Fill in names, address and social security numbers. PART o o o o o II Decide how much you can afford to send in with the extension and fill in this amount on line 6 and line 7. Total al! your federal withholding tax found in box 2 of your W-2's and box 4 of your 1099's. Also include any federal estimated tax payments you made in 2014. Put this total on line 5. Add the amounts on lines 5 and 6 and fill in this total on line 4. Make out a check payable to U S TREASURY for the amount on line 7. Mailthe extension and the check to the following address: INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE P O BOX 37009 HARTFORD CT 06176.7009 Application for Automatic Extension of Time To File U.S. lndividual lncome Tax Return OMB No.'1545-0074 2014 lnformation about Form 4868 and its instructions is available at www. V DETAcH*=*= V Application for Automatic Extension of Time To File U.S. lndividual lncome Tax Return Ffr ca16ndsr 2 Your social security number 3 Spouse's social security number For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 4. EEA 2014 or othsr tax 4 Estimate of total tax liability for 2014 5 Total 2014 payments 6 Balance due. Subtract line 5 from line 4 (see instructions) . Check here if you are "out of the country" and a U.S. citizen or resident (see Check here ifyou file Form 1040NR or 1040NR-EZ and did not receive wages as an employee subject to U.S income tax instructions) ., E Form 4868 (2014) EXTENSION FORM INSTRUCTIONS o o Fill in your names, address and social security numbers in the form at the bottom of the page. The "period end date" box should be 1213112014. Check the box titled "Form 1 full-year resident". Fill in the amount you can afford to send with the extension on line 7. o Total all your state withholding found in box 17 of your W-2's and o o o o . box 12 of your 1099's and put this tota! on line 2. Put any state estimated tax payments on line 4. Add lines 2 and 4'and put this total on line 6. Add lines 6 and 7 and put this total on line 1. Make out a check for the amount on line 7 , payable to COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS. Sign at the bottom and mail the form with the check to the following address: MASSACHUSETTS DEPT OF REVENUE P O BOX 7070 BOSTON MA 02204 r 2014 Form M-4868 Xlaesschusetts Department of Application for Automaiic Six-Month Extension of Time to File Massachusetts lncome Tax Return for*.ror.nr"O r-*rb Tentative Retuni I Total tax you expect to bwe tor ?o14 (Form 1, lines 28 and Sil (if applicable); Form l-NB/py applicable). . . . I 2 Massactusettsincomeitaxwithheld . .........2 3 20'13 overpaymentapfliedtoyour2014estimatedtax (do notenter2013 rerund). ........3 4 2014Massachuseftse$timatedtaxpayments (donotlncludeamountin line3) ...........4 5 Credits(seeForml,liies29,30and40through42;Fotm1-NH/pytines3Sthrough35and45through 47)...............5 6 Total.Addtineszthroufh5...... ...........6 7 Amount due' subtract line 6 hom llne 1; not less fian "0.' Pay ln lull with thls applicatlon. Note: ll "0,, see betow for ParnenB ot gd,0o0 or more m*iu" mao" rr yo, It-"trP:j-*l1g.l["P"ug "r,"nslons. lefi han $s'000, "rua.ni""rry. also hare lhe oplion ol filing Form M"4B6B etecronicarry. 1ou see #6w "r" to. :ilf.:f||}_,tj mo{ernrormathn. Bes$retodetach tines 32 and 38 (if FormM-4g6gwherelndtcatedberoremailirg ......>7 Automatic Exten5ion Granted if 10096 Tax Due is Paid by Tax Return Due Date ll line 7 is "0" and looo/a ot the tax due for z)14 has-been paid through: wlthholding; limely estimated paymenls of tax; credlts trom your 2014 return; or a refun{ from the prior Ex year apptiod to ine crr"niyear's tax liability, you arB no longer r€quired to file Form M*4g68, Application for Automadc Extension of Timb to Fi'le Massadrusett, lnoome ran Raurn. no*"r"i ir vou do choose to fite Form M4g6g in this instance, you mqst do so eleclronically, via DOR's website. See TIR 06-21 for more information. Filing Your ExtenBion Electronically (E.File or via the Webl lf you owe no tax or you are making a payment of $5,0fl) or moro, you are required to file your extension and make any payment electronically. lf you are makingra paymonl of tesi ttran $S,OOO, you also have the option of filing your extension electronically. lf there is a tax due with your extension, pairment can be made through Electronic Funds withdrawal. Visit www.mass.gov/doi to file via the Web. Note: lnstructions for Fdrm M-4868 are on page 2. I Form M-4868 V DEfACH HERE (if making a payment) V Application for Automatic Six-Month Extenslon - Maseachusetts 2014 tlepartment of Revenue Social Security number Tapayer! Amount enclossd (from above) name Check whict lorm you plan to file: E Form 1 Full-Year Resident E form 1 -trtR IPY Nonresident/ Part-Year Flesident Taxpayer's address E Write your Social Security nuinbe(s) on lower left comer of check. Return this voucher with check or money ord€r payablo to: Commonwealth ot iiassschusetts, Mail to: Massachusetts Dopsrtment of Revcnuo, PO Box 70m, BGton, liA 02204. e-Fite flComposite Sign h€re. Under penalties 0i psriury, I dsclare that to the b€st oi my knowledge and belief this return and enclosures are true, correct and complete. Youi signature Signature ot paid preparel Employer ldenlilicalion number ol paid preparar Social Securiiy number or PTIN 01,{0 10rt l,
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