Products catalogue MB Scientific AB Angular-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy System MBS A1SYS_V 1/15 MBS A1SYS_V; Angular-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy System MBS A1SYS_V is MB Scientific AB’s complete system for Angular-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy at Ultra High Resolution. This system has basic but state of the art components for the UPS, XPS* including ARPES measurements. (*X-ray system is optional) Here is a description of our system; Speciality 1. Smart, easy handling UHV system. 2. Extremely high energy resolution photoelectron analyser combined with ultra narrow energy line multi-gas VUV photon source provides absolute front line science at your own lab. 3. Compactly designed, but with full capability for expansion of the system with various options. Basic content of MBS A1SYS_V system; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. UHV chambers and Aluminum Frame UHV components including Sample cleaver SKTH-13 Photoelectron energy analyser: MBS A-1 with lens4 VUV photon source: MBS L-1 (He gas) MBS T-1 (multi gas including Xe) UHV dual grating Monochromator MBS TM-1 for VUV photon sources UHV sample manipulator with low temperature cryostat Water cooling unit Air cooling unit Baking system Options; 1. Different working energy range of electronics 2. Extra pumping system 3. Additional component i.e. X-ray source, Sputtering Ion source, Electron source, LEEDAuger, evaporator. 4. Additional detection system such as Spin polarimeter, Gated MCP detector and so on. There is a flexible choice of the system configuration. For your specific requirements please contact 2/15 MBS A1SYS_V; Angular-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy System Detailed contents and technical specifications of the system components; 1. UHV chambers with Aluminum frame 1) Contents 1-1 Sample Chamber 1-2 Vacuum manifold 1-3 Sample preparation chamber 1-4 Al frame 2) Technical specifications --- 1 piece --- 1 set --- 1 set --- 1 set Image photo* *Actual design might deviate from the picture. 2-1 Sample chamber: a. Mu-metal/ Permalloy UHV chamber with 3mm thickness as body material. (All flanges are SUS316L) b. Guaranteed residual magnetic field at sample point less than 500nT c. Guaranteed sample chamber reachable vacuum level less than 2 x 10-8 Pa d. Multiple ports for viewing and optional equipment e. Baking temperature up to 200 degree Celsius d. Every system which contain the Mu-metal/Permalloy chamber supplied with heat treatment certificate 2-2 Vacuum manifold: a. UHV chamber/connection tube made by SUS316L b. Guaranteed reachable vacuum level less than 2 x 10-8 Pa c. Baking temperature up to 200 degree Celsius 2-3 Sample preparation chamber: a. UHV chamber made by SUS316L b. Multiple ports for the sample treatments such as cleaving, evaporation*, annealing* also LEED-AES* optics with convenient opening/pumping. It has also ports for viewing and optional equipment. c. Guaranteed reachable vacuum level less than 2 x 10-8 Pa d. Baking temperature up to 200 degree Celsius *: optional component 3/15 2-4 Aluminum frame: a. Flexible standard extruded aluminum frame b. Stable but right weight with high extendibility c. Easy to mount/dismount with stably fastened feet and wheels for transport A-1_#11 UPS system with Aluminium Frame installed at Konan University in Japan 4/15 MBS A1SYS; Angular-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy System 2. UHV components 1) Contents 1-1 Turbo molecular pumps 1-2 Ion pump 300l 1-3 Scroll dry pumps 1-4 UHV gate valves 1-5 MFC:s 1-6 Ion gauges 1-7 Q-mass 1-8 Sample cleaver 1-9 Magnet coupled rotary feedthrough with Ti Allen key for fastening sample 1-10 Sampletransfer feedthroughs with magnet coupling 1-11 Vacuum connection tubes and parts --- 6 pcs --- 1 pce --- 4 pcs --- 5 pcs --- 2 pcs --- 2 pcs --- 1 pce --- 1 pce --- 1pcs --- 3 pcs --- q.s. Fig. Sample preparation side photo of the A-1SYS #0001 at Shiga University 5/15 MBS A1SYS; Angular-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy System 2) Technical specifications 2-1 Above components make to reach/allow following condition: a. Guaranteed reachable vacuum level less than 2 x 10-8 Pa in the sample chamber b. Baking temperature up to 200 degree Celsius c. In case of power cut the sample chamber with photoelectron energy analyzer can be kept in a good vacuum by closing 5 gate valves. Fig. UHV system schematic Fig. A-1SYS_#0001 photographed from the light source side 6/15 MBS A1SYS_V; Angular-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy System 3. Photoelectron energy analyzer_MBS A-1 analyser 1) Contents 1-1 UHV chambers 1-2 Electron static lens Lans4 1-3 Hemispherical electron energy analyser 1-4 2D MCP-CCD detection system --- 1 set --- 1 set --- 1 set --- 1 set 2) Technical specifications 2-1 UHV chambers: a. A1 analyser dome is made of Mu-metal/Permalloy with 3mm thickness as body material. (All flanges, base plate and lens chamber are SUS316L) b. SUS316L parts are electro polished as standard c. Double Mu-metal/Permalloy shield d. Guaranteed reachable vacuum level less than 2 x 10-8 Pa e. CF100/ICF150 pumping port for hemisphere part f. All parts used inside is nonmagnetic material g. 72 hour/ 300 C vacuum fired insulators f. CF40/ICF70 port for mounting ion gauge 2-2 Electrostatic lens: MBS A-1 Lens4 a. Multiple angular modes: 4, 7 and 36 degree total acceptance standard set b. Applicable kinetic energy range UPS 0 - 200 eV , XPS 0 - 2500 eV c. In vacuum adjustable lens axis d. Very good focusing and flexibility by using 7 elements and electrostatic x-y deflector e. All inner surfaces is coated by proprietary 'micro graphite' f. Wide input acceptance angle (36degree) with 35 mm working distance. g. Double Mu-metal/Permalloy shielded h. Mounting flange size is CF200/ICF253, port length 300 mm. i. Angular Resolution (along the slit) within an angular interval of ±3.5 degree Less than 0.1 degree* (Ang3d5) *in the case of 1mmΦ spot size, if spot size is 2mmΦ resolution be less than 0.3 degree 7/15 j. Angular Mapping Mode 2-3 Hemispherical electron energy analyser : a. Double Mu-metal/Permalloy shielded b. Baking temperature up to 150 degree Celsius c. Guaranteed reachable vacuum level less than 2 x 10-8 Pa d. Applicable kinetic energy range UPS 0 - 200 eV, XPS 0-2500 eV, HE 012000 eV e. 200mm mean radius f. Standard Slit Set 9 pairs of 25 mm long BeCu slits Straight: 0.05, 0.1, 0.1(wide aperture), 0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 1.6, 3.2 Curved: 0.2 mm with 1 mm Aperture for adjustments g. Guaranteed energy resolution less than 1meV h. Minimum pre defined pass energy 1eV i. All inner surfaces is coated by micro graphite j. Guaranteed residual magnetic field less than 10nT 2-4 2D MCP-CCD detection system: a. Chevron mount Φ50mm MCP plus fiber optic phosphor screen. b. 2D detection with high sensitivity CCD camera which has 525x910 pixels c. Real time view can be obtained with separate LCD-TV monitor 2-5 Other: a. Easy to be up graded to attach different optional detector such as Spin detector, Gate detector, or other. b. Interface program Energy Resolution -----Better than 1meV The following data was obtained by Dr. Seigo Souma at Tohoku University, Japan. The system consists of MBS A1 with spin option, MBS T1 multi-gas light source, in this case using Xenon gas excitation. 8/15 A-1SYS Outlook photo* *System might deviate from the picture depending on the options. 9/15 MBS A1SYS_V; Angular-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy System 4. VUV photon source_MBS L-1/T-1 lamp 1) Contents 1-1 MBS L-1 He Discharge head 1-2 MBS T-1 Multi Gas Discharge head 1-3 Microwave generator 1-4 Power supply 1-5 control unit --- 1 set --- 1 set --- 1 set --- 1 set --- 1 set 2) Technical specifications 2-1 Discharge head: a. Magnetron Microwave ECR (Electron Cyclotron Resonance) plasma. Can use all rare gases from He up to Xe b. Narrow peak wdith less than 0.15meV FWHM at Xe 8.436eV c. Extremely High Brightness More than 1016 photon/sr,s(Xe) d. Cooling type: Model T-1 air and water, Model L-1 water e. CF40/ICF70 pumping port(s) 2-2 Microwave generator: a. Air cooling with fan T-1 Lamp Head Energies and approximate strengths of He lines HeI: 21.2180 eV 78% 23.0870 eV 8% 23.7421 eV 2% HeII: 40.8135 eV 48.3714 eV Illumination from Xe gas 10% 2% Microwave Generator 10/15 MBS A1SYS_V; Angular-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy System 5. UHV Monochromator for VUV photon source_MBS TM-1 1) Contents 1-1 UHV Twin Monochromator --- 1 set 2) Technical specifications 2-1 UHV Twin Monochromator: a. Working wavelength between 0nm and 250nm b. Baking temperature up to 150 degree Celsius c. Blaze Wavelength 1350Å d. CF100/ICF150 pumping port e. Accept double gratings to be mounted f. Two ports for mounting L-1 and T-1 lamp head Monochromatised Xe I ( 8.5eV ) Test set up of the Xe VUV system with TM-1 mono 11/15 MBS A1SYS_V; Angular-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy System 12/15 MBS A1SYS_V; Angular-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy System 6. UHV sample manipulator with low temperature cryostat 1) Contents 1-1 UHV sample manipulator with Goniometer --- 1 piece 2) Technical specifications 2-1 UHV sample manipulator with Goniometer: a. Temperature range: 10K to 300K b. Minimum achievable temperature: refrigerator: 4.0K (As system: 10K guarantee) c. Thermal stability: ±0.2K d. Cryostat 1. Cryo capability: exceed 3/5W@60K at 1st Stage(50/60Hz), 0.1W@4.2K at 2nd Stage. 2. He hose:5m 3. Closed liquid He cycle flow e. Interface 1. Sample holder: Gold coated OFHC copper 2. Thermal shield: Body/Head: gold coated OFHC copper 3. Sample rod, Heater mount: Gold coated OFHC copper 4. Skirt: SUSφCF62/ICF114, 6PIN-2pieces f. Manipulation 1. XYZ: manual, Moving distance: XY-axis±10mm Z-axis more than 150mm 2. Rotation: manual 3. Mounting flange size: CF100/ICF152 4. Working distance: 250mm, +50mm, -100mm g. Temperature control 1. Temperature control: PID controlled 2. Thermo Heater: Si sensor 2pieces 3. Heater: 50w cartridge 1piece 4. Connection: GP-IB, RS232C h. Utility 1. Power supply for Cryostat AC100/240V, 1φ, 50/60Hz 2. Power supply for temperature control AC100/240V, 1φ, 50/60Hz,200VA 3. Working environment: less than 28 degree Celsius 4. Required vacuum level: less than 1.33-1Pa 13/15 MBS A1SYS_V ; Angular-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy System 7. Water cooling unit 1) Contents 1-1 Water cooling unit --- 1 set 2) Technical specifications 2-1 Water cooling unit: It is for cooling the L-1 VUV lamp and thickness monitor, and also for TMP cooling. 8. Air cooling unit 1) Contents 1-1 Air cooling unit --- 1 set 2) Technical specifications 2-1 Air cooling unit: a. It is for cooling the T-1 VUV lamp. b. Compressor power consumption maximum 2.2kW c. Maximum pressure up to 0.8MPa, controllable pressure between 0.6 and 0.8MPa d. Output air up to 250 l/min e. Power consumption less than 210W for the air dryer f. Relative humidity of output air 15 % within operational temperature 5 to 40 degree Celsius g. Up to 18 liter air tank h. Noise level less than 45dB 14/15 MBS A1SYS_V ; Angular-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy System 9. Baking system 1) Contents 1-1 Controller unit with thermocouple 1-2 Heating tapes 1-3 Fuse box --- 1 set --- 3 sets Heating tapes Controller units Fuse box 15/15
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