Social Science Matrix Seminars

 Call for Proposals
Social Science Matrix Seminars
Social Science Matrix, Berkeley’s cross-disciplinary social science research institute, invites
Berkeley faculty, students, and researchers to propose seminar topics for the 2015-2016
academic year.
Matrix seminars bring together groups of scholars who are diverse in their rank and disciplinary
background, and who meet regularly to explore or develop a question of significance in the
social sciences. Seminar leaders usually work in teams of two. The goal of the seminars is to
support collaborations that integrate researchers of multiple ranks across the social-science
disciplines and beyond, and that re-frame research questions with both theoretical and empirical
implications. Funding proposals will be evaluated based on these goals.
All Matrix seminars receive full administrative support in coordination, scheduling, reserving
space in the Matrix office, and administering the seminar stipend. All seminars also receive
research development assistance from Matrix staff in identifying and applying for further
Matrix seminars may address any social-science research question, theoretical or empirical,
drawing upon any of the social sciences. Matrix is especially interested in original and emerging
approaches that explore new theoretical and empirical questions, and that combine research at
different scales and from different methodologies.
Matrix supports two kinds of seminars:
Prospecting Seminars run a single semester, meeting 5-6 times. Their purpose is to
explore a new area or question to assess whether it is a productive one for further
research, and if so to plan next steps. Prospecting seminars receive a stipend of $1500,
and when appropriate, they may convert to longer Research Seminars.
Research Seminars run two semesters, meeting regularly around a defined research
program. They may grow out of a Prospecting Seminar, and may begin in either
semester. Research seminars receive a stipend of $5000.
Applying for Funding
Applications should be submitted online at by March
31, 2015. Applicants will be notified of results by May 1, 2015.
If you are unable to submit the proposal through the online form, you may submit the proposal
with the cover sheets below, e-mailing materials to
Proposals should include:
A title and short abstract for the seminar, an indication of whether it will be a Research or a
Prospecting Seminar, and a choice of when the seminar will start in the 2015-2016
academic year.
A list of proposed participants, with email contacts, departmental affiliations, and
disciplinary backgrounds. Social Science Matrix encourages applicants to include graduate
students and postdoctoral researchers
A description of the topic to be investigated, including a concise statement of
interdisciplinary nature and significance, a planned sequence of meetings, and a statement
of projected outcomes. Description should be no more than two pages.
Please send inquiries and applications to Mia Bruch, Associate Director of Social Science Matrix
Social Science Matrix Seminars
Proposals will be preferably submitted through But
if you are unable to submit the proposal online or prefer to use PDF, you may submit the
proposal with the cover sheets below, e-mailing materials to
Primary Contact for Proposal:
Name ________________________________________
Indicate which: _________ Student ___________ Faculty _________Researcher
Department: ________________________________________
E-mail address: ______________________________________
Type of Seminar:
__________ Prospecting ($1500, one semester)
__________ Research ($5000, over one year)
Starting Semester (indicate fall/spring and year): ______________________________
Title of Proposed Seminar:
Short Abstract of Proposal:
Longer Description: A description of the topic to be investigated, including a concise statement
of interdisciplinary nature and significance, a planned sequence of meetings, and a statement of
projected outcomes. Description should be no more than two pages.
Seminar Name:
Name (note if
participant is a
seminar leader)
Departmental or
School Affiliation
E-Mail Address