Ultrasonic Nebulization of Albuterol is No More Effective Than Jet Nebulization for the Treatment of Acute Asthma in Children* Albert K. Nakanishi, MD; Bruce K. Billy M. Lamb, RRT; Charles Foster, RRT; and Rubin, MD, FCCP Study objective: Nebulizer systems used to generate therapeutic aerosols vary in their ability to deliver medication to the airway. In a recent study in 17 adults with stable asthma, albuterol given using an ultrasonic nebulizer (UN) appeared to produce greater bronchodilatation than the same dose of albuterol given by a jet nebulizer (JN). The purpose of this study was to determine if the UN used in that study would produce a better bronchodilator response in children with acute asthma than the JN system that has been in use at Cardinal Glennon Children's Hospital. Design: Randomized, prospective, unblinded study. Setting: An urban university children's hospital emergency department. Participants: One hundred thirteen children, aged 7 to 16 years, who presented for treatment of acute moderately severe asthma completed this study. Interventions:After randomization and exclusion of dropouts, 46 children received albuterol by UN and 67 were treated by JN. Measurements: Pulmonary function tests (PFTs) by spirometry, pulse oximetry, and symptom score at baseline and at 15 and 30 min following a single prescribed treatment. Results: PFT on entry to the study was the same in both groups (FEVj_; p>0.97). The change in FEVi after therapy (UN+0.22 L vs JN+0.37 L) was significant (p<0.05) and favored JN. There was no difference in the improvement in pulmonary function between JN and UN therapy in children with an initial FEV1/FVC>75% predicted but when FEV1/FVC<75%, the improvement in FEVx again favored the JN (UN+0.2 vs JN+0.47; p<0.05). Conclusion: For the treatment of acute exacerbations of asthma in children, there is no greater bronchodilator response when albuterol is administered by a UN than by a JN. (CHEST 1997; 111:1505-08) Key words: aerosol delivery devices; asthma therapy Abbreviations: JN=jet nebulizer, MDI metered-dose inhaler, PFT.pulmonary UN ultrasonic nebulizer saturation = by pulse oximeter; systems used to generate therapeutic T^Tebulizer ^ aerosols in their to deliver vary widely ability medication to the lower airways.1-4 It was recently reported that albuterol given using an ultrasonic nebulizer (UN) (Microstat; Mountain Medical -*- Equipment Inc; Littleton, Colo) produced greater bronchodilatation in 17 adults with stable asthma when compared to albuterol administered by a jet *From the Department of Pediatrics (Drs. Nakanishi and Lamb), St. Louis, University, and Cardinal Glennon Children's Hospital (Mssr. Lamb and Foster), St. Louis Manuscript received July 21, 1995; revision accepted January 30, MD, FCCP, Professor of Reprint requests: Dr. Bruce K. Rubin, Pediatrics and Cardinal Glennon 1997. Hospital, Otolaryngology,St. 1465 S Grand rubinbk@sluvca.slu. edu Blvd, function tests; Sp02=oxygen = Childrens Louis, MO 63104-1095; e-mail: nebulizer (JN) (Medi-Mist; Mountain Medical Equipment Inc).5 As the nebulization time using a UN is shorter than the time required when using a JN, this could represent a cost savings as well as over the more com¬ providing therapeutic benefit In the used monly JN systems. hospital setting, these benefits would be greatest when a bronchodilator is used to treat acute asthma in the emergency depart¬ ment. To evaluate if these promising results would also hold true for children treated for acute asthma, we studied the bronchodilator response to albuterol administered using the Microstat UN or the Whisper Jet (Marquest Medical; Englewood, Colo) JN CHEST/111 /6/JUNE, 1997 Downloaded From: http://journal.publications.chestnet.org/ on 09/09/2014 in children aged 7 to 16 years treated for moderately severe asthma in the emergency department. 1505 Materials and Methods study was conducted during a 7-month period in the Emergency Department of Cardinal Glennon Children's Hospi¬ tal, the pediatric teaching hospital for St. Louis University School of Medicine. We evaluated 125 children between the ages of 7 and 16 years seeking emergent care for asthma. Patients requir¬ This ing assisted ventilation or urgent and immediate intervention were excluded from participation. Patients were excluded from this study if their baseline respiratory rate was greater than 70 breaths/min, if their initial oxygen saturation by pulse oximeter (Sp02) was <0.90 in ambient air, if they were reported to be intolerant of p-agonist medications by their parent or guardian, or if their initial FEVX was >70% predicted. Patients were also excluded if they were incapable of performing acceptable and reproducible pulmonary function tests (PFTs). Upon registration in the emergency department, eligible pa¬ tients were evaluated and information was obtained including patient age, usual medications, duration of exacerbation, medi¬ cations taken at home for this exacerbation, and time of last (3-agonist dose. Informed consent was obtained and each patient was instructed in the performance of a forced expiratory maneu¬ by a certified pulmonary function technologist. This study was approved by the St. Louis University Institutional Review Board ver for Human Research. Those who consented to participate were randomized into one of two parallel treatment groups. Patients enrolled on odd days were randomized to the JN group. Patients treated on even days were enrolled in the UN group. This was done to simplify device use by the treating respiratory therapist in the emergency department. It was not possible to blind the respiratory therapists administering the (3-agonist therapy because of obvious differ¬ ences in the two nebulizer systems. The JN group received 0.15 mg/kg of albuterol nebulizer solution (to a maximum of 5 mg or 1 mL) diluted in 2 mL of normal saline solution through a compressor-driven, hand-held JN (Whisper Jet, Marquest Medical) with oxygen administered at a flow rate of 8 L/min. The UN group received the same dose of albuterol in 2 mL of normal saline solution administered through the Microstat UN and a breath-actuated hand-held device. All subjects were instructed to take slow inhalations from functional residual capacity (FRC) until the medication was completely nebulized. Height, weight, heart rate, respiratory rate, and Sp02 (in ambient air) were measured for each study participant on entry to the study. Vital signs were also obtained 15 and 30 min after the aerosol treatment. A flow volume loop (Respiradyne model 5-7905; Sherwood Medical; St. Louis) was obtained and evalu¬ ated following American Thoracic Society guidelines6 and re¬ corded at the start of the aerosol treatment and at 15 and 30 min after the treatment. A symptom score was calculated based on respiratory pattern, accessory muscle use, inspiratory breath sounds, oxygen requirement, cyanosis, expiratory wheezing, and level of consciousness. The scoring was done by a study physician (A.K.N.) and was measured at baseline, 15 min and 30 min after the albuterol treatment. Each patient was also given 2 mg/kg of oral methylpred¬ nisolone on enrollment in the study (maximum dose, 60 mg), and oxygen was administered when needed to keep SpO2^0.94. No xanthine medications were given. The study concluded after one albuterol treatment, following which patients who required fur¬ ther bronchodilator therapy received albuterol by either JN or metered-dose inhaler (MDI) with a valved holding chamber as isN our usual emergency department routine. 1506 Downloaded From: http://journal.publications.chestnet.org/ on 09/09/2014 Data Analysis Collected data were analyzed using a statistics package (Stat4.5; Abacus Concepts Inc., Berkeley, Calif). Analyses of treatment effects were made by calculating two-tailed unpaired t tests and were considered significant at the p<0.05 level. Differ¬ ences in symptom scores and side effects were assessed by x2 View analysis. Results After randomization and exclusion of 12 dropouts, total of 113 patients completed the study.46 children received albuterol by UN and 67 were treated by JN. Twelve patients (9 UN and 3 JN) were excluded from the study due to unwillingness to PFTs after therapy despite adequate per¬ perform formance of PFTs on enrollment and randomization. Clinical scoring of asthma severity and baseline PFT results were similar on entry for the two study groups (Table 1). No patient in either treatment arm re¬ admission to hospital. quired The change in FEVX after aerosol therapy was and favored JN (UN+0.22 L vs significant (p=0.035) There was no difference in PFT result JN+0.37 L). improvement between JN-treated and UN-treated children who had an initial FEV1/FVC>75% pre¬ dicted, but when FEV1/FVC<75% predicted, the improvement in FEVX again favored JN (UN+0.2 vs a JN+0.47; p=0.04). There were no significant differences in symptom between groups after treatment. No adverse events were noted with either therapy. There was a trend toward a greater patient report of tremor after JN when compared with UN (x2=0.14). scores DISCUSSION This study demonstrated that for the therapy of acute, moderately severe asthma in children, there is Table 1.Patient Demographics by Treatment P Value UN JN Initial asthma score Initial FVC, % predicted Initial FEVX, % 10.1±3.3 26 (57) 3.0±2.1 41.0±19.9 36.1±18.5 11.0±3.1 39 (60) 2.4±3.2 45.1±19.5 38.1±16.9 Percent change FVC Percent change FEVX Percent change FEF25.75 22.9±26.4 22.4±25.7 40.7±55.7 31.7±43.1 36.6±42.7 58.8+87.8 Patient age, yr Male patients, No. (%) predicted Group* 0.16 0.78 0.10 0.28 0.56 0.21 0.04 0.22 *AU values given as mean ±1 SD. FEF25_75=forced expiratory flow rate between 25% and 75% of the FVC. Clinical Investigations no advantage to the administration of albuterol using the Microstat ultrasonic nebulizer system (UN) when comapred to the same medication delivered by the JN (Whisperjet). In fact, in the patients with lower initial FEV1? there appeared to be greater improvement in PFT results when albuterol was administered by JN. The trend toward greater tremor with JN was also consistent with increased medication absorption across the pulmonary epithe¬ lium, and thus greater pulmonary deposition of medication. In earlier studies, the bronchodilator effect of (3-agonists administered by UN to subjects with asthma was less when compared to delivery using a JN. In 20 adults with moderately severe, acute asthma, the bronchodilating effect of fenoterol was lot significantly enhanced by UN, and ipratropium )romide gave significantly less bronchodilatation by UN than by JN.7 Olivenstein and colleagues8 mea¬ sured PFT results in 19 outpatients with stable obstructive pulmonary disease after albuterol was administered by an MDI or by a UN.8 Only MDI therapy produced a significant increase in FEVX and the absolute increase from baseline of FEVj^ was greater for MDI (0.21±0.05 L) com¬ significantly to UN (0.07±0.03 L) (p<0.02). They specu¬ pared lated that the inferior response to albuterol admin¬ istered by UN was in part due to the superimposed bronchoconstriction occurring with ultrasonically ad¬ ministered saline solution carrier. With the development of newer UN technology, a recent study in 17 adults with stable asthma sug¬ given using a UN (Microstat) gested thata albuterolincrease in FEVX than albuterol produced greater delivered by a JN (Medi-Mist).5 There are several reasons why these results differed from our findings. Children with acute exacerbations of asthma are dyspneic, and have high in¬ tachypneic, frequentlyflow rates compared to adults with stable spiratory asthma. These can limit the efficacy of nebulized treatments. Lack of patient cooperation, coordina¬ tion, and ability to breath-hold also contribute to ineffective aerosol deposition in the pediatric air¬ way.9-10 Because of these factors, it may be that the nebulization time using the JN might have longer allowed greater opportunity for these children to inhale the therapeutic aerosol. There was also a difference in the JN used for each of these studies. We were unable to obtain the Medi-Mist JN so we evaluated the JN system in use at Cardinal Glennon Children's Hospital. The MediMist generates particles with a mass median aerody¬ namic diameter of 3.9 jmm when driven with com¬ (data from pressed air at a flowthisrate of 6 L/m inefficient in manufacturer) making JN relatively the to comparison many JNs, including Whisper Jet.3 However, the most likely reason for the divergent results obtained was that in the earlier study,5 only 1 mL of saline solution was added as fill volume to the medication in the JN but 2.5 mL was added to UN. This would significantly compromise the delivery of medication from any JN.1 >n>12 We recognize that there are some important lim¬ itations to the interpretation of these results. Be¬ cause the study evaluated the effect of only one aerosol treatment with UN or a JN, it is possible that additional improvement could have been realized with additional UN treatments. Patient randomization was on an alternating schedule based on the day of the week. Although this optimized thedifferent respiratory therapist efficiency in us¬ the two devices for nebulization, it also ing created an unequal patient distribution in the two treatment arms that was not discovered until the end of the study when analyses were conducted. The intent of this study was to evaluate UN as a mode of administering a bronchodilator aerosol in children with acute asthma and not to compare other, perhaps more common methods of adminis¬ tering aerosolized (3-agonists such as by MDIs used with a holding chamber. To disprove the hypothesis that the Microstat UN was more effective than both JN and MDI aerosol therapy, and to do so at the p<0.05 power level, including post hoc adjustments for multiple group comparisons, we have calculated that we would need to study more than 300 patients. Thus, we evaluated the Microstat UN as it compared to JN in children with acute asthma, rationalizing that if JN was more efficient than UN, we could also surmise that MDI therapy would likely be more efficient than UN. As different nebulization systems have different medication outputs, these results do not indicate that all JNs are superior to UNs for the administration of bronchodilator drugs, but rather that the specific nebulization systems tested here, and under the described test conditions, did not support the use of the Microstat UN for the treatment of acute asthma in children. References Kradjan WA, Lakshminarayan SK. Efficiency of air compres¬ sor driven nebulizers. Chest 1985; 87:512-16 2. Pedersen JZ, Bungarrd A. Comparative efficacy of different methods of nebulizing salbutamol. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 1983; 25:739-42 3. Loffert DT, Ikle D, Nelson HS. A comparison of commercial jet nebulizers. Chest 1994; 106:1788-93 4. Waldrep JC, Keyhani K, Black M, et al. 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