Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery 2007;15(3):339-46 Sacral insufficiency fractures OS Schindler Droitwich Knee Clinic and Birmingham Arthritis and Sports Injury Clinic, Droitwich Spa, Worcestershire, United Kingdom R Watura, M Cobby Department of Musculoskeletal Radiology, Frenchay Hospital, Bristol, United Kingdom ABSTRACT Purpose. To highlight difficulties in the diagnostic process and the validity of imaging techniques for sacral insufficiency fractures. Methods. Records of 25 women aged 68 to 95 years with sacral insufficiency fractures were reviewed. Baseline blood biochemistry and haematology test results were obtained. Pelvic anterior/posterior radiography was undertaken for all patients; additional computed tomography, technetium bone scanning, and magnetic resonance imaging were used in some. Treatments were based on the severity of the injury and the patient’s mobility and cooperativeness. Results. Among the 25 women, 11 had bilateral and 14 had unilateral vertical sacral fractures. Associated fractures included horizontal sacral fracture, fractures of the os pubis and ilium. Symptoms included lower back or buttock pain, abdominal pain, and those emulating radiculopathy and myelopathy, including leg weakness, sciatica, and urinary retention. The mean delay in diagnosis was 9 (range, 1–28) days. The mean recovery time between bilateral and unilateral fractures was significantly different (22 [range, 12–33] vs 14 [range, 8–36] weeks, p=0.01). No patient with bilateral fractures regained her pre-injury mobility, compared to 43% among those with unilateral fractures (p=0.02, Fisher’s exact test). Computed tomography was the most reliable imaging technique; technetium bone scanning was highly sensitive but non-specific; magnetic resonance images of the fractures may mimic metastatic disease. Conclusion. With the increase in the elderly population, sacral insufficiency fractures may become epidemic in future. Primary and secondary osteoporoses are common causes. Once a diagnosis is established, in most cases treatment is simple but recovery may be protracted and full mobility curtailed. Key words: fractures, spontaneous; pelvic bones; sacrum INTRODUCTION Sacral insufficiency fractures were first reported in 1982.1 Awareness of these injuries is inadequate, despite publication of several case reports since then.1–6 Diagnosis is often delayed or missed. Most patients are elderly and present with intractable lower back pain; some complain of leg weakness but neurological impairment is rarely detectable.7 The Address correspondence and reprint requests to: Mr Oliver S Schindler, Droitwich Knee Clinic, St Andrews Road, Droitwich Spa, Worcestershire WR9 8YX, United Kingdom. E-mail: Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery 340 OS Schindler et al. patients are often misdiagnosed as having spinal stenosis, degenerative disc disease, spondylolisthesis, spondylosis, compression fractures, or neoplasms.6,8,9 Degenerative changes of the lumbar spine are often considered to be the only cause of the discomfort. Routine radiography of the spine and pelvis is usually inconclusive, and blood biochemistry may reveal elevated alkaline phosphatase levels.8,10 Patients may present varying signs and symptoms.2,3,11–13 Failure to recognise a sacral insufficiency fracture can lead to unnecessary and potentially dangerous investigations especially if occult malignancy is suspected.3,8 We report 25 cases of sacral insufficiency fracture without any history of trauma. Difficulties in the diagnostic process and the validity of imaging techniques are highlighted. MATERIALS AND METHODS Records of 25 women aged 68 to 95 (mean, 83) years with sacral insufficiency fractures presenting between November 1999 and January 2001 were reviewed. Only 4 patients initially presented to our hospital, all others were first seen at community hospitals or medical units. None had a history of trauma. Ambulance crew found 4 patients lying on the floor; all denied having fallen but claimed sudden leg weakness requiring them to sit down. 12 patients reported pain or discomfort commencing 7 to 45 (mean, 28) days before presentation. Baseline blood biochemistry and haematology test results were obtained. Pelvic anterior/posterior radiography was undertaken for all patients; additional imaging was performed in 15 patients using computed tomography (CT), in 13 using technetium bone scanning, and in 5 using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Two patients also underwent needle biopsy of the sacrum. The diagnoses of sacral insufficiency fractures were based on blood analysis and pelvic imaging, and established by exclusion of vascular, neurological, intra-abdominal abnormalities. Treatments were based on the severity of the injury and the patient’s mobility and cooperativeness. In cases of unilateral sacral and pubic symphysis fractures, patients were allowed to mobilise with crutches or a Zimmer frame. In very frail patients and those with bilateral and/or horizontal fractures, a period of bed rest was prescribed to control pain and to prevent fracture displacement.9,12 Weight bearing was not permitted for a minimum of 3 weeks. Patients were then allowed progressive mobilisation and followed up at least twice (3 and 6 months after discharge) or more often if still symptomatic. A combination of simple analgesia and intramuscular calcitonin (100–400 IU daily for up to 6 weeks) was used for pain control. Recovery time between bilateral and unilateral fractures was compared using the Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test.14 RESULTS Of the 25 women, 11 had bilateral and 14 had unilateral vertical sacral fractures (Table 1). Associated fractures included horizontal sacral fracture (n=8, all occurring with bilateral vertical sacral fractures), fractures of the os pubis (n=14), and fracture of the ilium (n=1). Clinical symptoms included lower back pain (n=12), lower abdominal pain (n=5), epigastric pain (n=3), loin pain (n=2), groin pain (n=6), dysuria (n=2), and urinary retention (n=1). Neurological symptoms included radiculopathy-emulating symptoms such as limitation in straight leg raising and sciatic stretch pain (n=5), myelopathy-emulating symptoms such as wide-based, staggering gate, loss of proprioception, and weakness (n=1), and generalised weakness of both legs (n=3). Objective signs of neurological deficit were present in 3 patients; 2 of whom had diminished reflexes and altered sensation and one had urinary retention. Blood biochemistry was abnormal in 16 patients; 12 had increased serum alkaline phosphatase levels of up to 250 IU/L; 7 of the 12 also had decreased serum calcium levels, of whom 2 also had decreased total serum protein levels. Other abnormal findings included increased white blood cell count (n=3), increased C-reactive protein level (n=7), decreased serum vitamin-D level (n=3). Abnormal levels of blood/plasma glucose, sodium, potassium, urea, creatinine, and liver enzymes were related to preexisting co-morbidities and hence not reported. Haemoglobin and haematocrit levels of most patients were in the lower part of their reference range for age and sex. Diagnoses were delayed by a mean of 9 (range, 1–28) days. In one patient the sacral fractures were missed; she was discharged but re-admitted 3 months later with a displaced iliac wing fracture resulting in a floating hemi-pelvis. Primary osteoporosis was the only cause in 20 patients, 6 of whom had received hormone replacement therapy for at least 5 years. Three patients had osteoporosis secondary to vitaminD deficiency, hyperparathyroidism, or long-term corticosteroid treatment. One patient had received localised radiotherapy after surgical excision of a rectum carcinoma. The mean duration of hospital stay was 10 (range, Vol. 15 No. 3, December 2007 Sacral insufficiency fractures 341 Table 1 Demographic and clinical details of 25 female patients Patient No. Age Radiological (years) tests* Fracture location† Blood chemistry‡ Symptoms§ AP#, Ca$, TP$ LBP LAP AP#, Ca$, TP$, CRP#, VitD$ CRP# LBP, RLER, UR LBP, LGP 1 88 XR, BS, CT 2 3 92 85 XR, BS XR, BS, MRI BVS, HS, LPR RVS, RPR BVS, HS 4 72 XR, CT RVS, LPR 5 85 XR RVS/IW, RPR AP# 6 7 71 95 XR, BS XR, MRI RVS, RPR LVS, LPR 8 76 XR 9 10 75 91 XR, BS, CT XR, BS, CT 11 87 12 13 14 15 16 17 Time to Time to Follow-up Mobility Remarks diagnosis recovery (months) Pre/post (days) (weeks) injury❘❘ 28 24 9 W/C 3 7 16 33 6 12 W/W W/NW 14 12 24 W/C RGP - 36 6 W/F AP#, CRP# - RGP LLR 12 11 12 21 12 6 W/W S/S RVS, BPR WBC# BLEW 4 12 3 W/NW AP#, Ca$ - LBP, LEP LBP, RLER 2 12 16 32 18 18 W/C W/S XR, BS BVS, HS BVS, HS, RPR BVS, RPR LBP, RLER 12 24 9 S/S 90 78 79 86 70 91 XR, CT XR, CT XR, BS, CT XR, MRI, CT XR XR, BS, CT LVS RVS BVS, HS BVS, RPR LVS BVS, HS LAP LAP LEP, DU LAP, RGP LBP, LEP BLEW, LBP 4 3 14 7 1 10 16 12 12 16 9 24 9 12 18 12 9 24 C/C W/S S/C W/C W/W W/F Deep vein thrombosis 18 19 20 88 68 95 XR, MRI, CT XR, BS, MRI XR, CT RVS, RPR LVS BVS, HS, LPR AP#, Ca$, CRP# AP#, Ca$ CRP# AP#, WBC# AP#, Ca#, VitD$ CRP#, WBC# AP#, Ca$, TP# RLER LLP, LLT LGP 9 21 5 12 8 - 12 9 - S/S W/W F/- 21 22 23 73 77 90 XR, BS, CT XR, CT XR, CT LVS, LPR RVS BVS, HS LBP, BLEW LBP, LLER MP 9 6 11 10 8 20 21 24 W/S W/W S/C 24 25 85 81 XR, BS XR, BS, CT BVS RVS, RPR AP#, Ca$, CRP# TP$, VitD$ AP# Died of pulmonary embolus 21 days after presentation Deep vein thrombosis 8 8 16 12 18 9 F/F C/F LAP, DU, LBP LBP Osteomalacia & osteoporosis Crush fracture of L4 one year later Missed diagnosis; floating hemi-pelvis after displaced fracture Polymyalgia rheumatica radiotherapy after excision of rectum carcinoma Died of pulmonary complication at 5 months Hyperparathyroidism Alzheimer’s disease - - § XR denotes plain radiography, CT computed tomography, BS technetium bone scanning, and MRI magnetic resonance imaging R/L/BVS denotes right/left/bilateral vertical sacrum, R/L/BPR right/left/bilateral pubic ramus, HS horizontal sacrum, and IW iliac wing AP denotes alkaline phosphatase, Ca calcium, TP total protein, CRP C-reactive protein, WBC white blood count, and VitD vitamin D R/LLER denotes right/left lower extremity radiculopathy, R/L/BLEW right/left/bilateral lower extremity weakness, MP myelopathy, LAP lower abdominal pain, R/L/BGP right/left/bilateral groin pain, R/L/BLP right/left/bilateral loin pain, R/LLT right/left loin tenderness, U/LEP upper/ lower epigastric pain, DU disuria, and UR urinary retention ❘❘ W denotes walker, S stick/cane, C crutch, F frame, and NW non-walker * † ‡ 6–24) weeks. Two patients died, one from pneumonia at 3 weeks, another from pulmonary embolus at 5 months. Recovery was considered complete when the fracture had consolidated and patient’s mobility had plateaued. The severity and complexity of sacral insufficiency fractures correlated with the recovery time. Patients were followed up until recovery (mean, 13; range, 3–24 months). The mean recovery time between bilateral and unilateral fractures was significantly different (22 [range, 12–33] vs 14 [range, 8–36] weeks, p=0.01). Prior to presentation, 16 patients were walking unaided, 5 walked with sticks, 2 used elbow crutches, and 2 a walking frame. At the final follow-up, of 22 patients (2 had died and one was lost to follow-up), only 5 were able to walk unaided, 6 walked with sticks, 7 used elbow crutches, 3 a walking frame, and one remained wheelchair bound. Nine (38%) patients regained their pre-injury mobility level, while 15 (65%) dropped at least one level. No patient with bilateral Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery 342 OS Schindler et al. Table 2 Comparison of studies describing patients with sacral insufficiency fractures Study Lourie,1 1982 Ries,32 1983 Cooper et al,23 1985 De Smet and Neff,10 1985 Schneider et al,33 1985 Rawlings et al,4 1988 Leroux et al,28 1993 Weber et al,12 1993 Gotis-Graham et al,3 1994 Grasland et al,8 1996 Dasgupta et al,2 1998 Chen et al,38 1999 Verhaegen and Sauter,6 1999 Present study No. of patients 3 4 12 9 23 16 10 20 20 16 10 14 1 25 Mean age Hospital Follow-up (years) stay (days) (months) 80 80 66 62 70 71 70 79 74 81 70 70 85 83 21 23 42 71 6.2 16 6.5 6–9 30 18–41 1.5 13 Sacral Associated Neurological fracture (bifracture deficit (%) vs uni-lateral) (%) [%] 100/0 50/50 75/25 55/45 78/22 30/70 35/65 60/40 81/19 64/36 100/0 44/56 66 0 75 88 ≥61 63 70 80 75 63 60 29 0 56 100 50 25 0 12 50 0 0 19 0 52 LBP denotes lower back pain, LP leg pain, SP sacral pain, BP buttock pain, LAP lower abdominal pain, and GP groin pain XR denotes plain radiography, CT computed tomography, BS technetium bone scanning, and MRI magnetic resonance imaging ‡ OP denotes osteoporosis, RA rheumatoid arthritis, CS corticosteroid therapy, and RAD radiation therapy * † fractures regained her pre-injury mobility, compared to 43% of those with unilateral fractures; this difference was significant (p=0.02, Fisher’s exact test). DISCUSSION Stress fractures are classified into fatigue and insufficiency fractures.15 Fatigue fractures occur when abnormal stress is applied to bone with normal elastic resistance; insufficiency fractures are caused by normal (physiological) stress applied to bone with deficient elastic resistance.15 Sacral insufficiency fractures occur mostly in women aged >55 years,2,7,8,16 whose bone strength is inadequate to withstand normal repetitive stress.17 Table 2 compares studies describing patients with sacral insufficiency fractures. Bone metabolism and bone remodelling capacity decreases with age and diminished hormone production. Henceforth, the ability of bone to react to physiological stress through strengthening its internal trabecular scaffold is substantially reduced, as described by Wolff’s law.18–20 The compressive strength of trabecular bone is proportional to the square of its density.21 A decrease in density by a factor of 2 consequently reduces its compressive strength by a factor of 4.18 Therefore, involutional osteoporosis is the main cause for sacral insufficiency fractures.7,10,22 Underlying pathologies of osteoporosis/osteopenia include: prolonged corticosteroid or phenytoin treatment, Cushing’s syndrome, primary bilary cirrhosis, osteomalacia, rheumatoid arthritis, myelomatous disease, radiotherapy, and endocrine disorders such as hyperparathyroidism.2,3,7,8,10,16 Predominant symptoms are lumbar back or buttock pain with some patients presenting leg weakness and inability to walk.1,7,23 Although neurological symptoms emulating radiculopathy and myelopathy are present in up to 70% of patients, objective neurological abnormalities such as sphincter dysfunction or leg paraesthesia are uncommon (2– 14%).1,4,8,12,22,24,25 The pathophysiology of neurological manifestations remains unknown. According to the Denis classification, most sacral insufficiency fractures are located within zone 1 of the sacral body (Fig. 1), in contrast to traumatic fractures that occur in zone 2 along the sacral foraminae.13,24,26,27 Fractures usually display a vertical pattern extending parallel to the sacro-iliac joint and lateral to the sacral foramina; neurological deficits are therefore uncommon.12,23,25,28 The weight of the upper body transmitted through the spine may be responsible for this fracture pattern.23 Bilateral vertical sacral fractures (present in 40% of our cases) are likely to be connected by a horizontal fracture through the upper sacral body (Figs. 2 and 3). This fracture is considered a secondary development caused by continued stress, and classified further according to the degree of angulation and displacement in the sagittal plain.23,29,30 In such cases, overt listhesis may Vol. 15 No. 3, December 2007 Clinical symptom* Biopsy (%) LBP, LP LBP, LP SP, LP GP, SP LBP, LP LBP, BP LBP LBP, SP SP, BP LBP, LP LBP, SP LBP LP LBP, LAP 0 0 0 66 9 0 40 0 25 0 8 Sacral insufficiency fractures 343 Alkaline phosphatase increase (%) Sensitivity† (%) XR CT BS MRI OP RA CS RAD Others 100 33 19 44 80 48 0 25 100 100 6 15 30 5 20 31 10 36 0 12 100 100 100 100 100 100 95 58 100 100 88 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 73 100 100 100 100 100 67 100 100 83 60 100 25 33 70 25 40 65 50 62 10 57 100 80 8 22 18 5 30 60 - 16 11 4 37 40 5 10 12 20 4 50 33 10 5 12 36 - 22 4 19 20 15 5 12 10 7 16 result in neurological deficits of the saddle area. Associated fractures are seen in 25 to 80% of patients having sacral insufficiency fractures.3,8,12,23,31 Pubic rami fractures (Fig. 4) are most common, followed by vertebral compression fractures, iliac wing fractures (Fig. 5), and intertrochanteric hip fractures.3,6,8,10 Plain radiography combined with technetium bone scanning are mostly sufficient for detecting associated fractures. Although pain usually resolves within 4 to 6 weeks post injury, general mobility decreases substantially. Previous reports have failed to highlight the disability aspect associated with sacral insufficiency fractures, and its major socio-economic consequences.3,9,12 Blood test results are usually unremarkable, apart from mild-to-moderate elevation of the serum alkaline phosphatase level.2,8,10 Serum calcium, phosphorus, alkaline phosphatase, and vitamin-D levels should be determined in order to exclude metabolic bone disease. Serum protein electrophoresis is recommended when multiple myeloma is suspected. Depending on the preference of the surgeon, a variety of imaging techniques are used to establish the diagnosis. On plain radiographs, stress fractures through cancellous bone of osteoporotic patients are difficult to detect, especially in the sacrum (Fig. 6).32,33 The radiographic signs of sclerosis due to trabecular compression and callus formation may be subtle, owing to trabecular rarification and delay in the development of endosteal callus in osteoporotic Predisposing disease‡ (%) bone.1,23,28 Overlying bowel and calcified iliac arteries may further obscure bony details (Fig. 5). Associated pubic rami fractures (seen in up to 80% of patients with sacral insufficiency fractures) are often the only abnormality noted on pelvic radiographs. Diagnosis based on plain radiography alone was correct in only 12% of our patients, although in retrospect 32% had discernable sacral fractures. Whether pelvic inlet and outlet view radiographs increase the validity of assessment remains unresolved. In our series, such views did not appear to be helpful. When plain radiography is inconclusive, technetium bone scanning is highly sensitive and able to detect occult fractures of the pelvic ring.3,32,33 The pattern of uptake depends on the fracture configuration. However, due to the proximity of the sacrum to the detector of the gamma camera, scintigraphic activity is often increased, especially in the prone position, which makes it easy to overlook abnormalities. The characteristic ‘H-shape’ configuration, representing a combined bilateral vertical and horizontal sacral fractures (Fig. 7), was present in 32% of our patients, and in 15 to 68% of cases reported by others.3,10,16,28,32 Due to a lack of specificity, technetium bone scan results may be dismissed as sacroiliitis or metastatic disease, hence, a definitive diagnosis should not be based on scintigraphy alone.7,12,34 CT is regarded as the gold standard in diagnosing occult insufficiency fractures, because it can delineate bony details.23,35–37 Fracture lines and cortical disruptions Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery 344 OS Schindler et al. (a) 1 2 (b) 3 Figure 1 According to the Denis classification, most sacral insufficiency fractures are located in sector 1. Figure 2 (a) Coronal computed tomographic (CT) scan at the level of S2 of a 75-year-old woman demonstrating sclerotic fracture lines through both sacral alae medial to the sacro-illiac joints and lateral to the sacral foraminae. (b) Sagittal CT scan of the lumbo-sacral junction of a 91-yearold woman demonstrating an impacted horizontal fracture across the lower S1 vertebral body. A lucent line is present with a sclerotic margin, indicating a non-acute process. Figure 3 Coronal T1-weighted magnetic resonance images of a 79-year-old woman demonstrating bilateral vertical sacral fractures connected by a horizontal sacral fracture. The fractures assume a linear pattern of decreased signal intensity alongside the sacro-iliac joints and through the S1/2 sacral segment (arrows). are accurately demonstrated and distinguished from inflammatory or neoplastic processes.2,28 However, false-negative CT results have been reported in 15 to 25% of cases.3,16 In a series of 14 patients with sacral insufficiency fractures, sensitivity and specificity rates of 36% for radiography and 88% for CT were reported; for MRI, the sensitivity was 100% but specificity was only 83%.38 Although MRI is the most sensitive tool, fracture lines are best demonstrated using CT. Others reported sensitivity and specificity figures of only 68% for CT while technetium bone scanning provided a sensitivity of 100%.3 The routine use of scintigraphy in diagnosing sacral insufficiency fractures was therefore recommended. The presence of gas on CT images is called the ‘vacuum phenomenon’.39 The gas was located in the ventral part of the fractures or in the adjacent sacro-iliac joints. It is an important sign for differentiating between neoplasm and fracture; the ‘vacuum phenomenon’ is generally not found in patients with metastatic sacral disease. Some authors considered MRI the more sensitive diagnostic tool.16 Sacral insufficiency fractures have decreased signal intensity on T1-weighted images and increased signal intensity on T2-weighted images, which are features consistent with marrow oedema.17,16 The appearance of low signal areas in T1- Figure 4 Anteroposterior radiograph of a 72-year-old woman demonstrating chronic insufficiency fractures of the right pubic rami and an acute insufficiency fracture of the left sacrum. The left sacral ala shows buckling of its superior cortex. weighted sequences may mimic metastatic disease (Fig. 8) and lead to unnecessary bone biopsies.3,8,34 Although MRI might provide an excellent account of the fracture configuration, it is less specific and ambiguous for the purpose of image interpretation. The administration of calcium and vitamin-D supplements has limited value and efficacy in the advanced stages of osteoporosis. Bisphosphonates are more beneficial in postmenopausal and corticosteroidinduced osteoporosis; evidence confirms an increase in bone mineral density and a reduction in new fractures after 2 years of bisphosphonate treatment.40,41 However, their value as long-term medication after fractures remains controversial. With the increase in the elderly population, sacral insufficiency fractures may become epidemic in the Vol. 15 No. 3, December 2007 (a) Sacral insufficiency fractures 345 (b) * Figure 5 Anteroposterior radiographs of a 76-year-old woman demonstrating (a) an undisplaced fracture through the inferior sacro-iliac joint and the right iliac wing, which was missed on initial assessment, (b) 3 months later, an insufficiency fracture through the right hemi-pelvis with gross displaced fracture is seen. The increased bone density and sclerosis indicate that the fracture is longstanding and not acute. Figure 7 Delayed isotope bone scan of an 88-year-old woman 3 hours post injection demonstrates the classic ‘Hshape’ pattern, with increased activity in both sacral alae and within the sacral body and focal uptake around the left symphysis pubis. future. Primary and secondary osteoporoses are common causes. Once a diagnosis is established the treatment in most cases is simple, but recovery may be protracted and full mobility curtailed. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors wish to thank Sylvia Louise Davies for Figure 6 Anteroposterior radiograph of a 77-year-old woman with bilateral vertical sacral fractures. Fractures lines (arrows) and horizontal fracture component (asterisk) are not clearly distinguishable. Figure 8 T2-weighted magnetic resonance images of an 86-year-old woman with bilateral vertical sacral fractures showing a sagittal section through the lumbo-sacral junction. An area of inhomogeneous signal increase is present at the S1/2 level (arrows), raising the suspicion of a neoplasm. her help at various stages of the work. Appreciation is expressed for support given by members of the medical library at Southmead Hospital in Bristol, the medical illustration departments at Frenchay Hospital in Bristol, and Musgrove Park Hospital in Taunton, as well as Ellen Beales of the Droitwich Knee Foundation in Droitwich-Spa. REFERENCES 1. Lourie H. Spontaneous osteoporotic fracture of the sacrum. An unrecognized syndrome of the elderly. JAMA 1982;248:715–7. 2. Dasgupta B, Shah N, Brown H, Gordon TE, Tanqueray AB, Mellor JA. Sacral insufficiency fractures: an unsuspected cause of low back pain. Br J Rheumatol 1998;37:789–93. 3. Gotis-Graham I, McGuigan L, Diamond T, Portek I, Quinn R, Sturgess A, et al. Sacral insufficiency fractures in the elderly. J Bone Joint Surg Br 1994;76:882–6. 4. Rawlings CE 3rd, Wilkins RH, Martinez S, Wilkinson RH Jr. Osteoporotic sacral fractures: a clinical study. Neurosurgery 1988;22:72–6. 5. Shearman CM, el-Khoury GY. Pitfalls in the radiologic evaluation of extremity trauma: Part II. 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