skintouch A semi-annual newsletter from the Department of Dermatology Columbia University Medical Center Spring 2011 • Issue 4 Department of Dermatology Receives $1M Gift to Advance Clinical Trials in Alopecia Areata Locks of Love: From Patient to Philanthropist Madonna Coffman knows all too well the crushing social and emotional impact of alopecia areata (AA). She suffered from the disease as a young adult, and then her daughter was affected years later. Watching her child’s brave struggle with AA inspired her to found Locks of Love, a Floridabased nonprofit organization that provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children in the U.S. and Canada suffering from longterm medical hair loss. “We decided to support Dr. Christiano’s research because she has obviously found the key to alopecia, and we can now use that information to find a cure,” says Ms. Coffman. Locks of Love’s $1 million gift to Columbia University is the organization’s largest single gift in its 14-year history. In This Issue 2. A New Home for Dermatology Research 4. A Conversation with Dr. Donald Belsito 5. An Externship for MA’s. 5. A New Pediatric Dermatologist 6. New Program in Teledermatology Drs. Julian Mackay-Wiggan, Raphael Clynes and Angela Christiano The search for treatments for alopecia ing of new AA therapies. areata (AA), a devastating autoimmune form of hair loss (alopecia), took a major able treatment for AA, which is estimated step forward last July when Columbia to affect 5.3 million Americans. Department of Dermatology research- ers, led by Angela Christiano, Ph.D., ly effective medications have been devel- the Richard and Mildred Rhodebeck oped for the treatment of autoimmune Professor of Dermatology and Professor diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and of Genetics & Development, announced psoriasis. With this generous grant, we in the journal Nature the discovery of at can now determine whether these drugs least eight genes that contribute to the will also work in the treatment of AA and disease. enhance our efforts to add new medica- Following the publication of that tions to the clinical pipeline,” says Julian groundbreaking finding, the Department Mackay-Wiggan, M.D., Assistant Clinical received a three-year, $1 million gift from Professor of Dermatology and Director of Locks of Love (see sidebar) that will great- the Clinical Research Unit. ly accelerate the development and test- There is currently no cure or reli- “In recent years, a number of high- To this end, the Department plans cont. on page 3 1 Chairman’s Message: Giving Back Raphael Clynes Joins Dermatology We are living in challenging economic times, and the sup- Locks of Love, driven by its president, Madonna Coffman. Her The Department of Dermatology is port for biomedical research daughter’s experience with hair loss moved her to underwrite pleased to announce the joint ap- is no exception. Today, the our pioneering research in alopecia areata, a devastating form pointment of Raphael Clynes, M.D., National Institutes of Health, of hair loss that attracts too little funding, public or private. Ph.D., as Associate Professor of Pa- the world’s largest supporter I am heartened to report that this spirit of giving back thology, Medicine and Dermatology. of biomedical research, cur- is mirrored by our faculty and staff, as the stories in this edition He is the Assistant Director of the HLA rently funds a mere 8 to 10 demonstrate. Dr. Angela Christiano’s own struggle with hair and Cellular Immunology Clinical Pa- percent of study proposals, loss, for example, drives her passion to cure alopecia. Luis Oli- thology Lab and the Director of the leaving countless worthwhile verra’s unwavering dedication to excellence fuels his commit- Flow Cytometry Core in the Columbia projects behind. All of which ment to training the next generation of medical assistants. And Center for Translational Immunology. is to say that private philan- then there’s our newest faculty member, Dr. Christine Lauren, thropy is more critical than whose experience of giving birth to an extremely premature ever for sustaining the re- baby – expertly treated here at Columbia – motivates her good to launch clinical trials of at least three ic changes associated with the drug. contributions of humoral immunity search mission of academic departments. works as a clinician, researcher, and educator. medications, including abatacept (brand “We’re very excited about this (antibodies) in health and disease. He name Orencia), an intravenous drug opportunity to bring new and better is a graduate of the Massachusetts that is approved by the FDA for treating therapies to patients with AA,” says Dr. Institute of Technology and obtained rheumatoid arthritis. “We’re optimistic Christiano, who herself suffers from AA. his M.D.-Ph.D. at SUNY Stonybrook. As this issue of Skintouch illustrates, our friends and benefactors have stepped up to the challenge, giving gener- I am also enormously grateful for the generosity of It’s an honor to know and to work with these generous and highly committed individuals. ously to support our ground-breaking research. First and fore- Hair follicles of an alopecia areata patient (left, center) and of a control individual (right). A physician-scientist and cellular immunologist, Dr. Clynes studies the most among them are Florence and Herbert Irving, whose David R. Bickers, M.D. that abatacept will also be effective in “Although hair loss is seen by many as Following training in internal medicine generosity to the Department – stemming in part from Herb’s Carl Truman Nelson Professor and Chairman the treatment of AA, especially since it a cosmetic disease, it can be quite dev- at Washington University and a hema- has already been shown to work in the astating, emotionally and socially, espe- tology-oncology fellowship at Memo- mouse model of AA” notes Raphael cially for children as it causes them to rial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Dr. A New Home for Dermatology Research Clynes, M.D., Ph.D., Associate Professor lose their self esteem and, along with Clynes completed his post-doctoral of Pathology, Medicine and Dermatology, it, the ability to enjoy the activities of a studies at the Rockefeller University. a physician and basic scientist who is col- normal, happy childhood. This is a tragic laborating with Drs. Mackay-Wiggan and result for a person whose life is just be- immune complexes are important On February 9, 2011, faculty, friends, and supporters of the De- Christiano. “Abatacept is known to block ginning,” she adds. in the pathogenesis of lupus ery- the activation of T-cells, a type of immune In addition to human clinical trials, thematosus and other autoimmune cell that becomes overactivated in AA, the grant will indirectly support research diseases. His work in antitumor anti- leading directly to the destruction of hair into the basic biology of hair loss, which Dr. David Bickers, Herbert Irving, Florence Irving and bodies established the concept that follicles.” will help identify new targets for drug therapeutic antibodies in cancer of the Department’s basic research scientists under one roof, Dr. Lee Goldman The researchers will also evaluate development. “The initial description of work through engagement of Fc re- and was made possible by a $1 million gift from Mr. and Mrs. mechanisms of hair loss, the genetics of melanoma, and the role the effectiveness of a yet-to-be-named the genetic architecture will enable us to ceptors and induce tumor immunity Irving, long-time Columbia benefactors. “Probably no single of stem cells in skin cancer. topical cream that inhibits the activity of focus on specific molecular pathways in in treated patients. couple has had more influence on changing the architectural “There is every expectation that future discoveries made cytokines, molecules that play a role in the T-cells and the hair follicles to gain a map of Northern Manhattan and this campus than Florence and here will ultimately lead to more basic information about our or- mediating the body’s immune response. better understanding of the mechanisms barked on a new initiative in alopecia Herbert,” said David R. Bickers, M.D., the Carl Truman Nelson gan of choice – the skin – as well as to translational applications The drug has shown promise in relieving that contribute to the disease,” says Dr. areata research, including investiga- Professor and Chairman of Dermatology. “Their heart and soul for patients with skin cancer and other diseases,” said Dr. Bickers. psoriasis, another autoimmune disorder. Clynes. tions of the cellular, immunological, are invested in this institution.” The 15,000-sq.-ft. center, will support the research of five Surgeons, noted that the new center “demonstrates Columbia’s principal investigators: Angela Christiano, Ph.D. (the center’s di- experience as a patient here – knows no bounds (see below). partment of Dermatology gathered to celebrate the opening of the Florence and Herbert Irving Center for Dermatology and Skin Cancer Research. 2 Alopecia Areata, from page 1 The state-of-the-art research center brings together all genetic, and epigenetic basis of hair and efficacy of two doses of triamcino- Christiano’s findings thus far and are loss (in collaboration with Dr. Angela commitment to advancing the science of dermatology, particu- lone acetonide, which is administered confident we are close to even more Christiano) and of biomarkers for rector), Julide Celebi, M.D., Arianna Kim, Ph.D., Ellen Lumpkin, lar skin cancer, one of the few cancers that has seen an increased intradermally (that is, by injection into the breakthroughs,” says Madonna Coffman, the clinical study of immune targets Ph.D., and David Owens, Ph.D. Their wide-ranging research in- incidence, even as deaths from many other cancers have finally skin). Although the drug is widely used for Founder and President of Locks of Love. in alopecia (with Dr. Julian Mackay- cludes studies of the neurobiology of the skin, the molecular begun to decline.” AA, it has never been rigorously tested. They will also investigate the immunolog- “We are excited about Dr. Clynes has recently em- Dr. Lee Goldman, M.D., dean of the College of Physicians & Another trial will address the safety Dr. Clynes’ research has shown Wiggan and Dr. Christiano). 3 A Conversation with getting it right: An Externship for Medical Assistants our newest expert in contact dermatitis est problem is cosmetics and over-the- Q: Do allergy shots help in these cases? A: No. It’s not like food allergies or hay counter products made from botanicals, fever. There’s no desensitization. dye, para-phenylenediamine. The lat- which have become very popular. Q: Botanicals are natural plant extracts. Q: You’re mentioned on several “Best Doctors” lists. What qualities make Aren’t these safe? for a good specialist in contact A: Not necessarily. Just because some- Donald V. Belsito, Professor of Clinical Dermatology at Columbia University Medical Center, is a renowned specialist in contact dermatitis. A clinician as well as a researcher, he is a past president of the American Contact Dermatitis Society and a fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology. Dr. Belsito joined the Department of Dermatology on April 1st. Q: What is contact dermatitis? A: Contact dermatitis is a localized inflammation of the skin caused by direct contact with a foreign substance. There are two types, allergic contact dermatitis, in which the substance causes an immunologic reaction, and irritant contact dermatitis, in which the substance directly damages the skin. Q: What are some common causes of contact dermatitis? A: Probably the most common cause is poison ivy, during the summer months. We also see many cases resulting from exposure to the metal nickel, which is found in everything from jewelry to but- 4 dermatitis? thing is natural doesn’t mean that it’s A: harmless. As I tell my patients, poison nize different patterns of contact der- ivy is natural. Would you put that on your matitis on the skin and have a sense of skin? The chemicals in these products what substances might be the cause. One quality is the ability to recogLuis Oliverra, R.M.A, and two of his protégées, Jajaira Santana and Bianca Vargas. As part of an academic medical center, which is where the Department of Der- the Department of Dermatology partici- matology at Columbia comes into the develop,” adds Robert Walther, M.D., pates in the education of health-care pro- picture. Each year, it hosts about ten Clinical Professor of Dermatology and fessionals, from medical students to resi- externs, mostly from the Sanford-Brown Director of Clinical Services. “They start dents and fellows to attending physicians. Institute. off very timidly. But under Luis’ guid- For the last six years, the Department has ance, they grow very confident.” also served as a training ground for a type the brainchild of Luis Oliverra, R.M.A., the of health-care worker you may not be as Department’s senior medical assistant. “I the students and the Department, which familiar with: medical assistants. started the program because I was dis- has hired numerous externs, including One of the fastest-growing oc- appointed in the way I was treated as an four currently working for the Department cupations in health care, medical assis- extern,” he says. “Everybody kept their “What a great opportunity to not only tants perform administrative and clinical distance and wouldn’t give me any time.” train people, but also to get a feel for who tasks to keep clinical practices running That’s hardly the case at Colum- would work well with us,” says Dr. Wal- smoothly and efficiently, such as assist- bia, where Mr. Oliverra makes sure his ther. “We’re a growing department and ing doctors in exam rooms, filing re- charges get intensive, hands-on learn- always looking for top-notch people.” cords, scheduling appointments, and ing experiences and regular tutorials in arranging laboratory services. all things dermatologic. “I’m on them of Dermatology, adds, “People like Luis To round out their technical med- every day,” says the former marine and are the unsung heroes of the Depart- cal steroids. If it’s a severe reaction, ical training, medical assistants must drill instructor. “They won’t leave here ment. They are essential to the support like poison ivy, systemic – that is, oral complete a 180-hour clinical externship, until they get it right.” of our academic mission.” vary widely, depending on what country It also helps to know a lot about many they come from, when they are harvest- different occupations and what they ex- ed and how the plants are processed. Q: How do you keep up with all these trends? A: I’m a member of the North American Contact Dermatitis Group, which pose people to. Finally, you have to be able to delve deeply into people’s lives. I often ask patients to bring in the entire contents of their medicine cabinets so I can see everything they’re putting on their skin. It’s all about looking for consists of 13 specialists in the U.S. clues and then doing patch testing to and Canada. We pool our data and evaluate your hypotheses. There are communicate with one another regu- more than 3,700 chemicals in the envi- larly about new allergens, changes in ronment that can cause allergies, so it’s incidence rates, and where exposures impossible to test for all of them. This are occurring. is an effective way to narrow down the Q: How is contact dermatitis treated? A: It can usually be treated with topi- possibilities. The Dermatology externship is “It’s great to watch the students The arrangement benefits both David Bickers, M.D., Chairman – steroids may be needed. Of course, the best treatment is to identify what you’re reacting to and stay away from it. But that can be a dilemma in occupational cases where workers cannot avoid exposures and are not in a position to leave their jobs. Cosmetologists, who are exposed to hair dyes and other chemicals, are one example. Our New Addition to Pediatric Dermatology Christine Lauren, M.D. places great value on formal training. A become a better physician from it. Fortunately, her daughter is P&S graduate, she completed her residency and chief resident now thriving, and will be entering kindergarten in September. year in pediatrics at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. She returned to Columbia to complete a residency in Dermatology Assistant Professor of Clinical Dermatology and Clinical and now nears the end of her Pediatric Dermatology Fellowship. Pediatrics. As a member of the Pediatric Dermatology Educa- However, her most profound educational experience tional Interest Group, she plans to continue her work with medi- Dr. Lauren will join the full-time faculty this July as an began the day her child was born prematurely, weighing only cal education. She is also working on a collaboration with the tons to zippers. We discover new causes one pound. Her daughter was treated in the neonatal intensive neonatal intensive care unit on an ongoing research project all the time – for example, temporary care unit at Columbia. The experience made Dr. Lauren aware aimed at improving wound healing in preterm infants. henna tattoos containing the dark hair of all the things parents of sick children go through and she has 5 Teledermatology: Expert Medical Care Just a Mouse-Click Away Events Save-the-Date These days it’s possible to do just about “When a patient needs a derma- ticipate that we’ll be able to direct the tology consult, a technician at the local treatment of most patients virtually with ting with friends to shopping for clothes VA clinic will take high-resolution digital the same standard of care,” says Dr. to filing income taxes. As of July, military photos of the patient’s rash or lesion,” Newman. 2010-2011 Dean’s Distinguished Lecture in the Clinical Sciences Babies Hospital Alumni Association Day everything on the Internet, from chat- explains Jessica Newman, M.D., M.P.H., Dr. Angela Christiano, the Richard & Mil- Alumni Association Day at the Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital of NY-Presbyterian, veterans in our area will be able to add Chief of the Dermatology Department Academy of Dermatology (AAD), stud- dred Rhodebeck Professor of Dermatol- Tower 103 at 3959 Broadway. Dr. Garzon’s topic: “Pediatric Hemangiomas: What’s an intriguing new activity to this list: a at the VA and Assistant Clinical Profes- ies have shown that teledermatology ogy and Genetics & Development, Vice New and What’s True.” virtual visit to the dermatologist. According to the American leads to clinical outcomes comparable to that of face-to-face consultations. Teledermatology offers several advantages. For patients, it means not having to travel for specialist visits – no small benefit for this group of veterans, many of whom are old and infirm or live hours away from the Bronx. “In addition, the program will allow the veterans to get their care from their primary care physician, with whom they already have a rapport,” says Dr. Newman. Columbia’s residents – who will take a lead role in the consultations, under Dr. Newman’s close supervision – also stand to benefit from the new program. “It’s yet another way we can teach residents how to make diagnoses and devise treatment plans,” she says. “Also, it will help them to refine their interpersonal and communication skills as they Resident Doctors Mina Yassaee and Vishal Patel 'virtually' examine a patient as Dr. Jesssica Newman looks on. 6 sor of Clinical Dermatology and Clinical Pediatrics, taking place on Babies Hospital Chair for Research in the Department of Dermatology, and Director of the Center May Is National Skin Cancer/Melanoma Awareness Month for Human Genetics at CUMC, was se- Skin cancer is one of the most common types of cancer, with over one million peo- lected to present the 2010-2011 Dean’s ple diagnosed each year. In an effort to educate patients about the importance of Distinguished Lecture in the Clinical Sci- annual skin cancer screenings and sun protection, Columbia Dermatology is offer- ences on Dec. 16, 2010. The Dean’s Dis- ing free skin cancer screenings during the month of May. See below for dates. tinguished Lectureship, founded in 1981, is designed to showcase the world’s leading basic scientists, clinicians, and humanistic scholars, all of whom have made significant and outstanding contri- May 4: Columbia Dermatology and Columbia University will once again par- ticipate in the Road to Healthy Skin Tour sponsored by the Skin Cancer Foundation. Dr. Monica Halem and a team of residents will provide free skin cancer screenings to Columbia University students on College Walk inside a 38-foot customized RV. butions to their respective fields. Dr. Christiano spoke about epi- Skin Cancer Protection and Prevention Program sponsored by the American Acad- dermolysis bullosa, a rare, genetic skin emy of Dermatology. Free skin cancer screenings will be available from 2:00 pm to disease that causes the skin to blister 5:30 pm at Herbert Irving Pavilion on the medical center campus and the East 60th upon the slightest trauma, and the ge- Street facility. For more information please contact 212-305-3625. May 10: Columbia Dermatology will participate in the Annual Melanoma netics that have revolutionized how the disease is being diagnosed and treated. Dr. Christiano presented the Dean’s Distinguished Lecture on December 16, 2010. Road to Healthy Skin Tour medical RV parked on College Walk. partner with the community physicians.” Training in teledermatology is not yet required by the American Acad- This innovative clinical service sor of Dermatology at Columbia. “Once emy of Dermatology (which sets the comes courtesy of the Department of Der- the images are uploaded to the patient’s standard for residency training in the matology at Columbia University, and one electronic medical record, we’ll get a field), but many employers are already of its primary sites for residency training, notification here at the Bronx VA that a looking for dermatologists with this cut- the James J. Peters Veterans Administra- consult is needed. Within a day or so, ting-edge skill. tion Medical Center in the Bronx. Togeth- we’ll review the images and the patient’s er, they have created a “teledermatolo- history, make a diagnosis, and provide the local VA physicians. “By treating pa- gy” program that, using communications the referring physician with detailed tients under our guidance, primary-care technology and digital photography, will written recommendations for care.” doctors will be able to broaden their allow many veterans to be evaluated by clinical skills and do even more for their a Bronx VA dermatologist without ventur- such as potentially cancerous lesions, patients,” says Dr. Newman. ing beyond their local VA outpatient clinic, may still have to come to the Bronx VA sometimes up to 75 miles away. for diagnosis and treatment. “But we an- Patients with certain conditions, Please mark May 6, 2011, on your calendars for a lecture by Dr. Maria Garzon, Profes- Finally, the program will benefit 7 Columbia University in the City of New York Non-Profit Org US Postage Department of Dermatology Herbert Irving Pavilion 12th Fl. PAID 161 Fort Washington Avenue Wilkes-Barre, PA Permit #247 New York, NY 10032 Fulltime Clinical Faculty David R. Bickers, MD Carl Truman Nelson Professor and Chairman Julian Mackay-Wiggan, MD Assistant Clinical Professor of Dermatology and Director, Clinical Research Unit Robert R. Walther, MD Clinical Professor of Dermatology and Vice Chair Kimberly Morel, MD Assistant Professor of Clinical Dermatology and Clinical Pediatrics Donald V. Belsito, MD Professor of Clinical Dermatology Jessica Newman, MD* Assistant Professor of Dermatology and Division Chief, Bronx VA Section of Dermatology Danielle Engler, MD Associate Clinical Professor of Dermatology and Director, Dermatology Clinic Ali Dana, MD* Assistant Clinical Professor of Dermatology Maria Garzon, MD Professor of Clinical Dermatology and Clinical Pediatrics, and Division Chief, Pediatric Dermatology Robyn Gmyrek, MD Assistant Clinical Professor of Dermatology; Director, Faculty Practice; Division Chief, Cosmetic Dermatology; and Director, Skin and Laser Center Marc E. Grossman, MD* Professor of Clinical Dermatology Director, Dermatology Consultation Service, NYPH/CUMC Huyen Nguyen, MD Assistant Professor of Clinical Dermatology Désirée Ratner, MD Professor of Clinical Dermatology and Division Chief, Dermatologic Surgery Julide Tok Celebi, MD Associate Professor of Clinical Dermatology Dermatopathology Laboratory Angela Christiano, PhD Richard and Mildred Rhodebeck Professor of Dermatology and Professor of Genetics & Development; Vice Chair, Research Department of Dermatology; and Director, Center for Human Genetics David R. Bickers, MD Carl Truman Nelson Professor and Chairman Arianna Kim, PhD J. Lowery Miller & Herbert Irving Assistant Professor of Dermatology Raphael Clynes, MD, PhD Associate Professor of Pathology, Medicine, and Dermatology Ellen A. Lumpkin, PhD Associate Professor of Dermatology and Physiology and Cellular Biophysics David N. Silvers, MD Clinical Professor of Dermatology and Pathology and Division Chief, Dermatopathology David Owens, PhD George Henry Fox Assistant Professor in Dermatology and Assistant Professor of Pathology Basil A. Horst, MD Assistant Clinical Professor of Dermatology Srikala Raghavan, PhD Assistant Professor of Epithelial Cell Biology of Dentistry and Dermatology Monica L. Halem, MD Assistant Clinical Professor of Dermatology Sameera Husain, MD Assistant Professor of Clinical Pathology in Dermatology N. Michelle Hanjani, MD Assistant Professor of Clinical Dermatology George Niedt, MD Assistant Clinical Professor of Dermatology Cheryl Hutt, MD Assistant Clinical Professor of Dermatology and Director, Residency Program Asher Rabinowitz, MD Associate Clinical Professor of Dermatology Elizabeth Knobler, MD Associate Clinical Professor of Dermatology Basic Science Research Group Julide Tok Celebi, MD Associate Professor of Clinical Dermatology Bin Zheng, PhD Assistant Professor of Skin Cancer Biology (in Dermatology) and Pathology & Cell Biology * Affiliated physician If you would prefer not to receive publications from Columbia’s Department of Dermatology, or if you would like to be added to our mailing list, please email 8 photo credits: Rene Perez
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