Financial Reports - Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners

Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners
LSTA Interim Report
Due April 15, 2015
This report asks for local, in-kind and other expenditures, something that you haven’t needed
to supply in the past. If you can supply this information, this is great as IMLS would like us to
report on these amounts. Some of you may not be able to supply this information and that is
fine also. This form is different than the one that you submitted with the grant; please
complete as much as you can. IMLS is transitioning to a new report and these forms are the
MBLC’s transition to this new report.
We are asking you to complete two financial reports:
Expenditure Report, which shows total expenditures of the project from all sources.
LSTA Detail of Project Expenditures, which shows how each dollar of LSTA was spent.
Financial Reports are due April 15, 2015 and can be emailed to:
Definitions of fund sources:
LSTA funds: LSTA funds are the grant award. Report any expenditures that you used grant
funding to cover in the LSTA column.
Cost Share: Cost Share refers to all local funds that are used to support this project. Cost
Share could include staff time, Friend’s donation, etc. Examples: Staff paid by the municipality,
institution or school and who worked so many hours per week on this project is an example of
cost share. Other examples include: the library uses paper or other supplies purchased using
funds in the library’s budget, Friends or PTO purchase food for a program
The Expenditure report is a basic Excel file. You may add rows to either the expenditure or
LSTA detail of expenditures worksheets as needed. There are formulas in the Expenditure
report, please make sure that any rows that you add are included in the total for each category.
If the formula is difficult for you, you can delete and add the totals manually.
1. Expenditure Report:
The top of the worksheet asks basic grant information:
Library Name, and organization if applicable (i.e. John K. Smith Library, Anywhere
Project Director and email address
Date the report was prepared
Salaries/Wages and Benefits
Please include total salary and benefit amounts for anyone who worked on this project by
source of funding, whether it was LSTA funds, or Cost Share. We just need total amounts; we
do not need people listed on this sheet.
Report the total expenditures for a consultant and/or consultants in this section. Consultants
are professionals hired to assist you with specific advice. Consultants are not program
Report travel expenses of staff who are working on the grant project. Travel costs may include
attendance at meetings. Include travel costs of performers, speakers or presenters if these
costs are outside of the agreement with the speaker or presenter. For example Performer A
program cost is $250 plus travel: Performer B is $250 and this includes travel. Performer A
would have the $250 reported in services; plus travel costs in this area. Performer B would
have the $250 reported in services only.
On the Expenditure report, just report totals of amounts spent.
Supplies include office supplies, craft supplies, material processing supplies that you have
purchased for this project. Include promotional materials (posters, flyers, brochures), postage
and printing in supplies.
Any furniture that costs less than $5000 should be reported in this category.
Materials are print resources (books, periodicals), DVDS, CDS, Videogames, digital media.
Include databases on this worksheet if you actually purchase the database. Report software
that was purchased. If you purchased ebooks, report here, but if the ebooks are licensed they
should be reported under services. Purchased ebooks are those that you own until you decide
weed them; license ebooks require an annual license fee for you to have access to the ebooks..
If you are licensing a database and access to this database will disappear if you do not pay the
license fee in the following year, report this expense on the Services section of the worksheet.
Equipment/ Furniture
Report any equipment, hardware, or furnishings that cost over $5000. The expenditure sheet
should only show totals, the LSTA detail report will show the specifics. If the hardware,
equipment or furnishings cost less than $5000 individually then report those expenditures
under Supplies/Materials Category. You purchased teen room furniture; the total cost of all
the furniture purchased was $5000, but individually each piece of furniture cost under $5000.
Report these expenditures under supplies.
Report totals amounts spent on Presenters, speakers or performers, the library had 4 speakers
that cost $200 each – you would report $800 on the expenditure sheet. You should report any
licenses that you have for electronic materials, printing costs, equipment maintenance,
telephone, etc.
2. LSTA Detail of Project Expenditures
Use this form to show LSTA expenditures only. Here were need the details of how you spent
your LSTA funds. This report should cover all the expenditures you made with LSTA funds from
October 1, 2014 through April 1, 2015.
Note: If you have a detail of your LSTA expenditures in Excel and/or software and you can sort
the details of the expenditures by the main categories of this report (salaries/wages/ benefits,
consultant fees, travel, supplies/materials, services, other); and send a report to us that
separates each expenditure into one of these categories you may be able to substitute that
form for this one. Please check with your consultant if you have a question.
Please add lines to any category as you need.
Salaries/Wages & Benefits: Please list the name of any and all people that were paid with LSTA
funds. It might be a staff person that received extra hours or someone that head the project.
If the person was paid over a course of time, we do need the details of each expense.
A person receives 10 weeks of LSTA wages – we need the detail of each of those 10 weeks.
Do the same for each person paid with LSTA funds and benefits if provided through LSTA.
Consultant’s Fee: Break down the LSTA amount shown in expenditures by Consultant fee,
airfare, and hotel meals and other if applicable.
Travel: List anyone who received travel from LSTA funds.
Jane Doe
Travel costs to MLA
Check 1675
Supplies/Library Materials: Please list all invoices paid with LSTA funds. Even if you have 5
invoices from the same vendor, list them separately. Please provide a description of the
expense. Include equipment that costs under $5000 in this category.
Equipment: Use this category only if you paid $5000 or move for a piece of equipment or
furnishings. Most grants will not have expenses in this category. Any equipment or furnishing
under $5000 should be reported in supplies.
Services: Service expenses include costs for speakers and presenters as well as contracts that
you have for maintenance or service. Also include the licensing of electronic data. Example:
You purchase Novelist and if you don’t renew the license annually you would lose access to the
content. This is a license for use and not a purchase of data, so report the Novelist license
under services.