It`s as easy as 1,2,3 - Mather LifeWays In Your Neighborhood

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New schedule — join the fun!
Pick up the phone and dial up fun and interesting topics from
the comfort of your home. All you need is your telephone!
Susan Wilkens, Yoga Instructor,
Dancing Cranes
Monday, May 4 and 18
2:00 p.m. CT
Learn simple breathing and
focusing techniques you can
do on your own to help reduce
stress and multiply your
“happiness factor”!
& Flexibility
Stretching & Flexibility
Jackie Pacione, Licensed
Massage Therapist
Tuesday, May 5, 11:00 a.m. CT
See feature right.
Interested in joining a call?
It’s as easy as 1,2,3
1. Choose the programs you’d like to participate in this month.
Even More Songs
You’ve Requested
Heather Braoudakis, Vocalist
Tuesday, May 5
1:00 p.m. CT
Heather sings more of the songs
you’ve requested—great tunes
from “Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy”
to “My Heart Will Go On.”
2. Register by calling (888) 600.2560 or e-mailing
3. When the time comes, dial in from any phone . . . and enjoy!
Register at (888) 600.2560 or
Feisty Females:
The Great Frontier
Caryl Derenfeld,
LearnEd Conversations®
Wednesday, May 6
11:00 a.m. CT
Caryl discusses the extraordinary
women who were true pioneers
on the Great Frontier. They swore,
they drank, and sometimes they
wore men’s clothing; they were
sure-shots, miners, and business
Jackie Pacione, Licensed
Massage Therapist
Tuesday, May 5
11:00 a.m. CT
Simple daily stretching
techniques play an important
part in maintaining flexibility.
Always consult your physician
before taking on a new
exercise routine, including
flexibility exercises.
Rachel Minkoff, Actor
Wednesday, May 6, 1:00 p.m. CT
Rachel will delight you with a
reading of one of her favorite
stories, followed by discussion.
Your Turn: Feedback on
Telephone Topics
Kate Paz, Mather LifeWays
Thursday, May 7, 11:30 a.m. CT
Here’s your chance to give your
opinion on specific topics you
liked, those you didn’t like, what
you’d like to hear more about, or
topics you would like to present.
And feel free to share Telephone Topics with your friends—the more the merrier!
Listen to archived calls online at!
All programs are central time (CT).
MOREways offers you more opportunities, resources, and experiences
to stay connected to your neighborhood and the people in it.
0415KC 1750
TV Advertising Icons
Walter Podrazik, Author, Watching TV,
Six Decades of American Television
Friday, May 15, 1:00 p.m. CT
Wally reviews famous TV
advertising icons—from
Mr. Clean and Tony the Tiger to Charlie the Tuna and Morris the Cat.
Exploring Possibilities
with Beth
Beth Zoeller, Possibilities Coach,
Mather LifeWays
Thursday, May 7
1:00 p.m. CT
Beth leads you on a voyage of
discovery, exploring new possibilities in your life and finding
new insights. This month’s topic:
What motivates you?
Current Events
Discussion Group
Howard Voeks, Moderator
Friday, May 8, 11:00 a.m. CT
Join a lively discussion about
what’s happening now in politics,
global affairs, and more.
challenges you with fun and
interesting facts.
Chair Yoga
Tom Wilkens, Yoga Instructor,
Dancing Cranes
Monday, May 11 and 25
2:00 p.m. CT
Through a series of stretching
postures and breathing techniques,
yoga develops strength, flexibility,
stamina, and balance.
Ebony & Ivory, Part 2
“Jivan” Ivan Rivera, Disc
Jockey/Record Collector/
Music Historian
Tuesday, May 12, 11:00 a.m. CT
Simply Strong
Randi Kant, MS, MPH, CHES, CPT,
Certified Intrinsic Coach®
Friday, May 8
1:00 p.m. CT
Join us for a guided strength
training routine that can be done
in your home. Written instructions
will be provided so you can perform
the exercises on your own.
Trivia with Vivian!
Vivian Chazen, Mather LifeWays
Monday, May 11, 11:00 a.m. CT
Test your knowledge or learn a
thing or two! Join Vivian as she
Ivan continues his discussion
of some Chicago keyboard
artists who have made major
contributions to piano history.
Reminiscing with Rich:
School Days
Rich Lang, Moderator
Tuesday, May 12, 1:00 p.m. CT
Join us as we share memories from
grammar and high school about
favorite teachers, cliques and clubs,
embarrassing moments, and more.
Visit us at
Rachel Minkoff, Actor
Wednesday, May 13
1:00 p.m. CT
See May 6.
Rachel Minkoff, Actor
Wednesday, May 20
1:00 p.m. CT
See May 6.
Eden Energy: Radiant Circuits
No Women Allowed
Rose Mattax, LCPC EEM-CLP,
Founder, From the Heart
Thursday, May 14, 1:00 p.m. CT
Explore the body’s
aurora borealis,
known as the
Radiant Circuits.
Learn how turning
these on can get
us in touch with
transcendent states
of joy and peace.
Babs Lieberman, Lecturer,
Lyric Opera of Chicago
Thursday, May 21
1:00 p.m.
The female
sopranos get
most of the
attention in
Babs focuses
on the men.
She’ll discuss
and play
clips of some great ones, including
Pavarotti, Gobbi, and Di Stéfano.
TV Advertising Icons
Walter Podrazik, Author,
Watching TV, Six Decades of
American Television
Friday, May 15, 1:00 p.m. CT
See feature above.
The National
Hellenic Museum
Dimitra Georgouses, Education
Coordinator, National
Hellenic Museum
Tuesday, May 19, 11:00 a.m. CT
Take a virtual tour of the new
museum and learn a little about
Greek culture and the Greek
experience in Chicago.
Poetry, Opinion & a
Happier Lifestyle
June Stepansky, Poet/Author
Tuesday, May 19, 1:00 p.m. CT
June presents ideas on ways for
us to live happier lives. Share
your personal experiences in the
discussion of June’s poems.
Nutrition: It’s a Matter of Fact
Randi Kant, MS, MPH, CHES, CPT,
Certified Intrinsic Coach®
Friday, May 22
1:00 p.m. CT
Let’s look beyond some
pervasive nutrition myths
and focus on the facts.
What’s Hot in Politics
Judy Lear, Gray Panthers
Tuesday, May 26
1:00 p.m. CT
Judy brings us up to date on
what the intergenerational
advocacy group known as the
Gray Panthers is doing on
political issues and asks for
your input.
Turn Them out
Like Turner
Recap of Eden Energy
Medicine: Radiant Circuits
Rose Mattax, LCPC EEM-CLP,
Founder, From the Heart
Thursday, May 28
1:00 p.m. CT
Join Rose for a 30-minute
recap that includes a brief
Q&A followed by practice
with exercises from the
previous class.
Will Casey, Theatre Department,
Columbia College Chicago
Friday, May 29
11:00 a.m. CT
Will Casey will delight you with
a reading of one of his favorite
stories, followed by discussion.
Fabiana Glazer, Educator
Wednesday, May 27
11:30 a.m. CT
William Turner was an English
romanticist, and he loved a
good storm. Find out about
Turner and his work, and
create a painting in his style.
Renzo Piano:
Architect Extraordinaire
Lynette Bremer,
Architectural Historian
Friday, May 29
1:00 p.m.
Abstract Landscapes:
Turn Them out Like Turner
Fabiana Glazer, Educator
Wednesday, May 27
11:30 a.m. CT
See feature above.
Rachel Minkoff, Actor
Wednesday, May 27
1:00 p.m. CT
See May 6.
Meet one of the greatest
architects of the modern age—
Renzo Piano, Pritzker Prizewinner, designer of the new
addition to the Art Institute,
and master of unique modern
This publication, in part or in its entirety, may not be distributed in any manner without the prior written consent of Mather LifeWays.
Organizations interested in subscribing to the Telephone Topics program should call (888) 600.2560.
Register Today! Call (888) 600.2560 or e-mail