EVERY SYMPLECTIC MANIFOLD IS A COADJOINT ORBIT PATRICK IGLESIAS-ZEMMOUR Abstract. Because symplectic structures have no local invariants, they have a huge group of automorphisms, always big enough to be transitive. In this paper, we show that, for this group, or for the group of Hamiltonian transformations, a symplectic manifold is always a coadjoint orbit. In other words, coadjoint orbits are the universal model of symplectic manifolds. To establish that fact, and there is no heuristic here, the main tool is the Moment Map for diffeological spaces. Introduction At the end of the sixties, last century, coming from different points of view, Kostant, Kirillov and Souriau showed that a symplectic manifold (M, ω), homogeneous under the action of a Lie group, is isomorphic — up to a covering — to a coadjoint orbit [Kos70] [Sou70] [Kir74]. The main tool for such an identification is the moment map that was introduced at the same period. Now, the group Diff(M, ω), of the automorphisms of the symplectic manifold (M, ω), is transitive on M, as well as the subgroup Ham(M, ω) of Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms [Boo69]. It is then tempting to look for an analogous of the Kostant-Kirillov-Souriau (KKS) theorem, relative to Diff(M, ω) or Ham(M, ω), even if these groups are not, strictly speaking, Lie groups. Such a question has been already raised, and solved using functional analysis techniques [Omo86]. Alternatively, considering the symplectic manifold (M, ω) and the groups Diff(X, ω) or Ham(M, ω) as diffeological objects, we can use the construction of the moment map in diffeology [Piz10] to write a new solution to that question. We shall see that we get this way a rigourous equivalent statement — avoiding the use of functional analysis techniques — that every symplectic manifold is a coadjoint orbit, linear or affine, of its group of Hamiltonian transformations. We shall observe also that there is no covering restriction in this case. Date: May 6, 2015. 1 2 PATRICK IGLESIAS-ZEMMOUR By the way, we shall prove that the characteristics of a closed 2-form ω defined on a manifold M, homogeneous under the action of the Hamiltonian transformations group Ham(M, ω), are the connected components of the prevalues1 of the moment map µ¯ω, associated with Ham(M, ω). In other words µ¯ω integrates the characteristic distribution m 7→ ker(ω m ). This gives a new interpretation of a symplectic homogeneous 2-form — opposed to presymplectic — as a 2-form whose levels of the Hamiltonian moment map are (diffeologically) discrete. Vocabulary: For the purpose of unification we shall call parasymplectic a general closed 2-form, without any other condition. It can be defined on a manifold or on a diffeological space. A space equipped with a parasymplectic form will be called a parasymplectic space. Note also that a parasymplectic form ω, on a diffeological space X, will be said to be presymplectic if its pseudogroup of local automorphisms Diffloc (X, ω) is transitive on X. This is an interpretation of the (presymplectic) Darboux theorem in diffeology, regarded as a definition. Thanks I am grateful to the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Israel, who invited me, and where I spent the wonderful time in which I elaborated the first version of this article. Review on the Moment Maps of a Parasymplectic Form Let (X, ω) be a parasymplectic space. Let G be a diffeological group, with a smooth action2 g 7→ gX on X, preserving ω, that is, gX∗ (ω) = ω for all g ∈ G. We denote by G ∗ the space of momenta of G, defined as the left-invariant differential 1-forms on G, G ∗ = {ε ∈ Ω1 (G) | L(g )∗ (ε) = ε, for all g ∈ G}. To understand the essential nature of the moment map, which is a map from X to G ∗ , it is good to consider the simplest case, and use it then as a guide to extend this simple construction to the general case. The Simplest Case. Consider the case where X is a manifold, and G is a Lie group. Let us assume that ω is exact ω = d α, and that α is also 1The prevalues of a map f are the sets f −1 ( f (x)) when x run over the domain of f . 2A smooth action of a diffeological group G on a diffeological space X is a smooth morhism ρ : G → Diff(X), where Diff(X) is equipped with the functionnal diffeology. EVERY SYMPLECTIC MANIFOLD IS A COADJOINT ORBIT 3 invariant by G. Regarding ω, the moment map3 of the action of G on X is the map µ : X → G∗ defined by µ(x) = xˆ ∗ (α), where xˆ : G → X is the orbit map xˆ(g ) = gX (x). As we can see, there is no obstacle, in this simple situation, to generalize, mutatis mutandis, the moment map to a diffeological group acting by automorphisms on a diffeological parasymplectic space. But, as we know, not all closed 2-forms are exact, and even if they are exact, they do not necessarily have an invariant primitive. We shall see now, how we can generally come to a situation, so close to the simple case above, that modulo some minor subtleties we can build a good moment map in all cases. The General Case. We consider a connected parasymplectic diffeological space (X, ω), and a diffeological group G acting on X and preserving ω. Let K be the Chain-Homotopy Operator, defined in [Piz13]. The differential 1-form Kω, defined on Paths (X), is related to ω by d [Kω] = ¯ = (1ˆ∗ − ˆ0∗ )(ω) and (1ˆ∗ − ˆ0∗ )(ω), and Kω is invariant by G. Considering ω ¯ = Kω, we are in the simple case: ω ¯ = dα ¯ and α ¯ invariant by G. We can α apply the construction above and define then the Moment Map of Paths by Ψ : Paths (X) → G ∗ with Ψ (γ ) = γˆ ∗ (Kω), and γˆ : G → Paths (X) is the orbit map γˆ (g ) = gX ◦ γ of a path γ . The moment of paths is additive with respect to the concatenation, Ψ (γ ∨ γ 0 ) = Ψ (γ ) + Ψ (γ 0 ). This paths moment map Ψ is equivariant by G, acting by composition on Paths (X), and by coadjoint action on G ∗ . Next, defining the Holonomy of the action of G on X by Γ = {Ψ (`) | ` ∈ Loops (X)} ⊂ G ∗ , the Two-Points Moment Map is defined by pushing Ψ forward on X × X, ψ(x, x 0 ) = class (Ψ (γ )) ∈ G ∗/Γ , where γ is a path connecting x to x 0 , and where class denotes the projection from G ∗ onto its quotient G ∗/Γ . The holonomy Γ is the obstruction 3Precisely, one moment map, since they are defined up to a constant. 4 PATRICK IGLESIAS-ZEMMOUR for the action of G to be Hamiltonian. The additivity of Ψ becomes the Chasles’ cocycle condition ψ(x, x 0 ) + ψ(x 0 , x 00 ) = ψ(x, x 00 ). The group Γ is invariant by the coadjoint action. Thus, the coadjoint action passes to the quotient G ∗/Γ , and ψ is equivariant. Because X is connected, there exists always a map µ : X → G ∗/Γ such that ψ(x, x 0 ) = µ(x 0 ) − µ(x). (1) The solutions of this equation are given by µ(x) = ψ(x0 , x)+c, where x0 is a chosen point in X and c is a constant. But this map is a priori no longer equivariant. Its variance introduce a 1-cocycle θ of G with values in G ∗/Γ such that µ(g (x)) = Ad∗ (g )(µ(x)) + θ(g ), with θ(g ) = ψ(x0 , g (x0 )) + ∆c(g ), where ∆c is the coboundary due to the constant c in the choice of µ. This construction extends to the category {Diffeology}, the moment map for manifolds introduced by Souriau in [Sou70]. The remarkable point is that none of the constructions brought up above involves differential equations, and there is no need of considering a putative Lie algebra either. That is a very important point. The momenta appear as invariant 1-forms on the group, naturally, without intermediary, and the moment map as a map in the space of momenta. Note that the group of automorphisms Gω = Diff(X, ω) is a legitimate diffeological group. The above constructions apply and give rise to universal objects: universal momenta Gω∗ , universal path moment map Ψω, universal holonomy Γω, universal two-points moment map ψω, universal moment maps µω, universal Souriau’s cocycles θω. A parasymplectic action of a diffeological group G is a smooth morphism h : G → Gω, and the objects, associated with G, introduced by the above moment maps constructions, are naturally subordinate to their universal counterparts. That applies in particular to the group of Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms, denoted by Hω or by Hamω(M, ω), as it has been defined in [Piz10] and by Hω∗ the space of its momenta. The moment maps ¯ω, ψ ¯ ω, µ¯ω, ¯θω and σ¯ω. objects associated to Ham(M, ω) will be denoted by Ψ EVERY SYMPLECTIC MANIFOLD IS A COADJOINT ORBIT 5 The universal moment maps of a symplectic manifold 1. Value of the moment maps for manifolds Let M be a connected manifold equipped with a closed 2-form ω. The value of the paths moment map Ψω at the point p ∈ Paths (M) = C∞ (R, M), evaluated on the n-plot F : U → Diff(M, ω) is given by Z1 Ψω( p)(F) r (δ r ) = ω p(t ) ( ˙p (t ), δ p(t )) d t (♦) 0 where r ∈ U and δ r ∈ Rn , δ p denotes the lifting in the tangent space TM of the path p, defined by δ p(t ) = [D(F(r ))( p(t ))]−1 ∂ F(r )( p(t )) (δ r ) for all ∂r t ∈ R. (♥) Note 1 — Let us remind that if a differential 1-form is defined by its values on all the plots, it is however characterized by the values it takes on the 1plots. Moreover, any momentum of a diffeological group is characterized by its values on the 1-plots plointed at the identity. Thus, in order to characterize Ψ ( p), it is sufficient, in the formula above, to consider F as a 1-plot pointed at the identity, F(0) = 1M , to choose r = 0 and δ r = 1. Note 2 — The same formula (♦) gives the paths moment map associated with the Hamiltonian group. For any plot F of the group Ham(X, ω) ⊂ Diff(X, ω) and any path p of M we have ¯ ω( p)(F) r (δ r ) = Ψω( p)(F) r (δ r ). Ψ Now, since by construction the holonomy of Ham(M, ω) is trivial, this expression gives also the values of the 2-points moment map and we have, for any pair m, m 0 ∈ M ¯ ω(m, m 0 )(F) = Ψ ¯ ω( p)(F), ψ where p is a path of M such that m = p(0) and m 0 = p(1). And, we get also the values of the moment maps ¯ ω(m0 , m) + c, ¯ω : m 7→ ψ µ where m0 is any base point of M and some c ∈ Hω∗ . Proof. By definition, Ψω( p)(F) = ˆp ∗ (Kω)(F) = Kω( ˆp ◦ F), where ˆp is the orbit map ϕ 7→ ϕ ◦ p, from Ham(X, ω) to Paths (M). The expression of 6 PATRICK IGLESIAS-ZEMMOUR the Chain-Homotopy operator K , given in [Piz10], applied to the plot ˆp ◦ F : r 7→ F(r ) ◦ p of Paths (M) gives Z 1 s 1 0 (Kω)( ˆp ◦ F) r (δ r ) = ω 7→ ( ˆp ◦ F)(u)(s + t ) d t. u 0 δr s=0 0 ( u=r ) But ( ˆp ◦ F)(u)(s + t ) = F(u)( p(s + t )), let us denote temporarily by Φt the plot (s, u) 7→ F(u)( p(s + t )), then F(u)( p(s + t )) writes Φt (s, u). Thus, by definition of differential forms, the integrand s 1 0 (I ) = ω 7→ Φt (s, r ) r 0 δr ( 0r ) of the right term of this expression writes: 1 0 ∗ (I ) = Φt (ω)( 0 ) r 0 δr 1 0 , D(Φt )( 0 ) = ωΦ ( 0 ) D(Φt )( 0 ) t r r r 0 δr § ª § ª ∂ ∂ = ωF(r )( p(t )) F(r )( p(s + t )) , F(r )( p(t )) (δ r ) . ∂s s=0 ∂ r But, § ª ∂ ∂ p(s + t ) F(r )( p(s + t )) = D(F(r ))( p(t )) ∂s ∂s s =0 s =0 = D(F(r ))( p(t ))( ˙p (t )). Then, using this expression and the fact that, for all r in U, F(r )∗ (ω) = ω, we have: ∂ F(r )( p(t )) (I ) = ωF(r )( p(t )) D(F(r ))( p(t ))( ˙p (t )), (δ r ) ∂r −1 ∂ F(r )( p(t )) ˙ = ω p(t ) p (t ), [D(F(r ))( p(t ))] (δ r ) ∂r = ω p(t ) ( ˙p (t ), δ p(t )). Therefore, Ψω( p)(F) r (δ r ) := Kω( ˆp ◦ F) r (δ r ) = Z 0 1 ω p(t ) ( ˙p (t ), δ p(t )) d t , with δ p given by (♥), is the expression announced above. EVERY SYMPLECTIC MANIFOLD IS A COADJOINT ORBIT 7 2. The paths moment maps for symplectic manifolds Let (M, ω) be a Hausdorff symplectic manifold. Let m0 and m1 be two points of M connected by a path p, m0 = p(0) and m1 = p(1). Let f ∈ C∞ (M, R) with compact support. Let F : t 7→ e t gradω ( f ) be the exponential of the symplectic gradient of the f . Then, F is a 1¯ω, parameter group of Hamω(M, ω) and the Hamiltonian moment map Ψ computed at the path p, evaluated to the 1-plot F, is the constant 1-form of R, ¯ ω( p)(F) = [ f (m1 ) − f (m0 )] × d t , Ψ where d t is the standard 1-form of R. Proof. Let us remark that, in our case, the lift δ p defined by (♥) of (art. 1) writes simply, with ξ = gradω( f ), δ p(t ) = [D(e r ξ )( p(t ))]−1 ∂ e r ξ ( p(t )) (δ r ) = ξ( p(t )) × δ r, ∂r where r and δ r are reals. Then, the expression (♦) of (art. 1) becomes Z1 ω p(t ) ( ˙p (t ), ξ( p(t )) d t × δ r Ψω( p)(F) r (δ r ) = 0 = Z 1 ω p(t ) ( ˙p (t ), gradω( f )( p(t )) d t × δ r 0 1 d p(t ) df = d t × δr dt 0 = [ f ( p(1)) − f ( p(0))] × δ r Z We remind that, by definition, gradω( f ) = −ω−1 (d f ). Now, it is clear that for all loop ` of M, Ψω(`)(F) = 0, thus, F is a plot of Ham(M, ω). ¯ ω( p)(F) = Ψω( p)(F) = [ f (m1 ) − f (m0 )] × d t . And therefore, Ψ 3. Symplectic manifolds A closed 2-form ω on a (connected) Hausdorff manifold M is symplectic if and only if: 1. The manifold M is homogeneous under the action of the group of automorphisms Diff(M, ω). 2. The universal moment map µω : M → Gω∗ /Γω is injective. 8 PATRICK IGLESIAS-ZEMMOUR We can replace the group of automorphisms Diff(M, ω) by the group Ham(M, ω) of Hamiltonian automorphisms, and the the universal moment map µω by the universal Hamiltonian moment map µ¯ω : M → Hω∗ . Hence, the moment map identifies M with a (Γω, θω)-coadjoint orbit Oω of Diff(M, ω), µω(M) = Oω ⊂ Gω∗ /Γω, Also, the Hamiltonian moment map µ¯ω identifies M with a ¯θω-coadjoint orbit O¯ of Ham(M, ω), µ¯ (M) = O¯ ⊂ H ∗ . This is what we summarize ω ω ω ω by the sentence: Every symplectic manifold is a coadjoint orbit. Diff(M, ω) πM M πO µω Oω On this diagram: on the left M ' Diff(M, ω)/St(x0 ), where x0 is any point in M, and πM : ϕ 7→ ϕ(x0 ) is a principal fibration4 with group the stabilizer St(x0 ) ⊂ Diff(M, ω). On the right, Oω ' Diff(M, ω)/St(µω(x0 )), where St(µω(x0 )) is the stabilizer for the affine coadjoint action on Gω∗ /Γω, with respect to the universal cocycle θω. The Moment Map µω being then a diffeomorphism. Proof. A) Let us assume that ω is symplectic, that is, nondegenerate. Then, the group Diff(M, ω) is transitive on M [Boo69]. Moreover, for ˆ : ϕ 7→ ϕ(m) is a subduction [Don84]. every m ∈ M, the orbit map m Thus, the image of moment moment map µω is one orbit Oω of the affine coadjoint action of Gω on Gω∗ /Γω, associated with the cocycle θω. Hence, for the orbit Oω, equipped with the quotient diffeology of Gω, the moment map µω is a subduction. Now, let m0 and m1 two points of M such that µω(m0 ) = µω(m1 ), that is, ψω(m0 , m1 ) = µω(m1 ) − µω(m0 ) = 0. Since M is connected, let p ∈ Paths (M) such that p(0) = m0 and p(1) = m1 . Thus, ψω(m0 , m1 ) = 0 is equivalent to Ψω( p) = Ψω(`), where ` is some loop of M, we can choose `(0) = `(1) = m0 . Now, let us assume that m0 6= m1 . Since M is Hausdorff there exists a smooth real function f ∈ C∞ (M, R), with compact support, such that f (m0 ) = 0 and f (m1 ) = 1. Let us denote by ξ the symplectic 4In the category {Diffeology}. EVERY SYMPLECTIC MANIFOLD IS A COADJOINT ORBIT 9 gradient field associated to f and by F the exponential of ξ. Thanks to (art. 2), on one hand we have Ψω( p)(F) = [ f (m1 ) − f (m0 )]d t = d t , and on the other hand Ψω(`)(F) = [ f (m0 ) − f (m0 )]d t = 0. But d t 6= 0, thus ψω(m0 , m1 ) 6= 0, and the moment map µω is injective. Therefore, µω is an injective subduction on Oω, that is, a diffeomorphism. The proof for the group of Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms is similar. A’) Let us assume that ω is symplectic. We know that the group of ˆ restricted Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms is transitive. The orbit map m to the group Ham(M, ω) is still a subduction [Don84]. Thus, M is homogeneous under the action of Ham(M, ω). Now let m0 and m1 be two different points of M. Let p be a path connecting m0 to m1 , thus ¯ ω( p). Since M is Hausdorff there exists a smooth real ¯ω(m1 )− µ¯ω(m0 ) = Ψ µ ∞ function f ∈ C (M, R) with compact support such that f (m0 ) = 0 and f (m1 ) = 1. Let us denote by ξ the symplectic gradient field associated to ¯ ω( p)(F) = d t by (art. 2). Hence, f and by F the exponential of ξ. Thus, Ψ (¯µω(m1 ) − µ¯ω(m0 ))(F) = d t 6= 0 and µ¯ω(m0 ) 6= µ¯ω(m0 ). Therefore µω is injective, that is, an injective subduction on Oω, and thus a diffeomorphism. The converse is the same proof for the only symplectic and the Hamiltonian cases B) – B’) Let us assume that M is an homogeneous space of Diff(M, ω) and µω is injective. Let us notice first that, since Diff(M, ω) is transitive, the rank of ω is constant. In other words, dim(ker(ω m )) = const. Now, let us assume that ω is degenerate, that is, dim(ker(ω m )) > 0. Since m 7→ ker(ω m ) is a smooth foliation, for any point m of M there exists a smooth path p of M such that p(0) = m and for t belonging to a small interval around 0 ∈ R, ˙p (t ) 6= 0 and ˙p (t ) ∈ ker(ω p(t ) ) for all t in this interval. Then, we can re-parametrize the path p and assume now that p is defined on the whole R and satisfies p(0) = m, p(1) = m 0 with m 6= m 0 , and ˙p (t ) ∈ ker(ω p(t ) ) for all t . Now, since ˙p (t ) ∈ ker(ω p(t ) ) for all t , using the expression (♦) given in (art. 1), we get Ψω( p) = 0Gω∗ and thus µω(m) = µω(m 0 ). But m 6= m 0 and we have assumed that µω is injective. Hense, the kernel of ω is reduced to {0}, ω is nondegenerate, that is, symplectic. 4. The homogeneous case Let (M, ω) be a connected symplectic manifold. Assume that M is homogeneous under a subgroup G ⊂ Ham(M, ω). Then, the moment map µ associated with G, as defined in the first section, is a covering onto its image. 10 PATRICK IGLESIAS-ZEMMOUR For G a Lie group, this is the Souriau’s theorem [Sou70] on homogeneous symplectic manifolds, but proved the diffeology way. It is illustrated by the example of (art. 7). Proof. Let p be a path of M such that µ ◦ p = const. Then, Ψ ( p) = 0G ∗ , where Ψ is the paths moment map of G. Thus, for any integer n and any n-plot F in G, we have Ψ ( p)(F) r (δ r ) = 0, for all r ∈ dom(F) and all δ r ∈ Rn . Using the expression of Ψ given in (art. 3) part B, we get R1 ω p(t ) ( ˙p (t ), δ p(t )) d t = 0. Considering the 1-parameter family of paths 0 p s : t 7→ p(s t ), the derivative of Ψ ( p s )(F) r (δ r ) = 0, with respect to s at s = s0 , gives ω x (u, δ x) = 0, with x = p(s0 ), u = ˙p (s0 ) ∈ T x M and ∂ F(r )(x) (δ r ) ∈ T x M. ∂r Now, let v ∈ T x M be any vector, and let γ be a path in M such that γ (0) = x and v = γ˙ (0). Since M is assumed to be homogeneous under G, there exists a smooth path r 7→ F(r ) in G such that F(r )(x) = γ (r ), with F(0) = 1G . Thus, for this F and for r = 0, δ x = v. Therefore, for all v ∈ T x M, ω x (u, v) = 0, that is, u ∈ ker(ω x ). But ω is symplectic, then u = 0. Hence, ˙p (s0 ) = 0, for all s0 . Therefore, the path p is constant. p(t ) = x for all t . Thus, the preimages of the values of the moment map µ are (diffeologically) discrete. Thanks to the double homogeneity: G over M, and by equivariance, G over the (possibly affine) coadjoint orbit O = µ(M), µ is a covering onto its image. δ x = [D(F(r ))(x)]−1 5. Presymplectic spaces and the Nœther–Souriau theorem The Darboux theorem applied to a presymplectic manifold (M, ω) tells, in particular, that the local automorphisms are transitive. Indeed, M is locally diffeomorphic, at each point, to (R2k × R` , ωst ), where ωst is the standard symplectic form on the factor R2k and vanishes on the factor R` . 1. — That is the reason why we shall say that a parasymplectic form ω, on a diffeological space X, is presymplectic if its pseudogroup of local automorphisms Diffloc (X, ω) is transitive. 2. — Back to the case of a manifold M, the Nœther–Souriau theorem, applied to the whole group Ham(M, ω) (which is not a Lie group stricto sensu), states that the universal Hamiltonian moment map µ¯ω is constant on the characteristic of ω. Note that the second proposition applies also for the universal moment map µω, the proof is identical. EVERY SYMPLECTIC MANIFOLD IS A COADJOINT ORBIT 11 Proof. Let us recall that the characteristics of ω are the integral manifolds of the distribution x 7→ ker(ω x ). Then, the second proposition is an immediate consequence of the explicit formula of (art. 1). If p connects m to m 0 and ˙p ∈ ker(ω p(t ) ), then for every n-plot F of Ham(M, ω), for every r ∈ dom(F), for every δ r ∈ Rn , we have Z1 ¯ ω( p)(F) r (δ r ) = Ψ ω( ˙p (t ), δ p(t )) d t = 0. 0 ¯ ω( p) = ψ ¯ ω(m, m 0 ) = µ¯ω(m 0 )−¯µω(m), and therefore µ¯ω(m) = Thus, 0H ∗ = Ψ ¯ω(m 0 ). µ 6. Moment maps and characteristics Let M be a manifold and ω be parasymplectic. If the group Ham(M, ω) is transitive, which implies in particular that (M, ω) is presymplectic, then the characteristics of ω coincide with the connected components of the µ¯ω prevalues. In other words, the Hamiltonian moment map µ¯ω integrates the characteristics of ω. Proof. Nœther’s theorem states that If m and m 0 are on the same characteristic then µ¯ω(m) = µ¯ω(m 0 ), see (art. 5). Conversely, let us assume that m and m 0 are connected by a path p such that µ¯ω( p(t )) = µ¯ω(m) for all t . Then, let s 7→ p s be defined by p s (t ) = p(s t ), for all s and ¯ ω( p s ) = 0, for all s . But, after a t . Thus µ¯ω( p s (1)) = µ¯ω( p s (0)), that is, Ψ change of variable,Rand noting that δ p s (t ) = δ p(s t ), we get for all s , 0 = ¯ ω( p s )(F) r (δ r ) = s ω p(t ) ( ˙p (t ), δ p(t )) d t , that is, ω p(t ) ( ˙p (t ), δ p(t )) = 0, Ψ 0 for all t , and δ p is given in (art. 1) (♥). Now, let v ∈ T p(t ) M, there exists a path c of M such that c(0) = p(t ) and c˙(0) = v. But we have assumed that M is homogeneous under the action of Ham(M, ω), that is for any ˆ : ϕ 7→ ϕ(m), from Ham(M, ω) to M, is a subducm ∈ M the orbit map m tion. Hence, by choosing m = p(t ), there exists a smooth lifting s 7→ F(s) defined on a small open superset of 0 ∈ R with values in Ham(M, ω), such that F(s)( p(t )) = c(s), we can even choose F(0) = 1M . Thus, for s = 0 and δ s = 1, by (art. 1) (♥), we have d F(s)( p(t )) δ p(t ) = = c˙(0) = v. ds s=0 Hence, for every v ∈ T p(t ) M, ω( ˙p (t ), v) = 0, e.g. ˙p (t ) ∈ ker(ω p(t ) ) for all t . Therefore, if two points are connected by a path taking its values in a connected component of a µ¯ω prevalue, then it is contained in a characteristic of ω. 12 PATRICK IGLESIAS-ZEMMOUR Examples 7. The cylinder and SL(2, R) This is a classical example for which the moment maps of a transitive Hamiltonian action of a Lie group is a nontrivial covering. I use this example here to show how the algorithm of the moment map in diffeology works in a concrete case. Let us consider the real space R2 equipped with the standard symplectic form surf = d x∧d y, with (x, y) ∈ R2 . The special linear group SL(2, R) preserves the standard form ω. Its action on R2 is effective and has two orbits, the origin 0 ∈ R2 and the «cylinder» M = R2 −{0}. The restriction ω = surf M is still symplectic and invariant by SL(2, R). Since R2 is simply connected the holonomy of SL(2, R) is trivial, so its action is Hamiltonian. And since 0 is a fixed point, the 2-points moment map ψ is exact. Then, there exists an equivariant moment map µ : R2 → sl(2, R)∗ such that ψ(z, z 0 ) = µ(z 0 ) − µ(z), for all z, z 0 ∈ R2 [Piz10]. Moreover, we know an explicit expression for µ. For every z ∈ R2 , let p z = [t 7→ t z] ∈ Paths (R2 ) connecting 0 to z. The general expression given in (art. 1) (♦) and (♥) gives, in the particular case of p = p z and Fσ = [s 7→ e s σ ], with5 σ ∈ sl(2, R), the following: 1 2 µ(z)(Fσ ) = surf(z, σ z) × d t . By choosing various σ in sl(2, R), we can check that µ(z) = µ(z 0 ) if and only if z 0 = ±z. Restricting this construction to M, which is an orbit of SL(2, R), and thanks to the functoriality of the moment maps [Piz10], the moment map µM = µ M of SL(2, R) on M is a non trivial double sheets covering onto its image O = µ(M). It is possible to complicate this ˜ of M, equipped with example by considering the universal covering M ˜ → M. Then, the action of ˜ of ω by the projection π : M the pullback ω f R) on M ˜ is still effective homogeneous and the universal covering SL(2, Hamiltonian, and the moment map µ˜ factorizes through π and has the same image O . 8. The linear cylinder The example of the cylinder is interesting because it shows simply and explicitly what happens when a symplectic form is exact but not its primitive. So let M = R × S1 equipped with the 2-form ω = d α, and α = r × d z/i z, where (r, z) ∈ R × S1 and S1 is identified with the complex numbers of modulus 1. The manifold M is also a group G, 5 sl(2, R) denotes the Lie algebra of SL(2, R), that is, the vector space of real 2 × 2 traceless matrices. EVERY SYMPLECTIC MANIFOLD IS A COADJOINT ORBIT 13 acting by gM (r, z) = (r + ρ, ζ z), with g = (ρ, ζ). Now, for all g ∈ G, gM∗ (α) = α + β(g ) with β(g ) = ρ dz , iz β ∈ C∞ (G, Z1DR(M)). The form β(g ) is closed for every g ∈ G as it must be. The holonomy group Γ is the subgroup of all Ψ (`) = `ˆ∗ (Kω), where ` runs over the loops of M (notations [Piz10]). We have, ˆ `ˆ∗ (Kω) = `ˆ∗ (K d α) = `ˆ∗ (1ˆ∗α − ˆ0∗α − d [K α]) = d [K α ◦ `], ˆ ) = g ◦ `, thus K α ◦ `(g ˆ ) = K α(g ◦ `), and then but `(g Z Z ∗ ∗ ˆ Ψ (`) = ` (Kω) = d g 7→ α = d g 7→ g (α) ` g ◦` = d g 7→ Z α+ Z ` Z β(g ) = d g 7→ β(g ) ` ` Z dz = d g 7→ ρ = d [g 7→ 2π k ρ] ` iz = 2π k × d ρ, where k ∈ Z is the class of the loop `. Hence, the form a = d ρ is a good closed (even exact) invariant 1-form of G, that is a momenta of G. And, Γ = {2π k × a | k ∈ Z} with a = d ρ. Now, the space G ∗ of momenta of the Lie group G is generated by a = d ρ and b = d ζ/i ζ, the quotient G ∗/Γ is thus equal to [Ra/2π Za]×Rb which is equivalent to S1 × R. 9. The holonomy of the torus We shall compute the holonomy group Γω for the 2-torus T2 = R2 /Z2 , equipped with ω = class ∗ (d x ∧d y), the canonical volume form on T2 . We denoted by class : R2 → T2 , the canonical projection. We know that Γω is a homomorphic image of the first homotopy group of T2 , that is, π1 (T2 ) = Z2 . We choose then a canonical representant of every homotopy class: `n,m = [t 7→ class (nt , mt )], with n, m ∈ Z. We will show now that the map j : (n, m) 7→ Ψω(`n,m ) is injective. Since Ψω(`) is a closed 1-form on the group Diff(T2 , ω) for any loop ` [Piz10], 14 PATRICK IGLESIAS-ZEMMOUR it is sufficient, if (n, m) 6= (0, 0), to find a loop γ in Diff(T2 , ω) such that R Ψ (` ) 6= 0. We have γ ω n,m Z Z1 Z 1 Z 1 ˙ Ψ (`) = Ψω(`)(γ ) s (1) d s = ω`(t ) (`(t ))(δ`(s, t )) d t d s , γ 0 0 0 with ∂ γ (s)(`(t )) ∂s Consider now two integers j , k ∈ Z, we check immediately that x x+sj γ (s) = class 7→ class y y + sk δ`(s, t ) = [D(γ (s))(`(t ))]−1 is a loop in Diff(T2 , ω) based at the identity. For that γ , and for ` = `n,m , we have: n j `˙ n,m (t ) = class ∗ and δ`(s , t ) = class ∗ . m k Then, Thus, n j ˙ ω`(t ) (`(t ))(δ`(s, t )) = det = nk − m j . m k Z γ Ψω(`n,m ) = nk − m j . Hence, j (`n,m ) = 0 only for n = m = 0. Therefore, j is injective and Γω ' Z2 . References [Boo69] William M. Boothby. Transitivity of the automorphisms of certain geometric structures. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. vol. 137, pp. 93–100, 1969. [Don84] Paul Donato Revêtement et groupe fondamental des espaces différentiels homogènes. Thèse de doctorat d’état, Université de Provence, Marseille, 1984. [Kos70] Bertram Kostant. Orbits and quantization theory. In Actes, Congrès intern. 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