Nonlinear Stability of Sources Björn Sandstede Arnd Scheel Margaret Beck Toan Nguyen Kevin Zumbrun Spiral waves [Li, Ouyang, Petrov, Swinney] [Nettesheim, von Oertzen, Rotermund, Ertl] – Dynamics of core / spiral tip – Modulations of wave trains in far field [Li, Ouyang, Petrov, Swinney] One-dimensional defects space time Chloride-iodide-malonic acid reaction (CIMA) [Perraud, De Wit, Dulos, De Kepper, Dewel, Borckmans] Standing time-periodic structures space One-dimensional defects Surface waves [Pastur et al.] space Light-sensitive BZ-reaction [Yoneyama, Fujii, Maeda] One-dimensional defects wave train defect wave train time – asymptotically periodic in space – time-periodic in co-moving frame Overview: – wave trains & group velocities – sources – existence & bifurcations – spectral & nonlinear stability space Dynamics of wave trains c k wavenumber ω=ω(k) temporal frequency wave train local wavenumber slowly varying modulations of wavenumber Spectrum of wave trains λ(iγ) Im λ Re λ λ(iγ) = -icgγ - dγ2 + Ο(|γ|3) Dynamics of wave trains c k wavenumber ω=ω(k) temporal frequency wave train cg q(x,t) qt = cg vx local wavenumber group velocity: direction of transport slowly varying modulations of wavenumber Spectrum of wave trains Im λ λ(iγ) Re λ λ(iγ) = -icgγ - dγ2 + Ο(|γ|3) Dynamics of wave trains cg q(X,T) local wavenumber slowly varying modulations of wavenumber near k0 on scale X=ε(x-cgt) and T=ε2t/2 for 0<ε<<1 Viscous Burgers equation: • • • @q = @T 00 (0) @2 q @X2 !00 (k0 ) q2 X Formal derivation: [Howard & Kopell], [Kuramoto] Validity over natural time scale 1/ε2: [Doelman, S., Scheel, Schneider] Stability of wave trains: [S., Scheel, Schneider, Uecker], [Johnson, Zumbrun] Anticipated dynamics: • Zero-mean perturbations converge to zero • Lax shocks and rarefaction waves Sources cg Sources: outgoing transport group velocities point away from core • • • cg transport Existence: how do sources arise? Spectral and linear stability: linearized equation is time-periodic Nonlinear stability: previous methods do not apply Essential Hopf instabilities of pulses Im λ standing pulse + Re λ wave trains Hopf instability of rest state Theorem [S., Scheel] k flip-flop target μ source target flip-flop time Spatial dynamics space wave train = periodic orbit ux = v vx = D 1 [ut defect = heteroclinic orbit cd v ✓ ◆ 1 u 2 H 2 (S1 ) ⇥ L2 (S1 ) v f(u)] wave train = periodic orbit Reaction-diffusion system: Standing sources are time-periodic: Floquet spectrum determines spectral stability Spectrum of wave trains 2 time Spectra of sources space Evans-function analysis (eigenfunctions ux and ut) L2 space 2 exponential weight t>>1 cg>0 cg<0 t>>1 exponentially weighted L2 space x defect core Expected dynamics exponential adjustment of position and phase Burgers equation with advection in far field 2 2 t x=-cgt x=cgt position/phase adjustment Gaussians error terms x defect core Nonlinear stability Theorem [Beck, Nguyen, S., Zumbrun]: Assume u*(x,t) is a spectrally stable source and let u(x,0)=u*(x,0)+v0(x) where ||v0(x)exp(x2/M)||<ε is sufficiently small. Then there are constants |p∞|, |φ∞|<ε such that |u(x,t)-u*(x-p∞,t-φ∞)| < εC exp(-ηt) for (x,t) in Ω1 and |u(x,t)-u*(x,t)| < εC exp(-ηt) for (x,t) in Ω2. x=-cgt x=cgt t Ω1 Ω2 Ω2 x defect core Nonlinear stability proofs • Define appropriate offset from source: • Derive equation for offset: • Variation-of-constants formula: • Fixed-point argument in appropriate function space: 2 2 No decay in L2 spaces Decay in weighted L2 spaces, but nonlinearity not well defined Caveats Long-time dynamics for small localized initial data Heat equation Reaction-diffusion equation Burgers equation Heat equation Reaction diffusion Burgers equation Reason: Gaussian * Gaussian2 ≠ Gaussian Differentiated Gaussian * Gaussian2 ≈ Gaussian Nonlinear stability proofs • Define appropriate offset from source: • Derive equation for offset: • Variation-of-constants formula: • Fixed-point argument in appropriate function space: 2 2 No decay in L2 spaces Decay in weighted L2 spaces, but nonlinearity not well defined Define offsets • Let u(x,t) be a solution of ut = Duxx + cux + f(u) near a given defect u*(x,t) • Define p(x,t) and φ(x,t) so that • p(x,t) and φ(x,t): space-time shift v(x,t): profile changes • Substitution gives the following system for the functions p, φ, and v: Solve linearized system: Green’s function • Linearization about defect: • Solve via Green’s function: • Expansion of Green’s function: x=-cgt projection x=cgt error function plateau t y • aj(x,t;y,s): • GR(x,t;y,s): Gaussians error terms x scalar functions composed of error function plateaus in (x,t-s) times a localized projection function in y plus Gaussian errors sum of moving “differentiated” Gaussians Variation-of-constants formula • Equation for offsets: • Variation-of-constants formula: • Expansion of Green’s function: • Collect terms: Nonlinear iterations • Equation for offsets: “differentiated” Gaussian * Gaussian2 ≈ Gaussian • Expansion of Green’s function: x=-cgt x=cgt wj(y) err(x,t-s) t • aj(x,t;y,s) = err(x,t-s) wj(y) + Gaussians • GR(x,t;y,s) ≈ “differentiated” Gaussians Gaussians x y Nonlinear iterations • Equation for offsets: “differentiated” Gaussian * Gaussian2 ≈ Gaussian • Expansion of Green’s function: • aj(x,t;y,s) = err(x,t-s) wj(y) + Gaussians • GR(x,t;y,s) ≈ “differentiated” Gaussians • Nonlinear iteration using templates: • Completes nonlinear stability result … v and (p,φ)x ≈ sum of moving Gaussians Expansion of Green’s function • Green’s function G(x,t;y,s) satisfies • Laplace transform: • Resolvent kernel (x,t;y,s,λ) is 2π-periodic in (t,s) and satisfies • Makes connection with spatial-dynamics formulation of defects: ux = v vx = D 1 [ut cd v f(u)] ✓ ◆ 1 u 2 H 2 (S1 ) ⇥ L2 (S1 ) v • Linearize about defect and expand in λ gives bounds needed for (x,t;y,s,λ) Summary + Outlook Summary: • Proved that spectrally stable sources are nonlinearly stable in an appropriate sense Outlook: • Obtain expansions of dynamics in wedge-shape interface regions: • Stability analysis of contact defects (cg=0): contact defect • Interaction of sink-source pairs:
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