Senior Spotlight - Meet Andrea C., St. Bernard H.S. Class of 2015

9100 Falmouth Avenue  Playa del Rey, California 90293  Ph: 310.823.4651
F: 310.827.3365
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Contact: Christina McCole
Phone: (310)823-4651 ext. 113
Senior Spotlight - Meet Andrea C., St. Bernard H.S. Class of 2015
Colleges of Acceptance: San Diego State University and Arizona State
Clubs & Activities: National Honors Society, La Sociedad - President,
Associated Student Body - Vice President, Viking Ambassador,
Engineering Club, Campus Ministry, and Theatre Arts
Honor/ AP Classes: AP Environmental Science, AP Calculus, AP English
Literature, AP Spanish Language, AP United States History, Honors Math
Analysis, Honors English, Honors Chemistry, Honors Trig/Algebra II, and
Honors Geometry
Sports: Varsity Volleyball and Cheer
Awards: Comitatus Bronze Award, Principal's Honor Roll, Excellence in
Spanish and Dance, and Best Supporting Actress
Fun Fact: Black belt in Tae Kwon Do and Hapkido
Cumulative GPA: 3.8
Elementary School: St. Augustine Catholic School
Andrea C. is…
A Faith Filled Disciple – “Andrea is a wonderful young lady who truly exemplifies the Christian values espoused by St. Bernard
High School.” John Caulfield, Government and Economics Teacher
A Passionate Learner –"I have had the privilege and honor of being Andrea's director in three St. Bernard productions. Andrea is
always so eager to dive into her script and learn lines, commit to her character, and nail her performance. Andrea is in her true
element when she is on a stage. It has been a treat to watch her explore her passion for performing while also taking time to hone
her craft. Andrea is an absolute gem of a student, and I am really going to miss her!" Ashley Napper, Director of Performing Arts
An Innovative Thinker –“Andrea is an exemplary St. Bernard student. As a Viking Ambassador, she was outstanding as a
Student Panel participant. She knows best about student life, as she has been involved in literally everything at St. Bernard. She
is a wonderful young lady and role model to younger students.” Christina McCole, Director of Admissions
A Courageous Leader – “Andrea exemplifies courage and leadership. Over the years, Andrea has encouraged others to join
theater production. Since her freshman year, she has shown tremendous courage and self-confidence in plunging into
productions and has always been awarded with prominent roles. Her spirit motivated others to do the same. Andrea also led
the Latino club, La Sociedad, for two years with passion and honor.” Leo Imbert, La Sociedad Moderator & Religion Teacher
An Honorable Citizen –“Andrea is involved in almost every aspect of student life at St. Bernard. Some would say she is the
heart of the Viking spirit. We all look up to her because she has such a big heart, is very approachable, and always looks out for
people. She has worked hard to achieve her goals and will go far in life.” Anonymous, Student
The mission of St. Bernard High School is to inspire students to be faith-filled disciples, passionate learners, courageous leaders, innovative
thinkers, and honorable citizens. We anchor this college preparatory education in Roman Catholic tradition and a diverse, faith-based community.
Andrea, we wish you much success! We invite YOU to campus to discover the Blessed, Bold, and Brilliant community we call: St.
Bernard. Please contact Christina McCole 310-823-4651 x 113 or for more information or to arrange a
campus tour today.