ADDENDUM NO. ONE Connally High School Roof Recover and HVAC CONNALLY ISD April 16, 2015 Page 1 of 3 Attachments: 20 To: Plans and Specifications for: Robinson Intermediate School Robinson ISD Robinson, Texas Claycomb Associates, Inc. Dallas, Texas 75240 6600 LBJ Freeway, Suite 200 This addendum is generally separated into sections for convenience; however, all contractors, subcontractors, material suppliers and other parties shall be responsible for the entire addenda. The failure to list an item or items in all affected sections of the addenda does not relieve any party affected from performing as per instructions, provided the information is set forth one time in any place in the addenda. This document shall become part of the construction documents. PROJECT MANUAL 01 10 00 – ALTERNATES 1. Revise PART 2 as follows: PART 2. PRODUCTS: 2.1 ALTERNATE NUMBER ONE (ADD ALTERNATE): Provide all labor, materials, equipment, etc to perform all HVAC AND ROOF PATCHING related work on the Administration Building as per the details on the drawings. 2.2 ALTERNATE NUMBER TWO (ADD ALTERNATE): Provide all labor, materials, equipment, etc to perform all work to fully cover the parapet walls at the High School Gym and Auditorium with METAL PANELS in lieu of single ply membrane as per the details on the drawings. 2.3 ALTERNATE NUMBER THREE (DEDUCT ALTERNATE): Provide all labor, materials, equipment, etc for the ADDITION OF A 50-MIL MECHANICALLY ATTACHED ROOF SYSTEM in lieu of Fully Adhered as specified. 2.4 ALTERNATE NUMBER FOUR (ADD ALTERNATE): Provide all labor, materials, equipment, etc for the ADDITION OF A METAL DECK at the High School Gym in lieu of replacing portions of the tectum deck as shown in the drawings. 2.5 ALTERNATE NUMBER FIVE (ADD ALTERNATE): Provide all labor, materials, equipment, etc TO REPLACE ALL THE TECTUM DECK WITH NEW TECTUM DECK at the High School Gym in lieu of replacing only portions of the tectum deck as shown in the drawings. 07 53 10 – ROOF-SINGLE PLY 1. Add this section in its entirety. Note that this replaces section 07 54 10 THERMOPLASTIC MEMBRANE ROOFING. 2. Note that Johns Manville has been added to the list of approved manufacturers. 07 54 10 – THERMOPLASTIC MEMBRANE ROOFING 1. Delete this section completely. Note that this is replaced with section 07 53 10 – ROOF-SINGLE PLY in this addendum. 23 09 00 – FACILITY MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL SYSTEM 1. 2.5(a) shall read as follows: 2.5 APPROVED CONTROL SYSTEM CONTRACTORS AND MANUFACTURERS A. Approved Control System Contractor and Manufacturer: Manufacturer Name T.A.C. Product Line SmartStruxure Contractor SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC Delta Delta Controls TEAM SOLUTIONS Name/Address Contact Michael Hacker 214 213 1546 Steven Warren 254-640-4998 ADDENDUM NO. ONE Connally High School Roof Recover and HVAC CONNALLY ISD April 16, 2015 Page 2 of 3 Attachments: 20 PROJECT DRAWINGS SHEET 4.1 1. Refer to new door B101A. Door relocated to corridor side of wall and modified to be fire rated. SHEET 5.1 1. Replace this sheet entirely. a. Revised section cuts referring to details 05-07/5.5. See revisions to Alternates for additional information. b. Added new roof drains to roof above dining/commons area. SHEET 5.5 1. Delete detail 07/5.5. 2. Revise title of detail 05/5.5 to read PARAPET DETAIL METAL PANEL – ALT 02 3. Refer to revised alternates in this addenda for additional information. SHEET 8.2: 1. 2. 3. Relocation of kitchen fan. Removal of AH/CU-6. Reconfiguration of AH/CU-4,5. SHEET 8.4: 1. 2. 3. 4. Addition of hail guards to existing to remain units. Relocation of kitchen fan. Addition of AH/CU-6. Reconfiguration of AH/CU-4,5. SHEET 8.5: 1. Removal of Split system 6 and 7 in admin area. SHEET 8.7: 1. 2. Removal of split systems 6 and 7 in admin area. Addition of VRF-01 System. SHEET 8.9: 1. 2. 3. Removal of Split system 6 and 7 in admin area alt #1 Addition of AH/CU-6 in HS area Addition of VRF schedule. SHEET 9.2: 1. Addition of gas drop town to kitchen. SHEET 9.4: 1. 2. 3. General note addling condensate to be taken to roof drains. Addition of gas pipe drop down to kitchen. Clarified note of existing piping to be painted. SHEET 9.5: 1. 2. Removal of new condensate piping General note adding condensate to be taken to roof drains. SHEET 9.6: 1. Addition of General Notes and Plan notes for clarification. SHEET 10.2 1. Revised notes to remove feeders. 2. Added note to remove splice and junction boxes. SHEET 10.4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Removed keyed note 13. Revised keyed note 14. Revised feeders to be replaced and NOT reused. Revised feeders and controls to be routed through roof curbs where possible. Added keyed note 24. ADDENDUM NO. ONE Connally High School Roof Recover and HVAC CONNALLY ISD SHEET 10.5 1. Revised per Mechanical changes. SHEET 10.7 1. Added FC units. 2. Added VRF unit. SHEET 10.9 1. Revised schedule per Mechanical changes. SHEET 10.10 1. Revised one-line to include new feeders. END OF ADDENDUM April 16, 2015 Page 3 of 3 Attachments: 20 ADDENDUM NO. ONE Connally High School Roof Recover and HVAC CONNALLY ISD ATTACHMENT MECHANICAL BID PACKAGE April 16, 2015 MECHANICAL BID PACKAGE CONNALLY ISD HIGH SCHOOL ROOF RECOVER & HVAC REPLACEMENT Company Name: I have received plans and specifications for the project listed above. I have also received Addendums No. _____ thru ____, and have included their provisions in my proposal. have examined both the documents and the site and submit the following proposal. In submitting the proposal, I agree to the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. To hold my bid open for 45 days after proposal receiving date. To enter into and execute a contract with Mazanec Construction Co. Inc., if awarded on the basis of this proposal. (See Subcontract Agreement Form in Specifications) I have read and agree with section 00 10 10 – Specific Instructions to Bidders in the project specifications. I have read and agree with section 00 10 10 – Rules of conduct in the project specifications. Provide the necessary material, labor and equipment for the completion of all Mechanical Demolition and New Mechanical Scope of work per specifications including, but not limited to the following: Contractor acknowledges that working every Saturday is required. Sundays may be required as well. coordination and cooperation of work with other trades, coordination and cooperation with Owner and professional consultants, pre-installation conference with roofing manufacturer’s representative, architect, construction superintendent, and representatives of affected adjacent trades, proper supervision, manpower, and equipment, daily debris removal, general cleanup and housekeeping which includes the cleaning of public streets , coordination of deliveries with project superintendent, at least 48 hours in advance, any required safety devices or equipment, water as necessary to complete work, cost associated with providing temporary toilets for use of subcontractor employees for duration of roof top unit change out work (Approximately 2 months) Mechanical contractor will be responsible to remove existing condensate, and install new condensate and specified pipe stands, Mechanical Contractor will be responsible for removing all gas piping as shown on plans and installing new gas piping and specified pipe stands, Mechanical Contractor will be responsible for removing the existing RTU’s and curb adapters as shown on plans prior to roof installation and cap existing roof curb with temporary plastic, covered with a sheet of ¾” plywood capped with a sheet metal cover/cap, At locations where existing RTU’s, curb adapters and original curbs are removed to existing deck, the Mechanical will not remove the existing curb. At these locations, the Mechanical Contractor will be responsible for removing the existing RTU’s and curb adapters prior to roof installation and cap existing roof curb with temporary plastic, covered with a sheet of ¾” plywood capped with a sheet metal cover/cap. At the time of the re-roof, the roofer will remove the existing curb at the deck, and the Mechanical Contractor will be required to secure exsiting ductwork from under side of deck and install the new required curb. G:\CLAYCOMB\Connally ISD\#21500-Connally HS Roof Recover & HVAC\#21500 SPECS\#21500-Addendum #1\files\Mehcanical Package.doc Mechanical Contractor is responsible for saw cutting existing brick/CMU, concrete, or sheet metal walls for installation of any new outside air / fresh air duct and grilles. Mechanical Contractor is responsible for extending any and all existing exhaust fans to accommodate for new roof elevation, Mechanical Constractor is responsible for facility Management and Control Systems per specifications section 23 09 00. Mechanical Contractor is responsible to contractor with a certified Test and Balance Company. Existing Grilles and Ductwork will not be required to be tested, only new RTU’s. Mazanec Construction will be responsible for electrical work required to extend electrical service for new roof top units, complete water tight system upon completion of each work day to prevent water damage to existing school, All employees must adhere to the “6 foot leading edge” rule, per OSHA standards. If any employee is working less than 6 feet from the roof edge, that employee MUST wear a full body harness and be tied off to a structure capable of withstanding 5000 lb of force, per OSHA standards. When working in the gymnasium area, all employees are required to be tied-off 100%, and all other accessories for a complete and operational project. BASE BID – High School: Include all items listed above and removal and disposal of all existing roof top unit equipment, and supply and install new curbs, curb adapters and roof top unit equipment. $_____________________________________ Add for Facility Management & Controls at High School: $____________________ Add to remove gas piping and install new gas piping, gas piping stands, and new water heaters at the High School: $____________________ Add to paint gas piping: $____________________ ALTERNATE #1: Provide all labor, materials, equipment, etc. to perform all HVAC related work on the Administration Building as per the details on the drawings. $____________________________________ Add for Facility Management & Controls at the Administration Building: $____________________ ALTERNATE #2: Provide all labor materials, equipment, etc. to perform all work to cover the Gym and Auditorium walls at the High School with metal panels in lieu of single ply. (refer to detail 05/5.5) Roofer to include all angle iron, metal framing, plywood, metal panels, and metal flashing. $____________________________________ ALTERNATE #3: Provide all labor, materials, equipment, etc. for the ADDITION OF 50-MIL MECHANICALLY ATTACHED PVC ROOF SYSTEM in lieu of fully adhered attached as specified. $____________________________________ ALTERNATE #4: Provide all labor, materials, equipment, etc. for the removal of the roof system along with the tectum deck, install new 22 gauge, 3” Acoustical Metal Deck., install new insulation, and new roofing system at the Gymansium area only. $____________________________________ G:\CLAYCOMB\Connally ISD\#21500-Connally HS Roof Recover & HVAC\#21500 SPECS\#21500-Addendum #1\files\Mehcanical Package.doc Cost to ADD P&P Bond: $_______________ **Schedule of work – Milestone Dates** RTU Submittals Due RTU – Remove Old Units and Cover Existing Curbs – Start on Start Roof Installation RTU Delivered onsite RTU Installation Completion and Control Operational Due on May 8, 2015 June 6, 2015 June 6, 2015 No Later than June 8, 2015 No Later than July 31, 2015 COMPANY: ________________________________ NAME: ________________________________ SIGNATURE: _________________________________ DATE: _________________________________ G:\CLAYCOMB\Connally ISD\#21500-Connally HS Roof Recover & HVAC\#21500 SPECS\#21500-Addendum #1\files\Mehcanical Package.doc ADDENDUM NO. ONE Connally High School Roof Recover and HVAC CONNALLY ISD ATTACHMENT ROOFING BID PACKAGE April 16, 2015 ROOFING BID PACKAGE CONNALLY ISD HIGH SCHOOL ROOF RECOVER & HVAC REPLACEMENT Company Name: I have received plans and specifications for the project listed above. I have also received Addendums No. _____ thru ____, and have included their provisions in my proposal. have examined both the documents and the site and submit the following proposal. In submitting the proposal, I agree to the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. To hold my bid open for 45 days after proposal receiving date. To enter into and execute a contract with Mazanec Construction Co. Inc., if awarded on the basis of this proposal. (See Subcontract Agreement Form in Specifications) I have read and agree with section 00 10 10 – Specific Instructions to Bidders in the project specifications. I have read and agree with section 00 10 10 – Rules of conduct in the project specifications. Provide the necessary material, labor and equipment for the completion of all Mechanical Demolition and New Mechanical Scope of work per specifications including, but not limited to the following: Contractor acknowledges that working every Saturday is required. Sundays may be required as well. coordination and cooperation of work with other trades, coordination and cooperation with Owner and professional consultants, pre-installation conference with roofing manufacturer’s representative, architect, construction superintendent, and representatives of affected adjacent trades, proper supervision, manpower, and equipment, daily debris removal, general cleanup and housekeeping which includes the cleaning of public streets , coordination of deliveries with project superintendent, at least 48 hours in advance, any required safety devices or equipment, water as necessary to complete work, cost associated with providing temporary toilets for use of subcontractor employees for duration of roofing work, Existing electrical conduits will be removed by the electrical contractor prior to and while roofer is onsite. Roofer is to coordinate work with Mazanec and Electrical Contractor while the Electrical Contractor is installing new conduits. Existing gas piping will be removed by Mechanical Contractor prior to and while roofer is onsite. Roofer is to coordinate work with Mazanec and Mechanical Contractor while the Mechanical Contractor is installing the new gas piping, removal of roof debris as necessary to complete installation of new installation and new roof system, coordinate with contractor and school district during removal of any RTU’s, roofer is to assist, if necessary, to make areas weather tight, provide and install crickets as necessary around all mechanical curbs and equipment to create proper drainage, Provide all walk-way pads around roof hatched, access ladders, and equipment, wood nailers and new pre-finished metal coping as required per details on sheet 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, & 5.6, provide and install galvanized splash pans at all high/low roof conditions, provide and install all pitch-pans as necessary, F:\BIDS 2015\Connally ISD - HS -Roofing Package.doc Mechanical contractor will be responsible to remove existing condensate, and install new condensate and specified pipe stands, Mechanical Contractor will be responsible for removing all gas piping as shown on plans and installing new gas piping and specified pipe stands, Mechanical Contractor will be responsible for removing the existing RTU’s and curb adapters as shown on plans prior to roof installation and cap existing roof curb with temporary plastic, covered with a sheet of ¾” plywood capped with a sheet metal cover/cap, At locations where existing RTU’s, curb adapters and original curbs are removed to existing deck, the Mechanical will not remove the existing curb. At these locations, the Mechanical Contractor will be responsible for removing the existing RTU’s and curb adapters prior to roof installation and cap existing roof curb with temporary plastic, covered with a sheet of ¾” plywood capped with a sheet metal cover/cap. At the time of the re-roof, the roofer will remove and dispose of the existing curb at the deck, and the Mechanical Contractor will be required to secure exsiting ductwork from under side of deck and install the new required curb. Mechanical Contractor is responsible for extending any and all existing exhaust fans to accommodate for new roof elevation, complete water tight system upon completion of each work day to prevent water damage to existing school, All employees must adhere to the “6 foot leading edge” rule, per OSHA standards. If any employee is working less than 6 feet from the roof edge, that employee MUST wear a full body harness and be tied off to a structure capable of withstanding 5000 lb of force, per OSHA standards, When working over the gymnasium area, all employers are required o be 100% tied-off. Daily Checklist MUST be COMPLETELY filled out each day and submitted to a Mazanec Construction representative via email, fax, or in person, Roofing Contractor will be required to walk the entire roof once the Roof Top Units are replaced to repair any damage done to the roof after units are replaced, Roofing Contractor is to include 3,000 SF of tectum deck replacements at the gymnasium area. Tectum deck is 32 inches wide, 2 inches thick. and all other accessories for a complete and operational project. BASE BID – High School: Include all items listed above and removal and disposal of all existing roof and supply and install roofing system $_____________________________________ Unit Price per SF of Tectum Deck replacement: $____________________ ALTERNATE #1: Provide all labor, materials, equipment, etc. to perform roof patching at all HVAC related work on the Administration Building as per the details on the drawings. $____________________________________ ALTERNATE #2: Provide all labor materials, equipment, etc. to perform all work to cover the Gym and Auditorium walls at the High School with metal panels in lieu of single ply (refer to detail 05/5.5) Roofer to include all angle iron, metal framing, plywood, metal panels, and metal flashing. $____________________________________ ALTERNATE #3: Provide all labor, materials, equipment, etc. for the ADDITION OF A 50-MIL MECHANCIALLY ATTACHED PVC ROOF SYSTEM in lieu of fully adhered as specified. $____________________________________ ALTERNATE #4: Provide all labor, materials, equipment, etc. for the removal of the roof system along with the tectum deck, install new 22 gauge, 3” Acoustical Metal Deck. , install new insulation, and new roofing system at gymnasium roof only. $____________________________________ F:\BIDS 2015\Connally ISD - HS -Roofing Package.doc ALTERNATE #5: Provide all labor, materials, equipment, etc. for the removal of the roof system along with all the tectum deck, install new 2” thick tectum deck, install new insulation, and new roofing system at gymnasium roof only. $____________________________________ Cost to ADD P&P Bond: $__________________ **Schedule of work – Milestone Dates** Roofing Submittals Due Start Roof Installation Roofing Installation Completion Due on May 8, 2015 June 6, 2015 No Later than July 31, 2015 COMPANY: ________________________________ NAME: ________________________________ SIGNATURE: _________________________________ DATE: _________________________________ F:\BIDS 2015\Connally ISD - HS -Roofing Package.doc ADDENDUM NO. ONE Connally High School Roof Recover and HVAC CONNALLY ISD ATTACHMENT - SPECIFCATIONS 07 53 10 – ROOF-SINGLE PLY April 16, 2015 ROOF-PVC SINGLE PLY 07 53 10 PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 1.2 1.3 WORK INCLUDES PROVIDING AND INSTALLING AN ADHERED 60 MIL PVC ROOFING SYSTEM REFERENCES A. Roofing Terminology: Refer to ASTM D1079 for definition of terms related to roofing work not otherwise defined in this Section. B. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) 1. ASTM D 570 – 1981 (R 1988) Water Absorption of Plastics 2. ASTM D 638 – 1991 Tensile Properties of Plastics 3. ASTM D 751 – 1989 Coated Fabrics 4. ASTM D 882 - 1991 Tensile Properties of Thin Plastic Sheeting 5. ASTM D 1004 – 1990 Initial Tear Resistance of Plastic Film and Sheeting 6. ASTM D 1204 – 1984 Linear Dimensional Changes of Nonrigid Thermoplastic Sheeting or Film at Elevated Temperature 7. ASTM D 2136 – 1984 (R 1989) Coated Fabrics – Low-Temperature Bend Test 8. ASTM D 2565 – 1982 Operating Xenon Arc-Type Light Exposure Apparatus With and Without Water for Exposure of Plastics 9. ASTM D 3045 – 1974 ( 1984) Heat Aging of Plastics Without Load 10. ASTM D 4434 – 1987 Poly (Vinyl Chloride) Sheet Roofing 11. ASTM E 108 – 1991 (Rev. A) Fire Tests of Roof Coatings 12. ASTM G 21 – 1990 Determining Resistance of Synthetic Polymeric Materials to Fungi 13. ASTM G 53 – 1991 Operating Light – and Water-Exposure Apparatus (Fluorescent UV-Condensation Type) for Exposure of Nonmetallic Materials PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. General Requirements: Provide an installed thermoplastic single ply roofing system, flashings and related work that are watertight and will not permit the passage of liquid water, that will withstand wind loads, thermally induced movement, and exposure to weather without failure. B. Comply with all local governing building codes and regulations. C. Material Compatibility: Provide roofing materials that are compatible with one another under conditions of service and application required, as demonstrated by roofing system manufacturer based on testing and field experience. D. Roofing System Design: Comply with American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) for the following ground roughness exposure and system design: 1. . 2. System 1 Design: Adhered Single Ply Membrane Roofing. 1.4 E. Performance Requirements: Provide roofing membrane system, including membrane, base flashings, and component materials shall be made watertight and shall withstand the design pressures that meet ASCE 7 – “Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures.” Uplift requirements will be based upon the basic wind velocity pressures for the project according to American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) 7 for the specific project conditions. Calculations shall be based upon: 1. Wind Speed = 90 mph at 3 second gust 2. Wind Load Importance Factor = 1.15 minimum or as per project’s building requirements. 3. Exposure C: City and suburban areas, wooded areas, other terrain with numerous closely spaced obstructions such as single-family dwellings or larger 4. Classification of Building: Category III F. Underwriter’s Laboratories Inc. (UL) 1. UL RMSD – 2007 Roofing Materials and Systems Directory 2. UL 790 – 2007 Fire Resistance of Roofing Coverings Materials 3. Exterior Fire Exposure Classification: Class A, ASTM E 108, for application and slopes shown. SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit latest edition of manufacturer’s roofing and base flashing specifications including list of materials proposed for use, installation procedures, and manufacturer’s Product Safety Data Sheets. ROBINSON ISD, INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL, #21468 CLAYCOMB ASSOCIATES, INC. 3/5/2015 ROOF-PVC SINGLE PLY 07 53 10-1 ROOF-PVC SINGLE PLY 07 53 10 B. Provide evidence that the proposed roof system meets the requirements of the local building code and has been tested and approved or listed by the following test organizations. These requirements are minimum standards and no roofing shall commence without written documentation of the system’s compliance, as required in the “Submittals” section of this specification. 1. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. – Northbrook, IL, Class A assembly; Listing: UL Class A external fire exposure. 2. Certifications: Submit documentation of compliance with local building code wind speed requirements at project location. C. Two samples for verification of the following products: 1. Sheet roofing, of Sarnafil PVC membrane. 2. PVC clad metal in the selected color from manufacturer “standard PVC clad metal colors.” 3. PVC Walkpads. D. Warranty: Sample copy of Twenty (20) –year (NDL) Full System manufacturer’s warranty stating obligations, remedies, limitations, and exclusions of warranty. 1.5 E. Maintenance Data: Submit manufacturer’s complete recommended maintenance procedures for the roofing system, including precautions and warnings to prevent damage and deterioration to the roofing system. F. Inspection Report: Copy of roofing system manufacturer’s final inspection report of completed roofing installation. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installer Qualifications: Engage an experienced installer to perform work of this Section who has specialized in installing PVC roofing systems and who is approved, authorized or licensed by the roofing system manufacturer for a minimum of three years prior to bid date to install a Sika Sarnafil’s products. B. Manufacturer Qualifications: Provide primary products, including each component of the single ply membrane system and related flashings produced by a single manufacturer, which has produced that type system successfully for not less than 20 years. Provide secondary products, including insulation, coated metal flashings, fasteners, and other accessories, which are acceptable to the single ply membrane manufacturer for use with roofing system indicated. C. Manufacturer PVC membrane shall meet the following characteristics: 1. Protective membrane surface coating to resist accumulation of air borne contaminants such as dust and dirt. 2. Certification that the PVC membrane is within 2 mil thickness of the specified membrane thickness. ASTM D751 or D638 nominal thickness of +/- 10 percent will not be acceptable for measurement of membrane thickness. D. Factory Technical Representative: Roofing Contractor is to arrange and schedule the manufacturer’s technical representative to be on site the first day of the installation of manufacturer’s roofing system. The manufacturer's technical representative shall inspect the work of the contractor at least one time each week during the course of the installation of the PVC roofing system. The manufacturer's technical representative shall perform with the owner's representative and the roofing contractor a final inspection of the roofing system. At the completion of the final inspection, provide to the roofing contractor a list of punch list items (if any) to be corrected before technically acceptance of the roofing project. E. Contractors Responsibility: Any failure by the Owner’s Representative or Manufacturer’s Representative to detect, pinpoint, or object to any defect or noncompliance of these specifications of work in progress or completed work shall not relieve the contractor, or reduce, or in any way limit, his responsibility of full performance of work required of him under these specifications. F. Owner’s Responsibility: The Owner may require tests and inspections as necessary to verify quality of roofing materials and workmanship. Laboratory test will be performed in accordance with ASTM standard procedures. 1. Owner will select testing laboratory and will pay for Work required by testing laboratory. 2. Retest for Work which fail initial tests or inspections shall be paid by the contractor. G. Fire-Tested-Response Characteristics: Provide roofing materials with the fire-tested-response characteristics indicated as determined by testing identical products per test method indicated by UL, FM, or another testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. Identify materials with appropriate markings of applicable testing and inspecting agency. H. Preliminary Roofing Conference: Before starting roof deck construction, conduct conference at Project site. Meet ROBINSON ISD, INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL, #21468 CLAYCOMB ASSOCIATES, INC. 3/5/2015 ROOF-PVC SINGLE PLY 07 53 10-2 ROOF-PVC SINGLE PLY 07 53 10 with the all participants involved with the project, i.e. Project Architect, Owner’s Representative, and Factory Technical Representative. In addition, review status of submittals and coordination of work related to roof construction. Notify participants at least 7 working days before conference. Provide copy of roofing conference minutes to all participants involved with the project. I. 1.6 Notify Owner’s Representative and Manufacturer Technical Representative a minimum of 7 working days in advance of start of fieldwork. Manufacturer Technical Representative shall be present to review of all phases of the installation of the roofing system. DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver, store and handle roofing products to Project site in strict accordance with the manufacturer's latest published requirements and specifications. B. Packing and Shipping: Deliver materials in manufacturer's original, unopened containers or wrappings with labels intact and legible. Where materials are covered by a referenced specification number, labels shall bear the specification number, type, class, compliance with UL requirements, date of manufacturer, and shelf life expiration date where applicable. The material shall be within its listed shelf life when applied. Deliver materials in sufficient quantity to allow work to proceed without interruption. C. Storage and Protection: 1. Store and protect materials from damage and weather in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, expect as specified otherwise. Keep materials clean and dry. Use pallets to support materials from roof surface and canvas tarpaulins to completely cover the stored material. Do not use polyethylene sheet as a covering. Locate materials temporarily stored on the roofing in approved areas. Distribute the load to stay within live load limits of the roof construction. Remove unused materials from the roof at the end of each day’s work. 2. When hazardous materials are involved, adhere to special precautions of the manufacturer and applicable Material Safety Data Sheets. Adhesives may contain petroleum distillates and may be extremely flammable; do not use near sparks or open flame. Distillate vapors are also potentially hazardous when inhaled; caution personnel about breathing vapors. Do not use materials contaminated by exposure to moisture. Remove contaminated materials from the site. 3. As a general rule, all adhesives shall be stored at temperatures between 40°F and 80°F. Read all instructions on all containers and packaging for specific storage instructions. 4. All materials which are determined to be damaged by the Owner’s Representative or Sika Sarnafil representative are to be removed from the job site and replaced at no cost to the Owner. 1.7 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Weather Limitations: Proceed with roofing work only when existing and forecasted weather conditions permit roofing to be installed according to manufacturer’s written instructions and warranty requirements. B. Environmental Requirements: 1. Apply roofing in dry weather. 2. Do not expose roof components and flashing in inclement weather or when it is predicted for inclement weather. 3. When ambient temperature is below 40 degrees Fahrenheit, expose only enough sensitive cements, sealants, and adhesives as required for use within a four-hour period. 4. Do not expose membrane and accessories to a constant temperature of 180 degrees Fahrenheit. C. Protection: 1. Provide special protection and avoid traffic on completed areas of membrane installation. 2. Restore to original condition or replace work or materials damaged during handling of roof materials. 3. Take precautions as required to protect adjacent work and structures. D. Emergency Equipment: Maintain on site equipment necessary to apply emergency temporary edge seal in event of sudden storms or inclement weather. E. Protective wear shall be worn when using solvents or adhesives or as required by job conditions. F. Contractor shall follow all OSHA requirements and other relevant safety and fall protection standards when working on the roof. G. Fastener Pullout Test: Contractor is to field verify the correct fastener lengths to meet project attachment requirements. The Applicator shall conduct fastener pullout tests in accordance with the latest revision of the ROBINSON ISD, INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL, #21468 CLAYCOMB ASSOCIATES, INC. 3/5/2015 ROOF-PVC SINGLE PLY 07 53 10-3 ROOF-PVC SINGLE PLY 07 53 10 SPRI/ANSI Fastener Pullout Standard to help verify condition of deck/substrate and to confirm expected pullout values. H. The manufacturer’s adhered membrane shall not be installed under the following conditions without consulting the manufacturer for precautionary steps: 1. The roof assembly permits interior air to pressurize the membrane underside. 2. Any exterior wall has 10% or more of the surface area comprised of opening doors or windows. 3. The wall/deck intersections air entry into the wall flashing area. 1.8 WARRANTY A. General Warranty: The warranties specified in this Article shall not deprive the Owner of other rights of the Owner my have under other provisions of the Contractor Documents and shall be in addition to, and run concurrent with, other warranties made by the Contractor under requirements of the Contract Documents. B. Roofing Manufacturer’s Warranty: Submit a written warranty with all available options, flashing endorsement and including roof insulation, and roofing manufacturer’s accessories, and signed by roofing system manufacturer’s agreeing to promptly repair leaks resulting from defects in materials or workmanship for the following warranty period and type: 1. Warranty Period: 20-Year Full Systems (NDL) Warranty after date Substantial Completion. 2. The warranty shall guarantee the entire roof system and associated work against defective materials and workmanship of installation, with NO exclusions for ponding of water. 3. Warranty shall include a wind speed warranty for 90 mph C. Contractor's warranty: The roofing contractor shall supply the owner with a minimum two-year workmanship warranty. In the event any work related to roofing, flashing, or metal work is found to be defective or otherwise not in accordance with the contract documents within five (5) years of substantial completion, the roofing contractor shall remove and replace at no cost to the owner. The contractor's warranty obligation shall run directly to the owner, and a copy shall be sent to the PVC manufacturer. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 2.2 GENERAL A. The components of the roof system are to be products of a single manufacturer as required to provide the specified system warranty. B. Install all materials in accordance with manufacturer’s current written specifications and details. Deviations shall not be made without prior written approval from the manufacturer and the Owner’s Representative. Should any specifications or details conflict with the Contract Documents, submit to Owner the recommended alternative that provides the best long term moisture protection and complies with manufacturer’s warranty requirements for approval. MANUFACTURERS: A. 2.3 Approved PVC Roofing System Manufacturers: 1. Sika Sarnafil, Inc., 100 Dan Road, Canton, MA 02021. 800-451-2504. 2. Duro-Last Roofing, Inc., 525 Morley Drive, Saginaw, MI 48601. 800-248-0280. 3. Carlisle SynTec Systems, P.O. Box 7000, Carlisle, PA 17013. 800-479-6832. 4. Johns Manville, 717 17th Street, Denver, CO, 80202, 303-978-2497 PVC SHEET For the basis of establishing a minimum performance criterion, specifications are based on Sika Sarnafil G410: PVC single-ply roofing systems as manufactured by Sika Sarnafil Inc. All PVC membranes shall comply with the following items: A. PVC Sheet: Uniform, flexible sheet formed from polyvinyl chloride, complying with ASTM D 4434-96, "Standard for Polyvinyl Chloride Sheet Roofing,” of the following type, thickness, and exposed face color: 1. Classification Type II, Grade I, fiberglass-reinforced PVC. 2. Membrane Brand Name: Sarnafil G410 EnergySmart® Membrane with Décor Profile. 3. PVC Thickness: 60 mils 4. UL Class A. 5. Color: White 6. Membrane Felt Backing: Polyester with a weight content of 9 oz. per square yard. ROBINSON ISD, INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL, #21468 CLAYCOMB ASSOCIATES, INC. 3/5/2015 ROOF-PVC SINGLE PLY 07 53 10-4 ROOF-PVC SINGLE PLY 07 53 10 B. Physical Properties: Parameters Reinforcing Material Overall Thickness, inches Tensile Strength, min., psi (MPa) Elongation at Break, min. (machine x tranverse) Seam strength*, min. (% of tensile strength) Tearing Resistance, min., lbf (N) Low Temperature Bend, -40ºF (-40ºC) Accelerated Weathering Test (Florescent Initial Solar Reflectance Emissivity Solar Reflective Index (SRI) ASTM Test Method D638 D638 D638 D638 D1004 D2136 G154 E903 E408, C1371 E1980 Minimum ASTM Requirement G410 Physical Properties 0.045 1500 (10.4) 250% M.D. / 230% C.M.D. 75 10 (45.0) Pass 5,000 Hours ---- Fiberglass 0.060 1600 (11.1) 270% M.D. / 250% C.M.D. 80 14 (63.0) Pass 10,000 Hours 0.83 0.90 >104 *Failure occurs through membrane rupture not seam failure. 2.4 ACCESSORIES A. General: Furnish auxiliary materials recommended by roofing system manufacturer for intended use and compatible with membrane roofing materials. 1. Furnish liquid-type auxiliary materials that meet VOC limits of authorities having jurisdictions. B. Flashing and Flashing Accessories: As recommended by the Thermoplastic sheet manufacturer's printed instructions for reinforced sheet flashing of same material, type, 60 mil thickness, and color as sheet membrane. C. Polyester Felt: A 9-ounce per square yard polyester fabric, used to separate the PVC membrane from contaminated surfaces. D. Fasteners: FM Approved corrosion resistant steel screws of the appropriate size for fasteners for roof membrane and insulation attachment and for sheet metal flashing. Fasteners for the membrane shall be supplied by the thermoplastic manufacturer and are to be installed as recommended by PVC sheet manufacturer's printed instructions. E. Membrane Bonding Adhesive: A water-based or contact adhesive used to attach membrane to the horizontal or near-horizontal substrate. Application rates are to be as recommended by thermoplastic sheet manufacturer's printed instructions. F. Membrane Flashing Bonding Adhesive: A solvent-based reactivating-type adhesive used to attach the flashing membrane to the substrate, either horizontally or vertically. Application rates are to be as recommended by thermoplastic sheet manufacturer's printed instructions. The solvent-based reactivating-type adhesive is to install in such a manner to develop a bond between the membrane and the substrate to which the membrane is to be attached. G. Metal Termination Bars: Manufacturer’s standard aluminum bars, approximately 1-inch (25-mm) wide, roll formed and pre-punched. H. Metal Battens: Manufacturer’s standard aluminum-zinc-alloy-coated or zinc-coated steel sheet, approximately 1 inch wide by 0.05 inch thick, pre-punched every 6 inches on center. I. Metal Flashings, Copings, Edge Trim and Accessories: Provide all roofing manufacturer’s metal and metal accessories as required for a complete roofing system covered under the manufacturer’s warranty. J. Sealant: Membrane manufacturer’s approved sealant shall be used to seal penetrations through the membrane system and at miscellaneous sealant applications that come in contact with roof systems components. K. Vapor/Air Retarder Membrane: As required by manufacturer to meet specific wind design or vapor retarder requirements. The vapor/air retarder membrane shall be a minimum of 10 mil. Polyethylene sheeting, which will ROBINSON ISD, INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL, #21468 CLAYCOMB ASSOCIATES, INC. 3/5/2015 ROOF-PVC SINGLE PLY 07 53 10-5 ROOF-PVC SINGLE PLY 07 53 10 be used as an air barrier to protect the roof from positive pressure to the underside of the roofing system or a vapor retarder for the roofing system. L. Sealing Tape: A high performance sealant tape with superior surface tack that remains elastic and is designed to bond the PVC membrane and a variety of metals. Sealing tape strip is used to seal the metal roof edge of buildings reducing air infiltration into the roof assembly, behind the PVC membrane flashing at termination details, and to seal the overlaps of the air/vapor retarder membrane. M. Metal Reglet: Manufacturer’s 6063T5 extruded aluminum counterflashing, approximately 2.25 inches wide and 0.10 inch thick, pre-punched at 8 inches o.c. for attachment to the wall or curb. Use prefabricated mitered inside and outside corners where walls interest. N. Membrane Securement Bar: An approved, heavy-duty 14 guage, galvanized or stainless, roll-formed steel bar used to attach membrane to the roof deck. The formed steel is pre-punched with holes every 1 inch on center to allow various fastener spacing options. O. Miscellaneous Accessories: Provide pourable sealants, performed cone and vent sheet flashings, performed inside and outside corner sheet flashings, T-joint covers, termination reglets, and other accessories as recommended by roofing system manufacturer for intended use. P. Sarnadrain-RAC: PVC coated, heavy-duty aluminum drain insert that mechanically seals to the drainpipe interior. Sarnadrain-RAC is made of 0.080 inch (2mm) thick 6063 aluminum with a urethane seal installed at the end of the drainpipe. The large 14-inch x 14-inch (0.36m x 0.36 m) drain strainer is also made of 0.080 inch (2mm) thick aluminum stock. The flange dimensions of Sarnadrain-RAC are 18-inches x 18-inches (0.46 m x 0.46 m). Q. Walkway Protection shall be produced from polyester reinforced, slip resisting, nonporous, 0.096 inch (96-mil/2.4 mm), weldable PVC membrane with surface embossment. Walkway protection should be used as a protection layer from rooftop traffic. Color of the walkway shall be Light Grey. R. Décor Profile shall be 1 ¼” high x 18 ¾” o.c. PVC estensions to give apprearance of a standing seam metal rib roof system. Color shall match adjacent roof. S. 2.5 PART 3 3.1 Other miscellaneous materials shall be of the best grade available and approved in writing by roof system manufacturer, prior to use, for the specific application. INSULATION MATERIALS A. General: Provide performed roof insulation boards that comply with requirements, selected from manufacturer’s standard sizes and of thickness indicated. See Specification Section 07 22 00. B. Provide a minimum of ¼ inch per foot preformed saddles, crickets, tapered edge strips, and other polyisocyanurate insulation shapes where indicated on project details for sloping to drain. EXECUTION EXAMINATION A. Examine and verify that receiving substrate surfaces of the structure have no defects or errors, which would result in poor or potentially defective application or cause latent defects in workmanship. 1. Examine substrate to which roofing material is to be applied to ensure that its condition is satisfactory for roofing application. Do not permit voids greater than 1/4 inch wide in the substrate. Substrates for roofing materials shall be dry and free of oil, dirt, grease, sharp edges, and debris. Inspect substrates, and correct defects before application of thermoplastic sheets. B. Verify that all roofing openings and penetrations are in place and set and braced before installation of the roofing system. C. Verify that roof drains are properly clamped into position and are free of any obstruction for proper flow of water. D. Do not proceed with installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. Starting installation shall imply acceptance of surfaces and conditions. ROBINSON ISD, INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL, #21468 CLAYCOMB ASSOCIATES, INC. 3/5/2015 ROOF-PVC SINGLE PLY 07 53 10-6 ROOF-PVC SINGLE PLY 07 53 10 3.2 SUBSTRATE PREPARATION A. Substrate Surface: Prepare substrate surfaces to insure proper and adequate installation, in strict accordance with the Contract Documents and approved Shop Drawings, or manufacturer's requirements. B. Fill all gaps and voids between substrate components that are wider than 1/4 inch. Fill all gaps with same materials as the substrate or with approved low rise urethane foam. C. Consult PVC manufacturer for specific types of substrates that are suitable for use with the bonding adhesive and PVC membrane. D. Protection of Adjacent Areas or Surfaces: Protect adjacent areas or surfaces from damage as a result of the Work of this section. Remove sharp projections. 3.3 E. Prevent materials from entering and clogging roof drains and conductors and from spilling or migrating onto surfaces of other construction. Remove roof-drain plugs when no work is taking place or when rain is forecast. F. Complete terminations and base flashings and provide temporary seals to prevent water from entering completed sections of the roofing system at the end of the workday or when rain is forecast. Remove and discard temporary seals before beginning work on adjoining roofing TAPERED AND FLAT STOCK INSULATION BOARD A. 3.4 General Criteria: 1. Install the specified insulation per the required ASCE-7 Windstorm Resistance Classification and to the insulation and roofing systems manufacturer’s written instructions. Fasten insulation according to requirements of FM’s “Approval Guide” for specified instructions. 2. Warped or bent of new insulation boards are not acceptable. 3. Flat and Tapered insulation shall be a maximum size of 4' x 8'. 4. When the insulation exceeds 2.5 inches in thickness, the insulation shall be installed in multiple layers. 5. Installation of Insulation: The insulation shall be laid in parallel courses with end joints staggered 1/3 the overall length of the insulation board. The succeeding layers of tapered or flat stock insulation shall be laid transverse to the proceeding layer, with joints staggered at least 1/3 of overall length from those of the proceeding layer. The insulation joints shall be placed as closed together as possible. Any voids will be filled with the approved low-rise urethane adhesive. 6. Insulation shall be neatly cut to fit around penetrations and projections. Fill all cracks and voids between the insulation and the penetration with the approved low rise urethane adhesive. 7. Provided additional performed tapered insulation (crickets and saddles) as required to provide a minimum roof slope of ¼ inch per foot to the roof drains, and at crickets required to direct water around roof hatches, equipment curbs, and along roof parapet walls. Minimum thickness at the base of the roof drain shall be 1.50 inches. Refer to project drawings for location(s) of tapered insulation. 8. Do not install more insulation board than can be covered with roofing membrane by the end of the day, or onset of inclement weather. PROTECTON BOARD INSTALLATION A. Fasten Dens-Deck® Prime according to requirements for the ASCE-7 calculations for the project’s wind uplift requirements and to the roofing systems manufacturer’s written instructions. B. Comply with roofing system manufacturer's written instructions for installing Dens-Deck® Prime boards. C. Warped or bent cover boards are not acceptable. D. Single Layer of Dens-Deck® Prime: The Dens-Deck® Prime shall be laid in parallel courses with end joints staggered. The layer of Dens-Deck® Prime shall be laid transverse to the top layer of the insulation board, with joints staggered at least 1/3 of overall length from those of the insulation layer. Fill gaps exceeding 1/4 inch (6 mm) with the approved low rise urethane foam. E. Dens-Deck® Prime shall be neatly cut to fit within 1/4 inch (6 mm) of nailers, penetrations and projections. F. Trim surface of Dens-Deck® Prime where necessary at roof drains so completed surface is flush and does not restrict flow of water. G. Dens-Deck® Prime shall be a maximum of 4' x 8' in size. ROBINSON ISD, INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL, #21468 CLAYCOMB ASSOCIATES, INC. 3/5/2015 ROOF-PVC SINGLE PLY 07 53 10-7 ROOF-PVC SINGLE PLY 07 53 10 H. 3.5 Attachment of Dens-Deck® Prime over the specified polyisocyanurate insulation: 1. Approved Steel Decking: a. Dens-Deck® Prime shall be installed over the specified polyisocyanurate insulation and mechanically fastened to the steel decking with approved metal fasteners and plates. b. Approved perimeter fastening of Dens-Deck® Prime shall be defined as the strip of roof area around the entire outside perimeter of the building having a width defined by the least of the following parameters: 1) 10% of the building length; 2) 10% of the building width; 3) 40% of the building eave height. The perimeter and corner widths shall not be less than eight (8') feet. c. Approved interior fastening pattern of Dens-Deck® Prime panels shall be fastened a minimum rate of one fastener for every 2.00 square feet (a minimum of 16 fasteners and plates per 4' x 8' sheet of insulation); or according to the Dens-Deck® Prime manufacturer's requirements, whichever is more stringent. d. Approved perimeter fastening pattern of Dens-Deck® Prime panels shall be fastened a minimum rate of one fastener for every 1.14 square feet (a minimum of 28 fasteners and plates per 4' x 8' sheet of insulation); or according to the Dens-Deck® Prime manufacturer's requirements, whichever is more stringent. e. Approved corner fastening pattern of Dens-Deck® Prime panels shall be fastened a minimum rate of one fastener for every 1.00 square feet (a minimum of 32 fasteners and plates per 4' x 8' sheet of insulation); or according to the Dens-Deck® Prime manufacturer's requirements, whichever is more stringent. f. Fasteners are to be installed in accordance with fastener manufacturer's recommendations. Fasteners are to have a minimum 1-inch penetration through the structural steel decking or as recommended by fastener manufacturer and PVC manufacturer. g. Use fastener tools with a depth locator to ensure proper installation. h. Pullout tests are to be done to verify deck condition and actual pullout values. Test results are to be forward to the Owner’s representative and to the PVC manufacturer prior to start of the project. INSTALLATION OF PVC MEMBRANE A. General: Install in strict accordance with manufacturer's latest published requirements, instructions, specifications, details and approved shop drawings. B. Install sheet according to ASTM D 5082 and per ASCE-7 wind uplift requirements for the referenced project. C. Install sheet membrane per manufacturer’s requirements in order to obtain manufacturer 20-year full system (NDL) warranty. D. Fastener pull out test will be required for verification of condition of the substrate decking and suitability of manufacturer’s metal fasteners for that substrate. E. The surface of the substrate shall be inspected prior to installation of the PVC roof membrane. The substrate shall be clean, dry and smooth with no excessive surface roughness, contaminated surfaces or unsound surfaces such as broken, delaminated, or damaged boards. Any wet, broken, delaminated or damaged insulation or Dens-Deck shall be replaced with new. F. Install in strict accordance with manufacturer's latest published requirements, instructions, specifications, details and approved shop drawings. G. Start installation of sheet in presence of roofing system manufacturer’s technical personnel. H. Apply bonding adhesive to the substrate at the membrane manufacturer’s recommended rate. Contractor shall use the following adhesive type to adhere the PVC membrane to specified cover board substrate: 1. Sarnacol 2170 Adhesive: I. Mechanically fasten sheet securely at all vertical to horizontal transitions, at points of terminations, and at the perimeter of roof to meet the ASCE-7 wind uplift requirements and/or as required by the PVC manufacturer with a securement bar. J. Spread sealant bed over deck drain flange at deck drains and securely seal roofing sheet in place with drain clamping ring. K. Field-seam according to “Seam Installation” Article. N. Securement Around Perimeter and Rooftop Penetrations 1. Around all perimeters, at the base of walls, drains, curbs, vent pipes, or any other roof penetrations, ROBINSON ISD, INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL, #21468 CLAYCOMB ASSOCIATES, INC. 3/5/2015 ROOF-PVC SINGLE PLY 07 53 10-8 ROOF-PVC SINGLE PLY 07 53 10 2. 3.6 3.7 manufacturer’s fasteners and metal bar or plates shall be installed. Fasteners and securement bar shall be installed accord to the manufacturer's instructions. Fasteners shall be installed using the fastener manufacturer's recommended fastening tools with depth locators. PVC membrane flashings shall extend a minimum of 3 inches past the securement bar or plates and is hot air welded to the PVC deck sheet. SEAM INSTALLATION 1. Clean seam areas, overlap sheets, and weld side and end laps of sheets and flashings according to manufacturer’s written instructions to ensure a watertight seam installation. All seams shall be hot air welded. Seam overlaps shall be 3 inches wide when automatic machine-welding and 4 inches when hand welding. 2. The Applicator shall check all welded seams for continuity using as rounded screwdriver. On-site evaluation of welded seams shall be made daily by the Applicator at locations as directed by the Owner’s Representative or PVC Manufacturer’s representative. One inch wide cross section samples of welded seams shall be taken at least three times a day. Each test cut shall be patched by the Applicator at no extra cost to the Owner. 3. Repair tears, voids, and lapped seams in roofing that does not meet PVC manufacturer's requirements. MEMBRANE FLASHING INSTALLATION All flashings shall be installed concurrently with the roofing membrane as the job progresses. No temporary flashings shall be allowed without the prior written approval of the Owner’s Representative and PVC Manufacturer. Acceptance shall only be for specific locations on specific dates. If any water is allowed to enter under the newly completed roofing due to incomplete flashings, the affected area shall be removed and replaced at the Applicator’s expense. A. Install G410 60 mil sheet flashings and preformed flashing accessories and adhere to substrate according to roofing system manufacturer’s written instructions. B. Apply Sarnacol 2170 bonding adhesive to substrate and underside of flashing sheet at required rate and allow to partially dry. Do not apply bonding adhesive to seam area of flashing. Only an area that can be completely covered in the same day’s operations shall be flashed. C. Flash penetrations and field-formed inside and outside corners with sheet flashing as recommended by manufacturer. D. Clean seam areas, overlap seams, and firmly roll flashings into the adhesive. Weld side and end laps to ensure a watertight seam installation. E. Test lap edges with probe to verify seam weld continuity. Apply lap sealant, if required by roofing manufacturer, and seal exposed edges of sheet flashing terminations per manufacturer’s requirements. F. Terminate and seal top sheet flashings and mechanically anchor to substrate through termination bars. G. All flashing shall extend a minimum of 8 inches above roofing level and all flashings that exceed 30 inches in height shall receive additional securement. 3.8 PVC COATED CLAD PERIMETER AND METAL BASE FLASHINGS All flashings shall be installed concurrently with the roofing membrane as the job progresses. No temporary flashings shall be allowed without the prior written approval of the Owner’s Representative and PVC Manufacturer. Acceptance shall only be for specific locations on specific dates. If any water is allowed to enter under the newly completed roofing due to incomplete flashings, the affected area shall be removed and replaced at the Applicator’s expense. A. PVC coated metal flashings shall be formed and installed per the Detail Drawings. B. PVC coated metal shall be installed to provide adequate resistance to bending and allow for normal thermal expansion and contraction. C. Adjacent sheets of PVC coated metal shall be spaced ¼ inch (6 mm) apart. The joint shall be covered with 2inch (50-mm) wide aluminum tape. A 4-inch minimum wide strip of PVC membrane flashing membrane shall be hot air welded over the joint. ROBINSON ISD, INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL, #21468 CLAYCOMB ASSOCIATES, INC. 3/5/2015 ROOF-PVC SINGLE PLY 07 53 10-9 ROOF-PVC SINGLE PLY 07 53 10 D. An 8-inch minimum wide strip of the 60 mil PVC membrane flashing shall be hot air welded to the 4 inch wide flange of the PVC coated metal and to the field membrane. 3.9 METAL FLASHINGS, COPINGS, EDGE TRIM AND ACCESSORIES INSTALLATION A. General: Secure metal flashings accessories at roof edges and perimeters according to FM Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-49 for specified wind zone. B. All metal flashings, gutters, downspouts, and perimeter metal edging shall be fabricated and install per current SMCA requirements. C. Metal shall be installed to provide adequate resistance to bending and allow for normal thermal expansion and contraction. D. Metal flashings shall be securely fastened into solid wood blocking. Approved fasteners shall penetrate the wood nailer a minimum of 1 inch. E. Airtight and continuous metal hook strips are required behind all metal fascias. Hook strips are to be fastened 12 inches on center into the wood nailer or masonry wall. F. Metal hook strips for metal copings and metal perimeter edgings shall extend past wood nailers over wall or perimeter surfaces by 1.5 inches minimum. The metal hook strip shall be securely sealed with multi-purpose sealing tape to prevent any air entry between the building and the metal hook strip, between the PVC membrane, and between the metal coping and/or the PVC coated metal. G. All metal counter-flashing shall overlap base membrane flashings at least 4 inches. 3.10 WALKWAY INSTALLATION A. Installation of Walkway shall be adhered to the field membrane in strict accordance of roofing system manufacturer’s written instructions. B. The manufacturer’s technical inspector prior to the installation of the walkway must inspect all field seams of the roofing membrane. Any defects, found in the field membrane, must be repaired prior to the installation of the walkway. C. Install walkway as indicated on project’s blue-prints. D. General Criteria: 1. Roofing membrane to receive Walkway shall be clean and dry. Place chalk lines on deck sheet to indicate location of Walkway. Apply a continuous coat of contact adhesive to the deck sheet and the back of Walkway in accordance with PVC manufacturer's technical requirements. Press Walkway into place with a water-filled, foam-covered lawn roller. Clean the deck membrane in areas to be welded. Hot-air weld the entire perimeters of the Walkway to the PVC deck sheet. Check all welds with a rounded screwdriver. Re-weld any inconsistencies. 2. 3.11 Important: Recheck all existing deck membrane seams that are to be covered by Walkway with rounded screwdriver and reweld any inconsistencies before Walkway installation. TEMPORARY CUT-OFF A. All flashings shall be installed concurrently with the roof membrane in order to maintain a watertight condition as the work progresses. All temporary waterstops shall be constructed to provide a 100% watertight seal. The staggering of the insulation joints shall be made even if installing partial panels of insulation are required. The new membrane shall be carried into the waterstop. The waterstop shall be sealed to the deck and/or substrate so that water will not be allowed to travel under the new or existing roofing. The edge of the membrane shall be sealed in a continuous heavy application of approved sealant. When work resumes, the contaminated membrane shall be cut out. All sealant, contaminated membrane, insulation fillers, etc. shall be removed from the work area and properly disposed of off site. None of these materials shall be used in the new work. B. If inclement weather occurs while a temporary waterstop is in place, the Applicator shall provide the labor necessary to monitor the situation to maintain a watertight condition. C. If any water is allowed to enter under the newly completed roofing, the affected area shall be removed and replaced at the Applicator's expense. ROBINSON ISD, INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL, #21468 CLAYCOMB ASSOCIATES, INC. 3/5/2015 ROOF-PVC SINGLE PLY 07 53 10-10 ROOF-PVC SINGLE PLY 07 53 10 3.12 3.13 QUALITY CONTROL A. Roofing Applicator: On-site evaluation welded seams shall be made by the contractor to locations as directed by the owner's representative or PVC manufacturer's technical representative. Two-inch wide cross-section samples shall be taken three times a day minimum through completed seams. Correct welds shall display failure from shearing of the membrane prior to separation of weld. The contractor at no extra charge to the owner shall patch each test cut. Test seam samples shall be label with location of seam cut, date of seam cut, and retain for owner’s representative or PVC manufacturer’s technical representative for test cut inspection. B. Manufacturer's Quality Control Inspection: The Manufacturer's Technical Representative shall review the ongoing work on a minimum of one time every two weeks. All defects noted non-compliances with the specifications or the recommendations of the thermoplastic manufacturer should be itemized in a punch list. These items must be corrected immediately by the contractor to the satisfaction of the owner's representative and the thermoplastic manufacturer. PROTECTING AND CLEANING A. Protect sheet membrane roofing from damage and wear during remainder of construction period. B. Immediately remove all spots, smears, stains, residues, adhesives, etc., from the Work of this Section and/or upon adjacent areas or surfaces, which result from the Work of this Section. C. Upon completion of the Work of this Section, dispose of, away from the Site, all debris, trash, containers, residue, roofing remnants and scraps which results from the Work of this Section. D. Correct deficiencies in or remove roofing that does not comply with requirements, repair substrates, reinstall roofing, and repair sheet flashings to a condition free of damage and deterioration at the time of Substantial Completion and according to warranty requirements. 3.14 ACCEPTANCE A. Prior to demobilization from the site, the owner’ representative, manufacturer’s technical representative, contractor’s project manager representative and contractor’s on site foreman shall review the completed work. All defects noted noncompliance with the specifications or the recommendations of the PVC manufacturer should be itemized in a punch list. These items must be corrected immediately by the contractor prior to demobilization to the satisfaction of the owner’ representative and the PVC manufacturer. B. Notify Owner and Manufacturer’s Technical Inspector seven (7) working days in advance of the date and time of the final inspection. C. All warranties, as required for the project of this specification, shall be submitted for approval prior to final payment. END OF SECTION ROBINSON ISD, INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL, #21468 CLAYCOMB ASSOCIATES, INC. 3/5/2015 ROOF-PVC SINGLE PLY 07 53 10-11 ADDENDUM NO. ONE Connally High School Roof Recover and HVAC CONNALLY ISD ATTACHMENTS - DRAWINGS DRAWINGS: SHEET 4.1 SHEET 5.1 SHEET 5.6 SHEET 8.2 SHEET 8.4 SHEET 8.5 SHEET 8.7 SHEET 8.9 SHEET 9.2 SHEET 9.4 SHEET 9.5 SHEET 9.6 SHEET 10.2 SHEET 10.4 SHEET 10.5 SHEET 10.7 SHEET 10.9 SHEET 10.10 April 16, 2015 14755 Preston Rd. Ste. 845 Dallas, Texas 75254 972.239-6100 FAX:972.239.6102 Registration No.: F-903 I ONAL EN 95928 ES I C E N S E D I S G L COLLIN C. UPHAM OF TE XA TE TA S TTG NE ER S F PRO 14755 Preston Rd. Ste. 845 Dallas, Texas 75254 972.239-6100 FAX:972.239.6102 Registration No.: F-903 I ONAL EN 95928 ES I C E N S E D I S G L COLLIN C. UPHAM OF TE XA TE TA S TTG NE ER S F PRO 14755 Preston Rd. Ste. 845 Dallas, Texas 75254 972.239-6100 FAX:972.239.6102 Registration No.: F-903 I ONAL EN 95928 ES I C E N S E D I S G L COLLIN C. UPHAM OF TE XA TE TA S TTG NE ER S F PRO 14755 Preston Rd. Ste. 845 Dallas, Texas 75254 972.239-6100 FAX:972.239.6102 Registration No.: F-903 I ONAL EN 95928 ES I C E N S E D I S G L COLLIN C. UPHAM E OF TEX A T TA S TTG NE ER S F PRO TTG 14755 Preston Rd. Ste. 845 Dallas, Texas 75254 972.239-6100 FAX:972.239.6102 Registration No.: F-903 14755 Preston Rd. Ste. 845 Dallas, Texas 75254 972.239-6100 FAX:972.239.6102 Registration No.: F-903 I ONAL EN 95928 ES I C E N S E D I S G L COLLIN C. UPHAM E OF TEX A T TA S TTG NE ER S F PRO 14755 Preston Rd. Ste. 845 Dallas, Texas 75254 972.239-6100 FAX:972.239.6102 Registration No.: F-903 I ONAL EN 95928 ES I C E N S E D I S G L COLLIN C. UPHAM OF TE XA TE TA S TTG NE ER S F PRO 14755 Preston Rd. Ste. 845 Dallas, Texas 75254 972.239-6100 FAX:972.239.6102 Registration No.: F-903 I ONAL EN 95928 ES I C E N S E D I S G L COLLIN C. UPHAM OF TE XA TE TA S TTG NE ER S F PRO 14755 Preston Rd. Ste. 845 Dallas, Texas 75254 972.239-6100 FAX:972.239.6102 Registration No.: F-903 I ONAL EN 95928 ES I C E N S E D I S G L COLLIN C. UPHAM E OF TEX A T TA S TTG NE ER S F PRO 14755 Preston Rd. Ste. 845 Dallas, Texas 75254 972.239-6100 FAX:972.239.6102 Registration No.: F-903 I ONAL EN 87678 ES I C E N S E D I S G L CHARLES CULBERTSON JR. OF TE XA E AT ST TTG NE ER S F PRO 14755 Preston Rd. Ste. 845 Dallas, Texas 75254 972.239-6100 FAX:972.239.6102 Registration No.: F-903 I ONAL EN 87678 ES I C E N S E D I S G L CHARLES CULBERTSON JR. OF TE XA E AT ST TTG NE ER S F PRO 14755 Preston Rd. Ste. 845 Dallas, Texas 75254 972.239-6100 FAX:972.239.6102 Registration No.: F-903 I ONAL EN 87678 ES I C E N S E D I S G L CHARLES CULBERTSON JR. OF TE XA TE TA S TTG NE ER S F PRO 14755 Preston Rd. Ste. 845 Dallas, Texas 75254 972.239-6100 FAX:972.239.6102 Registration No.: F-903 I ONAL EN 87678 ES I C E N S E D I S G L CHARLES CULBERTSON JR. OF TE XA E AT ST TTG NE ER S F PRO 14755 Preston Rd. Ste. 845 Dallas, Texas 75254 972.239-6100 FAX:972.239.6102 Registration No.: F-903 I ONAL EN 87678 ES I C E N S E D I S G L CHARLES CULBERTSON JR. OF TE XA E AT ST TTG NE ER S F PRO 14755 Preston Rd. Ste. 845 Dallas, Texas 75254 972.239-6100 FAX:972.239.6102 Registration No.: F-903 I ONAL EN 87678 ES I C E N S E D I S G L CHARLES CULBERTSON JR. OF TE XA E AT ST TTG NE ER S F PRO
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