- Mechanical Contractors Association of Alberta

May 2015
MCA Member Benefits
When your company joins the MCA, you receive a long list of member benefits that you can
choose to take advantage of. If you were to participate in all of these programs they would
most certainly reward you with savings that exceed your annual membership dues.
It’s difficult to constantly keep all of the programs in mind, and is a greater challenge to
take advantage of them when the time is right. So, each month we will prompt you with a
reminder for one MCA benefit and provide guidance on how your company can easily use it to
your advantage.
Some of the programs offer MCA members specific discounts and also provide a small
kickback to the MCA when a member uses the program. Other programs have been put in
place to help the association meet key objectives on behalf of the membership. Some of the
programs have been developed by MCA Canada and some are specific to MCA Alberta.
If you have any questions about the program below, or any of the MCA member benefit
programs, please don’t hesitate contact the MCA Alberta office.
MCA Apprenticeship Tuition Reimbursement Program
Ensuring that Alberta can meet future demand for a highly skilled workforce, the MCA
board of directors have deemed that it is important to support business owners who
provide opportunity and safe learning environments for individuals seeking to apprentice
as plumbers, pipefitters and steamfitters.
As such, MCA offers every MCA member the opportunity to collect a $150 tuition
reimbursement fee for every term completed by each apprentice. All you have to do is
submit documentation that provides the name of the apprentice, the school attended
and a receipt showing tuition was paid. The MCA will subsequently issue your company a
cheque for $150 per apprentice.
The MCA Apprenticeship Tuition Reimbursement Program – Another way membership
dues can work directly for you and a better construction industry.
Save the Date
July 17: Sturgeon Valley Golf and Country Club,
July 22: McKenzie Meadows Golf Course, Calgary
September 9: Sylvan Lake Golf and Country Club,
September 17-19: 2015 Construction Industry
Fishing Derby
New MCA Members
MCA Alberta – Report from the annual general meeting
A successful annual general meeting was held on May 2, 2015 at the Copper Point Resort in
Invermere, with approximately 35 members and guests in attendance. The 2014 financial
statements were approved, as were reports given by MCA Alberta president Brad Diggens,
MCA Canada chairman Gaetan Beaulieu, Benefit Link representative Jeff Stevenson on behalf
of the Group Insurance trustee’s chairman Mark Schendel, as well as a special report from
Aon vice-president, Doug Baird.
Albert Stark
Starks Plumbing and Heating Ltd.
724 – 14 St SW
Medicine Hat, AB
T1A 4V7
Phone: 403-527-2929
Fax: 403-527-3414
Email: albert@starks.ca
Some of the highlights included discussing the momentum prompt payment legislation has
gained through the work of the Alberta Trade Contractors Coalition. It was also noted that
the ATCC is branching out its efforts to address other issues that are impacting all trade
contractors. Speaking with a united voice, the ATCC can expect to have significantly more
influence to affect change.
MCA Canada provided an in-depth report on their programs, including an invitation to their
next annual meeting, which will be held in Palm Springs, on November 16 to 19, 2015.
Chairman Beaulieu ended his report with a fitting tribute to Brad Diggens by thanking him for
the extensive service he has provided to all mechanical contractors across Canada through his
participation and leadership on many committees and associations.
Doug Baird of Aon, MCA Alberta and Canada’s preferred contractor liability insurance broker,
provided insight into current issues and opportunities in the insurance business. Of note were
recent changes to the subguard program, which makes it more restrictive. Contractors were
advised to proceed with caution in regard to protecting their interest when being asked to
enter into subguard agreements.
On the opportunity side, Aon and MCA Canada are exploring setting up a national group
captive (self-insurance program) as the national premiums are reaching levels where this
could be sustainable. MCA Canada is currently in the information-gathering stage before
decisions are to be made.
May 20: MCA Canada western region managers
meeting, Winnipeg
Other business included a report by executive director Russ Evans on the implementation
of the new member dues structure in January 2015. He reported that the process has gone
fairly smoothly and the results appear to be very positive. Overall, the MCA’s financial
position appears to have been maintained through the transition with opportunity for
June 4: Turner Valley Golf and Country Club. Click
here to view the full MCA golf schedule.
May 27: LOBSTERFEST - Tickets on sale here.
June 12 to 13: MCA strategic planning meeting,
Kananaskis Lodge
On another note, an area of concern was expressed around poor contractor attendance at
various MCA Alberta functions. It was suggested that the reports given at this 2015 AGM be
presented at member meetings in Calgary and Edmonton. Attendance could be encouraged
through a phone call to members. There was also a request that the Mechanical Service
Contractors of Canada program be ramped up in Alberta to drive more service to the small
and intermediate-sized MCA members.
Of other note, new by-laws for MCA Alberta were adopted, the auditor CL Smith and Co.
were appointed for 2015, and the board of directors and executive were elected. New
directors include Justin Doty, Wil Mechanical Ltd. and Doug Hill, HB Constructors Co. Ltd.
Doug is returning after a two-year hiatus. Our new affiliate director is Todd Garstad, Cronkhite
Supply, who joined the board.
The by-laws and the list of directors can be found on the MCA Alberta website.
MCA Alberta directors will be meeting June 12 and 13 for a strategic planning event. If you
have questions, comments or suggestion on how the MCA should be moving forward in 2015,
please contact executive director Russ Evans at 402.250.7237 or russ@mca-ab.com. Your
input to the association’s future direction is important.
Check out our newest member benefit promotion for Calgary and Edmonton.
Health and Benefits
Industry News
The Alberta Apprenticeship and Industry Training Scholarships
The Apprenticeship and Industry Training Scholarships are designed to recognize the
excellence of Alberta apprentices and trainees and to encourage them to continue and
complete their apprenticeship or occupational training.
To begin the application process please click here.
Application deadline: June 30, 2015.
The CEC/Federated Insurance scholarship is now available
Learn more about the Construction Education Council and Federated Insurance scholarship
To begin the application process please click here.
MCA employee benefit plan
At the MCA we add value to your employee
benefit plan by working as an extension of your
human resource and administration team. One
of the ways we support your team is by resolving
complex daily claims issues.
When a claims dispute arises, we work with
Sunlife so you don’t have to. This ensures
employees that their claim issues are dealt with
in an efficient and effective manner.
Tips and activities to improve your
nutrition, diet and food safety
Click here to learn five easy steps to improve
your health.
Application deadline: June 30, 2015.
Nominate a student apprentice for the award of excellence in skilled trades
Do you have a high school student in the Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP) who deserves to be recognized for their achievements?
The award of excellence in skilled trades was established to recognize promising high school RAP students who are pursuing and contributing to
the dynamic fields within the skilled trades.
CAREERS: The Next Generation and its industry partners create opportunities for motivated high school students to exercise their interest in the
trades as a career path through the RAP.
You can learn more about the skilled trade award here.
Environment and Safety
New Alberta building and fire codes available for purchase
The Alberta Building Code 2014 and Alberta Fire Code 2014 are now available for purchase from the National Research Council (NRC).
These codes were adopted at the end of February by provincial regulation. The National Energy Code for Buildings 2011 was adopted at the same
time and is also available through the National Research Council.
For more information on these codes, including coming into force dates and transition periods, view the Alberta Municipal Affairs Notice.
Visit the National Research Council website for information on how to order codes.
ASCC distributes key cards and brochures for gas safety awareness
The Alberta Safety Code Council has created new informational items for gas safety awareness. They come on a keychain and in brochure format
which, have no cost associated with obtaining them.
Please contact communications@safetycodes.ab.ca for distribution information.
You can also preview the brochure here.
About the MCAA
Since the early 1900s, Alberta’s plumbers, pipefitters, steamfitters, gasfitters and mechanical
contractors have utilized the united voice, programs, information, service and social network of
the Mechanical Contractors Association of Alberta (MCAA). Today, the MCAA strives to create value
for its members by identifying and mitigating issues that affect the industry, the development
and delivery of high-quality education programs, providing a competitive group health insurance
benefits plan, facilitating member benefit programs and services, and providing opportunity for
social and professional networking.