The Collaborative Research Center "Mathematical Optimization and Applications in Biomedical Sciences" (SFB F32), funded by Austrian Science Fund (FWF) associated with the three universities • Karl-‐Franzens-‐University Graz • Medical University Graz • Technical University Graz invites applications for a doctoral and a post-‐doctoral position in Graz, Austria Applicants are asked to submit a curriculum vitae and a short written explanation of their interest in the research topics outlined in the project description below. The pdf files of the highest degree thesis and of (selected) peer-‐reviewed publications (if available) should be included as well. The SFB MOBIS aims at increasing the proportion of female staff and especially encourages women to apply. This policy applies also to disabled persons. Female applicants are especially welcome for this call, to act as role models for future women in engineering and mathematical sciences. To ensure full consideration, all information should preferably be received by April 1, 2015. Applications should be sent to Prof. Dr. Karl Kunisch and Assoc. Prof. Gernot Plank (address: tanja.weiss@uni-‐ For further information about scientific topics covered and conditions for application, please visit our website http://math.uni-‐ Project A – „Numerical Methods for PDE-‐constrained optimization“ Project leader: Karl Kunisch The applicant should hold a degree in Mathematics and have strong background in partial differential equations, numerical and functional analysis, and continuous optimization. The research within the project will include the development of methods which enhance special properties of optimal controls such as sparsity, switching and multibang properties. The developed techniques will be applied to the bidomain equations, modelling the electrical activity of the heart. Project B – „Cardiac Mechanics“ Project leader: Gernot Plank Applicants should hold a master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering, Physics, Applied Mathematics or related disciplines with a strong background in soft tissue biomechanics and scientific computing. The PhD project will focus on the modeling of the complex mechanical boundary conditions during a heart beat, in particular, on modeling the interface between heart and surrounding pericardium as a contact problem. Applicants should have a general interest in Biomechanics, Scientific Computing and Life Sciences, particularly in cardiac electrophysiology and mechanics. As all methods developed in the course of the PhD work will be implemented ultimately in parallel in a complex software environment very strong coding and software engineering skills are expected.
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